Dragon Kings: The Icy King✔

TempralSinz tarafından

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Secrets, regrets, and messages from long ago. The story continues as the Icy King tries to deliver a message... Daha Fazla

Into The Cold
Snow Storms And Hot Cocoa
Blood And Snow
Take Off
A One Time Thing
This Is Home
Questions For A Queen
Double Unity
Fix What Can Be Fixed
Then There Were Four Pt 1
Then There Were Four Pt.2
The Matchmakers Secrets Pt. 1
The Matchmakers Secrets Pt. 2
To Keep A Secret
In The Moonlight
Book 5 Teaser

Welcome Home

359 35 5
TempralSinz tarafından

      Part 1

(Ruby's POV)

I was being carried when I finally got out of whatever kind of dream state I was in. In my dream I was walking through a snow covered valley with Taehyung. We walked over this wooden bridge hand in hand and then he spun me and I was in a pale blue snowflake decorated gown. He pulled me close and we did some sort of foxtrot thing around this snowy field.

Now here I was with my vision clearing, being carried by Taehyung up to two men with very shiny metal armor on. The door of the small hut behind them swung open and out came Lee with Citrine right after him.

"Ruby!" She yelled as she ran to me. I couldn't move, noticing I was holding onto blue boy. He looked at me and smiled.

"Awake so soon beautiful?" He said and I was caught off guard by his words.

"She's awake?" I heard Lee and turned my head to look at him. Citrine was smiling beside him.

"I.. uh, where are we?" I managed to get out as blue boy set me down.

"We're in Song- more specifically we're in the mountains. At the hidden bunker." Blue boy informed.

"I can't believe you're awake already." Lee seemed to be hooked on this whole awake thing. I was confused by everything but he seemed to be focused on the one thing.

"She's a tough one right? The gods really do choose the best mates for us huh." Taehyung chuckled as he poked at Lee who kept giving me a confused look.

"What? Do I have something on my face? Did I drool or something?" I asked him. He shook his head and sighed.

"I guess we should get them inside. We weren't followed but I made landed with the girls at one of the outposts south of here just in case." Lee explained. Taehyung nodded and set me down, it took me a moment but I managed to regain my sense of balance and my ability to use my legs. Citrine came to my side and walked me inside behind Lee and Taehyung.

The little hut belonged to an older couple, apparently friends of these Dragon kings. They couple pointed the way to a small trapdoor which we climbed down into one by one. Times like these I was lucky I was short. Lee and Taehyung were bent over quite a bit, Citrine and Em were hunched a little and Ames was seated in a wagon that was used to transport goods from the surface to this bunker.

The bunker was completely different on the inside. As soon as Lee pulled up on the latch on the big, wide circular door at the end of the hall a bunch of dust fluttered and slowly settled.

We went inside and everyone was able to stand fully again.

"It's... quaint..." Citrine said as she looked around.

"It's been kept up, but might need some new things. Um, I'll have the guards get some fresh linens and things for you. I don't know how long you'll have to be here but you should think of it as home for now." Taehyung replied as he took a look around.

"Thank you." Ames said as Lee lifted her out of the wagon. Taehyung gave her that damn adorable boxy smile of his. I hated that it made me.... Feel.

"It's not a problem at all. So, if there's nothing else then Ruby and I should be heading to the palace." He added. I turned and looked at him curiously.

"We're going to the palace?" I asked, I forgot the part where he mentioned that before and I don't know why.

"Yeah, I'm sure Pearl and the others are waiting excitedly for us to return." Blue boy said happily with a smile.

"We'll be fine here, I'll get the girls settled in." Lee reassured me.

"Ames..." I said as I looked at her. She smiled at me as she was being carried by Lee. "Are you sure you'll be alright?" I asked. She nodded with that sweet smile still on her face.

"I'll be fine, with Lee, Em, and Citrine here I'll get better soon." Her voice so soft and sweet. I smiled at her and nodded.

"Alright then Blue boy.. Let's go to this palace of yours." I said as I turned back to him. He grinned and led the way back out of the Bunker, and out of the little hut.

Once we got outside the two guards from before were standing by a horse... now when I say horse I mean I didn't know another word for it. It was an animal that was bigger than a horse, it's face was a bit more round and well... it looked cute. Long main and tail as well that were braided up and out of the way.

"Come on." Blue boy said as he climbed onto it with ease. One of the guards crouched down and clasped his hands together as to offer me a lift up. I sighed and looked up at Blue boy who nodded with that damn adorable boxy smile. He really needed to stop looking at me like that. I was hoisted up to blue boy who helped me swing one leg over the giant steed and sit in front of him with the knob thing from the saddle situated right between my thighs. It wasn't completely uncomfortable, just awkward as fuck.

I leaned back a bit and realized Taehyung was right up against me. His thighs against me, our legs brushing against one another. He reached one hand over to take hold of the reigns and the other he snaked around me as he gripped onto the knob thing. I sat there in shock for a moment that this frosty mother fucker would be fresh like this.

"You ready?" He asked, his voice smooth and low so low it was like he was whispering in my ear. It sent shivers down my spine and I had to breath in deep and release slowly while trying to focus on anything but how warm his body felt against mine and how my body wanted to react.

"Yeah, I need to see Pearl and the others like.. now." I said and he jerked forward, his hips thrusting against me from behind. I closed my eyes and held onto the lip of the saddle. The horse thing was fast.. I mean really fucking fast. The loose ends of my hair that were not tied back into my little ponytail were whipping back away from my face.

"Enjoying the speed?" He asked, his lips close enough to my ear so I could hear him. His warm breath sent tingles through me. Shit... I couldn't lose focus, not now.

"It's okay!" I yelled back hoping he could hear me over the wind as we raced down a dirt path.

"Haha, Just okay? We can do better than that I think. Um, you might want to hold on a little tighter." He said softly against my ear. I shuttered a bit and I thought I heard him groan a bit but then I was jolted forward as he leaned into me from behind. The horse thing was going even faster. I tried to see the things we were running past but everything was a blur. Taehyung's hand that held the reigns moved from the side of my thigh to in front of me. He rested that hand against my lower abdomen while his other hand still had a firm grip on the knob thing that was now pressing against the crotch of my snow pants. I was glad that thanks to the layers I still had on I couldn't feel all that much, but there was a slight pressure against my crotch once we got into this faster run.

I don't know how long we ran for but it felt like it had been a while. We slowed near some old looking windmill that seemed to be attached to some place that had a very yummy smell coming from it. I admit I was quite hungry and could have used a good meal. My only issue was that this place looked like it was from the old times... we're talking like in old story books. Once we came to a halt Blue boy hopped down off the horse first then helped me down, holding onto me a little longer than I was able to withstand.

"I'm good." I said hoping he'd get the picture and let me go. He nodded and took my hand, gently pulling me along with him.

"This place has the most amazing tasting baked fish, Stone croak soup, and you have to try the smoked boar. It's so yummy!" He was laughing and smiling like a little kid as he led me inside. Instantly the people inside looked at me, their eyes slightly widened until they saw blue boy. Suddenly the mood changed.

"My King!" An older woman said as she came out from behind the bar where she was serving a few scruffy looking men drinks.

"Madam May." Blue boy replied as he gave a nod of his head. The woman and the other people here bowed to him though.... Shit, he really was royalty.

"Fuck.. you are royalty..." I hadn't noticed I'd said it out loud till once again the mood seemed to change and people were staring at me again like I was a weirdo... I mean to be fair, I might have looked like one. They were in strange clean neat look clothes while I was in snow pants, snow boots, and a big puffy ass jacket. So yeah, I looked like boo-boo the clown.

"My King, your friend here looks ... warm. Very warm." The woman said. Taehyung laughed and nodded.

"That she does Madam May. Would you mind helping find something a little lighter to put on?" He asked the older woman. She smiled and nodded. Blue boy let go of my hand and I followed the older woman into a back area.

"Here you go dear." She said as she rummaged through a chest with various clothing shoved in it. "This should be a little bit better for now." She handed me a white long lace looking dress and a long tan coat that looked rather light. I really didn't want to wear the dress but considering how this woman was dressed... I guess that old fashioned look was in.

"Thank you." I said to her as I took off my snow pants and puffy jacket. She didn't seem phased by my jeans and t-shirt underneath.

"No problem. You're not from here anyway right? Oh.. I should get you some better shoes." She replied as she turned around and started to rummage again for shoes. I removed my jeans and t-shirt, putting on the dress as best as I could. I felt the dress being pulled down and noticed the woman was helping me, she smiled but I was confused. She laughed at my expression though.

"Haha, oh you're going to have to get use to people dressing you love. You're with the King so my assumption is that you're his mate. It's good he found you." She added.

"I don't know about that.."

"Oh? And why's that?" She asked.

"I've had three friends leave me and others for these guys, we know nothing about them yet they what... hold some sort of power over us.. make us feel things and.."

"I know, it's nice isn't it? To feel yourself, completed. You're still in the confused portion of it. Take it from someone who's been through it, once you unite with your mate it's different. You feel like the true you. At first you're unsure but that feeling will pass.

And all you'll be left with is feeling amazing, and full of life." She explained. I didn't understand how she could put so much faith in emotions...


"Afraid to let go? Afraid to be the true you?" She asked, almost mockingly.

"No, it's not that... I-"

"I get it, but listen to someone who's been through it. Fate is stronger than you, you can't fight it. You'll only end up hurting yourself in this case. It's worse if you go half way.. so my advice, if you jump... you have to jump in all the way. There's no going back, but trust me when I say you won't regret it. Let go for once. I was strong headed too, stubborn as an ox. Just let go." She smirked and handed over a pair of simple black leather boots. Once I dressed fully she walked back out with me. Blue boy was waiting patiently, talking with a few men at a table across from the one he was seated at. On the table were plates of food, not just one or two plates.. but like eight plates filled with various foods. My mouth watered and I heard Taehyung chuckle.

"It looks almost as good as you." He muttered a bit. I looked away from the food, my eyes meeting his and once again that bright blue flashed in his eyes. I shivered but sat down, a gentleman pulled or tried to pull out the chair for me but I was way too hungry. I grabbed a roll, some pieces of some kind of meet that were coated in some sort of sauce. I was too hungry to consider what any of it was, all I knew was that when I took a bite into the meat it tasted good- very good. I almost moaned, or I did, I don't recall what I sounded like out loud but inside my head I was in heaven.

The only thing that made me think I might have been making pleasurable sounds was the look blue boy was giving me. My eyes met his and he was just staring at me, a hunger in his eyes as they stayed the bright blue for longer than they had before. He slowly licked his lips at me and I don't know what came over me but I almost lost it, an animalistic urge to jump over the table and lick his lips for him came over me. I barely managed to pull my eyes away but I was about to choke if I continued to watch him. I noticed he shifted in his seat and seemed to adjust himself as his hand slipped down from the table to his lap, he cleared his throat a bit and then grabbed for his cup and some food.

It took a bowl of rice with that sauce smothered rice, a drumstick of something that resembled chicken, two rolls, and this veggie salad thing to fill me up. I honestly felt like I couldn't eat anything else for the next week.

I was leaning back in the chair with my head tilted back, my eyes closed. I noticed the older woman Taehyung called May come by. I lifted my head to see her whisper something to Taehyung as he stared at me. I licked my lips and sat up a bit more before taking another sip from my cup. Blue boy shook his head from side to side slowly, his eyes still locked onto me.

"Alright then. Well the foods on the house. You should get your girl home." May said with a smirk as she started to pick up some of the empty plates. Blue boy got up, still not taking his eyes from me.

"Ready?" He asked. I nodded and he took my hand in his and led me back out to the awaiting horse thing who was enjoying a carrot and some water. Blue boy lifted me up onto the horse and then pulled himself up behind me. Once again he was pressed against me and it was effecting me more than I'd have liked it to. Once we started off again it became clear that whatever the hell was wrong with me needed to be fixed. All I could think about was the way his left hand was holding the leather against my lower abdomen, even though lace and fabric rested between I could still feel it. Knowing it was there was driving me insane almost. I kept licking my lips and trying to focus on anything else but it was very difficult when he was pressing against me as the horse ran a little faster which caused him to lean into me more. Of course this also caused his right hand which was wrapped over the knob of the saddle to press against my crotch. As we continued to ride I noticed the lace dress was only riding up more and more, my thighs being exposed more and more.

I thought I heard a growl come from him a few times but I wasn't sure if I was just hearing things with the whistling of the wind blowing past as the horse ran.

It was getting more difficult by the second and I didn't know how much more I could take of what my body was feeling. I couldn't stop thinking about how he'd looked at me back at that place we'd stopped for food. His eyes, the bright blue in them. The way he licked his lips at me like he was a tiger who had his eyes on his prey.

But I wasn't prey, I was stronger than that. I needed to resist.... Or, I needed to be the one to do the pouncing.

"We need to stop." I said a little breathy as I kept having these thoughts, my body reacting in a way I was unfamiliar with.

"Why?" He breathed into my ear, his voice nearly sent me over the fucking edge and I involuntarily moaned. When I did I felt him tense a bit behind me, then I felt his hand that was still holding the reigns move from my lower abdomen to my hip, then down to my upper thigh. The dress was so far up that most of my thigh was exposed, but I never felt cold. Instead, the warmth of his pinky and ring finger that were brushing against my exposed thigh was driving me insane.

"If you don't get this creature to stop I swear to fucking god I will throw you from this beast." I was growing frustrated, irritated.. and yet really fucking turned on.

"But you didn't say the magic word." He whispered into my ear and I thought I was just going to lose it right then and there.

Fucking everything, fuck trying to go against it all, fuck trying to be composed, fucking keeping my mouth shut, fuck everything I'm feeling, just fuck it all and fuck me too. And as I was mentally scolding myself I felt him press against me again, this time he was pushing his hips up and grinding against me from behind. I knew what I was feeling, it was hard and poking me and drawing my mind into a place of desire, lust, need. And I knew if I did what I was about to do, then I might be throwing away everything. Everything I promised that I wouldn't do, that I swore to not fall into. But maybe I didn't have too, maybe I could just do this... and then go back to resisting. I mean, it seemed possible. I'll decide who I fall in love with later on in life but for now... now I needed something temporarily. This could just be a one time thing....


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