Militant (Sequel to Warrior)

By wintergirl08

83K 3.5K 1.1K

I guess you can say that I am unlucky. At least that is what I call myself. The one guy I ever liked has me f... More

Militant (Sequel to Warrior)
Life Full of Books
Wake Up Call
Welcome to Neverland
To Be a Lost Boy
Home Office
Lost Girl
Terrible Spy am I
A Change in Attitude
My Mother's History
Prove It
Hit and Miss
Just Like Chuck
My Mistake
Dream of 3 Cases
Light Them Up
Surprises Everywhere
Bring Her In
A Chat with Alex
She's Back
Warning Call
Nursery Rhyme
Untold Plans
Sick Girl on the Run
Pay Back
Long Time No See
Causing Trouble: Alex Style
A Distraction
Too Far
Truly Trapped
Skull Island
Knives Are a Girls Best Friend
A Power of Colors
Alex's Camp
Thinking Tree of Hell
Good Always Wins
A Strange Kid
The Demon is Out
Find the Demon
Wrong Story
Light 'em Up
The Queen of Neverland

Unlucky Lost Boys

1.3K 66 18
By wintergirl08

**Jack POV**

I ran ahead of the group to catch up to Lottie's mom who had not seemed to slow down at all since we left the cave, leaving everyone to have to run to catch up to her.

"How do you know where you are going?" I asked her as I finally slowed down to a fast walk next to her. She looked down at me for a moment with a stern look then sighed.

"Would you believe that I was at one point on this island when I was younger?" She asked. I made a noise.

"Obviously, When I was back at camp as a lost boy the subject of you sounded like a sore spot for Pan." I replied. She smiled slightly listening to the information.

"I did a whole lot more than just give Pan a sore spot Jack... Wait, if you knew that already then why ask me about why I knew this place so well?" She asked looking back down at me. I chuckled.

"Because I wanted to hear how bad ass you were here. I've only heard one story about you and that was from Will.."

"That pinhead is still here?" She asked. I nodded smiling slightly as she asked. Never had I ever seen Lottie's mom act this was back at home. This was a new side to her that truthfully I liked so much better.

"Why can't you act like this all the time at home?" I asked her, changing the subject. She looked at me confused.

"Don't I always act this awesome at home?" She asked with a completely serious tone. I gave her a look and she returned it.

"Well... no you’re bossier." I replied meekly. She shrugged.

"I see no difference in my behavior here and there." She finished.

"Hey Alex, can you stop for a moment?" Emma called out. Alex slowed down but I was almost certain I heard her mutter "Stopping is for the weak..."

Finally we stopped completely and Emma walked up to Alex.

"Listen I understand that you're on a mission to save your daughter but I have to save my son Henry too. I am not going any farther until you tell us the plan to save both of them." Emma ordered.

"Save your son? Tink you never told me about another kid getting captured." Alex stated looking over at Tink who sat on a log trying to get her feet to relax. She shrugged.

"Well I guess I forgot. Sorry." She replied in a small voice. Alex sighed and turned back to Emma.

"How did your son get involved with Pan?" She asked simply.

"Pan took Henry and we are not sure what exactly he is planning to do with the boy." Regina said importantly. Just by the way she spoke you could tell she disliked Alex to the extreme. Alex seemed to sense it too because she eyed Regina for a moment as if she was an ugly bug and then turned to me.

"You said you were a lost boy at one point right Jack?" She asked me in a serious tone. I nodded quickly.

"Then tell me. Has Pan tried to make him a lost boy?" She asked. I nodded again. Alex's closed her eyes for a moment and sighed. I heard Tink in the background curse under her breathe. Emma realizing what was going started to say things about how Henry was a strong kid and that he would never lose hope but Alex just cut her short by holding up her hand.

"If it is true that Pan has tried to turn your son into a lost boy then the chance of saving him is very small, but not impossible. It always depends on how long he was there and where his real loyalties are." Alex informed the group. I saw Emma look slightly worried but Charming spoke next.

"So we can still save Henry then?" Alex nodded.

"I guess we are going to have to do this a different way now." Alex muttered annoyed.

"What's the plan?" Jill asked looking around. She seemed quite before but now hearing about a plan interested Jill, surprises there. Alex looked down for a moment then shook her head to herself and looked up at me.

"How is the camp set up?" She asked. I explained the basics of how the target trees were in one corner, the camp tree was on the opposite side, fire pit in the middle and weapon spot was next to the big tree to the upper right corner.

"What's on the upper left corner?" She asked as she grabbed a stick and drew a square box and started drawing the map.

"Well normally that's where Henry sits before he started dancing to the pipe. Otherwise it's just a blank spot on camp." I replied. Alex stopped what she was doing and looked up at me with horror.

"He can hear the music now?" She asked in a low tone. Emma and Regina looked at each other slightly confused at Alex's reaction. I just nodded. Alex shook her head.

"Well then that boy is screwed. No way can we save him now." She replied throwing the stick in the bushes by where she sat.

At her words the whole group burst out in loud voices that all had a resounding NO to the idea of abandoning Henry. Alex took one look at the explosion of angry conversations and then stood up and yelled.


Everyone went quiet and glared at Alex.

"Thank you." She replied, lowering her voice. "For a moment I actually thought you wanted to give Pan our whereabouts."

Under Regina's breathe she muttered "Like you did not just do that." Alex glared at her and walked over to her.

"Who are you supposed to be exactly?" Alex asked. Regina looked taken back by the blunt question but she straightened up and answered.

'I am Henry's mother." She replied in a proud voice. Alex looked at her with big eyes and looked at Emma for a moment and then back at Regina, and then back at Emma.

"So does that make you two... you know what never mind. " Then Alex turned away from Regina leaving Regina and Emma to go full cherry Red in the face and deny everything that Alex just hinted.

But Alex paid no attention. Instead she started looking at a particular tree and looked up at the branches above. She looked back at the group and noticed that the whole group broke into chaos again so she brought her fingers to her lips and let out a sharp whistle sound, shutting everyone up again.

"My God, you guys are a bunch of ninnies." She remarked. Jill caught my eye and she gave me an amused look that made me believe that she liked who this new Alex was.

Alex let go of the tree and walked forward toward the group.

"If you guys really want to try and save your precious son, and give him back to whoevers parents he belongs too.." Just then Neal, Emma and Regina raised their hands slightly in recognition which they then received by a look from Alex that read Family-Problems all over it making them both quickly put down their hands.

"As I was saying, we can try and save both Henry and Lottie. I have a plan." When she finished she smiled that made a few people look at each other worriedly but as for Jill and I we exchanged looks that pretty much said "This is going to be awesome".

A Few Hours Later....

I was in a tree. A very high and very very big tree. Alex was with me and so was Jill , Snow and Tink. The rest of the group preferred the ground . Emma and her group were on one side of the camp hidden in the bushes, spread throughout the camps outer ground.

Alex, Jill, Tink, Snow and I were one tree together waiting for Alex to give us directions on what to do. Alex stood on a higher branch then the rest of us so that she could see the whole camp. She was watching all the lost boys and in my mind I thought she was looking for patterns.

When I looked up at her I noticed that she was as far away from the base of the trunk of the tree as she could get on her tree branch and she had only one leg steadying her on the branch, the other leg was curled around the second leg for comfort reasons I guess. The small wind that hit us all on the tree brushed through her hair wisps leftover from when she asked Tinkerbelle to put braids in her hair.

Surprisingly she did not ask Tinkerbelle this until after she saw Regina all the way across the lost boy camp.

Finally Alex seemed to get all the information she needed and dropped from her branch and landed on her feet on the branch we all were resting on.

"You guys ready?" She asked. We nodded.

"Good. Here is what I want you all to do. Snow you stay in your tree for as long as you can and be are sniper while we go down on the ground. Jack, Jill, I want you both to follow me when we go down on the ground until I reach the big tree. Then just cause trouble for the lost boys. Tinkerbelle just have fun destructing anything that you think is Pan's. I mean if you see someone in trouble, help them but otherwise I think your free to have fun. We all nodded.

Alex then told Snow to tell the second group the plans by using motions with her hands that she learned with Charming. When Snow had finished messaging Charming, Alex told us to go into our own trees but before we moved Jill stopped Alex.

"Don't you need a weapon?" She asked sweetly.  Alex smiled and opened up her coat pocket, revealing a little over 15 throwing knives with deadly sharp points.

"No I think I am good, thanks though." She replied smiling as she saw Jill’s face whiten slightly as she saw the weapons.

After that we all jumped into our own tree and waited for Alex to make the first move. A crowed of lost boys started walking toward the trees talking about something involving Felix. I saw Alex clutch one of her knives in a tight fist and walk toward the end of her branch.

What was she doing? Was she going to jump off the branch? When the first of the group of lost boys walked right under her tree, Alex took one look at me and raised the hood of her coat, hiding her face and in my mind I thought she smiled and then fell forward and landed atop the now knocked out lost boy.

I cursed under my breath and jumped off the branch and landed next to one lost boy who I hit with the bud of sword knocking me out.

The rest of the lost boys in the clearing now noticing what was going on ran at us only to be stopped by the second group running right at them.

Alex called us to follow her and together we ran with her, knocking any lost boy who came at us.

It was surprising to see Alex hitting every target she aimed at and still keeping a fast speed as she did so. I was just having trouble not stumbling of any lost boys as I ran with Alex. All the lost boys who ran toward us would only see a flash of black from Alex and then they were out cold by either a flying knife, a sword or another sword... ouchie.

Finally we got to the base of the big tree and Alex grabbed one of her knives and stuck it on one of the roots of the tree. The door to the tree opened and she ran in leaving Jill and I to stand guard at the door.

It was easy at first. Jill took one side and I took the other. Jill was a very precise swordsmen while I was more of someone who just wanted to wave the sword around and hope that I knocked someone out while I did it. Great pair of fighters to guard the door.

But then time went by and Alex was still not back. It was already obvious that Henry was no longer in the clearing but what worried me now were Alex and Lottie.

"Where is she?" Jill called out to me, reading my mind.

"No clue. Let’s just wait a little longer and then we will go in and find her." I called back. Jill nodded in agreement as she continued to hit boys as they came at us.

At one point I caught a glimpse of her fighting and couldn't help but smile slightly. Her braids were flying through the wind as she moved with her sword and her face was set at the next boy who was coming for her. It was comforting to know that she was right by my side.

We fought for a short time later and I was just about to head into the big tree hideout when I heard Alex come up holding Lottie who was unconscious.

"Lets go!" She called out. "Where is Regina?" She called out. I pointed over to the right corner of the camp where I saw her putting a lost boy on fire with her magic.

With the quick moment of being unprepared one of the lost boys came up to me and with his knife skimmed me on my left arm. I made a noise but then quickly hit the boy hard atop the head knocking him out cold.

By the time I finished Regina and the rest of the group were running toward Alex and grabbed ahold of Regina.

"Everyone hold on tight!" She called out and then we were gone. When I opened my eyes again we were by a cave near the river.

"Who is that?" Regina yelled as she saw Alex drop the body in her arms. It was not Lottie.

"Oh you mean this pathetic piece of garbage?" Alex asked pointed down at the body. "That's Felix. We are going to have a quick little chat with him when he wakes up about where my daughter and your son are."

I looked down once again and this time I could kind of see the resemblance in the bloodied kids face and all I could think when I saw him was Oh boy was he going to have fun when he wakes up in front of Alex for this so called "Little Chat".


Well it's been awhile since I've written a fighting scene. Well actually it's been awhile since I've done a lot of things in the chapter, like just writing my favortie character Alex again.

Tell me how do you like Alex? Also what do you think she is planning for Felix?

I am already excited for the next chapter I think you all will like it :)

Until tomorrow :)

Lots of Love


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