The Sixth Element// Lloyd x R...

Od An_Enchanting_Curse

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' She's here...' I opened my eyes to see a very familiar girl wearing a blank white mask. "So this is what y... Více

Chapter 1 ~ A New Beginning
Chapter 2 ~ Just Keep Moving Forward
Chapter 3~ Things Aren't Looking So Bright
Chapter 4~ Causing Trouble
Chapter 5~ The Day Finally Ends
Chapter 6~ School... Again
Chapter 7~ Developing Feelings
Chapter 8~ Hanging out
Chapter 9~ A Night to Remember
Chapter 11~ The Darkness Comes
Chapter 12~ I Really Don't Want To Hear It
Chapter 13~ A Tough Battle Was Fought
Chapter 14~ A New Home
Chapter 15~ Training
Chapter 16~ Giant Flaming Snakes
Chapter 17~ Fixing the Mess pt.1
Chapter 18~ Fixing the Mess pt.2
Chapter 19~ Fixing the mess pt.3
Chapter 20~ Fixing the Mess pt.4
Chapter 21~ A Cold Goodbye
Chapter 22~ You Did What?!
Chapter 23~ The Dance
Chapter 24~ It Makes No Sense
Chapter 25~ Making Choices
Chapter 26~ It's Too Late
Chapter 27~ Almost done...
A/n~ This gonna be good
Book 2 is out now

Chapter 28~ The Final Chapter

856 23 29
Od An_Enchanting_Curse

This is it, they're second away from the final battle. The masked figure stands at the middle of the destroyed city. Her black wavy hair sways in the raging winds. 

In her right hand, holds a teapot filled with travellers tea. 'It's nearly time', she thought to herself. 'The Ninjas will be here very soon.'

This thought left a bitter taste in her mouth. She never wanted to go against them but she was not in control anymore. She has to follow the orders that were given to her.

The masked figure threw the pot into the sinkhole. She waited to hear the pot shattering but it didn't come. The masked figure knew the sinkhole was deep but it wasn't that deep.

The masked figure peek over the edge. She couldn't see a thing until a bright green smudge came flying up from the sinkhole.

The masked figure steps back not wanting to fall over the edge. It was like on cue every "elemental masters" came out from their hiding spot.

Each one of them was holding a weapon, since they didn't have their powers anymore. However, for being outnumbered, the masked figure wasn't worried. Instead a smirk form on her mask.

One by one the "elemental masters" came charging at her. Trying to stop her at all cost. She dodge every attack. Blocking and detouring their attack with her folding fan.

The masked figure swipes the air making it spin around her and pushing back the others. She sends herself up and catched up with the Green Ninja. 

The masked figure grabs the dragon's tail and slowly climbs up. The dragons let out a small roar letting know the Green Ninja that she was on.

The Green Ninja smirks knowing that his plan was working. He grabs the reins and pulls it. The dragon made loops and turns in hope for the masked figure to fall off, but she was determined.

The dragon did one last turn until it disappeared. Both the Green Ninja and masked figure fell. 

He still has the teapot in his hands as they fell. This caught the masked figure's attention. She tries to move her arms but couldn't, the force of the wind kept her arms from moving. 

"What's wrong? You seem to be having trouble."

The masked figure didn't say anything. Her mask changes again and forms into a more frustrated look. This gave pride to the Green Ninja knowing he was FINALLY getting under her skin.

As the ground came closer, she noticed that there was a net. The masked figure was getting more pissed off by the second. Knowing if she doesn't do anything she would be defeated.

With all of her strength in her, she moves her arms bit by bit. Until it was right in front of her. The Green Ninja notices and sends an energy blast at her.

This hits and stops her from doing an attack. They were now mere feet away from the net. The Green Ninja immediately summons the dragon as the masked figure falls.

The net catches her. She tries to get up but only fails as the dragon grabs the net and flies away with it, successfully capturing the masked figure.

The Green Ninja flies back to the center of the city, where the others were. He made sure that he gently lands onto the ground.

The masked figure somehow manages to tangle herself up with the net. The others took this as their only chance. They pull out some rope and tie her hands together.

The expression on the mask changes into a more furious one. She thrash around trying to escape but couldn't. 

The masked figure let out a silent shriek. Which nobody heard, all but Lloyd. 

The Green Ninja quickly covers his ears. Oh how that blasted shriek causes so much pain to his ears. It was nearly unbearable to listen. 

"Lloyd! What's wrong?!" Kai said worryingly. He stepped closer to him, trying to put his hand on his shoulder. The Green Ninja quickly pulls away flinching as the loud shriek gets somehow even louder.

"M-make her stop!" He begs, but it was only answered with questionable looks.

"What do you mean? She's doing nothing." Cole said as he got closer to the thrashing girl.

"N-n-noo… s-stop it… stop screaming…" He cries out and the funny thing is that she did what he asked.

The masked figure stops thrashing and her silent shrieks. Instead her shoulders rise and fall on repeat as silent maniacal laugh escapes her mouth.

She found this situation funny. The masked figure was stopped and now captured. This certain power of her's only affects dragons and oni. However, when it comes to regular mortals it has no effect. 

Soon the other elemental masters went to Lloyd. To somehow relieve the pain he was hearing. The Green Ninja's hands were clawing at his ears, eyes closed shut and his face scrunched up.

The more the others check on him the less that was with the masked figure. They really thought she would lose this easily? 

The masked figure wobbles but stands up. She was going to grab her folding fan and win this futile fight.

The masked figure froze when she didn't feel her fan on her waist. She looks around trying to spot where it was…. nowhere, it was nowhere. 

The masked figure stops laughing as she panics at the situation at hand. 

"I-it stopped??!" The Green Ninja stutters out. The elemental masters quickly looks back at the masked figure.

She was hopping to the sinkhole.

"She's getting away!!!" The Elemental Master of Amber shouts.

"Not on my watch!" The Elemental Master of Speed runs towards her. He stops right in front of the masked figure and pushes her down.

"She's not much of a threat now, isn't she?" The Master of Speed says. He was surprised by how easily she went down. It didn't sit well with him.

"Do you think this is weird? Or am I just reading way too much into this…" Griffin says anxiously.

"What do you mean by weird?" The Elemental Master of Mind says, curiously.

"No, he's right! She ALWAYS managed to escape earlier on…" The Elemental Master of Metal says joining the conversation.

They all stare at the masked figure who was laying on the ground, struggling to get up. The same furious expression was still on the mask.

This actually made them curious. How did she manage to escape every time? 

"Unless she has someone to help her?!" The Elemental Master of Lightning says, finally figuring out.

A knife came flying out of nowhere and went straight to the masked figure. She gets up and grabs the knife midair.

The elemental masters rushes to stop her. Black misty orbs fly around them. Leaving a trail of black-purple mist behind. They all stop in their tracks including the Green Ninja. 

He didn't want to leave his friends to face the mist alone.

The masked figure cuts her way out from the net and rope. Her expression changes into more a kind and happy one.

"My, my, my~ they figure it out!" A voice came out from all around.

A ring of black mist surrounds the elemental masters. It only got smaller and smaller leaving no space for them to escape. 

"Now, Green Ninja give us the teapot or- oh you know what this mist will do to them~"

The ninjas hold onto him not wanting him to do it.

"Don't do this! Just go and run!" The Elemental Master of Water shouts.

"Yeah, run leaves us here! You can't let them have the teapot!" The Elemental Master of Fire shouts encouraging him to run.

The masked figure was now inches away from the Green Ninja. Her hand stretched out to take the teapot.

"Tick- tock, times running out~" 

The ring of black mist became even smaller. The Green Ninja couldn't take it anymore. It was now centimeters away from touching them.

"Alright! I'll give you the damn teapot, just stop it!"

As on command the mist stops closing in. It actually went back a little giving them some space to move around. 

The Green Ninja steps out of the mist and gives the masked figure the teapot. He noticed that her mask was white and blank. Had no emotions…

The teapot was now in her hands. The mist around the elemental masters was now gone. 

Footsteps were heard as someone came out from the shadows. A familiar someone appears holding a staff. 

When the Green Ninja saw who it was, it made his blood boil. He was beyond pissed.

Taylor stands there with a smug look on her.

He looks back to the masked figure who threw the teapot into the sinkhole. The Green Ninja just runs up to her as she turns back. 

He send multiple energy blasts. The masked figure didn't have no time to react as it pushed her into the hole.

"Aww is someone angry? Don't worry it will all end soo." Taylor said as she walked up to the sinkhole.

Rk rq wklv idwhixo qljkw

A pale hand came out of the hole. The masked figure clings on to the edge for dear life.

L vxpprq brx pb nlqj

A dark misty hand lays on top of hers as if mimicking her actions.

Euhdn iuhh iurp brxu fkdlqv 

Her other pale hand reached up wanting for someone to grab hold. The black misty hand did the same thing. As golden strings fly around them.

Dqg ghvwurb wklv uhdop

The ground shakes violently. The buildings around them fall apart. The masked figure pulls herself up with her head down.

Euhdn iuhh dqg frph wr wklv zruog

She stands up and as her shadow did the same…

The mask she wore was gone. She picks up her head to reveal her face. Her eyes glow a bright purple as her shadow stands right behind her. His eyes glowing the same hue.

The Green Ninja froze as he saw her face.

"Y- Y/n…" He barely able to say her name.

He couldn't believe it.

Taylor immediately kneels down in front of them. The shaking stops as the cracks and holes glow a bright purple.

The golden strings ties around their bodies, connecting them. Amias raises his hands only to have Y/n to mimic his actions.

"Give me the staff …"

Taylor gets up and gives him the staff. He glances at her.

"Get out of that form, you have a job to do…"

Taylor nods and bow down as she walks back. Black mist surrounds her body as she reveals her true form. She turns to face the elemental masters, now in her oni form.

Yet the Green Ninja didn't notice. He couldn't stop looking at Y/n. Every feeling that he was holding back came rushing at him all at once, anger, sadness, joy, frustration, disappointment, relief, and love…

He couldn't wrap his head around these emotions. 

"I really did a number on you, didn't I?"

Taylor was behind him as she pushed him down. She places her foot onto his back. The Green Ninja tries to get up but fails. He turns to look back to the others only to see that other oni were holding onto them.

The Green Ninja just looks back to Y/n. Her face holds no expression, her wavy black hair straightens. When her hair was completely straight he saw little black horns that match with Y/n's new black hair.

Y/n grabs the pendant that was on her head. It flashes between purple and black. More and more cracks form all over the ground. 

The ground shakes yet it had no effect on the oni. Y/n's pendant slightly hovers above her hand, cracking as if under a lot of pressure.

"Finally, I'll be free…"

The Green Ninja's body begins to ache, all of his energy slowly disappearing. He knew this was it, the only two elements left in this world are breaking off. 

He tries to get up, to try not going down without a fight. It was pointless….

Time finally ran out….

And there was no going back…

Yet they weren't the only one fighting….

Y/n was fighting as well, trying to stop this catastrophe. She was trapped in an endless sea of black goo. Nowhere to escape to.

She managed to finally swim back up, but her mind was hazy and cloudy. Y/n didn't even know what was happening on the outside.

The events that happened were like a dream to her. All she knew was that her actions were influenced by someone. Y/n couldn't afford to think about what happened. Not right now.

Y/n's body was aching too. It felt like she was coming down with the flu. Y/n's body screams for her to stop and give up, yet she didn't. She continues on swimming.

Tears flow down from her eyes, having a strong feeling that this was all her fault. She wanted to prove everyone wrong. That she was strong enough to fight alongside them.

Yet here she was trapped here with no escape and no one left to save her.

Y/n was truly all alone…


A voice echoed throughout the place she was at. It was a familiar voice, of someone who she treasures.

Tears fall down even faster. Y/n's cries became unstable as her thoughts made her even more upset.

Y/n couldn't remember who that voice belonged to anymore. She was here for so long, that she forgot who she was. 

It didn't hit her until she finally stopped swimming and thought for a moment. Just for a quick second and it wasn't until she realized that she couldn't remember a goddamn thing. 

"Y/N! Please stop this!!!"

There it goes again. A familiar voice echoes within her mind.

'Why am I fighting for?'

'Why is that voice so familiar?'

Y/n thought. She couldn't understand why. Out of all the people here, why did fate choose her...

'For once, I'll stop fighting…'

That was her final thought before the darkness consumed her and along with her element.

This was the final straw for the pendant. After all it was connected to Y/n and her element. Just like with her mother. The moment when Y/n gave up to the darkness so did the pendant. 

With this it turned completely black as white glowing cracks covered it. The pendant stays frozen in that state for a second or two. In hope for someone to save it.

A blinding white light escapes from it. Everyone had to look away with their eyes shut, everyone but Y/n. 

Her form changed. Everything was black except her purple glowing eyes. It was like staring at a silhouette of a person. Y/n's horns were similar to her fathers.

Amias wasn't really paying much attention to her. He was more focused on him and how he wasn't trapped in a shadow. Amias was back in his body and couldn't be more happy.

Finally he could destroy this cursed realm. Amias has lost interest in this world and would rather move onto the next. He smirks, turning to face the fallen heros.

"Look at your world, your home… because it will be the very last time you will see it."

He hits the ground with the bottom of his staff. The cracks all around them glow a bright white light. As it shoots up to the sky.

A tear slowly stretches open a black void appearing inside of it. A loud roar rings throughout the air. 

The Elemental Master was able to free themselves and attack the oni.

"Damn it! Your friends think they're so clever! Can't you see-"

Taylor grabs Lloyd by his hair making sure he has a good look at Y/n and Amias.

"You already lost…"

Lloyd didn't want to believe that. However, deep down he already knows. Tears falling down from his eyes. The world around him was collapsing. 

"Y/N! Please, you- WE can still fix this!" 

Lloyd stares into Y/n's eyes. 

"Just come back to us… to me!"

Even though Y/n has no reaction. She did feel something. It was like her heart was reacting to his word, yet she didn't didn't know why. Hell, she didn't even know who this boy was, let alone her own name.

Yet, she couldn't let go of this feeling. In what felt like ages, Y/n raises her hand and sends a dark misty blast at Taylor.

Taylor managed to dodge this attack but what caught her off guard was Lloyd charging at her. 

Now everyone was fighting, Y/n just stared with an empty look. The more she stares at them, the more these faces look familiar.

"Gaining back your will, I see."

A familiar voice rang behind her. Y/n clench her fist. A burning passion ignites in her. She felt her heart beating against her chest. 

"You're nothing but a puppet- a weapon. Your sole purpose is to destroy and nothing more."

"𝝲⚬𝚞́「ℯ ʷ「⚬ṋ𝑔"

Y/n voice was shrill and quiet. Hardly, going above a whisper.

"What was that? I couldn't really hear you."

"⎢ ꕶаi𝗱𝘆Òն´⸀ల Ẃ⸀Òп𝗀ļļļ"

Y/n yells, her words coming out more clearly. She furiously turns around. Y/n raise her arm and swipe the air. A blast of purple mist went shooting at Amias. 

Amias stood there not scared or worried. The blast came closer to him yet he didn't try to dodge. He simply raises his hand and blocks it. 

Even though Amias has a calm demeanor, he was furious that Y/n tried to attack him. His own child thinks she could take him on and win.

"Reaching that rebellious phase I see. Well then…"

Amias's staff turn into a sword, while stepping closer to Y/n.

Y/n was shocked to see a sword in his hand. She felt betrayed and saddened by his actions. However, Y/n didn't back down. 

She took a step forward as a weapon formed in her hands. Amias froze when he saw the familiar weapon in her hands. A swarm of emotions hit him as he was reminded of her. It made him sick.

"I should really put you back into your place…"

Amias couldn't look at the spear anymore. Anger fills him as he charges at Y/n. Blades clashes as black mist surrounds them. 

Y/n was barely holding up against Amias. The more the fight lasted, the more tired she became. Her attacks became sloppy. Amias smirks as his attack became more sharp and fast. 

Y/n Pov:

My body aches as my mind races. Everything was going by so fast. I just wanted to stop, but if I stop here I would most likely die.

This was the only thing motivating me to continue. I didn't want to die here…

Everything begins to spin around me. Amias was nothing but a blurry smudge. 

I felt the weapon being knocked out of my hands. A burning sensation form throughout my whole chest.

I step back trying to get a hold on myself. My vision stopped spinning, finally seeing what happened. 

A huge gash was on my chest. I was kneeling down on my knees trying to soothe the aching pain. My breathing was hoarse and unsteady. 

I looked up to face Amias who was looking down at me. His face was expressionless and still.

"Pathetic, just like your mother…"

His words stings.


I breathed out. Each word was strained as it tires me out. Amias was taken aback by my words.

"Y-you're the pa- pathetic one…"

I stand up clutching onto my gash. I step closer and closer to him. For once Amias steps back, nervous on what's to come.

"L-look at your-self…"

Amias let out a low growl.

"You're t-the use-less one! Fo-llowing orders like a lapdog!"

I see Amias clenching his sword. His hands shaking what looks like rage.


Amias raises his sword. His expressionless face broken by a furious look. Few tears form as he charges at me. 

I wasn't able to get away in time as the sword pierce through my chest…

My body went limp…

My breathing became slow…

As everything fades to white….

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