I hate and love you.

By Author-kun77

245K 4.6K 10.2K

An izuocha fanfiction where Deku and Uraraka had a fight in kindergarten which led to something worse. But ma... More

Pre reading
Part 1: Hate
Part 2: More hate
Part 3:Study
Part 4: Fun
Part 5: Plan
Part 6:Date
Part 7: Why must we hate?
Part 8: Like a bitch.
Part 9: Winter break
Part 10: Invitation
Part 11:Do a little dance
Part 12: Make a little love
Part 13: Get down tonight
Part 14: Fun fair
Part 15: Dining in
Part 16:Killing- I mean shopping spree
Part 17: School blues.
Part 18: Parenting
Part 19: Poor
Part 20: Babies
Part 21: Tell the world
Special chapter:tribute
Part 22:I'm coming home.
Part 23:Home
Part 24: Take me home
Part 25: I forgot to remember to remember
Part 26: Training
Part:27 Club
Part 28: Hate some more cause screw it.
Part 29: Save All might!
10k special
Part 30: New management
Part 31: Valentine's day scare
Part:32 First day
Part 33: Eri
Part 34: Parents
Part 35: Dodgeball
Part 37: Questions
20k special
Chapter 38: See you later
Part 39: Welcome back
Part 40: Death
Part 41: Studying time
30k special
Part 42: Results
40k special
Part 43: Toga
Part 44: Try not to kill.
50k special
Unfortunate news
Birthday special
Part 44: Todoroki
Part 45: Saved
46: Prom
47: Graduation
48: Final

Part:36 Fight

2.5K 55 52
By Author-kun77

From now on you will call me Author-chan.

"Don't call me Ochako right now Deku!" Screamed Ochako.

"Well don't call me Deku right now! " Screamed Izuku back at her.

"You know what? Go sleep on the couch then! You clearly love Eri more than me! " Said Ochako.

" Fine then" Said Izuku. He grabbed a pillow and headed downstairs.

"Damnit. Eri where are you?" Called out Izuku.

"R-right here. " Said Eri from the corner.

" Eri are you crying?" Asked Izuku crouching down beside her.

"It's my fault that you and mama are fighting!" Said Eri wiping her tears.

Izuku pulled Eri into a warm hug.

"It's not your fault Eri. Just tell me how much did you see. Can you do that?" Asked Izuku.

" I-i can try Papa" Said Eri.


Eri finished eating her apple and carefully placed her core into the trashcan.

'Maybe Papa and Mama would like one as well' Thought Eri. She grabbed two more apples from the basket on the table and started to carry them upstairs.

She opened the door, should have been locked,to find Ochako and Izuku underneath a cover.

"Mama,Papa!" Said Eri.

Izuku and Ochako suddenly turned their attention towards the young girl.

"ERI! W-what are you doing!?" Asked Izuku quickly getting off of Ochako but staying underneath the covers.

"I brought you two apples!" Said Eri.

"T-thanks sweetie. " Said Ochako.

She and Izuku accepted the apples while clinging onto the covers that was hiding their bodies.

"Eri go on downstairs. We will be there soon" Said Izuku.

"Okay  papa" Said Eri. She turned around and happily skipped outside closing the door.

"Wow that was close. Now where were we?" Said Ochako kissing Izuku on the cheek.

She didn't expect for Izuku to push her off.

"Ochako Eri nearly saw us. Now is not the time for this" Said Izuku getting up and started to get dressed as Ochako watched him.

"But I need love as well! " Said Ochako.

"Ochako we can do this some other time. Eri needs us right now" Said Izuku putting on a shirt.

" But I need you! " Said Ochako.

"Ochako,Eri is a little girl. She doesn't understand love or anything. We just need to be there for her" Said Izuku.

" You mean you need to be there for her" Said Ochako rolling her eyes.

" Hey what's that supposed to mean? " Asked Izuku.

" Gee I don't know Deku. Maybe it has to do with the fact that you didn't even ask for my permission before bringing a little girl over or accepting her into our family! " Said Ochako getting really upset.

" Well what was I supposed to do Ochako?! Just kick her out or let her dad keep her and abuse her?! " Said Izuku.

" That still doesn't change the fact that you didn't ask me what I thought. Also you have been mainly ignoring me for the last few nights! You care more about her than me! " Said Ochako.

" Ochako you know that's not tr-

" Don't call me Ochako right now Deku! " Screamed Ochako.

" Well then don't call me Deku right now! " Screamed Izuku back to her.

Eri hid outside listening to their conversation. She couldn't take it anymore and she ran downstairs crying her eyes out.

*Back to the present

"I'm sorry Papa" Said Eri.

"It's not your fault Eri. Me and Ochako are just having a little fight. Everything will be alright okay sweetie? " Said Izuku.

" Yes papa. But why did mama call you Deku? " Asked Eri.

" It's just a nickname for me. It just shows how much she loves me" Said Izuku sitting on the couch with Eri in his lap.

" But she doesn't love you anymore does she?" Asked Eri playing with her hands.

" I hope not. This just happens sometimes Eri. We just need some time to cool down. Everything will be alright tomorrow alright? " Asked Izuku.

" Yes papa. But what were you and mama doing? " Asked Eri causing Izuku to turn red.

" W-well you will learn when you g-get older. L-let's just go to sleep for now alrighty? " Said Izuku.

" Yes papa" Said Eri.

Izuku grabbed a blanket and the pillow he brought from downstairs and wrapped himself and Eri and soon fell asleep.

* A hour later.

Izuku very tiredly opened his eyes.

He looked at Eri's sleeping face and a smile creeped onto his face. He carefully got up while just barely moving Eri and sat he back down on the couch.

After that he quietly creeped into the kitchen and grabbed a cup from the cabinet and turned on the sink.

He let his cup fill to the top before cutting the water off and taking a deep drink of water.

He sat the cup back down and turned around to go back to Eri, only to be met with the eyes of Ochako.



"....Hey" Said Ochako breaking the ice.

"Hey" Said Izuku.



".... What are you doing?" Asked Ochako.

" I was just getting a drink... What about you? " Asked Izuku.

" I was about to do the same thing" Said Ochako.

" I see. Well don't let me stop you" Said Izuku walking past her.

Ochako went over to the  cabinet and got her own cup and filled it with water.

She sat down at the table just staring into her cup thinking.

She than heard a scratching sound and she looked up to see Izuku sitting across from her.

"What are you doing?" Asked Ochako.

"Sitting down" Said Izuku.

"Smartass" Said Ochako.

She took a sip from her cup.

" Are we just not going to talk about it? " Asked Izuku.

" I guess we can" Said Ochako. She pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Look. I'm sorry about earlier. Your right. I should have asked you before making a decision. This is a big deal and I shouldn't have decided without your opinion" Said Izuku.

" No. You really didn't have much choice. I would have done the same thing. " Said Ochako.

" Does Eri have to do with the fact that you were a little upset when you weren't pregnant? " Asked Izuku.

" Huh?! How did you-

"I'm a smartass remember?" Said Izuku getting a chuckle from Ochako.

"Yeah. I just thought maybe a kid wouldn't be so bad. I know we are young and inexperienced. But if I had to have a kid I would be glad it would be with you" Said Ochako.

Izuku placed a hand on top of Ochako's on the table.

" I feel the same way." Said Izuku giving off a smile.

"Also maybe I was a little bit jealous" Said Ochako.

"Yeah that was pretty obvious" Said Izuku.

"Oh shove it" Said Ochako giving off a laugh along with Izuku.

Izuku stood up and held a hand out to Ochako.

"C'mon. Just try sleeping with us" Said Izuku.

"Alright Deku" Said Ochako accepting his hand.

"Alright Ochako" Said Izuku escorting Ochako back to Eri, to cuddle for the night.

Yes I changed my name. I like it better.

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