Los Carnales

De ssweet-decadence

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Chapter 1: Hypocritical Sinners
Chapter 2: Arranged Kills, Arranged Date
Chapter 3: Are Those Firecrackers or Gun Shots?
Chapter 4: Eye For An Eye
Chapter 5: Change In Plans
Chapter 6: Penance
Chapter 7: The Perfect Set-Up
Chapter 8: What Is Loyalty?
Chapter 9: Practice To Deceive
Chapter 10: Stir The Fucking Pot
Chapter 11: Su Maldito Veneno
Chapter 12: Blood In, Blood Out
Chapter 13: Good Paperwork
Chapter 14: Sweet Tooth
Chapter 15: Candy Crush
Chapter 16: Divided
Chapter 17: Tough Love
Chapter 18: Aleesia vs. Candy
Chapter 19: The Only One Who Touches Me Is You
Chapter 20: Push Me, I'll Push Back
Chapter 22: Risk vs Reward
Chapter 23: Butterfly Effect
Chapter 24: Buena Suerte, Veneno
Chapter 25: Playing God
Chapter 26: Power
Chapter 27: Do Your Fucking Job!
Chapter 28: I Won't Set You Free
Chapter 29: Rome Wasn't Built In A Day
Chapter 30: A Different Path
Chapter 31: What Happens In A Riot...
Chapter 32: Feels Good To Be Back
Chapter 33: Competition
Chapter 34: No Second Chances
Chapter 35: Starting Over Again
Chapter 36: Do Me A Solid (part 1)
Chapter 37: Do Me A Solid (part 2)
Chapter 38: Can't Buy Loyalty, Can't Buy Respect
Chapter 39: Mayhem
Chapter 40: Stronger With You
Chapter 41: Displeasure
Chapter 42: Revenge Served Hot
Chapter 43: Can't Hide The Truth Forever
Chapter 44: Déjà Vu
Chapter 45: Fire & Water
Chapter 46: My Ghosts Are Gaining On Me
Chapter 47: Angelito Vuela
For Brasil

Chapter 21: Take Me In The Showers

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De ssweet-decadence

July 28th, 2006
Friday, 6:25am - South Bay Correctional Facility

Wake up at six, go to chow hall at seven, work from eight to three with lunch at twelve, yard time at three until time to return to designated cell block at four, dinner at five for thirty minutes, phone calls or specialised/religious programs from six to seven, showers in between, return to cell block at eight and remain there until lights out at eleven. That was everybody's schedule. What happened in between those hours wasn't usually anybody's business.

Lauren woke up a quarter to six almost every morning so she could get in the showers early without anybody joining the room and sexually harassing her because of her body. Sugar helped make that happen; CO Medina was the one to escort Lauren out of her cell to the showers, and she always waited outside without ever rushing Lauren to leave only because that landed her an added two hundred dollars to her paycheck. Today, she wasn't quick paced in the shower like she usually was. The gang leader was stuck and caught herself staring blankly while washing over the same body part for longer than two minutes. A couple of things were messing with her.

First, she was woken up with an extreme tightness and cramping in her abdomen that felt like what she imagined what being awake during her surgery would feel like. Lauren had a stomach ache that didn't look like it was going to go away anytime soon, so there was that to deal with. When she stepped underneath the weak faucet spraying cold water onto her pasty skin, chanclas protecting her feet from the filth and bacteria growing in the floors, Lauren checked her gunshot wounds for any bleeding or pus but found none. Thank God. But she couldn't help but feel like something was wrong internally. That'd fuck up her week for sure. Then it was Candy, Candy again, and more Candy.

By the passing second, the gang leader felt more and more emotionally volatile with disorderly thoughts that could throw her off her game at the wrong moment—or any moment for that matter. Being threatened, having serious blackmail on her, having to be stuck in the same place as Candy for a year and a half, and on top of that still feeling hurt over Candy shooting her fucked with Lauren beyond words could actually explain. There was no way the universe was this cruel. And she'd never admit it, but her heart still raced and her stomach still had the same butterflies it always did when in her presence. What did that even mean? Perhaps it was only anxiety and the bad kind of butterflies? She still hated her guts.

Rubbing her fingers over her eyes then raking them through her slicked back hair to rid of the conditioner, Lauren emitted a loud huff as the water streamed down her face and dripped off her nose and mouth. To wake herself up, she tilted her head back farther and let the cold hit her face like hail hit the ground. Every thought she had was still Candy. She saw her eyes, those curvy bee stung lips she once enjoyed kissing so much, she heard the arrogance and sweetness in her voice, every word she's ever uttered to Lauren—good and bad. But above all words?

"I am also yours, Lauren" and "I will always have control over you."

"Never," she impulsively whispered to herself.

Lauren turned off the shower, dried off, then completed the last of her morning bathroom routine: brushing her teeth, brushing out her hair, applying liner in front of a mirror you could hardly see your reflection in, and shaving parts of her that grew hair like a man. On the outside, she appeared normanl and unbothered. She had to be. Once she walked out that open door and joined the others, especially Candy, wearing and acting out her deepest chaotic emotions would only result in terrible things for herself and for those she loved.

Good thing she had those two junkies in her back pocket to do her dirty work. Trina and Aida were on their way to the showers alongside five other girls when Lauren grabbed and pulled both of them aside on her way out. CO Medina waited for Lauren but turned away, as Sugar taught her to mind her business whenever stops like this happened.

"Yo," she started, voice low. "You wanna do me a favour in exchange for two bags?"

"Two bags of what?" asked Trina, biting her nail.

"Of what we were lookin' for last night before you pushed and threatened us?" Aida reminded, not bothering to hide her resentment.

"Two bags of whatever the fuck you need so badly. Are you in or are you out?" Lauren urged through gritted teeth.

Aida and Trina exchanged looks and whispers before Trina folded her arms and nodded. Of course they'd say yes, they'd do anything for a high. "Two bags of heroin. Whaddaya need?"

"You know that new girl Candy?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I want you to sneak into her bunk later and fuck with her stuff. Take her toothbrush and stick it where the sun don't shine, dump her shampoo in the toilet, steal whatever you want, I don't care. I will know if you did it. If I ask CO Medina about it and she tells me she didn't see anyone lurking around a cell, fucking around, then it's no bags for either of you. Oíste?"

"What if we can't and that Llorona girl is around? We'd be dead before we could even get high," said Aida.

"She won't be. You two work in maintenance, they work in laundry. All you'll have to do is talk to Medina and she'll escort you to B block during work hours. Everybody gets paid, everybody wins," Lauren put on a tight smile.

"Fine. We're in for sure. I'll make sure to shit and not wipe my ass really good before the toothbrush goes in. She'll never know what hit her," Aida cackled and high fived Trina.

Lauren nearly retched and her face scrunched up in repulsion as she moved past them, not wanting to hear all the disgusting details.



After lining up and getting her tray of grits, stale bread, and a bruised banana, Candy carried on down the cafeteria ignoring the envious and unfriendly glares received from majority of the inmates there. She walked with her head held high and sat down next to her prison wife, Lorena "Llorona", who would protect her and assure nobody fucked with her in case Candy was caught slipping. Six girls seated on one table, five more seated at the table behind them. The typical breakfast routine for them was mostly to trade food items with each other, talk a lot of shit, and eventually discuss who was up to put in work. For every prison gang, every member was required to put in work or else they'd get beaten up and marked until the end of their sentence.

Prison politics existed in this prison, no doubt. Sugar and Lorena made sure of that.

"Oye, mamá," said Lorena to Candy, her laughter slowly dying down from something one of the girls had said. She nudged her arm then nodded her head in the direction of the line for food. Candy followed her gaze and became stuck. "Mira a la pinche chamaca. Do you plan on doing something with her today o no?" (Look at the fucking brat.)

"Looks like she's not eating this shit after all. Can't spit in her food or nothin' when you walk by," said Sapphira, noticing Lauren wince and hold her stomach, turning away from the kitchen line and sauntering to the microwave as Nova tossed her a cup of soup.

"She's supposed to be talking to me right now actually," said Candy, eyeing the gang leader that still paid her no mind. She thought she still looked sexy in the morning, that's why she couldn't help but bite her lip when Lauren turned around and leaned against the table with the microwave, observing the crowd with four fingers partially tucked in the front of her blue pants and tired emerald eyes observing the environment. "We're supposed to be making a deal that'd make her my bitch. I know exactly how to fuck with her."

"How, bitch?" asked Marlene, one of the seasoned inmates who was also a long time member of Estrabao Cartel.

"I can't tell you. Or any of you. It'd fuck everything up."

"Shit, now I really wanna know," said another girl, Diana, kissing her teeth.

"Candy, you still have to put in work that we know about. You already have your business with Lauren but a lot of us still think you need to prove yourself. Yeah, you're running EC with Luca but half these girls won't just follow anybody. Entiendes?" Lorena rubbed her forearm soothingly. Candy averted her eyes to her and smiled faintly.

"Sí, yo se. Piensa en algo para mí más tarde, I'll do it." (Yes, I know. Come up with something for me later, I'll do it.)

"Psst!" Hadalene waved at Candy eagerly, a broad grin plastered across her face. "Yo, can I ask you something about her?" The Cuban-Mexican hummed as a way of permitting her to proceed, not being able to use her words because she was currently working on forcing the appalling taste of grits down her throat. "I'm asking for everybody here, we all wanna know...does Lauren know how to use her...you know...?"

"Hadalene!" Lorena shouted, about to rip her a new one but Candy stopped her and motioned for her to calm down.

Candy's eyes went back to Lauren who was taking her cup of soup out of the microwave then wandered off to Sugar's table. From being asked the question and staring so hard at the gang leader, Candy crossed her legs as the flashbacks hit her one by one. And the more that came, the more intense the throbbing and the swelling in her stomach became. It's definitely possible to hate and want to murder someone yet want to jump their bones and ride them to the ends of the earth at the same time, right? You can still fuck them then go through with taking their life afterwards? Because ever since the dreams she's been having and watching Lauren with Aleesia last night, Candy has been going absolutely insane with lustrous desire and her conflicting emotions about Lauren.

"Ella no tiene el palo mágico, si eso es lo que estás preguntando," Candy dismissed with disdain, refocusing her gaze onto her tray. (She doesn't have the magic stick, if that's what you're asking.)

"Ay!" the girls shrieked, laughing at Lauren's apparent poor performance in bed. They all knew the story of how Candy fucked Lauren and made her fall in love for the sole purpose of betraying and shooting her, but they also assumed that Candy was at least having the time of her life doing it because she did it too often.

"Shit, I wish more girls in here were fucked up at birth and had dicks. That way I could close my eyes and pretend I'm fucking a man in this place," said Diana. "A mutant who doesn't know how to use what God accidentally gave her..." —she shook her head— "...what a shame. But at least you had the experience."

Marlene sighed. "I miss men."

"Speaking of, did yours write back to you yet?" asked Rosa, Marlene's best friend.

"I'll be back," said Candy, abruptly standing up and leaving her crew.

She travelled across the cafeteria to throw out her tray of food in the trash right by Sugar's table. When she glanced over her shoulder, she was met with a bunch of white girls grilling her like she invented cancer. Sugar was the only one smiling because she wasn't threatened or bothered by Candy. She never let anyone who was beneath her phase her or influence her moods unless they went out of their way to blatantly disrespect her. She also sensed that Candy was sort of afraid of her—like she was well aware that Sugar could sabotage her release date anytime she wanted or put a hit on her. Candy didn't want any beef with Sugar but she did want all the beef with Lauren. However, the LC leader kept treating her like she was invisible or non-existent.

"What the fuck are you looking at, cunt?!" Rogue confronted first. "Goodbyeee! Either you take your eyes off of me or I'll take them off of you."

"Mind your business, I wasn't looking at you," snapped Candy. "I'm looking at the bitch who's too pussy to acknowledge me."

Lauren's knee started bouncing under the table as she cracked her fists then folded her hands together by her mouth. She shook her head and stared at Sugar who stared back, squinting her hazel eyes with a smirk. Candy had to push her further if she was going to get her to talk.

"How's your stomach Lauren? Not feeling too well? You look like you're ready to end it all. I can help you out with that again, you know. Don't even need a gun this time."

Still nothing. The corner of Lauren's lips tugged into a smirk and the bouncing of her knee turned rapid. She winced from the pain again and blew out excessive air through her nose. Candy narrowed her eyes and provoked Lauren by inching closer to the table.

"You're the weakest bitch I know who keeps up a false front that she's fearless and takes shit from nobody. You're also the dumbest bitch I know. How you let pussy easily manipulate you and control the way you think and act?" she snickered. "I won't be surprised if Aleesia has the brains to do what I did and sh—"

"Keep my girl's name out your mouth," Lauren abruptly sprung to her feet and confronted Candy at last, sizing her up. Their chests bumped and their noses almost touched before Lauren shoved her back then invaded her space again. "Don't talk about my shawty, ever. Her name does not need to be in your mouth, and if you keep disrespecting her and I like that I will lay your ass out like the red carpet you think you came in on. Say something else, pendeja, go ahead."

"I will say something else. Remember I have the power to send you to an all male's prison with five or more added years to your sentence just like that if you don't do what I told you to do. Don't test me, Lauren," Candy reminded quietly, an undefeated smirk wide on her contraband strawberry red painted lips. "Nobody touches me, you don't kill me, and you don't get those private visits from Aleesia anymore."

Lauren chuckled and licked her lips. "Our sex has always driven you crazy, no? You could never stand it. And it makes you do stupid things after each time you find out we did it. Embarrassing," she sucked her teeth. "Believe me when I say you're making a huge mistake threatening me with this."

"Either we have a deal or you'll be gone in a day," Candy pushed more aggressively now. She didn't want to hear Lauren throw any of that in her face any longer. "In case you find the phone with the evidence here, thinking you can destroy it to assure your safety, I'll just let Dinah use my phone outside of here and show the evidence I backed up to whoever she needs to show it to. You will lose."

"Is that so?" Lauren stepped back, an idea just popping into her head.

"Yes. Now do we have a deal?"

"We do. But don't get too excited. You still don't own me. And the minute you start acting like you do after I do the three things you ask of me, the deal is off and I won't hesitate to go into your cell and shank you," Lauren took her seat again and clenched her jaw as her abdomen cramped and created sharp pains. She tightened her fist and bowed her head, almost losing it from how bad it continued to hurt. Sugar reached out to touch her arm, checking if she needed any help but Lauren quickly shook her head.

"Go back to your people. Whatever discussion you two were having is over. Move it," ordered Sugar to Candy.

The brunette simpered and sighed. "Pleasure doing business with you, Lo. Enjoy your breakfast."

After Candy left and sat back down with her crew, Lauren switched seats with one of the girls sitting next to Sugar then spoke lowly by her ear. "I'm making a request to see my brother today. Whether it's by force or intimidation, get him over here. I'll solve both of our problems now."


3:03pm - Club Calle Catorce, South Beach, Miami

The top floor where Los Carnales used to sell and pack drugs, count the money made and cut even shares, Estrabao Cartel now owned that floor and sat around private booths with curtains covering the tables. They did business with the curtains closed and opened them when all money was counted and all drugs were sold. At first, business for them was mediocre at best due to distributing in a hood dominantly owned by Los Carnales. Nobody wanted to buy from Estrabao Cartel because Los Carnales had eyes and ears everywhere; a customer betraying Los Carnales by buying off their rival gang meant leaving in a body bag. But since Los Carnales hasn't been selling anymore or buying from any of their allies in outer countries, everybody who needed drugs stopped worrying so much and ended up buying off of Estrabao Cartel despite the possibility of getting killed. They were making all of the money now, selling on every corner Los Carnales had abandoned.

Fifty grand per day. That's how much money was pooling in. Los Carnales and Sugar's crew settled for dollars most days and debt repayments whenever they could. It was rough in the streets for those two but Estrabao Cartel bathed in riches...riches that were going to be snatched eventually if they got too cocky and flashy. Money hungry people were never to be underestimated.

All the way at the back of the floor, the long booth with the ten foot table that Lauren once dominated, sat Luca with stacks of cash piling up after wrapping them with rubber bands. With a brooding glare and a dark cloud hanging over him, he pushed aside the cash and snatched an opaque bottle to refill his glass with halfway. Luca was drunk and unapproachable unless someone offered him more alcohol or good news. Ever since the dinner with his parents, his sister's homicide charge, her being tried as an adult and sentenced to three years that switched to one but two years of parole, he's been a nasty guy to be around. Luca was five times more vicious, cruel, merciless, and tended to get a lot more violent with his own people. Without his sister around, he couldn't function properly because he was worried sick 24/7 and didn't know how to feel okay not having her around all the time. So he drank and took it all out on everyone around him.

"Tommy Gun," Luca slurred, running his fingers through his brown curls and closing his fist around them. He trained his eyes down at the table and burped, feeling his head spin.

Tommy rose to his feet and side stepped down from where he sat all the way to the end of the booth. He punched his fist into his palm and braced himself in case Luca chewed him out again just because he felt like it. "What can I do for you, boss?"

"Here's ten thousand dollars, my friend. Put seven hundred on Karla's commissary every week but monitor it closely. Make sure nobody's taking anything from her," he tossed the stacks into a white bookbag then slid it across the table to him.

"All right, cool. You don't gotta worry about that," said Tommy, strapping the bookbag around his shoulders.

"Anything new on Los Carnales or the Cipriani family? I still don't trust their sudden silence or the fact that none of you have found anything on them."

"Afraid not, boss. They're really letting all that shit go. No new shipments, no secret dealings, no riding through our hoods to check out the spots or run up on anybody. Nothing. Most cats just chill at their park every other day but no dealings be happening there either."

"Bullshit. They gotta be making their money somehow," Luca growled, banging his hand on the table. "Don't trust those rats, not even for a second!"

"Hey, if something as little as a dime was coming in, Dinah would know about it. And she'd tell you; she has all the intel on Los Carnales, it's not even funny. But since they're dirt poor, there's nothing to report. They don't even got a supply to put out anyway," Tommy reassured him. He opened his mouth to speak again but hesitated. "Look, boss...you should be happy you're on top now. You're the one with all the power and control. It's good we ain't fighting with those fools right now."

"Tommy, if you don't speak some proper fucking English like I have the decency to not talk to you in Spanish, I will cut your throat open. You talk like that in the ghetto, but not to me," he gave a deathly warning with just one little squint in his glossy brown eyes. "Second, don't tell me what to fucking do or how I should fucking feel. Regardless of competition or not, Los Carnales is still our biggest rival and I will never let there be peace as long as they're in Miami."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you."

"Go get me Mariano. We're done talking," he flicked his wrist and waved him off, using his other hand to grab and down some of his tequila.

Tommy sighed after turning his back and distancing himself from his boss. Not wanting to stay in the club any longer, he got to the Japanese-Mexican who was taking his supply of drugs to sell, pointed him in the direction of Luca then he left to go take care of Candy amongst other things. Mariano quickly combed back his pompadour to make himself look cute, sprayed some mint in his mouth, then calmly walked toward Luca who frowned with the bottom part of his hands digging into his eyes. Because of their close relationship, Mariano squeezed into the booth and sat next to Luca with a hand placed on his knee beneath the table. Luca dropped his hands and sniffled, feeling his heart race from fear of them being seem but also because that was just the affect Mariano had on Luca.

"Qué pasó, patrón?" he asked soothingly, the sound of the music from the speakers all around the club automatically tuned out from their ears. (What happened, boss?)

"Necesito una actualización sobre Lauren y Candy. Llorona también. La tripulación ya la encontró y la están respetando?" he shifted his head to meet his honey brown eyes and felt at ease for the first time today. (I need an update on Lauren and Candy. Llorona as well. Did the crew already find her and are they respecting her?)

"Sí, claro que sí. Lorena se puso en contacto con ella de inmediato y CO Castro es quien se asegurará de que los otros oficiales y reclusos no jodan con Candy. Candy está bien protegida. Castro dice que tu hermana no está preocupada ni tiene miedo." (Yes, of course. Lorena got in touch with her immediately and CO Castro is the one who will make sure that the other officers and inmates don't fuck with Candy. Candy is well protected. Castro says your sister is not worried or afraid.)

"Bueno. Gracias, Mariano," Luca said with a heavy sigh, his breath reeking of alcohol. He placed his hand over Mariano's and held it, rubbing the pad of his thumb up and down the sides. They weren't together romantically yet, but they were aware of each other's sexuality and admitted to having a crush. Mariano was very interested in Luca and only Luca, Luca was interested in Mariano but only because he reminded him so much of Santiago. "Do you want to take a ride somewhere?" (Good. Thanks, Mariano.)

"You mean..." Mariano didn't wanna finish the sentence because saying it out loud felt too dirty and brought him shame.

"Un paseo y un masaje. En algún lugar privado," he confirmed. "Realmente necesito relajarme de nuevo." (A ride and a massage. Somewhere private. I really need to relax again.)

"Órale. Vamos."

When they left the club together and hopped in Luca's blue Pontiac Firebird, they missed Alessandro Scaletta standing at the parking lot's corner with his foot against the creamy cement wall and his hand lifting a lit cigarette to his lips, blowing out the smoke carelessly. Luca was too drunk to notice or care about the smell of smoke, Mariano was too concerned with their task at hand. When the car started, Scaletta already had Sugar on the phone with him as he raised the small device to his ear.

"Che schifo," he sneered as he tossed his cigarette then twisted his toe on the bud to put it out. "Paulie vide tuo fratello e Mariano seduti comodamente insieme, sembrava che stessero flirtando. Now they are leaving together in a hurry. Immaginalo...your brother, a faggot." (How disgusting. Paulie saw your brother and Mariano sitting comfortably together, it seemed like they were flirting. Imagine that...)

"Fare attenzione a non fare ipotesi. Non lo sai per certo," said Sugar skeptically. (Be careful not to make assumptions. You don't know for sure.)

"Li seguirò per essere sicuro. Luca è molto vulnerabile in questo momento. Vuoi che faccia qualcosa con lui?" Scaletta got into his beige '06 BMW, taking his time with following them as he didn't want to be seen. (I will follow them to be sure. Luca is very vulnerable right now. Do you want me to do something with him?)

"No. Seguili e basta. Raccogli quante più informazioni possibili su di loro. Non ferirli ancora. Capisce?" (No. Just follow them. Collect as much information about them as possible. Don't hurt them yet. Understand?)

"Io capisco, amore." (I understand, love.)


6:57pm - South Bay Correctional Facility

"Take your classes, mami. I want you to be on top of that shit. Study as much as you can, spend all day in the library, do what you gotta do to be the best and ahead of everybody. I believe in you," Lauren cooed over the prison telephone with a genuine sunlit smile. She leaned against the wall, facing toward every inmate who was waiting in line to use one of the four occupied phones. She switched ears and sighed dreamily, fantasising about the bright future Aleesia wanted. "Imagine that. My baby a registered nurse, helping people and shit. I'm super excited for you!"

"Gracias, mi amor. And I will, I have all this free time now before classes start soon. Jhene and this boy Ricky is gonna be joining me, they wanna—"

"Ricky? Quien es Ricky?" her eyebrows snapped together and her smile dropped.

"Jhene's friend. He don't roll with LC or nothing but he's cool. But judging by the tone of your voice, I'd say you're not cool with me chillin with someone you don't know."

"Así es. Pero no, I won't get crazy. As long as he doesn't have a thing for you or anything, it's okay. You let me know." (That's right.)

"Speaking of...how are things with Candy so far?" Aleesia was reluctant to ask only 'cause she couldn't help but feel scared of knowing the answer each time she'd ask that question.

There it was. Lauren scratched an itch on her face and put off answering. She went silent and leant back against the white graffiti stained brick wall, tossing her head back as she covered the phone receiver with the palm of her hand. "Mierda," she whispered, looking toward the spotted cracked ceiling. Lauren put the phone back to her ear and appeared contrite as she sheepishly said, "Baby, we can't have our Thursday's together anymore. No more visits like that." (Shit.)

Silence. Then an ironic laugh before Aleesia drew in a deep breath and sighed dramatically. "Why am I not surprised? Candy shows up and all of a sudden you can't see me anymore."

"Huh? No—baby, no, it's not like that. I wanna see you but—"

"But what? What's the excuse? You made up with the bitch and wanna fuck her in peace without me having to see that guilty ass look on your face while you're fucking me?"

"Cállate, Aleesia!" Lauren shouted, earning curious stares from her fellow inmates who were all of a sudden interested in her conversation. "Basta de paranoia. No estoy haciendo nada con Candy, ya ni siquiera pienso en ella de esa manera. Así que deja de hacer suposiciones y solo escúchame. Oíste?!" (Shut up, Aleesia! Enough with the paranoia. I am not doing anything with Candy, I don't even think of her that way anymore. So stop making assumptions and just listen to me. Do you hear me?!)

"Es un poco difícil no cuando estás gritando a mí," Aleesia retorted. "You don't have to raise your voice at me ever." (It's a little hard not to when you're yelling at me.)

"Lo siento," breathed Lauren with frustration. She squeezed her eyes shut before opening them and facing the wall, picking at the peeling dried paint. "I'm just having a really rough day. I barely ate because I'm having stomach problems, the meds that the shitty doctor they have here prescribed me is making me feel even more sick, and above all else Candy is the one who is blackmailing me with pictures of us in the greenhouse together. She said if I continue seeing you, she'll send all that she has to the right people and I'll get transferred to a men's prison with five or more years added to my sentence. I'm only agreeing because I wanna be with you so badly and don't wanna risk fucking that up. But it won't be for long, she won't get away with this. I have a plan."

"Oh...okay. First of all, I'm sorry that you're having a bad day. I wish you were here with me so you can start having good ones. Please stay on top of your stomach, make sure nothing serious is going on and pray it's just part of the healing process. Please. But seriously, she really did that?"

"She's fucking. crazy. Yes, she did that."

"Unbelievable. That bitch is lucky she had a gun on her that day, I swear to God. I would've ended her shit. Who the fuck does she think she is?? Like, actually though? Funny how she rejects you and only wants you when I have you, and will do anything to get you. What you ever saw in her? I don't know—"

"Un momento, mami," Lauren silenced her girlfriend and held the phone to her chest as she looked out at the commotion unfolding from the back of the line. Candy, Lorena, and Marlene rolled up on the two junkies Lauren rewarded during yard time.

It was like watching an entirely new person. Candy shoved Aida against the wall while Lorena grabbed the neck of Trina's shirt, pulling her toward her. All girls started yelling and making threats, their booming voices echoing throughout the hall. They weren't the only loud ones; some of the inmates got riled up from the potential fight while the ones at phone yelled for them to be quiet because they couldn't hear.

"I know you went through my stuff! You fucked with my toiletries and stole the snacks that were gifted to me, and now I don't have anything to wash myself with or my hair! NOW, I'm stuck eating the disgusting slop on my tray every fucking day until canteen! If there's one rule you don't fucking break, it's you don't touch other people's stuff!!" Candy screamed in her face. "I'm nobody's bitch in here, I'm not gonna allow anyone to disrespect me like that. Give me all your shit now. You don't need it, entonces dame!"

"I never took your shit, bitch, get off!"

"Oh no? You sure about that?"


"Oye, tú!" Lorena threw Trina aside, forcing her body to slide across the floor. She gently moved Candy out of the way so she could deal with Aida. First, she slapped her then made demands. "You're gonna give all of your shit up and you're gonna stop lying and disrespecting my woman. Todayyy, perra, ahora mismo! Y si no, iré por ti cuando se apaguen las luces." (Right now! And if not, I'll come for you when the lights go out.)

"Bitch, you ain't gonna do—"

Lorena was about to give Aida her famous beat down that earned her the nickname "Llorona" but Castro quickly interfered and so did CO Davis. CO Castro grabbed Lorena and pushed her back, CO Davis removed Candy and gave all of them shots. More yelling ensued, Lorena and Trina kept trying to throw punches over the COs shoulders while Candy tied her hair in a ponytail and continued to threaten Aida. Sugar made an appearance and sauntered down the hall, moving swiftly around the fighting while studying the predicament at the same time. She shook her head but chuckled with amusement and stopped right at the front of the waiting line. Her and Lauren shared the same look and snickered, knowing damn well the gang leader was the cause of this mess.

"Estrabao, you now have a spot in anger management. So do you, Sandoval," CO Davis wrote their names down on her notepad so she wouldn't forget about their new group placement.

"Douglas and Monet, I'm taking you to SHU," said CO Castro with strong authority. Lorena was supposed to be taken to SHU for laying hands on two fellow inmates, but he was on her side and would get in serious trouble with Estrabao Cartel for mistreating a member like that.

"What?! But she—"


Great. Lauren couldn't even go to anger management to let off steam in a safe space anymore. She rolled her eyes and got back on the phone. "Sorry, I'm back."

"What the hell happened?"

"The usual. Some inmates got into a fight over petty shit," Lauren caught Sugar's eye again and was told to get off the phone because she needed her. "Baby, I have to go now. Tell the crew I said hi, and make sure you see Scaletta sometime. I made some money in here for you so you eat well out there and buy yourself something nice."

"I will. And thank you, baby. I'll return the favour."

"You don't have to. Te amo."

"I love you more. Take care of yourself, please."

"I'll try. Bye."

"About time, Jauregui," said Sugar when Lauren met up with her. She motioned down the hall and had CO Signorelli escort them both to where they needed to go. "Your brother is here. Didn't need to force him or anything but he is scared of what you might say. And he is scared of me, even more now because I had a sit down with him first and let him get to know me."

"Good. He should be. Because I'm gonna need a real good motherfucking explanation for why he fucked me over the way he did."


"I didn't have a choice."

Inside one of the dark security rooms with lit up camera screens, Chris hung his head with great shame and had the audacity to give Lauren a less deserving answer that'd make things worse for him. It was just them two in there, sitting across from one another on worn down leather swivel chairs, the atmosphere heavy and filled with tension thick enough to be cut by a knife. Lauren demanded answers but Chris was too remorseful and too fearful to give it to her straight. He knew Lauren more than anyone. He grew up with the girl. And he knew that Lauren would never hesitate to let her anger get the best of her and take out somebody who has wronged her—those close to her were no exception, not even blood.

The green eyed girl pushed her body forward and leaned in with clasped hands dangling between her spread legs, canting her head and swallowing him whole with an ominous glare. Chris made a cheap attempt to show respect and look his little sister in the eye but failed miserably. Lauren's nostrils flared as she began to tap her knuckles with her index finger to keep herself from lunging forward and gauging his eyes out.

"You didn't have a choice?" she repeated grimly. "You're gonna give me that? Really, Christopher?"

"Lauren, you were out of control. I didn't know how to stop you or make you see reason, you didn't listen to me. You didn't want to listen to me. I didn't know how else to help you or keep you safe—I was stuck! So I made a plan with Dinah that'd help calm things down so that nobody has to keep dying over personal beef you have with Luca. And I hate the way it played out, I had no idea you'd get shot, I was trying to get you on the inside before something like that could even happen! I was looking out for—"

"Don't give me that shit, Christopher. No me digas mentiras! You were being fucking selfish and you wanted me out so you could have all of the fucking control, you cocksucking prick! And for what? Huh?? To sell Los Carnales out and have our own fucking arrested, too?! Do you think I'm stupid or something?!" barked Lauren. "You don't realise how this all fucking looks?!!"

"I know—I—por el amor de Dios, Lauren, I know how it all sounds! But you have to believe me, I truly had no idea what was really going on until weeks ago!" Chris stammered, desparate for his sister to listen to him and see through the smoke and mirrors. "Dinah is an undercover cop, okay? I didn't know that at the time I was setting you up to get arrested. I was trying to figure out a way to stop the violence for a while but continue making deals and making money so that everybody eats. But then you got involved with Sugar and apparently Dinah got word of the new alliance, so she threatened me. She told me that Los Carnales working with the Ciprianis would fuck up her entire mission to destroy both Estrabao Cartel and Los Carnales, and to put an end to all gang activity poisoning the streets of Miami-Dade. And if I didn't want to get put away with life in prison, I'd help her take apart Los Carnales and sabotage your partnership with Sugar. She said she'd let me go free if I turned everybody in little by little."

"And you were going to? That's exactly what you were going to do, go out as a pussy? Live as a snitch and betray family like that? The people who were ready to lay their life down for you anytime you asked them to?" Lauren chuckled humourlessly and damn near bitch slapped her brother senseless. She made a move to, and he flinched, but she stopped herself and sat back in her chair. "That's my gang, you son of a bitch. They don't deserve to go out and pay for your fucked up mistakes. That's on YOU, hermano, NOBODY ELSE. Ariel, Emiliano, Normani, Jhene, Aleesia, Lucia—"

"She's pregnant. We found out the other week," he confessed loudly. The room fell silent again and Lauren stared with shock. Now she was conflicted. Chris released a shaky breath and pressed his lips together, his eyes watery and expressing great sorrow as they locked onto Lauren's puzzled ones. "I was still hesitant and iffy on fucking you and the crew over like that, but finding out I was going to be a father changed all that for me. Lo siento mucho, hermana, pero no puedo—I couldn't choose Los Carnales over my own woman and unborn kid. I will not spend life in prison and miss out on being a father. Please try to understand. You'd do the same thing if you were in my position. Anyone would. But I'm truly sorr—"

"Ya basta. Basta," Lauren threw her hand up, silencing him once more. She needed to think for a minute. (Enough already. Enough.)

With both hands covering her face, Lauren rubbed her eyes and clenched her jaw multiple times, furious with the current circumstances and even more enraged by the sickening amount of people she was good to but ended up betraying her. She was beyond through with trusting others at this point; anyone looking to be trusted by Lauren Jauregui just missed the last train in the universe. With an exhausted sigh, Lauren tossed her head then stood upright. She towered over her brother with features no longer hardened and swallowed dryly.

"You're right. I would've done the same thing. I understand. Being present as a father is more important than being incarcerated as a sacrifice for the gang. No kid deserves a single parent or even no parents at all...because if you or Lucia had made the decision to stick around, the both of you would eventually get killed. Esa es la manera como es. In this life, quien sabe?" Lauren paused and grit her teeth. She shut her eyes and grabbed hold of her brother's broad shoulders then stared deep into his soul. "I'll have Dinah's head soon. That's a promise I can keep. You won't end up in prison or dead, and you're especially lucky death is no longer an option for you considering your betrayal cuts deep. I will spare you this time. You and Lucia will leave the state and go some place far away from here where gang activity is scarce, and you will stay there and be there for your kid." (That's the way it is. Who knows?)

"Thank you, Laur—"

"But not without undoing the damages you've done first. You're gonna tell Dinah that you're done for good, that Los Carnales is through, get rid of all the evidence she has on us and Sugar, and you're gonna do me a huge fucking favour and get Candy's cell phone from her. You're gonna bring it straight here and give it to me, don't ask questions. And if you fail, I will leave it up to Sugar to do what I will not do after knowing what I now know. Entiendes lo que te digo y estás dispuesto a correr ese riesgo por mí?" (Do you understand what I'm telling you and are you willing to make that risk for me?)

Chris gulped with bushy eyebrows slanted at an upwards angle. Although he was panicking and doubting himself, he did best not to show it. He fixed his face but looked away and nodded slowly. "I will do whatever it takes. Te prometo. I won't let you down this time." (I promise you.)

"Damn right you won't. Or ever again. Ya no puedo confiar en ti, hermano. Después de que te vayas de aquí, no me volverás a ver. La familia no significa nada para mí a menos que esté seguro de que puedo confiar y contar con una persona a la que llamo mi familia. And it breaks my heart because you were all that I really had left in the family," her voice faltered. She cleared her throat after sharing a moment of silence and letting her words sink in, then said with disdain, "We're done here." Lauren turned her back and reached for the door nearby where Officer Signorelli waited outside it. (I can't trust you anymore, brother. After you leave here, you won't see me again. Family doesn't mean anything to me unless I'm sure I can trust and count on a person I call my family.)

"Lo, please don't turn away. Don't say things like that. I fucked up, ya lo se. But I swear on mamá y papá's grave, I will never go against you again. You don't know the depths of my regret—how sorry I am—Lauren, por favor, we CAN'T split up and never see each other again no matter what. It can't—"

"You may go now," she held open the door and let Signorelli in to escort Chris out. Lauren ignored his constant pleas and remained strong without looking back or reconsidering. Some choices hurt to make but are necessary to ensure your safety and survival. Lauren didn't feel as though she'd regret making this one. And at least this meeting didn't have to end with her killing him.

CO Ealy took it from there and escorted Lauren back to her cell block. Since everybody had already showered, Lauren made a request for it to be her turn now and get escorted to the showers by CO Medina instead of a man. She ignored her customers looking to buy drugs or cigarettes and contraband lighters, ignored Candy's crew eyeballing her everywhere she moved, and didn't even notice that Candy herself was missing. All Lauren wanted to do was have a nice shower, gather her thoughts, and call it an early night with no further confrontation or inconveniences.

Ending her day exactly the way it started, all alone in the showers, at war with herself and nobody else. Lauren let the cold water fall on her skin to wash away all that she has carried on her today. She scrubbed the dirt off her skin, washed her hair, scrubbed her face, she cleaned everywhere but didn't leave although she was done. Lauren lingered and stared absently at the open stall across from her, her hand finding its way to loosely wrap around her member. She closed her eyes and made a motion to jerk off but was startled by the sound of giggling and a shower faucet turning on three stalls down across from her.

Fantastic. Exactly what she needed: a disturbance from childish inmates who had to enter the showers right as she was—wait a minute, hasn't all of the ladies showered yet? No way would a CO let somebody have the privilege of showering solo unless...

Lauren turned off her water and stayed alert. She took her towel and wrapped it around her waist, covering the part she wasn't comfortable with anyone other than Aleesia seeing. In slow quiet steps, Lauren walked across the wet tiles and neared the stall occupied by two people. How she knew that? Two pairs of feet were facing each other and one kept shushing the other who couldn't stop giggling. Lauren's initial intention was to snap and tell the girls to beat it until a voice spoke up after releasing a soft high pitched moan:

"Dios mío, Lorena."

Candy continued to moan and Lauren continued sneaking her way down the path. Her jaw locked and her lips drew back in a disgusted snarl. Her heart pounded against her chest, her stomach dropped and swelled, her neck tightened and a baseball sized lump formed in her throat. This sort of reaction would have happened months ago, so she wasn't sure why it was happening now...why she felt all kinds of way from listening to Candy moan because of somebody else. The icing on the cake was when Lauren froze right in front of the stall and met Candy's sinister brown eyes. Her mouth hung open as she moaned in pleasure, one leg dangling over Lorena's shoulder and Lorena on her knees with her lips attached to Candy's sex. She fisted Lorena's brown and blonde highlighted hair, rolling her hips into her mouth while smirking at Lauren—sort of like payback for when Lauren smirked at her after she caught Aleesia on her knees sucking Lauren dry.

"Nobody's ever made me feel this good before," Candy pushed it, selling an act that Lauren so easily bought.

Because Lauren was too caught up with what was going on in that stall, suffering internally with wounds she thought were completely closed, she failed to realise there were about four other girls waiting behind her in the other stalls. No time to react now, they took advantage and rushed in, beating Lauren to the ground so Candy could have her turn doing whatever the hell she wanted to the gang leader.


Check out my 90s Camren fic if you haven't yet. Thanksss. It's called Nevermind.

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