Embrace The Flames // BOok 1

By and_thebad_wolfStory

3.4K 59 1

"I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me " ... More

Darcey's Playlist / aesthetics!
Where it started
PILOT Part 1
Pilot Part 2
Wendigo part 2
Bloody Mary
Bloddy mary part 2
Skin part 2
Hook man
Bugs part 2
Scarecrow part 2
Faith part 2
The benders
Shadow part 2
Dead Man's Blood
Dead Man's Blood part 2
Salvation part 2
Devil's Trap
Devil's trap part 2
Season 2 playlist
In My Time of Dying
In my time of dying part 2
Everybody loves a clown
Erverybody loves a clown part 2
Bloodlist part 2
Children shouldn't play with dead things
Children shouldn't play with dead things part 2
The usual suspects
The usual suspects part 2
The other special Winchester
Born under a bad sign
Born under a bad sign part 2
Tall tales
Tall tales part 2
What is and What Should Never Be
All hell breaks loose, part 1
All Hell breaks loose part one, part 2
All hell breaks loose, part 2

All hell breaks loose part two part 2

37 0 0
By and_thebad_wolfStory

Ellen sat with across from Bobby. He slid her a shot glass.
"Is this really necessary?" She asks taking it.
"It's just a belt of holy water. It shouldn't hurt." Bobby tells her.
Ellen took the shot, nothing happening when she did.
"I'd take a whiskey now, if you don't mind." She says sliding the glass back to Bobby.
"Ellen, what happened?" Dean asks
"How did you get out?" Darcey asked
"I really wasn't supposed to. I was supposed to be in there with everyone else. But we ran out of damn pretzels, of all thing. I was just dumb luck." Ellen took the shot.
"That's when Ash called, there's was panic in his voice. He told me to go look in the safe. Then the cal cut out. But by the time I got back, flames were sky high. Everyone was dead. I couldn't have been gone no more than 15 minutes." She tells them
"Sorry, Ellen." Sam said

"A lot of good people died in there. And I got to live. Lucky me." She says

"You mentioned a safe." Bobby says
"Yeah. A hidden safe we keep j. The basement." Ellen says

"Did the demons get what was in side it?"

"No." She said. She then opened her jacket and pulled out a map.
She opened it up and slid it over to the three.
"Wyoming? What's that mean?" Dean asks looking over the map, there were black x's scattered in different parts.
They then stated the to look in different books
Darcey and Grayson read with Ellen, the youngest reading something different form what they were looking for, but he was reading no less.
From the other side of the room, Bobby says with an open book in hands,
"I do not believe it."
Placing the book on the table Dean was at, they all moved over toward the family friend.

"You got something?" Sam asks
"I got a lot more than that. Each of these little X's is an abandoned frontier church, they're all mid-19th century. And they're all built by Samuel Colt."
Bobby explains
"The Same gun-making Samuel Colt?" Darcey asks

"Yep. And there's more too it. He built private lines connecting from church to church. It just happens to lay out like this." Bobby says, he took a marker and connected the X's, it drew out a star,
Or, devils trap.
"Tell me that not—" Dean starts
"It's a Devil's Trap." Sam said  "A hundred-square-Mike Devil's Trap."
"That is brilliant. Iron lines, so demons can't cross." Dean said
"No body has." Bobby says
"Wow." Darcey whispers quietly
"And all of these years none of the lives are broken? I mean, it's still able to work?"

"Definitely." Sam says

"How do you know?"  The twins ask

"All those omens that Bobby found. I mean, the demons, they must be circling and they can't get in." Sam tells them

"Well, they're trying."

"But why? What's in side?" Ellen asks

" well, that's what I've been looking for. And, uh, there's nothing. Well, except an old cowboy cemetery right in the middle" Dean says
"What's so important about the cemetery?" Sam asks
"What's Colt trying to protect?" Darcey asked

"Unless—" Dean starts
"Unless what?" Bobby asks

"What if he wasn't trying to keep demons out?" Dean said
"What if he. Was trying to keep something in?" Darcey says going along with Deans thought.
"That's a comforting thought." Ellen says
"Yeah, ya think?" Dean said.

"Could they do it, thought? Get inside?" Sam asks
" well, this things so powerful..you would practically nee an A-bomb to destroy it." Bobby says
"There's no way a full-blood demon gets across."

"No. But I know who could." Sam says


Darcey and Dean stood from afar, darcey watched and was prepared.
She knew there'd be a time where her power would come into use, maybe this was the day.
She could hear Sam.

"Howdy there, Jake." He says.
They then all expose themselves, guns in hand as they slowly walk forward.
"You were dead. I killed you." Jake says
"Yeah? Well, maybe next time finish the job."
Darcey tried to ignore his words, knowing that Sam was in fact dead.
"I cut you clean though your spinal cord, man." The older sister shifted slightly as she felt Sam's eyes shift to her and Dean.
"You can't possibly be alive. You can't be." Jake says
"All right. Just take it real easy there." Bobby says

"And if I don't?" He said

"You'll see." Sam says, his voice filled with anger
"So, your a tough guy all of the sudden? What are you going to do, kill me?"

"It's a thought. " Sam said

"You has your chance. And you couldn't."

"I won't make that mistake twice." Sam says
Jake let out a low laugh.
"What are you smiling for, you little bitch?" Dean says
Jake looks over to Darcey and Ellen.
"Hey, girls. Put your guns to you head.
Unwillingly, the girls did as Jake told them to.
"You see, that Ava girl was right. Once you give into it, there's all sorts of new Jedi Mind Tricks that you can learn." Jake says
"You let them go" Sam says
"Shoot him." Ellen says shakily
"You'll be mopping up skulls before you get a shot off." Jake said
"Everyone put your guns down. Except you too sweethearts."

Sam, Dean and Bobby all slowly put their guns down.
Jake quickly ran to the church door he put the Colt in.
Dean went over to Darcey and moved the gun out of the way of her head as it shot elsewhere, Sam and Bobby did the same to Ellen.
Sam quickly got to a gun though and shot Jake a few times before the former soldier fell to the ground.
Sam shot him twice more in the head.
Beside Dean, they walked up to Sam.
She watched as her little brother cleaned the blood from his face.
When the lock think make a noise, they brought they're attention to it.
"Oh, no." Bobby says
"What is it?" Ellen asks
"It's hell." Is all he says
Dean walked over to lock and pulled out the Colt.
"Hurry, take cover. Now." Bobby tells them."
The siblings all run and hide behind they're own tombstone.
"What just happened?" Dean tells over to Bobby.
"It's the Devil's Gate, a damn door right to hell." Ellen yells back.
"We have to shut that gate." She says
Darcey stands up and follows Sam, she looks back when she saw Dean wasn't following.
"If the demon gave this to Jake.." he says holding the Colt.
"Then maybe—-" he says to continue, but then turns around, only to come face to face with Yellow Eyes.
He clocks the gun and aims it at him, stepping in front of Darcey in the process.
Though, the demon only used his powers and takes the gun from Dean's hands.
"Little boys shouldn't play with daddy's guns." Yellow eyes says,
The then pushed Dean and Darcey back.
Dean flew and hit his head on a headstone. ( not a time for puns.. but.. sorry)
Darcey groaned in pain when she lands on her back,
She slowly rolled on to her side, when she saw that Sam way coming, she flicked her sore wrist and a fire ball headed towards the demon.
Her eyes then opened wide when she saw it coming right back to her, she quickly and painfully moved out of the way.
"Nice try, sweetheart." He says to her, he then turned to Sam, who was pinned to a tree.
"I'll get to you in a minute, sport. But I'm so proud of you. I knew you had it in you." He tells him.
Dean carefully got into his hands and knees, the demon saw and pushes him back against a stone.
Darcey watched, pinned like Dean,  as yellow eyes walked up to her brother.
"So, I have to thank you. You see, some demons can't resurrect people unless a deal is made. I know, red tape, it will make you nuts. But thanks to you, Sammys back in rotation." He says letting out a laugh.
"Now, I was not counting on that but I'm glad. I like him better than Jake anyway. Tell me, have you ever heard the expression: "if a deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is?""

"And You call that deal good?" Dean says
"Well, it's a better shake than you Dad got. And you never even wondered why." Darcey struggled harder as the demon got closer to Dean.
"I'm surprised at you. I mean, you did see what your brother just did to Jake, right? That was cold, wasn't it?
Really, how certain are you that what you brought back.. is 100 percent pure Sam?"
The demon says letting out another laugh. 

"You of all people should know that's what is dead, should stay dead."

The demon stood up now,
"Anyway...thanks a lot. I knew I kept you alive for some reason. And sweet cheeks, keep practicing, you have no idea what you're really capable of."

He took a few steps back,
"I couldn't have done it without your pathetic self- loathing..self-destructive desire to sacrifice your own self for your family."
Yellow eyed then raises his hand, the Colt in his grasp.
He cocks it, but never gets got shot because from behind, his arms are trapped but a figure.
The body falls to the ground and the fugue fights a black mist of smoke, only for it to push it away and for it to go back into the body.

The demon gets back up, only for Dean to now have the gun in hand.
He shoots it, and the demon glitches and falls to the ground with a thud.

Darcey and Sam are broken from they're restrained positions. Ellen and Bobby have finally closed the door, but everyone is looking over to the figure, who turned out to be John.
"Daddy." Darcey whispers As she stands up slowly.
They slowly walk closer to each other, stoping beside Sam, she watches as her father places his hand in Dean's shoulder.
Darcey and Sam stand side by side.
Soon, a bright white light beams near John, Darcey moves to go to her father, she's half way there before she's too late and he disappears.
The older Winchester falls to her knees.


Darcey practically being forced up by Dean, now had her in a hug,
The Winchester's now stood over the demons body.
"Well, we can check that off of the to do list." Dean says looking up to Sam.
"You did it." The little brother says
"But I didn't do it alone." Dean said
"Do you really think Dad—" Sam starts
"You you really think he climbed out of hell?"

"A door was open. I think if anyone's stubborn enough to do it.." Dean says
"It definitely be him." Darcey says

"Where do you he went now?" Sam asks
"I don't know."
"I sort of don't believe it, Dean. I mean—our whole lives, everything, has been preparing for this. And now, I—I don't know what to say."  Sam said

Dean looked over to his brother.
"I do." He says. He bent down, face to face with the demon,
"That, was for our mom. You son of a bitch."

Walking back to the car, Darcey and Dean stop walking when Sam says,
"When Jake saw me it was like he saw a ghost. I mean, you heard him. He said that he killed me." He says

"Well, glad he was wrong." Dean says
"I really don't think he was, Dean."
Darcey let out a sigh.
"What happened?" Sam asks "after I was stabbed?"

"I told you everything."
"No. Not everything." Sam says
"Sam, we just killed that demon. Can't we celebrate for a minute?" Dean exclaimed
"Did I die?" He asks
"Sammy—" Darcey says, though, she didn't really know what to say at all at the moment.
"Come on." Dean says
"Did you sell your soul? For me? Like dad did for you?"
"No." Dean says
"Guys- please."

"Tell me the truth." Sam says
Dean continues to say nothing.
"Dean, Darcey, someone tell me the truth."
"Sam." Dean says

"How long did you get?" Sam asks
Darcey looked down sadly.
"One year." Dean says quietly. "I got one year."

"You really shouldn't have done that." Sam says, tears fresh in his green eyes.
"How could you do that, how you you let him do that?" He says then looking to Darcey.
"Don't get mad at me. Or her. Don't do that. I had to. I have to look out for you. That's my job. That's our job. And if I didn't do it, she was going to. I had to be the one." Dean says
"But what do you think my job is?"
"What?" The twins ask together.
"You guys save my life over and over. I mean, you guys sacrifice everything for me. Don't you think I'd do the same for either of you?
Your my big sister and brother. And there's nothing I wouldn't do for either of you.
So I don't care what it takes. I'm going to get you out of this. I guess I have to save
your ass for a change." Sam tells him.
"Yeah." Dean whispers
From behind them, Ellen's voice suddenly interpreted
"Well.. the Yellow-Eyed Demon might be dead, but still, a lot more got through that gate." She tells them.

"How many do you think?" Dean asks

"A hundred. Possibly 200. It is an army. He's unleashed his army. " Sam says

"Hope to hell you boys and girls are ready. A war has just begun." Bobby says

"Well," Dean says,
They head over to the trunk, Dean took out the Colt and tossed it in.
"We've got work to do." Dean says as he closes it.
Darcey let out a shiver,
"Whoa, I just got déjà vu." She says


Yay!! End of season 2! Which means it's time for season 3 and 4!!
I really hope you liked this book!

The next book will feature more of Darcey's powers and more Grayson! He's older now! I'm making him do more things! Anndddddd
We are going to introduce a new character!
I really really can't wait!
Thank you for over 400 reads!
Please vote and comment! It means a lot to me!

This book is officially completed though!!

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