Nature's Kiss • Paul Lahote

By Eves_Apple

189K 3.7K 549

Life is perfect...too perfect. Harley has everything she ever could ask for. A sweet older sister, loving pa... More

Disclaimer and Playlist
Terms, Lingo and Slang
Ch.1 Forks
Ch.2 School
Ch.3 La Push Beach
Ch.4 Feels Like Home
Ch.5 Party
Ch.6 Party Pt.2
Ch.7 Meadow
Ch.9 What Happened?
Ch.10 Imprint
Ch.14 Harper vs Harley
Author's Update

Ch.8 Wolves

7.4K 253 33
By Eves_Apple

Bella quickly drove back to her house like a maniac once we got in the car. We were both so awe struck and breathing heavily. I felt bad that I couldn't run any faster, but she didn't seem to question it.

"This all makes sense now." She says making me look at her in confusion.
"I'm sorry?" I question.
"There's been these attacks happening around Forks recently and no one knows what's causing them. I'm positive it's those wolves though!" Bella says and I nod slightly in understanding. Bella quickly pulled into her drive way before getting out her her car and slamming the door shut. I got out as fast as I could and stayed behind Bella as she ran into her house.
"Dad! I saw them." She yells as she runs into the kitchen. I walk up behind her and spot Charlie and an older looking man.
"What's the matter?" Charlie questions.
"In the woods. They're not bears." She says out of breath.
"What do you mean in the woods? Bella, what the hell were you doing out in the woods?" He responds in stress. I forgot that Bella went missing for a while and Sam Ailey found her. I overheard my dad, Charlie and Billy talking about it.

"They're wolves. I mean, they're like huge wolves." Bella explains in distress.
"Are you sure about that, Bella?" The older man asks out.
"Yeah! I just saw them. They were after something..." Bella tells him.
"Did you see them too, Harley?" Charlie asks me and I nod quickly.
"They were gigantic as if they were mutated." I state and look between Charlie and the older man. The older one looked worried and conflicted as if he knew something.

"Wolves? You saw?" Charlie questions once more causing both Bella and I to nod quickly. "Alright. Well, Harry, feel like going hunting?" Harry. That's his name. I've heard my dad, Charlie and Billy mention him before.
"Sure, yeah. I'll.....I'll just..." Harry oddly pointed at the front door before walking out.
"I should go to the station." Charlie says and stands up from the table.
"Dad, you should....You should go." Bella says with a nod. Bella ended up driving me home once her dad left and I couldn't help but to bombard her with questions.

"Who was that guy with the dreads? You obviously knew him. Why were his eyes red and why did he run so damn fast?" Bella side eyes me and keeps quiet for a few.
"What are you talking about?" She questions. It was obvious she was trying to play it off.
"Bella, that guy said he wanted to kill you. Those wolves were after him and he ran inhumanly fast. It looked like he ran faster than time, if that even makes sense. Not only that, but he threw that wolf back like it was no issue." I explain.
"Harley, I don't know what you're talking about. Laurent ran normally and his eyes weren't red. You must've been so scared that your mind was imagining things." Bella states making me give her a look of pure annoyance.
"Bella....shut the fuck up." I dead pan causing her to look at me in shock. I wasn't one to often curse, but right now seemed like a good time. "I know what I saw. Don't try and make me look dumb. It won't work on me." She sighs out in response.
"Yes I know him and my situation with him is complicated and it's none of your business."
"It kinda is my business since I was involved." I quickly respond.
"My situation with him is none of your business. I didn't say that what happened today isn't your business." Bella snaps at me. I roll my eyes in annoyance and look out the front window and away from her pale face.
"If he goes after me next, it's your fault."

I barley talked at dinner tonight. I listened to the conversations my sisters and parents had while I sat there staring at my dish of moussaka. "So, Charlie told me you had a run in with some wolves today." My dad says causing me to quickly look up. I saw everyone staring at me.
"Uh- yeah." I state causing Heidi's mouth to drop open.
"Did they attack you?" She quickly questions in concern.
"Does she look like she got attacked?" Harper responds.
"Shut up, Harper! I wasn't talking to you!" Heidi snaps back.
"Stop, eat your food or it's going to get cold." Mom scolds Heidi.
"They were huge dad. Like massive." I state and think back to the huge wolf I made eye contact with.
"You shouldn't be out in the woods with all those attacks going on." Mom says in concern.
"I was with Bella. We were looking for this meadow." I respond.
"Doesn't matter. Your mother's right." Dad responds.
"Why are you even hanging out with her? She's weird." Harper comments. I ignore her like usual.

"I have nothing better to do." I say with a shoulder shrug.
"You could've seen a movie or something." Mom suggests and I shake my head.
"There are no good movies out and there is practically nothing to do in this town. At least exploring gives me something to do." I huff out and cross my arms. My dad shakes his head in dissatisfaction before changing the subject.
"Have you seen, Jake recently?" He was primarily asking my mom.
"No, I heard from locals though that he is in cahoots with Sam now though." My mom responds.
"He is. Billy said him becoming friends with Sam and the others has done nothing but good for Jake. I kinda of agree. The kid buffed up a lot and chopped off his hair." Dad says.

Bella told me Jake had changed. The way my dad was explaining it though was nothing like how Bella explained it. Jacob joined Sam's cult. I just felt bad for Bella cause she lost him. I also still had no idea how to wrap my mind around that Laurent dude. He didn't seem human at all and yet at the same time he did. I was awake almost all night trying to piece everything together, but there were always blank spots. I ended up drawing the wolf I saw earlier that day. I wasn't going to originally, but my mind just kept replaying the scene in my head. I felt connected to that wolf in odd ways and the fact that we made eye contact and I felt sparks from it made me feel off.

I got a call from Bella the next morning while I was painting out on the back porch. I could barley comprehend what she was saying since she was talking so fast, but what I did pick up on was her saying she was on her way to my house and we were going to go to Jake's and confront him about something. I guess she was sick of the games and what not. I quickly tried to put up my paints and stuff since she was on her way. Bella lived relatively close to me. It was a good 8 minute drive and by what she told me she was already on her way.

As soon as I put all my painting stuff up I heard a honk from outside and quickly rushed into my house and to the front door. "Where are you going?" Dad questions.
"Bella wants me to go with her somewhere." I state while opening the front door.
"Stay away from the woods!" My yells as I shut the door. As quick as I could I make my way to Bella's truck in my driveway and hop in the passenger seat. She was quick to reverse out of the driveway and speed down the street.

"Gosh Bella, slow down." I state.
"I know why Jake was acting so weird." She says.
"Why?" I question, but she grows quiet. "Oh my god. Bella you can't tell me something like that and then not give me the answer."
"Sorry, I just- I don't know if it's true and if it isn't I don't want to sound stupid." She responds. The rest of the car ride was quiet after she said that. It was only a matter of time before we were at Jacob's house and Bella was running to the front door. This girl sure did like to run. Gosh. I could barley keep up with her.

Before I could make it to the front door she was already talking to Billy. As soon as I got there she pushed Billy out of the way and entered his house in distress. I didn't like the feeling that came upon me as I watched Bella walk toward the back of the house. I quickly passed by Billy in suit of Bella. Once I reached her she stared at Jake's sleeping body.
"We can always come ba-" I stopped talking when the sounds of hollering interrupted me. Bella and I looked toward the backyard and our eyes landed on Sam, Paul, Embry and Jared. "Bella maybe we should-" Before I could finish the girl sprinted off toward the four shirtless men while yelling. I swear to god, why was I friends with this girl? Was I really that lonely? I could leave right now if I wanted too, but the goodness in me wanted to make sure Bella was safe. Also something was just itching me to stay.

As quickly as I could I followed Bella out into the backyard. The sounds of her and Paul yelling at each other filled my ears and once I was close enough I noticed just how mad Paul was. I stopped dead in my tracks as I saw Bella slap Paul across the face. I was a good foot away from Bella as I stared at Paul in light fear. He was shaking and huffing. His body was tense. Bella was in deep shit.
"Too late now." Jared says with a smile.
"Bella and Harley, get back!" Sam shouts. Bella and I slowly walk backwards. I looked at Paul in fear while he was fully focused on Bella. Something was telling me to not fear him, but how could I not.

"Paul, calm down, now!" Sam bellows out.
With those words, Paul's body contorted in a weird manner before he jumped up into the air and shifted into a huge dark grey wolf. I could feel my eyes practically bulge out of my head as I stare at the all too familiar wolf from the forest yesterday. It was him. Paul was the wolf. What the actual fuck? I stare at the huge wolf in front of me in shock before Bella turns around and grabs my hand running off back toward the house. "Harley, please run!"
"Bella, I told you I can't!"

"Bella! Harley!" Jake yells and jumps over the back porch before running toward us.
"Run! Jake run!" Bella shrieks as Jake runs toward us. What the hell is he doing!?

Jacob was running right toward Bella and I. I tried to quickly move out of his way only for Jake to accidentally and aggressively shoving me into the ground causing a pop to be heard. He quickly jumped above Bella, shifting into a brown wolf in the process causing Bella to fall to the ground right over my legs causing another breaking sound to be heard. No.

We turn around to see the the two wolves growling at each other in fighting stances. The brown wolf quickly runs and attacks the grey one and they start to fight. I quickly look away while Bella watched the two animals go at it. I pulled the loose fabric of my tan sweatpants up on my left leg only to see that my prosthetic was broken.

I had a BK prosthetic that didn't have much range. I noticed that the pylon of my prosthetic that attached to the socket looked broken along with the adjustment pyramid. I stared down at my prosthetic and slowly stood up to test it out only for it to buckle making me fall. An overwhelming feeling of anxiety, anger and sadness quickly rushed upon me.
"Paul!" I hear Sam yell out causing me to look up. I couldn't even tell who was winning and soon the two wolves where tumbling into the the forest.

"Hey. Take Bella and Harley back to Emily's place." Sam commands Jared and Embry while looking at us.
"Guess the wolf's out of the bag." Embry says as him and Jared walk up to us. Bella continued to stare into the woods were the two wolves tumbled in awe while Jared and Embry stood above us.

"Woah, what happened to your leg?"

Another update! 👏👏👏 we love that.
It looks like everyone is going to find out about Harley's situation 👀 I wonder how everyone will react.
Anywho Hope y'all enjoyed it!
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