Nalu One-Shots

By Waifu_Nalu

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A new story every chapter for you too enjoy :) More

Can't Sleep
Happy New Years
Practically Married
Dragon Flu
Kiss the girl
"Hey babe lets go on a job"
My Shower's Broken
All Hope is Gone
Believed in her
Lucy's got a love bite
Dream Travel
Not Capable of Love
Birthday Love
What a bit of faith can do
Drunk Natsu
Protect you
Talent Show
You Are Beautiful
Did you just grope my ass?
The Tattoo
Why He Should Never Leave Again
Future Natsu

Dear Natsu

776 18 7
By Waifu_Nalu

It was raining, some might even say it was storming. No one cared about the weather however. There were more important things weighing on everyones minds and hearts. 

She stumbled towards the stand, her legs begging her to give up, the raven haired boy's arms helping her balance. Together they stood in front of the rest of the guild, well not really all of them. Nevertheless everyone they stood in front of shared their pain. They had all cried even those who were never known too. How could they not when someone so special had been taken away.

"I'm not exactly sure how I was supposed to write one of these, so I just wrote a letter" Lucy managed to croak out. She could feel herself breaking down with every word, she had been feeling like this for the past few weeks. They put off the service because she wasn't mentally well enough to come. She felt the boy next to her place his arm reassuringly on her back. If it wasn't for Gray she probably wouldn't be able deliver this eulogy. But he reminded her that if anyone knew the man it was Lucy. 

"Here goes" She took a deep breath.

"Dear Natsu,"

The late dragon slayers grin flashed through everyones mind. 

"When we first met you told me you were raised by a dragon, I couldn't help but think, who is this lunatic" Lucy thought about how the two met, and how it was from that day forward that her life changed.

"You told me his name was Igneel, and you told me so many amazing things about your childhood and about what Igneel taught you. Natsu, Igneel would be so unbelievably proud of you" Gray glanced at the girl after hearing her voice crack.

"The guild members all tell stories of you as a monstrous, energetic and compassionate kid, you did what you wanted but also what was right. You fought, you would never admit you were wrong, I mean Gray and Gajeel are living proof of that" The blonde let out a pathetic giggle looking at the metal dragon slayer in the crowd. He gave her a sad smile, it was all he could. 

"That was until Erza came around, because you were terrified of her, but even better you respected her, Natsu you were crazy and chaotic but you always respected those around you and you always looked up to those stronger then you aspiring to be just like that" 

"You trained and trained, you never gave up on your dreams, you were persistent and I always admired that about you. I wished that one day I could have the motivation that you possessed"

"Through thick and thin you never gave up and you kept fighting for the people you loved, those people are all here today to honour you" Tears began streaming down the blondes face as she remembered all the times Natsu fought for her. He saved her, protected her and cared for her in ways she never thought anyone would.

"You once said to me that it was always more fun when we're together and Natsu nothing has ever felt more true" She sobbed. Gray wrapped his arms around the girl pulling her in for a hug. She drenched his shoulder with her tears. Everyone in the audience was crying and a flying blue cat crashed himself into Lucy engulfing himself in her arms. Gray released the blonde letting the two embrace.

 Everyone cried for a solid 5 minutes before Lucy re gathered herself and continued reading the letter with tear stained cheeks.

"Natsu, I could say you brought me into your insane adventurous fun life"

"But in reality it was you that made my life insane, adventures and fun" 

"I remember our first missions as much as I remember our last ones. I remember you lifting my spirits when I felt like giving up, I remember playing board games with Happy in my apartment, I remember waking up to see you and knowing that no matter what I had you"

"Well I don't anymore and it will be impossible to live without you, you were my reason for waking up and trying, you made me laugh and smile in the darkest of times, you made me who I am. Without you I am lost and I don't know if I'll ever find myself again but I'll try" 

"You were the most beautiful person alive, your heart was pure"

"You were a good son, a good friend, comrade, brother" 

"I never ever believed in fate till I met you and realised I was fated to meet you, become your friend and fall in love with you"

"I'll love you forever"

"You don't have to worry though, because I promise you and everyone here today promises you that we will live for you Natsu Dragneel"

"Goodbye" The tears fell again, she thought that after 3 weeks of crying maybe she would have ran out of tears but no, they were still there. 

The rest of the funeral consisted of uncontrollable sobs from everyone, and the burying of the body.  

Gray and Erza read his Grave. You don't die for your friends you live for them

The two wrapped an arm around each other acknowledging that the two of them had to live on for Natsu. 

Lucy and Happy walked home in silence. Lucy's black dress soaked along with her blonde locks. She looked at the cat who's tears blended well with the rain. She wanted so bad to hug him but what good would that do anymore. The two of them would never be the same, their trio became a duo. Everyone knew Happy would live with Lucy now, they needed each other more then ever as a reminder of the man that they both loved. 

"Did you mean it" The blue cat asked between cries.

"Mean what?"

"Were you in love with him"

"He was my soulmate" 


The blonde's wrinkled fingers held onto the raven haired boys. His hands were just as wrinkly and pale. 

"Lucy, promise me you will tell Juvia I miss her" 

The blonde couldn't speak all she could manage was a nod. She was in her final minutes. It was bittersweet to leave her friends, Gray, Levy, Gajeel. But she knew many of them were waiting for her above. Erza, Happy, Juvia. But the person she truly couldn't wait to see was a certain pink haired boy who she somehow lived 60 years without. 

"I love you Lucy" The boy holding her hand sobbed and her heart wrenched for him. Poor Gray, he had dealt with too much loss in his lifetime.

"I love you too" She whispered before she took her final breath. 

Everything was black for a while till it wasn't. She was back in her apartment, laying on her bed, her pink pajama shorts on. Her skin was no longer wrinkly but instead smooth. She touched her face, it was also smooth. She ran to the window and opened it and sure enough the streets were busy, full of people. She scanned and scanned until her eyes saw a shade of pink that after all this time was recognisable. 

Sprinting out the apartment she felt her feet touch the cold sidewalk but she didn't care. Her lungs sprung off the street in the fastest of speeds. He was ahead, back facing her, a blue cat flying next to him. 

"Natsu" She called, her voice was young and fresh. She nearly forgotten what it sounded like. 

The boy spun around his eyes wide with shock. Finally after all these years he sees the women he had been waiting for. She throws herself at him locking her arms around his torso. His arms embrace her and he digs his head into her shoulder. She feels his tears on her shoulder but he can also feel hers. 

"I've been waiting for you"

"I know"

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