One Direction Preferences and...

By sweetlikesugar1d

1.1M 12.2K 1.3K


One Direction Preferences and Imagines
°°° How you first meet. °°°
°°° Cheesy pick up lines he uses. °°°
°°° Your first date.°°°
°°° Your first kiss.°°°
°°° You two kiss.°°°
°°° You stay the night at his.°°°
°°° Sleep.°°°
°°° You dye your hair.°°°
°°° Your scar.°°°
Harry Imagine
Zayn Imagine
Niall Imagine
Louis Imagine *requested*
Liam Imagine
Zayn Imagine *requested*
Harry Imagine *requested*
Niall Imagine
Louis Imagine
Liam Imagine
°°° He catches you singing to yourself.°°°
°°° 6th member of One Direction.°°°
°°° Sixth member of One Direction Pt. 2°°°
°°° In love with your BFF.°°°
°°° Your couple song.*requested* °°°
°°° He tells you what his turn on's are.°°°
°°° He's in the mood but the boys are there.°°°
°°° He gets jealous of one of the boys.°°°
°°° He's jealous of your celebrity crush.°°°
°°° Silent treatment.°°°
°°° One of the boys catch you making out.°°°
°°° He finds out you were a Victoria's Secret model.°°°
Harry Imagine *requested*
Liam Imagine *requested*
Louis Imagine *requested*
Niall Imagine *requested*
Niall Imagine
Liam Imagine *requested*
Niall Imagine *requested* (6th member)
Zayn Imagine
Harry Imagine *requested*
Liam Imagine *requested*
Harry Imagine *requested*
Niall Imagine *requested*
Zayn Imagine *requeted*
Niall Imagine *requested*
°°°A song on the New Album reminds him of you.°°°
°°°Someone's kid has a crush on you.°°°
°°°He's your over-protective brother *requested* °°°
Louis Imagine *requested*
Harry Imagine *requested*
Zayn Imagine *requested*
Niall imagine *requested*
Louis Imagine *requested*
°°°Christmas with his family.°°°
°°°New Year's Kiss.°°°
°°°You are dating another celebrity but he likes you.°°°
°°°Your daughter gets her period for the first time & you're not home°°°
Liam Imagine *requested*
°°° What he does on your birthday °°°
Harry Imagine *requested*
°°°Cute things he does°°°
°°°Big Bed°°°
°°°You Fight With His Ex & He Takes Her Side Pt.1°°°
°°°You Fight With His Ex & He Takes Her Side Pt.2°°°
°°°He reads the fault in our stars.°°°
°°°Your child is mean to you and how he reacts°°°
Harry Imagine *requested*
°°° You're shorter than him.°°°
°°° Silent treatment °°°*requested*
°°°He cheats on you°°° *requested*
°°°Your 5SOS song.°°°
°°°A cute guy hits on you and he gets jealous°°°
°°° Christmas with the Family °°°
°°° Mistletoe °°°
°°° He has a nightmare °°°
°°°How you are in public°°°
°°°Valentines day°°°
°°°The thing you do that he finds cute°°°
°°°He feels your baby kick for the first time°°°
°°°How he tells you he wants to have a baby°°°
°°°He drives you to work°°°
°°°You straddle him°°°
°°°Skype Calls°°°
°°°Made in the A.M. || Olivia°°°

°°° Something Weird You Do That He Loves °°°

7K 121 25
By sweetlikesugar1d

Something Weird You Do That He Loves


When the two of you are just sitting somewhere quietly, normally when you're at home on the sofa watching TV, you'll run your fingers through his hair and push it behind his ears then start running your finger around the outside of his ear. You don't even think about it. You'll just lose yourself in thought and study his ear, bookmarking every last detail of it and tucking those details away in the back of your mind. One time, he asked you about it and you had no idea what he was talking about, but then he said that he thought it was really weird that you were so obsessed with his ears and at the same time he thought it as cute cause he likes your ears too.


You never realized it but when it's quiet and you're lost in thought, you'll begin humming a tune. Everyone who's ever heard it has wondered what it was and it's not until you meet Zayn that anyone actually asks you about it. "What are you humming, love?" he asks you one day. "I don't know. I didn't realize I was humming anything at all." "He just looked at you oddly and didn't say anything else until a couple weeks later when you were just sitting together on the sofa, reading your own books and you started humming agains. "Okay, Y/N, really, what's with the humming my song?" His fingers tap against your palm. "Your song? What are you talking about, Zayn? I'm humming the melody that's been stuck in my head for as long as I can remember." You frowned at him and his eyebrows shot up his forehead. "Really? That's the song that's always been stuck in my head." A smile triggers the sparkle in his eyes. "It must mean that we've always been meant to be together. I love you, Y/N." "I love you, too, Zayn."


For as long as you can remember, if you're in one position for a long amount of time, you'll start moving your feet or legs. Up and down, in circles, or just tapping your foot lightly. Sometimes it looks like you've got a twitch and that's what Niall thought it was for a while and then he figured that maybe you were just constantly impatient. "Princess, why do you do that?" "Do what?" "Tap your foot and jiggle your leg up and down?" His hand fell on your leg to stop it from jumping up and down. "It's kind of weird." You blushed and tried to stay completely still, but failed after about thirty seconds. "I don't know, I guess I just like to stay moving. Is it really that weird?" Niall squeezes your leg. "No, not really, I was just wondering."


Lou always noticed the little snort you made when you were laughing really hard at one of his jokes. He noticed that right after you made the noise, your eyes always went wide and you'd stop laughing. The little noise made him start laughing, not really laughing at you, more like chuckling at it. "It's adorable, babe. Really, it is. I love your little snort, it just means that you find me hilarious. It's precious and it's one of my favorite things about you, okay?" He kissed your nose, easing your worries about the weird sound.


The first time Liam found out about it, it was when you were out on your first public date with him. You'd both finally let the fans know that you were his new girlfriend and so paparazzi and fans were stalking you two into the cinema where he was taking you. They didn't bother you too much inside, it was much worse when you walked out of the building and there was a mob of girls, begging for autographs and calling both of your names. He kept his grip on your hand and led you over to a couple girls who he started taking pictures with and signing autographs for. A few tried talking to you and that's when Liam noticed it. Your face turned beet red, you started stuttering, and your hand in his was shaking and sweating a tiny bit. He apologized to the fans, saying that you two really needed to go. "Y/N, are you alright?" he asked once you got away from everyone. You tried to keep walking, but he grabbed onto your shoulders, stopping you and spinning you to face him. You avered your eyes and mumbled something. "What? he asked you. "I said, I've got the worse stage-fright. It acts up whenever I'm in front of crowds of more than two people. I can't talk, I shake, I blush, and I - I sweat a bit. Sorry." You tug your still slightly wet hand out of his and dry it on your pants. Liam chuckles. "Don't worry, I thought it was cute. Why didn't you tell me that you were scared of the fans?" "I wasn't necessarily scared, Li. And I didn't tell you because I didn't want you or the fans to think that I'm one of those girls who dates the famous guy and hates all of his fans. I want to get to know the fans and talk to them and all that stuff, but I just can't. Sorry." He leans down and kisses you, thoroughly stealing away your breath. "Y/N, stop apologizing for something that you can't help. I love you, I think it's cute that you blush like that, and the fans won't mind if you're shy. Now come on, weirdo, let's go get ice cream."


Heyyyy! It snowed today! Like all day long, I love snowwww! :D haha.

Anways, hope you like this pref. and I'll talk to you soon!

QOTD; Ice skating or snow boarding? 
AOTD; I loooove Ice skating♥

Keep voting and commenting,

Love ya and take care,


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