Niall Imagine *requested* (6th member)

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                                          Niall Imagine for @rainbowandsprinkles

‘God this sucks, I don’t even remember how I got this cold.’ You thought as you remembered that you went to go see Niall on a cold night without a sweater. As you reached for another tissue there was a ring at the door bell.

"I’m not in the mood for company; please go away." The door rang again. It took all your strength to go down the stairs to the front of your flat.

"Please go aw-" you didn’t finish your sentence because there at your doorstep was Niall, your lifelong crush and band mate, with that cheeky grin of his.

Niall rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, “I heard you were sick, so I help you get well” he said as he was holding up many grocery bags.

"You didn’t have to do that me for Niall, I’m fine.Don't you have an interview to be at??" You tried to say convincingly but didn’t because of the coughs between your words.

"Don’t you worry Kathryn I told Paul that you were sick and he agreed on me staying at your place till you get better, besides if you’re sick who’s going to take care of me and the lads?" He said as he just walked inside.

"But aren’t you afraid you might get sick too?"

"No, I’ll be fine"

"But how can you be so sure? You could get sick and I would not want that"

“don’t worry besides colds don’t last long for me” he said as he walked to the kitchen and started taking things out of the bags as you walked into the kitchen you see Niall making soup and giggled.

"Chicken soup?"

"Yeah, its chicken, it’s supposed to help."

"Thanks Niall” you said as a smile crossed your face though you two have been friends since ever you never told him that you practically loved him even if the rest of the lads could tell from the moment they saw you two and keep teasing you for it.

"It’s ready! Eat up!" as he held a spoonful to your mouth and decided to spoon feed you.

"Thanks again” you said as you started to eat; after you were done he washed the dishes.

"Now, Kathryn, get some rest and drink plenty of fluids!"

"Where’d you learn that?"

"Liam told me"

On the way up the stairs you lost your balance but felt strong arms wrapping around your waist. As you looked up you saw Niall’s face with a worried look on it. He helped you get back on your feet but still kept his hold on you and felt his head rest on top of yours.

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