Love... Not Romance [BoyxBoy]

By JSBelard

11.3K 669 93

Everything started the night before we moved out of our town. I decided to take a late night swim at the lake... More

First - You can't Escape Love
Second - Love that Only Grows Stronger
Third - Love that Gives Joy for no Reason at all
Fourth - A Love that Shines through the Darkness
Fifth - My Only Refuge is Love
Sixth - There's no use Trying to Hide your Love
Seventh - The Sweetest Trap Called Love
Eighth - The Fight for Love Begins
Ninth - Caught in Love
Tenth - A Braver Love
Twelfth - There is Love, then there is Mystery
Thirteenth - Love and Mysteries
Fourteenth - Love is Afloat
Fifteenth - Getting Lost, even with Love
Sixteenth - Those you Love, and those you once Love
Seventeenth - Discord Sometimes Strengthens Love
XVIII - Love all over again
19 - Meeting your Love for the First Time, all over again.
20 - Getting to know Love Again
21 - Love that Starts from Friendship
22 - Love and Separation
23 - Lies about Love
24 - Friends, Rivals, Love
25 - When does a Lie Turn into Love?
26 - Gatherings with Love
27 - Confusing Love
28 - Don't Ever Think of Escaping Love
29 - Unprogressive Love
30 - Getting Drunk on Love and Affection
31 - Helpless Love
32 - Recollecting Past Love
33 - The Stories of Love
34 - Love that is the Beginning of the End
35 - The Secrets of Love Revealed
36 - Love... not Romance

Eleventh - Love will help you, until it Preys on You

288 20 3
By JSBelard

 "Drew, what's wrong?" Nico asked as he walked to my side. "You're shaking." It was only then that I realized that I was shaking in anger. Nico took my hand and I calmed down a bit, but it wasn't enough to change my mind.

"I need your help, Nico. There's someone I need to meet." I told him in a very resolute tone. There was nothing that anyone can do or say that could change my mind. The Robinsons started everything and it's either they stop hurting my family or I make them stop myself.

"Drew, where are you going?" My Mom asked in a very worried manner as I walked towards the door.

"I'm returning something, Mom." I said as I walked out the door.

"We're going, don't worry, I'll take care of him." I heard Nico say as he walked out the door.

"Are you sure about this?" Nico asked as he drove.

"Yeah... but I'm scared." I admitted as I breathed deeply.

"We can still turn back, if you want." Nico said as he glanced worriedly at me.

"No, I need to do this. I can't just sit around and watch as they continue to hurt my Mom." I said as I tried to calm my racing heart.

"Ok. I'm just here by your side, Drew." Nico said and then held my hand.

It only took a few minutes before we arrived at a luxury restaurant. Nico already told me that both Sylvia and Dad were having a dinner meeting with his parents, but it didn't changed my mind.

Meet if we must, but I would not sit around and do nothing anymore.

I think I was both anxious and nervous. Once is an accident, twice is a mistake, thrice is pure stupidity, and I'm refuse to be stupid. For the third time, I am about to see my Dad, and I would not run away anymore. I would face him.

Whatever happens, happens. That was my mind set at that moment. I wasn't afraid of the consequences, because Nico was there by my side. His presence was enough to give a lot of strength. I don't even know if I could do what I was about to do if I didn't have Nico.

After inquiring at the front desk and saying that he's the son of Anthony Bellard, we were escorted to the private room were the Bellards, my Dad, and the despicable woman were having the dinner meeting.

"Should I come in with you?" Nico asked as he looked at me.

"No, it's fine, besides, I don't want your parents to think that you have anything to do with this. You've helped me enough, Nico, I don't want you to take the blame with me as well." I told him with a weary smile.

I took a deep breath before opening the door in front of me, and then I changed my expression into a more serious one. When I opened the door, both sides were exchanging thoughts.

"Kyle... What are you doing here?" Rose Bellard asked nicely as she saw me by the door.

I gave a worried smile. "Sorry for the interruption, but I just need to return something." I told her.

I was actually afraid to look at Dad, I had no idea what his reaction would be.

Sylvia's eyes were wide, I am pretty sure she was surprised to see me there, maybe even more surprise that the Bellards knew of me. My Dad on the other hand, wasn't even looking at me. As always, he's very good at hiding his emotions.

Don't show any sign of nervousness. Don't. Don't let her know that you're heart is racing.

I took out the creased check out of my pockets and then placed it on the table in front Sylvia. "You left this at the flower shop." I said in a very calm yet cold tone as I slid the check towards her. "We may not be rich as you are, but we have principles, and clearly ours is way better than yours. We don't need your money, we don't want you money. So don't try to bribe us again. And for your information, our shop has CCTV, so we are willing to forget everything you've done to our shop, if you and your so called family stay out of our lives."

"What do you think you're doing right now?" Sylvia asked. I could tell that she was holding back her anger. Probably, she didn't want the Bellards to see her short temper. "Who are you to barge in here and make stories up?" She asked, trying to be calm.

"Deny all you want, your signature is on the check anyway." I said in a firm tone. "And do you really want me to answer that question? Do you really want me to say who I am?" I asked in a provoking tone.

Deep inside, I was hoping that my Dad would look at me, but he didn't. He wouldn't even look at me, his own son.

"Sylvia, what is this all about?" Anthony Bellard asked.

"I'm sorry sir." I said as I turned my head. "Believe me, I didn't want to cause a scene, I have no intention of causing any trouble either, but my Mom had already been through much, I can't just stand there and do nothing anymore." I explained.

"Don't ever appear in front of me or my Mom again, you and your whole family, because I swear, the next time you hurt my family, I will cut you down." I said threateningly to Sylvia.

I turned around and walked towards the door, with a grin on my face. Before I left, I took one last look at my Dad. I really missed him, I really do. I would be lying if I say that I wasn't hurt that my Dad ignored me, because I really was.

Although being ignored hurts, it also woke me up. Crying and feeling sad because of my Dad was useless, it's also very tiring. That's why, I won't cry anymore, I won't get sad anymore. I'll live my life without his influence, from then on.

Having that realization lifted a great weight off my chest. I walked out of that door feeling a lot better.

"Drew..." Nico called my name. He was just nearby, waiting for me the whole time. "You look..." He was obviously surprised. "You look, okay, even better." He added.

"Why do you sound so surprised?" I asked as I stood very close to him.

"I don't know. I guess I was expecting that you would walk out of that door looking all shaken and depressed. What happened? Why do you look so, confident?"

"Let's just say that from now on, I wouldn't cry about my Dad anymore. I think I finally moved on." I said proudly.

"Really? How did that happen?" Nico asked.

"Well, my Dad totally ignored me." I said and smiled wryly. "He didn't even look at me." I sighed deeply.

"Drew, are you really okay?" Nico asked worriedly, I knew he could clearly see the expression on my face.

"I'm fine. This is the last time. I promise." I said as I held back the tears forming behind my eyes. I guess, it was a sort of goodbye, a graduation from the continuous torture I get from my Dad leaving me. I get it, I finally accepted it; my Dad, the Dad I knew, is gone.

Even though Nico knew that many eyes could see us at that time, he still took my hand and held it tight. "Do you want to swim? It always make you feel better, right?" He asked.

"Sure, why not." I said and then Nico pulled me out of the restaurant.

Nico drove us back to their house and we instantly dive into the pool. "Come on, I want you to try something with me." I said as I pulled Nico by the hand into the middle of the pool. "Just relax and let the water do its work." I said as I fall on my back and floated on the pool.

Nico did the same. "Now what?"

"Hold your breath and empty your mind, and let the serenity of the water take over." I said and then chuckled.

"You really like doing this, don't you?" Nico chuckled.

In a few seconds, we were both underwater while looking up in the sky. I turned my head and saw Nico smile at me. He swam on top of me and blocked my view on the sky, then he smiled even wider. I knew what he was going to do, I didn't make an effort to stop him.

With our hands still intertwined, Nico put his other hand on my waist and pulled me closer to him. Then he kissed me. It was my first time kissing underwater, and quite frankly, it felt really incredible, the feeling of the serenity that the water gives me and the feeling of utter joy and happiness that Nico's kiss always gives me, those two combine makes a sensation beyond any words.

The swim I took that night was short, I just wanted to go home before Nico's parents arrive. I felt a bit guilty after the scene I made, and I still don't know how to face them. Nico was going to drive me home and we were on our way to his car when someone called his name.

"Nico." The man called.

"Joseph, when did you arrive?" Nico asked excitedly as he walked towards the familiar man. I knew I saw that man before, but where. Ahh, that's right, he's the mysterious visitor Mom had few weeks ago, he's the man who gave me that wooden box. Come to think of it, I still haven't figured out what's inside that box, I don't even know where the key to the lock is.

"Kyle...?" Joseph asked as he saw me just behind Nico.

"You know him?" Nico asked curiously.

"Yes, and I'm surprised that you two already know each other." The way Joseph said those words made me very suspicious.

"We go to the same school, it's only natural that we get to know each other." Nico replied.

"I see, you're right." Joseph said.

"So, what made you come here?" Nico asked.

"There's just something that I needed to do, someone I needed to meet." Joseph explained, but somehow he was looking at me.

"Really, did you meet that person, then?" Nico asked.

"Yeah, I did." Joseph said as he took a glance at me.

Why is he acting that way? That Joseph is very suspicious.

"Who was that?" I asked as Nico as we entered his car.

"Joseph? He is my Cousin Timothy's Personal Doctor." Nico replied.

"Personal Doctor?" I was surprised. "Wow..." Sometimes it slips my mind how rich Nico's family really is. I've heard of rich people having their own personal nurse, but a personal doctor was new to my ears.

"Timothy has a weak body, ever since we were small he often gets sick, so his parents figured out that it was best to hire someone to look after him when they're not around." Nico explained.

"I see..." If that man is Timothy Bellard's Personal Doctor, then what was he doing at my home? Why did he visit Mom? What was inside the box? Why did he even give me that in the first place?

"What's wrong?" Nico asked.

"Remember the night I took a swim at your pool, the night you thought I was drowning myself?" I asked Nico seriously.

"Yeah, why?"

"Remember when you brought me home, Mom seemingly had a visitor?"


"Her visitor was Joseph." I told Nico.

"What?" Nico suddenly stepped on the brakes.

"Joseph, your cousin's Personal Doctor, visited my Mom a few weeks ago, and he even gave me a locked wooden box that I couldn't even open." I told him.

"Are you sure?" Nico sounded very surprised and confused.

"Very sure."

There was something very odd about Nico's reaction. He looked really worried for some reason. There were so many things happening in my life that day that Nico's odd expression seemed meaningless. I didn't dwell on it too much, because I was thinking that he was just simply surprised.

"Drew..." Nico called when I was about to open my home's front door. I turned back and the sight of Nico's expression worried me. There was a mixture of confusion, sadness, and anxiousness on his face.

"Nico, what's wrong? Are you alright?" It was my turn to ask those questions.

Nico gave a small smile before stepping closer to me and embracing me tightly. I knew something was going on, that something was worrying him, but I didn't ask. It didn't feel like the right time to ask.

"I don't want to lose you, ever. Now that I have you, that we are together, I can't imagine my life without you in it." He said as he continued to embrace me.

"Nico, what made you say that?" I asked worriedly.

"Don't be mad, but after seeing what's happening between your Mom and Dad, I suddenly felt afraid. I'm afraid of our relationship ending up like theirs..." He said.

"Trust me, I feel the same. I feel afraid too, of losing you, after all you're the first person I ever..." I stopped myself from saying love, because quite frankly I don't think that we're both ready for that. It was hard to constantly remind myself that we were just dating back then, because I knew that we've done and said many things that a couple that were just dating wouldn't do or say. "...I ever feel this way."

"Could you promise me something?" Nico asked as we moved slightly away from each other.

"What is it?" I asked.

"That no matter what happens, you and I would stay together. That no matter who comes into your life, I would always have a part in it."

"Promise." I said and smiled at Nico.

Back at home, Mom was still waiting for me. For the third time, I hid the fact that I met Dad from her. I knew she would just be worried, so I decided not to tell. We had a talk that night, and we both agreed that we would stand our grounds and defend our principles. No one could hurt us anymore, me and my Mom, we both agreed to fight.

So, that eventful day finally came to a close, and I, for one, couldn't be any more relieved. So many things happened, and I was just very thankful that Nico was by my side. I slept peacefully that night.

Days passed without any incident. Nico kept his promise and stayed away from Natalia. He didn't have to act that way, but he acted really cold Natalia the following day. He treated her the same way he treated everyone around him that are not close to him. I did tell him that he didn't have to be particularly cold towards her, but Nico said that he's just acting the way he usually does.

If there's one thing I know about those Robinsons witches, it's that they don't know when to give up. I'm sure Natalia would not let Nico go just like that. Natalia and I did meet at school the following day, I could tell by her expression that she was somewhat surprise. I guess we just really both hate each other that we chose to ignore each other's existence.

"Just tell me one thing, alright. What exactly is your relationship with Nico right now?" Perry asked ask. It was a Friday and we were on our way to the cafeteria.

I looked around and saw no one near. "Don't tell anyone. We're dating." I said.

"Dating? That's it? I was thinking that you two are something more than that." Perry said.

"We're taking things slow, Perry. We're both new to this, you know."

"Taking it slow? I just caught you two on your bed, about to..."

I instantly covered Perry's mouth with my hands. "Really? Do you really want everyone in school to know?" I complained nervously to him.

Perry removed my hands from his mouth. "Sorry. I just don't get the two of you, after everything you've done, you're telling me that you're taking it slow."

"It's not like we have already slept together or anything."

"Ahhh!" Perry said as he covered his ears. "I don't want to hear about that."

"Oh for goodness sake!" I said. "You're overreacting. Besides, Nico is not like that, he won't force me to do anything that I'm not ready for."

"I wouldn't be too sure, if I were you." Perry said. "We're all the same age, Kyle. We're teenage boys with raging hormones, you'll never know when that hormones kicks in." He said with a meaningful grin. "Just please, when it happens, spare me the details. I really do not want to know about it." He said teasingly.

"I told you, Nico is not like that." I insisted.

"And I'm telling you, he is." Perry argued. "Just a piece of advice, learn to say no, sometimes you're just too friendly, too accommodating. I'm sure if Nico asks you, then you would just give it up to him in an instant." For someone who doesn't want to hear anything about it, Perry sure is being too opinionated.

Hearing that made me really embarrassed. Those kind of stuffs never really crossed my mind yet. "Hey, shut up!" I said.

"Are you two fighting?" I turned around and was surprised to see Nico standing behind us.

"Why? Are you going to celebrate if we are?" Perry asked. "Too bad we're not. We're just talking about..."

"You better zip your mouth." I told Perry threateningly as I looked at him sharply.

"Alright, alright..." Perry said.

"What were you two talking about?" Nico asked as he put his arm around me.

His touch sent electricity into my entire body. I guess I was still thinking about what Perry said. I mean, it's hard to just forget about it. "Just... stuffs..." I replied meekly, also I was a bit embarrassed to look at him.

"Mmm... Hey, it's a weekend tomorrow." Nico said with a smile.

"Yeah, so?" I said.

"I was thinking, can I come over your house tonight?" He asked.

"Sure, why not."

"Really? Then... can I sleep over?" Nico asked.

That question really took me by surprise. I looked at Perry and he grinned meaningfully at me. I froze for a moment and I started panicking. Wait, why does he want to sleep over? Don't tell me Perry is right. Ehhh? I'm not ready for that yet. What should I do?

"Wh-why? Why do you want to sleep over?" I stuttered nervously.

"Because I want to." Nico replied proudly. "Why, I can't?" Nico asked. "Perry had slept over before, so why can't I?" He added childishly.

"Fine, you can sleep over..." I sighed. Perry chuckled and I looked at him. He raised an eyebrow and smiled. I knew what he wanted to say. Yeah, yeah, you're right. I'm too accommodating at times.

Was it paranoia, nervousness, or sheer excitement? I'm not entirely sure as to what I was feeling that time. All I know was that the idea of Nico sleeping under the same roof, sleeping on the same bed made my heart race incredibly fast.

Still, I didn't want to believe that Nico had ulterior motive for wanting to sleep over. Honestly, I was not ready for anything like that, but I don't know if I could say no to him when he did ask me to do that with him. I mean, I find it very difficult to resist to him.

I could just imagine how things would turn out tonight, if, and I mean only if, Perry was right about Nico. At first I would definitely resist his advances, but then Nico would look disappointed, just like a little boy, then I would remember everything he had done to help me through that day. I would remember that because of him, I was able to confront Sylvia, and that because of him I was able to get over my Dad without feeling like that a black hole was forming inside my heart. After remembering those things, I would let my guard down and finally accept his advancements. In short, I would end up giving up everything to him.

Love is always there to help you, it never asks for anything in return. That's what true love is, giving without the expectation or intention of receiving anything in return. The only reason we give things up because of love, is that we are afraid that we might lose that love if we didn't, because we didn't know love any better yet.

Love never preys on us, our insecurities do.

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