A LunaTic and Her Gunn

By R3b3lgrrrrrrl

186K 4.5K 1.7K

There once was a girl Who took Colson's picture But Then she ran away She didn't pop Back up Until His 29th B... More

The Girl in the Cheetah Print Coat
Backseat Truths
🎶Wonderful Tonight🎶
"I'm all in."
House Calls
"What'll it be Jack; five or a nine?"
Birth of a Backstage Ritual
Cut 'Em
A LunaTic and Her MAGICAL Tea Party
Fears; Casie & Large Jars
Fucking Mr. Baker
And to Cleveland She Goes...
Chicken Alfredo
Love, Sex, Fights & International Flights
Seoul? WHAT!?!
"Welcome Home."
🎶It's Kismet, Ain't It🎶
A Hippie, A Punk & An Alien
Work Hard to Play Harder
🎶Roll Me Up & Smoke Me, Love🎶
"Fuck me. Don't fight me."
Whole Lotta Help For Her Friends
"What did I do??"
A Little Hate•Fucking Never Hurt No One
Hades & Persephone
🎶Scared Is What You Should Be🎶
"Just listen, remember."
"I've GOT YOU. Forever. Locked."
That Fucking Jacket
MY Girl
"This dumbass... "
Bloody Mouths & Lost Teeth
Murder Motel
Rockingham, NC
Hangen' with the Locals
Brunch with Friends
Don't Talk Shit Around Nix
🎶Viva Las Vegas🎶
A Bullet with Butterfly Wings
Raising Serotonin Levels
Hey, Montgomery!! Hey!!
You GOTTA Fight for Your Rights
Bleta Got Balls
Revenge of a LunaTic
🎶The Boulevard Is Not That Bad🎶
Chats, Flights & Late Night Delights
Looney Tunes & CasieDilla
Helluva Night
Off to the Races
Here, There, Everywhere
Promos, Sass & Tapping THAT Ass
"Of ALL the Gin Joints... "
The Queens of Dirty Secrets
Chain Smoking, Hard Drinking Woman
Making Up Isn't Hard To Do
Saturday Night
Cheers, Beers & Unexpected Tears
Freak Outs on a Sunday
🎶I'm Scared🎶
Colson Smash, Lunatic Attack, Casie Love; Such a Sweet, Fucked up Mash.
The Gangs All Here
DAY 1: Cincinnati
Detroit Wasn't Ready
Pittsburgh Proposals
Always on the Move
Philly, Dilly... The Day of Dude Fuck•A•Tillary
The Aftermath
🎀A Spy at the Watergate🎀
Burning Memories in Massachusetts
Coming Home
Ex's & Broken Bones
Bridge Parties & Strippers
Snoozing Through Sayreville
14 Hours
Day 12: Chicago
XX Marks His Spot
Bad Kids
Dangerous But Sweet
Learning to Lock the Door
Father's Day; On The Road
Colson's Day Off
"We'll take it!!"
It's All Coming Together
Sweet Everythings
Met Some Friends at A Rock Show
Long Rides, Legal Troubles & LOVE
Ring Around The Ruby
Shows in Different Country Codes
Day 26: Seattle and Old Side Chicks
Pinky Promise
Late Nights & Lazy Days
That Fucking Doorframe
The Calm After Their Storm
A Good 'ol Brooklyn Break In
Welcome to The Hotel Diablo
Charming... Isn't He?
"This isn't my fault."
Sliding Safely Back Home
Things That Real People Do
"Suck my metaphysical DICK!"
True Intentions
Baby Girl
Internet Thangs
Because I suck.

🎶CRASH Into Me, Baby🎶

1.3K 34 26
By R3b3lgrrrrrrl


They're all wasted, heading across the back parking lot from The ShowBox to The Bus. Talking and laughing loudly about the night's show and events as they unsteadily bump into each other along the way.

"Yo... How many missing teeth and broken noses you think LunaTic's racked up by now?" Slim asks with a deep, amused laugh in the slight distance.

"More than your pussy ass!" Colson counters with his own laugh as he walks with Luna under his arm.

"Hey!" Luna says as she jams her elbow into the side of his ribs. "I thought I taught you THAT word is a compliment NOT a fucking insult."

"Fine." He sighs with a smile as he kisses her head. "You a BitchBITCH." He laughs over his shoulder.

Slim comes running up from behind them, smacking Colson on the back of the head. With that, he's off. Chasing after his bestfriend as they slap box the rest of the way to The Bus.

"I had 'chu." Sam slurs as her arm replaces Colson's around Luna's shoulders. "I may be fucked up... But I HAD 'chu." Sam asserts.

"I know." Luna chuckles lightly as she leans her head against Sam's.

Luna has just over a handful of bestfriends. Six to be exact; Ashley, Sam, Nikki, Frannie, Paris and Billie. Each holding their own spot in her soul and different pieces of her life and heart in their hands. Somehow all melding together for her in different ways. As friends do.


❇Sam and Luna have their own unique story of how they became bestfriends. It might've been because they grew up side by side through most of NYC's public school system. It could've been because they both have unfiltered opinions that they stand up for. But... It is actually because Sam is one of the very few people who truly and physically have Luna's back at all times. First becoming friendly while they were Math Partners in Mrs. Stein's 6th grade advanced class, they had hit it off right away. Both falsely judging the other on their cunt like personas beforehand to only find each other to be hilarious. Always one to get on but never to be taken advantage of, Luna had snapped at a house party one night. Calling a Dude out on his bullshit when he tried to short her on an ounce of weed. Knowing Luna's capabilities in math, Sam's ears had perked up. Making her way towards Luna, she watched as she had shoved the Dude, telling him she was an eighth short and that she WANTED her FUCKING 3.5 GRAMS. Making the wrong decision, the Dude had shoved Luna back. HARD. So hard he had thrown her off balance, making her stumble against a wall; sending her sliding down to the floor in disbelief before she could catch herself. Sam watched the whole scene as she headed towards Luna, unaware of the loud crowd moving with her. On the floor with the Dude approaching her, Luna had seen Sam make her way to the forefront. It was as if their brains had functioned on the same mathematical equation. Luna kicked out Dude's right knee cap as he came closer to her, making him double over to clutch it in pain. This gave Sam the perfect angle for a solid hit to the left side of his face. She had nailed it, making blood fly. His jaw cocked like a cartoon character's to Luna's laughing delight as she caught Sam's eye. Both pleased with one another as their combined efforts made the Dude fall to the ground with his injuries. Not caring about the Dude or the crowd, Luna continued to laugh until she lost Sam's eyes as the OH MY GODs and ARE YOU OKAYs along with other hollow concerns swallowed her. Laughing again with a shrug as the Dude's pockets were ran and spread around, Luna collected her missing eighth and a little extra before he was physically thrown out. Grabbing the bud, Luna broke through the frauds, going on to immediately find and link arms with Sam. Scooping up four Smirnoff Ices for the two of them, Luna pulled Sam onto the fire escape to thank her and get high. Burning together for the first time, the two live wires binded together easily with The City's noise. Creating an almost jellyfish like string between their beings with it only growing thicker and more deadly through the currents of life.❇


Baze catches up with them along Sam's other side. Tossing his arm around Sam's shoulders as Luna lightly holds her waist.

"When she hit you, I was sure I was gonna to kill that cunt, Loons." Sam shakes her head as she asks out loud. "Why don't people fucking KNOOOWW by NOOWWW??" She slurs her last words again with a shout. "Ya nevah fuuuch wit a LunaTic!"

"Or a Sammy BamBam... " Baze chimes in with a chuckle.

Both Girls perk up, looking over at him. Their stares so intense, they make him slightly uncomfortable.

"I LIKE IT." Luna declares. "Why the FUCK didn't we think of that ONE before?"

Sam is less subdued. Breaking free from them, she skips drunkenly ahead shouting out MOTHERFUCKIN' SAMMY BAM BAM while throwing her fists in the air triumphantly like Rocky Balboa. Laughing, Luna tells Baze to get his girl. His eager grin says everything as he takes off after Luna's bestfriend. Filling her heart completely.

"Hey." Ashleigh comes up beside Luna as Baze jogs after Sam. Lacing her fingers inside Luna's, she's a bit more sober than the rest; having stopped drinking when all hell had broken loose between Luna and Nicolette. "She signed a legit NDA... Monica emailed me a copy on Saturday and I printed off like three thousand of them suckers." She tells Luna with a pleased giggle. "Bullet made sure that anyone who made it through VIP tonight signed."

Before Luna can ask, Ashleigh reassures her that she already double checked Nicolette was in the pile. Lifting her arm, she uses her thumb to quickly flip through the stack, showcasing the records to her. Luna let's out a relieved sigh. Not that she's worried about her actions but the NDA allows her to move in the ways she needs and likes to; especially when some dumbass thinks she's tough.

"You da best, baaaaby!!" Luna laughs again as she kisses Ashleigh's cheek and her elbow clutches her neck in pure gratitude.

Beaming, Ashleigh absolutely LOVES Luna. Weirdly enough, she thoroughly enjoys her praises too. Knowing Luna never bullshits, there's an overwhelming sense of pride whenever she impresses her by simply being herself. It's a well known fact that glitz and gold will never matter to the rebel the way integrity and truth do. Ashleigh holding those cards as a complete hand.

Loud and obnoxious as usual, the group of them make their way onto The Bus. Burning and drinking as bud smoke floats around them. Luna pops on Stadium Arcadium. Most of them groove while shouting together.

🎼She's a lover
And a fighter
Should've seen it coming
When I got a little brighter
With a name like
Daaani Californiaa
Day was gonna come
When I was gonna
Mourn yaaa
A little loaded
She was steealing
Another breath
I love my baabbyy to deeeath🎶

Colson knows no bounds as he paws at Luna. Holding her hips and grabbing her tits while she drunkenly jumps with him and wiggles around with her arms in the air. Not minding his man handling at all.

Rest in peeeace
Siiimultaaaneoous reeelease
Show yooour teeeeeth
She's my priestess
I'm your prieeeeessst

By time the chorus hits, EVERYONE is up and mashing around. Music truly knowing no bounds. Just like Colson.

There's a FUCK TON of them. Let's count... Luna and Colson. Ashleigh, Slim, Rook. AJ, Baze and Sam. Benny, Dom, Ashley and even fucking BULLET is onboard with their dance party. Bashing into each other as they lunge off of whatever and WHOEVER while having the time of their lives. They continue to pour drinks, light blunts and sing over top of each other. All of them laughing and wrestling along the way.

Colson takes Benny on as Ashley slams into them both, knocking all three into Luna, Sam and Rook. This causes a six people pile up, spilling all over The Bus. A random elbow catches Slim in the back, causing him to jump in now. Baze hops in as Sam's personal shield. AJ, Ashleigh and Bullet watching from one couch as Dom flops on top of their ridiculous dog pile from the other. Squashing them together as they play fight and squirm. An intoxicated Luna finally breaking free. Climbing onto Ashleigh and Bullet's laps as she tries to make them victims of the DrunkO'Pocalypse. The Other's are about to attack the four of them just as The Bus begins to rumble and The Driver calls WHEELS UP causing Ashley to pop up quickly.

"WAIT!!! WE CAN'T GO!!" She shouts.

Holding the driver for her and Dom's Uber, they laugh and continue to occasionally hit each other for the next 15mins. Exchanging LOVE and GoodByes, they head off The Bus with promises of seeing each other soon.

As they drive off, The Bus shakes as it signals it's own take off. They're on a 4hr ride to Portland. Which wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't a random Meet&Greet at 11A. Thank You, Sean. Still laughing and fucking with each other, they kick on All Eyez On Me. Getting philosophical and political as they toss cards and pass joints. Agreeing that there is no originality these days. Everything is regurgitated off of something else; no matter how clever anyone thinks they are.


"Hiiii." Luna giggles as Colson sucks on her neck.

"Hey." He greets her mouth with a smile.

"I missed yooou." She purrs as he pulls her shorts off for the second time tonight.

Sitting up Luna slips off her tiny top as Colson buries his I missed yous into her tits. Gripping her ribcage tightly as he sucks and bites on the metal pieces threaded through her nipples.

"Take your fucking pants off." Luna demands as she unbuckles his belt.

Colson pulls them off happily with his strong dick staring at it's target. Lowering himself on top of her, he mummers how he hates when she goes while kissing her sweetly on the mouth as Luna guides him into her. An AHHHH FUUCK escapes between their lips as Colson works himself into Luna. Taking his time as he pumps himself into her tight walls. Finding their rhythm, they drunkenly fuck each other. Luna jutting her hips up as she grabs Colson's bare ass. Forcing him deeper inside of her.

With one leg thrown around his waist and the other locked in his leg, she holds him in place. Swirling her hips as she squeezes his cock with her pussy. Making Colson grab for the wall and the pillow next to her head to steady himself. Keeping him where she wants him, Luna works Colson's cock to her delight. She can feel him stiffen as he slightly shakes. His deep LOOONS filling the air as she makes him cum with her.

Both drunk and satisfied, they don't move. Sex and love seep all over their sheets as they pass out from the different collaboration of intoxicants. Both beyond relieved to be in the same bed again.


"WAIT. I ONLY HAVE FUCKING TWO?!?!?" Colson shouts. "Where THE FUCK is my other bottle?"

Angry, he begins to throw random things around the small backroom of The Bus as he searches in a panic. He's late for a Meet&Greet and short on Adderall.

"I know I have another fucking bottle... Where the fuck did I put it?" His mind races as he rips their room apart. "Did I move it while Case was here??" He questions himself, brain fuzzy and unable to focus as his anxiety rises.

Luna's watching his maniacal behavior as she begins her own hungover day. Throwing on whatever, she doesn't care, being too distracted by the pain in her stomach. She's seen this before.

"You have the two... " Luna tries to reason with him.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS TWO!!! CAN YOU TAKE TWO FUCKING PERCS!?!" He screams at her without thinking.

Being early and not one to test, Luna stops what she's doing. Standing tall, she puts her fists on her hips. A scowl crossing her face.

"YO. Watch your FUCKING tone and WHAT THE FUCK you say to me." She asserts. "Split 'em up for now, pound some fucking coffee and get your shit together." She tells him with an attitude.

"Easy for you to FUCKING say." He snarls at her own lines of prescription opiates.

Not caring to justify their addictions, Luna grabs Colson tightly around the waist. Pressing her head against his chest as one hand firmly slides up his bare back. Holding him against her. Luna trains her breath as she counts past thirty. Knowing if she can get to forty five, it may release some of his anxiety. Inhaling deeply while squeezing him, Luna finally feels Colson fall into her as she slowly exhales. Holding him still, she strokes the back of his neck. Reassuring him that it'll be okay as he grips her back. The moment painfully reminiscent to Luna. Letting go of each other, he thanks her with a soft kiss before both blow their lines. Not being able to find his yellow Diablo Docs agitates him all over again as he pulls on his Vans instead.

"It's gonna be fine... " She says rubbing his back.

Colson brushes her off. Winging the door to their room open, he walks out. Waking up everyone in his path by shouting about who's got Addies, motherfuckers. He does not get the answer he wants. Luna continues to watch Colson's raging soul from the doorway. Her own silently terrified from the all too familiar tone of their morning.

"Please don't." Luna finds herself mentally pleading before stopping herself abruptly. She doesn't believe anything would hear her even if she was to pray. It never has before.

Turning back into the room, she pops her first football of the day. The first of many.


Colson's playing The Crystal Ballroom tonight. The Meet&Greet is being held in a banquet room on the other side of the building.

"HOLY SHIIIIT!!! IT'S YOOOU!!" A voice bellows.

Walking through the banquet room, Luna turns to her left as she hears the deep voice. She quickly finds it's owner, a giddy, tattooed man claps as he catches Luna's eye.

"OOOH MYYYYY GOD!!!! I LOVE YOU!!" He continues to shout as he makes his way to a stopped Luna.

Amused, she greets him with a warm hug as he chatters non stop. Grinning, Luna encourages him to breathe as he collects himself.

"I'm such a HUGE FAN!" He gasps as he continues to explode from excitement. "Like, I've loved you for such a long time and only bought a ticket hoping THIS WOULD HAPPEN!!!" He's still shouting as he begins to hop up and down.

"Seriously??" Luna asks with shock as she grabs his hands, jumping with him in humble disbelief.

"YAASSS BITCH!!! Dysfunctional Baggage is one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE BANDS!! Your first album We See You, MOTHERFUCKERS changed my life!!" The stranger bursts as he grabs Luna into another hug. "Do you mind if I get a picture?" He asks after he releases her.

Handing his phone to his friend, Luna agrees. Knowing she looks like shit, it doesn't matter. Only this moment and this person. Standing side by side with the short guy, she smiles sweetly.

"Thank you SO much!!" He says again as he pulls her in for their third hug.

"Oooh... You're so welcome. Thank you for listening to my stuff." Luna giggles as she squeezes him.

"I'm so sorry about Justin." He says lowly into their hug.

"FUCK. YOU. This is why I don't fucking talk to you." The man's surprising words stabbing Luna straight through her heart. Her brain cursing at The Universe or whatever the fuck it was she had almost silently talked to earlier.

"Thank you." Luna says quietly before breaking free from their hug.

Chatting a bit more, Luna thanks the young man again for his support. Before leaving she slips off the loose white tank she has on over her sports bra. Signing it, she hands it over.

"OOOH. MY. GOD! NUT UNH!!" He shouts again with wide eyes.

"Yeah hung!" Luna grins as she hugs her fan one last time.

"What the fuck are the odds we'd have fans in Oregon... " Luna questions Justin as she makes her way to the bathroom. "You just really know when to hit me, hunh?" She thinks as she shakes her head at her life while popping her second Xanax. Fighting back tears with all her might to only let them flow free once she's alone in a stall.


Colson is struggling through the Meet&Greet. He's trying to be his charming, engaging self but he's distracted and antsy. Already on his third cup of coffee, he's only able to half pay attention to what's going on around him while his thoughts are consuming him. Blurry on some things. Zoned in on others.

"I gotta find that fucking bottle... I wonder if any one on Tech is holding... Shiit, did I just sign the same picture? FUCK... You gotta focus, Kells... I wonder if Luna can get any coke... " His mind being everywhere except where it should be.

"Yo! What's up!" He nervously laughs as he greets another fan.


Back on The Bus, Colson has resumed ripping his and Luna's room apart. When you normally start your day with 90mgs of Adderall, one 30XR and all the coffee in the world mean nothing.

"What THE FUCK!!!!" He shouts growing more and more irritable by the minute.

Not being able to stand it, Luna grabs her acoustic and bag. Walking off to find a park. She just wants to be alone right now.


Sitting in the warm grass, Luna strums her guitar. She wants a piano for the melody floating through her head but has to make do with what she has. Trying to find the right chords for what she's feeling, Luna takes in a deep breath. Looking up into the sky, she doesn't know what she's looking for. She doesn't have a full song, just one line that keeps repeating itself in her head. Swallowing another milligram before she lights a joint, her anxiety and memories are reeking havoc on her body and mind.

🎼Please//Don't//Let it make you//That stranger//Who's eyes//I//Can't recognize//Anymore🎶

Already losing one set of blue eyes to drugs, tears roll down Luna's face as she worries for Colson. Knowing she'll never leave him either, she sighs. Preparing herself for what seems to be a harder road ahead of her this time.


"I can't go on tonight without anything." Colson's brain won't shut up as he paces around his dressing room. "What the FUCK am I gonna do... I need to find that fucking bottle... I know someone's holding out, there's no way no one's got any type of uppers in this jawn... And FUCKING El Diablo dropped... FUCK!! This album's gonna fucking suck... Luna's gonna fucking leave me. I bet she's already fucking gone... " He can't control the rampage running through his mind as agitation, paranoia and depression start to set in.

"Where the fuck have you been?" Colson snaps at Luna as she enters his dressing room.

"What?" She asks with a cocked lip.

"Where the fuck have you been?" He says again with the same attitude.

"Off sucking dick for Adderall." She snaps back.

"You think that's fucking funny!" He shouts at her.

"No. No. Not at all, actually." Luna answers quietly.

"Yeah... I didn't fucking think so. Can you get any coke?" He continues on, not noticing Luna's demeanour.

His words incite a riot in her soul. Trying hard not to flip shit on him, Luna stands still for a moment.

"Can you??" Colson demands again.

"We're in fucking Portland... And I don't do coke so where the fuck do you think I'm gonna find you some magical fucking nose candy?" She asks bewildered.

"I don't fucking know. You're the bitch who knows everyone wherever we fucking go but now that I NEED you to know someone, you don't know shit? I find that hard to believe." Colson states in an accusing tone.

"Bunny... I know you don't feel good and I know it's been a stressful couple days... But... Babe... You still have one." Luna wraps her arms around Colson's waist as she tries to comfort him.

He's having none of that. Pushing Luna off him.

"So you can't get me shit?" Is all he says with a scowl.

"Nope." Luna answers before walking out of his dressing room.


"WHAT THE FUUUUCK!!!!" Colson screams as an empty bottle of Jack comes hurling out his door.

It flies across the room, smashing against the far wall. Shattering all over the floor. Immediately stopping everything going on BackStage for a moment.

"WHAT THE HELL, DUDE!?!" Rook shouts at him as he comes out of the dressing room.

Colson finds Rook, Baze and Luna staring at him. All three unamused by his behavior.

"We still having our little bitch fit?" Luna asks with a smartass look and undermining tone.

"FUCK YOU!" Colson shouts at her.

"YO!!! Don't fucking talk to her like that because YOU'RE dropping!!" Rook comes to Luna's defense quickly.

"You fucking stupid, Rookie? That's MY FUCKING GIRL and I'll talk to her however the fuck I want!! Especially when I'm dropping off the fucking charts." Colson barks at Rook.

Not wanting to admit he's on the verge of withdrawal, Colson is using any excuse. Including shoes.

"And who took MY FUCKING DOCS!?!!" He shouts out to everyone in earshot.

Catching Luna's hurt eyes, Colson reaches for her. She shakes her head and walks away, leaving him in front of Rook and Baze. They stare at him with their arms crossed without flinching.

"She may be YOUR GIRL but she's my fucking friend." Rook glares at him before walking off too.

Colson knows he's fucking up. The question is if his conscious is stronger than his addiction.


Finding Luna out back smoking a cigarette, Benny asks if she's okay. Nodding yes, Benny can see the tears glistening off her cheeks. Pulling her in for a BuddyHug, Benny tries to comfort her. Closing her eyes as she leans against his chest, Luna listens to his words.

"You know he didn't mean any of that. He's just coming down. Hard." He says with both arms engulfing her tiny body.

"I know. I've been here before." Luna thinks to herself sadly. Only nodding in response.

"It's gonna be okay." Benny continues as Luna's tears silently drop with her nods.

"Yo. I need to fucking talk to her." Colson voice bursts through the back door.

Benny gives him a hard side eye before looking down at another one of Luna's nods. Sighing, Benny squeezes her tight before walking inside.

"Why are you out here?" Colson asks once they're alone.

"Because I really don't feel like watching you freak out over drugs. I've lived that scenario enough in my life." Luna answers without emotion as her back is turned to him.

Catching himself for the first time today, Colson feels like an asshole. Turning her around to face him, he can see her tear stained cheeks.

"I'm sorry, Kitten... I just... I can't... I'm sorry." Colson says, not being able to articulate his feelings.

"It's fine." Luna responds flatly.

She gives him a quick peck along with a shrug before walking back inside. Knowing he's only apologizing because he hit that last Add, she's not looking forward to picking up tomorrow's pieces. But she will, because that's what Luna does. Even though she knows it's NOT fine. None of this is fine.

"FUCK." Colson thinks as the door slams behind her. Knowing he's acting the exact same way towards her that others have. Breaking the promise that he never would.


Finding Luna BackStage Colson slips his hand into hers, squeezing it tight. Looking up at him, new tears form in her eyes. Luna squeezes his back. Feeling all of his emotions rage between their two palms. They're so strong, they shake her bones. Making her eyes well up again.

"I'm sorry." He says, ducking into her ear.

"I know." She whispers as three fat tears drop, breaking Colson's heart.

"You're on." Ashleigh unknowingly interrupts them.

Colson kisses the tears collecting on the tip of her top lip with another I'm sorry before heading OnStage. Both having a different idea of what he should be sorry for.


Tonight is their shittiest show of The Tour. Colson's pissy and dragging. Going as far to ask who got them Addies, yeah, during Candy. The Boys are irritated with his attitude and bullshit. Luna is not feeling any of it. If it wasn't for that ONE fan, she wouldn't have even performed with Colson tonight.

Pulling on her Big Girl Pants, Luna does her job. Putting on that hated fraudulent face as she bounces around stage like she's happy. Continuing to promise Colson that she's all in, there is no maybe. The words are true no matter how much they hurt in the moment. Luna knew what she was getting herself into with Colson. They've been nothing but honest with each other since that first night by the pool. Luna forgetting at the time how it felt to love an addict, only to fully remember now.

They run the same 27 song set with Colson disappearing afterwards to find Luna. Not even bothering with an Encore.



Sitting in one of The Bus seats, Colson's eyes grow wide. He doesn't know where Luna is and Rook is pissing him the fuck off.

"You better watch your mouth, Rookie." Colson warns.

AJ's listening but Slim's had enough. Being quiet through most of Colson outbursts today, he's done. Rook's in the middle of yelling out FUCK YOU when he finally steps in.

"Dawg, YOU need to watch YOUR mouth because you really outta pocket right now and have been all day. Your woman ain't on this bus because of YOU. No one else, Homie." Slim pops off.

"Oooh... You got words too motherfucker?" Colson stands up against his bestfriend angrily.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE!?!" Luna shouts at the sight of Colson and Slim eye to eye.

"WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN!?!" Colson screams as he questions her whereabouts for the second time tonight.

"Get in the room." Luna directs him, pointing to the back of The Bus.

"No. Wher... " Colson tries to debate her.

"GET THE FUUUUCK IN THE ROOOOOOM!!!!" Luna screams back at him at the top of her lungs, tiny body shaking from it's force.

They've seen Luna snap. They've NEVER seen Luna lose her composure. Slim and Rook sit down as Colson silently does what he's told.


"Kitten... " Colson tries.

"Do NOT fucking speak to me." Luna states angrily cutting him off.

Rummaging through her bag, Luna knows where her drugs are because she's not fucking stupid. Pulling out her Xanax, she hands him two bars along with a beer.

"Tha... " He tries again.

"No." She cuts him off again curtly.

Lighting a joint, she hands it to him and shoves him back on the bed as he takes it. Colson's confused as Luna starts unbuckling his belt. It doesn't stop his dick from growing in anticipation though.

"Wha... " He tries to speak again.

Luna's still not having it. Telling him to shut the fuck up as she forcefully grabs his dick. Rolling her tongue along the top of his head, Colson groans. Pulling back Luna gives him direct instructions. To shut the fuck up, get high and when she's done sucking his dick, he better be FUCKING grateful. Still confused on why he's being rewarded Colson lays back. Luna's not looking at this as a reward. She's looking at it as a you need to calm the fuck down. Besides hugs... Xanax, weed and orgasms are the only other things she can think of at this time.

Luna's mean while she's on her knees. Taking all of her anger, frustration and fear out on Colson's cock. Sucking and slurping on it like it's her mortal enemy with an orgasm being it's ultimate death. Flicking only her wrist, he gets no special treatment. No ball tickles. No hums. No teasing slow strides. No smooth, tongue cock dances. Just straight dick sucking.

"UNNHH... FUUCK!" Colson exclaims as his left leg shoots up off the floor and his cum fills Luna's mouth.

Colson lays back on the bed silently. Letting the euphoria from Luna's mouth wash over him. Doing as she said, shutting the fuck up, getting high and being grateful. Swallowing his load, she grabs a beer and pops a bar and a perc herself. That would make 5mgs of Xanax that Luna has consumed today. On top of the 120mgs of Percocets, today being a light day on the 30s for her. Lighting her own joint, she moves Colson's mess out of her way to lay on the floor. Her own drug consumption not being lost upon her.

"You wouldn't be on percs if it wasn't for this fucking shoulder." Luna tries to justify herself in her mind. She knows she's been pushing her own limits though and it's why she tried really hard to not fully snap on Colson today.

Hitting the joint again, Luna turns her head to look under the bed. What do you think she finds? A pair of yellow, custom Docs. Pulling them out, she pops her head up. Looking at Colson staring at the ceiling, she says hey. He cranes his neck down to look at her, passing back a small hey.

"Look what I found." She shows him as she climbs onto the bed.

"No shit!!" He exclaims, sitting up as his blue eyes flash with gratitude. "Where?" He asks as he takes them from her.

"Under the bed." She answers as she crawls up it.

Looking them over to make sure they're okay, Colson kisses the side of each of his boots before setting them both down. Luna let's out a giggle as she watches him. Turning back to look at her, Colson leans in to peck her before laying his head in her lap and curling his body around her.

"Don't leave." Colson softly begs Luna.

"I can't." She answers him honestly as she strokes his hair. "We made promises to each other. I'm here. All in. Best days and shitty days... And today was a shitty fucking day." Her breath shudders.

Rolling his head to look up at her, Colson wraps his right arm around her waist with an I know. It's followed by an I'm sorry. Looking down at him, huge droplets of tears hang in Luna's eyes. Her vulnerability so raw it makes Colson hurt.

"I've done this before." Luna sighs as the tears slide onto her nose. "I know what it's like to watch someone become a stranger. Please don't ever let that happen to us." Her lips tremble as she tries to calmly breathe, tears slipping down her face.

"I know... I'm sorry." Colson says as he lifts his head.

Climbing up and around her, he slides one arm under her neck as he pulls her closer by her waist. Careful of her gunshot wound, he holds her tightly.

"I didn't do it on purpose.." He tells as he buries his face in her long hair, heart fluttering at it's scent.

"I know." Luna sniffles as she burrows her ass deeper into him. "It doesn't change the fact that you began to act like a FuckFace at the idea of withdrawal, not actual fucking withdrawal." She sighs with her point.

Colson thought she was mad about how he acted and spoke to her. He doesn't know what to say to her sad truth. So he says nothing. Pulling Colson's left hand up so she can rest the right side of her face in it, he strokes her temple with his large thumb as his long fingers wrap around the back of her skull. Cradling her jawline in his palm. Holding on to Luna, it's the first time Colson has ever felt her cry herself to sleep. Her body doesn't move but he can feel every aching piece in her broken soul with each calm and shallow breath she takes. Her tears slipping through and soaking his palm as they trickle from their cracks to his wrist, down his forearm. Neither say another word for the rest of the night.

"I don't even know how to fucking fix this." Both falling asleep thinking the same sad thought.



The sound is explosive as The Bus begins to unsteadily shake. It's speed makes it roughly sway off balance. Rocking back and forth at a dangerous rate before the driver regains control. Pulling them safely off to the side of a rural highway.

"GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!! WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!!" Colson shouts as he jolts up.

"Already... ?" Luna mentally sighs while her eyes are still closed.

Deciding to stay in bed, it's not until she hears Colson screaming again does she jump up. Throwing on jeans and a random pinkish sports bra.

"This must be Ash's" Luna thinks distracted by the uncharacteristic color.

"I DON'T GIVE A FU... " Colson's screaming draws her back out.

Whipping the door open, Luna sees Rook and Colson toe to toe just as Baze steps in between the two of them. Telling them both to stop, Colson tells Baze to shut the fuck up. Wrong move, Colson. Sam hasn't said much while she's been on The Bus but Colson's been disrespecting her bestfriend and now he's jumping bad with her man. Sam ain't about that life.

"You better watch your bitch ass, motherfucker!" Sam shouts as she lunges at him, Baze catching her mid leap.

Witnessing it all as she stands in the doorway, Luna's done. Her shoulder is constantly aching, her boyfriend is acting like a fucking crackhead and her friends are fighting with him. She's been on a dirty ass bus for the last month, flying wherever the fuck ANYONE asks her too. She doesn't know where her stuff is and Justin is still fucking stupid. Way overstimulated, all she wants to do is FUCKING BREATHE. Looking to her left she sees a strip mall. Not even fucking caring anymore, Luna's so fucking over all this bullshit.

"OUT!!! EVERYONE THE FUCK OUUUUTTT!!!" She finds herself screaming. "Ooohh... Not yooou, motherfucker!" She snaps at Colson, stopping him in his tracks. "You fucking stay."

Colson sits on one of the couches and begins to roll a joint. Luna stands in front of him, bed head flowing wildly.

"You need to get your fucking shit together and stop treating them this way. I don't give a FUCK what's going on with us, drugs, your career or this fucking BUS. YOU DO NOT TREAT THEM LIKE THAT. Those boys are your friends and you're fucking better than this." Luna fires out at him as tears well in her eyes.

Colson blue eyes stare through her as he seals his joint. Knowing she's right, he's about to truly hit withdrawal. There is NO WAY he's conceding right now.

"Yeah. I'll think about it." He scoffs as he stalks off The Bus.


"Ugh... FUCK, I fucking hate him." Luna thinks with irritation while looking at the destruction in their room.

Beginning to clean up his temper tantrum, Luna sighs as her alarm goes off. It's 2P on a Thursday, she needs to call Kylie. Talking to her therapist as she steadily burns and puts shit away, Luna goes looking for these fucking pills.

"So you think he's an addict?" Kylie asks.

"I know he's an addict... But at this point so am I... So what's the fucking difference?" Luna tries to project.

"I don't see you as an addict at this point. I see you as a potential who is possibly abusing their medication. Do you think he's an addict or do you think he's abusing his medication?" Kylie asks Luna directly.

Stopping what she's doing, Luna thinks before she answers. Knowing she'd would destroy the world if she ran out of Percocets at this point. She also knows without this shoulder, opiates wouldn't be a thing in her life.

"I don't know." She responds honestly. "I... I don't know."

Luna continues searching through Colson's things, coming across the weirdest shit. A headless dinosaur. A talking dolphin pen. What she counted to be thirty tubes of cherry Chapstick. Plus, metal chopsticks... Because why? And a rolled up sock of Pogs. Yes. POGS. With two pretty cool slammers included, if Luna will admit... But Fucking POGS?

"He's so fucking weird." Luna laughs.

Distracted, she's jumping from subject to subject. Kylie finding it hard to keep up. Hands roaming through his socks still, Luna haults when she feels it. Heart stopping.

"Oh. Fuck. Oh. Fuck." She says out loud.

"Are you okay?" Kylie asks concerned.

"I think I fucking found it!!" Luna's words fly out of her mouth quickly.

Her hands flip the fabric over as she starts to breathe heavily once the prescription bottle peeps it's orange body out. Not one to jinx shit, Luna holds her breath as she opens it. An absolute ridiculous amount of relief washes over her as the tiny white pills stare out at her.

"HOLY FUCK!! HOLY FUCK, HOLY FUCK, HOLY FUCK! HOOOOOOOOLY FUUUUCK!!!!!" Luna shouts as she jumps up onto the bed.

Clutching the sealed bottle, Luna's stomach starts to hurt from her relief. Kylie's on the floor asking WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON. Luna really doesn't know.

"I found 'em." She sighs as she picks up her phone and sits on the edge of the bed.

"Is that a good or bad thing?" Kylie asks; as Luna ponders her question, she's hit with a let's tackle that next week.

"Thanks, motherfucker." Luna scoffs before hanging up.


Not knowing what to do with himself, Colson wanders into a movie theater. Checking out the schedule, he decides to catch The Upside. It's a good choice. Kevin Hart and Bryan Cranston play easily off of each other. For an hour or two, Colson finds a bit of mental peace. Catching himself laughing and enjoying himself. Alone, in the back of the theatre, he feels a bit better with a wholesome distraction.


Luna comes walking out of the backroom to find Slim lounging on one of the couches.

"Hey... Wanna burn?" She asks.

This gets him moving instantly. Pulling out the rig, they wait for the electric needle to heat up. Spying the orange bottle on the counter, Slim has questions.

"You cop them for him." He asks with a monotone. Glancing over, Luna shakes her head nah. "So you found 'em?" He pries.

"Yeah... I did." Luna answers.

"You think maybe you shouldn't give 'em to him?" Slim's tone drops in it's seriousness.

"Are you fucking dumb? And let him catch the two of us conspiring against him for ANY FUCKING REASON... Noooo, thank you." Luna responds immediately.

"He's got a day off though." Slim keeps pushing.

"Yeah... TODAY. He had two yesterday, making today is Day One... That's not even the point though, we'll be back in Cali by tomorrow and Vegas the next day. He's gonna get 'em regardless... Do you really wanna deal with Cunt Face Colson when he probably finds out we lied and hid 'em from him? You can pick up that bottle if you want to but I'm not." Luna shakes her head and shrugs her shoulders with her stance.

"He's really lucky." Slim says after a minute. "I... I don't know how to feel about you sometimes. You're fucking insane but the way you got Kells is on some real shit." He sighs. "I like that you won't lie to him... Even when I wish you would." He laughs lightly at his own conundrum.

"Thanks... And I knew you didn't like me, asshole!" Luna laughs.

"Enhhh... You a crazy bitch... But I got love for you." He admits with a laugh.

"Oooohhh shit, motherfucker!!!" Luna grins. "Celebrate our friendship?" She asks with a grin.

"Yup. Yup." Slim nods.

Dropping a bead of wax into the head, she pauses to take her hit. Exhaling a huge cloud, she coughs her ass off as she shifts the rig to Slim while trying not to spit on him in the process.

"Ya good, LunaTic?" He asks with a laugh.

Her choking head nods yes. Satisfied that she'll live, Slim takes his hit. Coughing his lungs out too, Luna's laughter teases him. Both taking another hit to be sure they've lost a lung.

"Blunts and Step Brothers?" She asks with hazy eyes.

Slim immediately agrees as both of them start rolling their own weed filled cigar.

"Yo... That ain't bad." Slim compliments Luna's BackWood.

"You steady be underestimating my ass." Luna says as she shakes her head. "Gimme my fucking blunt."

Snatching hers from Slim, she has both. Holding each between two fingers in separate hands, she hits them at the same time from the opposite corners of her mouth. Exhaling the thickest cloud of smoke he's ever seen, Slim can't help but laugh. Luna is finger gun smoking them both with a menah, ya see as she imitates a 30s gangster.

"You so fucking dumb!" Slim laughs harder as she hands him back his blunt.

"But I'm high, ya seee!!" Luna laughs, still keeping with the 1930s bit.

Both separately lounge on a couch as they laugh together and they finish the blunts. Slim slowly looking over at her after a while.

"Yoooooo... I bought freeze pops." He says as he pushes himself to get up.

"Whaaaat??? Like freeze pops - freeze pops?" Luna asks slowly as she tries to follow Slim's body with her eyes.

"I got THESE!!" Slim says popping out of the freezer like a ninja.

His fist is full of fruity flavored ice. In Luna's mind, he's holding the whole fucking world.

"Oooohhh, shit. Can I have one?" Luna asks as her cotton mouth immediately starts salivating.

"Yes." Slim answers.

"Can I have THIRTY." Luna asks with a seriousness in her eyes.

Knowing they need them, Slim agrees. Asking how to hold them.

"Shove 'em in a solo cup." She says as she hangs over the edge of her couch. "I got scissors!" She shouts proudly.

Amused, stoned and proud of her for figuring out Life, Slim hands Luna her Cup'OFreezePops. Leaving the scissors in the middle of the floor for easy using between the two couches. Sprawled out, sucking on freeze pops, Slim and Luna continue to watch Step Brothers high as fuck. Plastic wrappers litter the floor around them as they laugh and quote the movie together. It's a tiny Slim&Loons MessABout. Both passing out just before the Catalina FUCKING Wine Mixer. Weed, freeze pops and Step Brothers being strong enough to unify any nation.


"Look at these cutie pies." Ashleigh coos over the sight of Luna and Slim.

Both are passed out with freeze pop wrappers all over them. The floor, one is stuck to the door, another to Luna's face. How it got there, neither could tell you.

"We're up!!!" The driver shouts.

The voices and shaking of The Bus rises Luna. There's a WHOLE bunch of people in her face. Or legs, actually it's their legs in her face. She mentally refuses to move enough to see faces, legs are enough. Wishing she had a blanket to hide under, she yanks her hoodie over her face. Luna hates people. Even her people. Especially when they interrupt her sleep.

Laying still, she feels The Bus begin to move "Where's Colson?" Her little voice asks. Laying for a moment, almost drifting back off, it's The Bus's shift that makes Luna's eyes fly open. "WHERE THE FUCK IS COLSON!?!" She shouts as she bolts up.

Luna can't even see but she's standing. Looking for her fucking dude. He is NOT on The Bus.

"STOOOOP!!!" Ashleigh hollers once they realize what Luna's saying.

Calling Colson, he's a half mile back. And pissed. It's easier for him to walk, then for The Bus to make a U turn. Yup. They left him. The main event of the ENTIRE tour... And they left him. While he's already angry and withdrawling off of Adderall. Theeey FUCKING left him. Whoops.


Colson is beyond pissed when he gets on The Bus. Luna's still really stoned and had already started drinking during his walk. Deciding, this is his penance for being a DICK to everyone.

"You come and sit with me. Angry Boy." Luna tells him after he takes a much needed piss.

"I fucking love her... But she's always pushing me. She knows I don't feel good... Why the fuck would she fuck with me?" Colson stews inside his own mind.

Colson sits next to Luna as she begins to bounce around in her seat. Wiggling obnoxiously as she sings acapella. Looking directly at Sam.

🎼Always see it
Or read in
The magazines
Wanting sympathy🎶

Luna jabs Colson in his ribs at the lyric. He jerks up about to complain until Ashleigh sits him down. Luna continues singing.

🎶All they do
Is piss and moan
Inside the Rolling Stone
Talkin' about
How hard life can be🎶

Luna laughs as Sam pops in with her. Standing with Ashleigh, mocking each other as the three of them sing together.

🎶I'd like to see them
Spend a week
Livin' life
Out on the street
I don't think
They would surrrrvive
If they could
Spend a day or two
Walking in someone
Else's shoes
I think they'd stumble
They'd fall
They would faaallll🎶

Luna hops over Colson and grabs Sam. Laughing out loud as they harmonize the lyrics. Jumping around together.

🎶Fall... Falll... Fall... Falll... 🎶

Luna ironically falls into Colson's lap. Swinging her body and legs around, she laughs as she bounces up and down. Looking into his annoyed eyes watching her as she obnoxiously sings with the song. Sam chiming in with her again, followed by Ashleigh.

Of the rich and the famous
They're always complainin'
Always complainin'
If money is such a problem
Well they got mansions
Think we should rob them🎶

Luna raises her eyebrows as she shifts her pussy into Colson's cock. Asking if he wants to rob them.

"I wanna rob that pussy." He declares to Luna's cheesing face.

Rook, who had already been pounding out the beat with his sticks, joins in. Laying the lyrics flat, Luna's little heart bursting with pride.

🎶Well did you know
When you were famous
You could kill your wife
And there's no such thing
As 25 to life
As long as you've got
The cash
To pay for Cochran🎶

He hits them all without missing a beat. Catching Luna's eye, they grin at each other as they throw elbows.

🎶And did you know
If you were caught
And you were smokin' crack
McDonalds wouldn't
Even want to
Take you back
You could always
Just run for mayor
Of D.C.🎶

Rook, Baze, Sam, Ashleigh and Luna let loose together. Singing at the top of their lungs as they bop around, dancing freely... Because really... WHO NEEDS SEATS?

🎶I'd like to see them
Spend a week
Livin' life
Out on the street
I don't think
They would surviiiive
If they could spend
A day or two
Walking in someone
Else's shoes
I think they'd stumble
And they'd fall
They would faaall🎶

🎶Falll... Falll... Falll... 🎶

Slim jumps in with them now, belting out the lyrics with Sam, Ashleigh, Luna, Rook and Baze. Nudging Colson, he can't help but jump in on the sing along with AJ right behind him.

Of the rich and the famous
They're always complainin'
Always complainin'
If money is such a problem
Well they got mansions

Think we should rob them🎶

Everyone has joined in now. Singing loudly. Bullet included. He's slowly getting the hang of things.

Of the rich and the famous
They're always complainin'
Always complainin'
If money is such a problem
You got so many problems
Think I could solve them🎶

Luna snarks at Colson as she produces the coveted bottle. His eyes grow wild with a ton of questions. Still singing, Luna doesn't care to answer them.

Of the rich and famous
We'll take your clothes
And your homes
Just stop complainin'🎶

Luna shakes her head as Colson gobbles up two Adderalls. Looking directly at him as she continues to sing directly to him with the rest of The Bus.

Of the rich and famous
Of the rich and famous🎶

They all belt together while dancing unsteadily on the rolling bus. Laughing with each other over the lyrics and how their point of view of them has changed so drastically in their lives.

"Lifestyles of the rich and addicted... " Luna's brain sings in irony to itself. "You knew... You fucking knew." Is all she can tell herself as she watches Colson slowly revert back to normal.

Or at least what is considered normal in the lifestyle of the rich and famous. Even though they're always crashing and fucking complaining.

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