Secret Vampire (Gackt X Femal...

By AmaRue7

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(GacktxFemaleReader) *currently going through heavy editing to improve the story Your friend from Japan invit... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 12

232 13 1
By AmaRue7

Your POV

You got what you needed from the store and left. There were a few stragglers hanging around because of the restaurant next door. Other than that, it was pretty quiet. It didn't bother you though. You would make it back safely. There wasn't an inch of darkness anyone could use for cover and it would only be a 10 minute walk back to Yui's aunts. You passed by the other small shops, looking at the display windows for anything interesting. While glancing at some outfits, you heard some music coming from nearby. It sounded like someone was singing a song. You took a moment to listen. Whoever it was, they were really good and it did sound very familiar. It was one of Gackt's songs! As you recognized the tune, you felt something overcome you. As if you were in a trance. You felt the need to find whoever was singing. Even if it was a dumb idea. You convinced yourself logically, that one peek wouldn't hurt. You followed the song to the start of an empty alleyway. It looked like it led to the area behind the stores. Usually you would've gone against going to look down a suspicious alleyway. But you felt a strong urge to go look anyway. At least there was nothing harmful you could see. You proceed carefully. The voice gradually became louder. You eventually came to the end of the alleyway. The back was lit up with a light so you'd be able to see whoever was back here. You took a deep breath and was about to turn the corner, as soon as you did, a person lunged at you and pulled towards them. What the hell!? You should've known this was a trap! It was the vampire wasn't it?! But you couldn't ignore it. You suddenly felt needles dig into your shoulder. It hurt and almost took your breath away. You had to get yourself free from this vampire. The only thing you could think of was exactly as the instructor did at Yui's nieces' class. You grabbed onto the vampire by the shoulders and quickly kneed them in the gut with all your might. They let you go and keeled over in pain. The needle-like fangs felt like they were ripped from your shoulder violently. It really hurt like a b!tch. Who was this vampire? Yoshi? But this time you didn't get dizzy or black out at all. It must be a change in strategy to keep you from suspecting. "Yoshi, is that you?" you asked, still shaken from the attack. The person did not reply as they got back up recovering from the hit. They groaned a bit from the pain. You couldn't identify them, thanks to the hood over their head and sunglasses covering their eyes. You watched them carefully. They were definitely staring at you. They wiped something from their mouth. It was red. Probably your blood as they were latched on to you. They looked down at their hands seeing the spots of blood. Their hands started quivering. It was like they were ashamed of what they did. You saw their feet slightly shift. They were gonna run. You had to stop them and find out who it was.

Who was this vampire?! You readied yourself. Once you saw a foot leave the ground you ran right after them. You luckily caught them by the arm and tried to yank them back. Your adrenaline gave you the strength you needed to pull your vampire backwards and accidentally on top of you. The vampire scrambled to get off of you but you held on tight to them and weighted them down. "I'm not letting go until you tell me who you are!" you demanded as you held firm. Your vampire tried to pry you off, but you noticed it wasn't in a violent way. They weren't trying to hurt you. You decided to risk it and loosen your grip to take off their hood.They took advantage of your loosened grip and pushed you off. But you managed to snag the back of the hood and snatched the sunglasses away as well. The two of you were tired from all the struggling. But for some reason, after you took off what was hiding the vampire's identity, they stopped trying to flee. Did they give up suddenly? But why? They could've gotten away by now. Seeing as you could finally see the vampire's face, you were in shock as you recognized who it was.

"Gackt?" you questioned even yourself. There was no freaking way! Oddly enough even after all this, he reached out his hand to help you up while avoiding making eye contact. Your mind was completely blown. H-he was your vampire! Gackt was! One of the most famous singers in Japan! But how could he eat normal food and be out in the sun if he was a vampire? So many questions. "Please tell me something" you politely asked him. Your voice more gentle this time. He looked so sad, it really bummed you out to see him this way. He exhaled sharply, "I am....a vampire. The one who's been biting you. It was .....all me" he admitted to everything. There was a distinct pain written on his face. Your mind flashed back to all those moments of being bitten that you could clearly remember. Did that mean he was Yoshi? "Were you the guy I met at the festival, wearing the Kitsune mask?" you asked. He nodded with no reply. That being said, you were really interested in him as a person and not as a famous celebrity. If he was really being true to himself that night, then he was truly a gentleman. "Why? How?" you couldn't help but asked. You of all people right now deserved an answer. You weren't sure what to think or feel. "I've only been a vampire for a short time. I can't control my urges for blood at all. The first time I bit you, was suppose to be the last. But your blood ended up being....special. I-I'm sorry...." he started to explain but not fully. He looked so hurt. You felt really sorry for him.

You thought about his words for a second and your mind went back to the vampire article about the blood addiction. So everything was pretty much undoubtedly true. You just ended up being the one with the 'special' blood. Did this all mean you and Gackt were kind of meant to meet up? "How come you didn't make me black out like the other times?" you asked, wanting to know. "My friend is also a vampire. He's the one who's been helping me throughout all this....mixed emotions and confusion" he said. So he's not alone in this. Although, if his friend was a more experienced vampire, then they should know all about this blood addiction. You were still very confused and had many more questions but maybe things would sort himself out later. Gackt, poor thing, looked like he'd been through hell lately. "Now that you know who he is, it will make things less complicated for the two of you" another person entered the area. Was this his friend? Once you got a look at the other person, you couldn't help but remember the first time you got bitten. There were two people there with you. A hazy memory but still something. He must've been there and the festival as well. But thinking about it, if he was there to help Gackt, then why was Gackt so upset and miserable? Did he just let him get himself into these types of messes and not interfere unless necessary? That was kind of messed up to do, especially with Gackt's identity on the line. "Aren't you supposed to protect him from incidents like this? I found out who he was. How can you be sure I won't rat him out huh?" ,You growled making a point but you were defending Gackt as if you've been through this already. You kind of just acted on your own again. "I was here watching the whole time. He wasn't in any danger. Besides I highly doubt you'd expose him. Now calm down" said the friend, who was calm and sure of his words. Since when does anything go the way you think. "Even so, you're supposed to help him learn what's going on. Don't just push him out of the nest and expect him to know everything he needs to" you continued. Gackt's friend approached you. You weren't sure if he didn't like your words because you were right or maybe because you really didn't have any knowledge or say in the matter. "I've been through everything he's going through right now. The best way to get through it is to face it head on. He needed to confront you. I know what I'm doing so don't think I'm a bad friend" he growled a bit. "Don't get upset with her. She's not the problem. I am", Gackt had stood right next to you defensively. He must have noticed his friend's somewhat hostile attitude. Gackt's friend relaxed, almost like that's what he wanted to hear. "Now we're making some progress. So go ahead and finish your little heart to heart talk and we'll sort all of this out later" his friend turned around and left back out on the main road.

You breathed a sigh of relief now that most of the tension was gone. "Gackt" you almost whispered his name. He turned to you waiting for your question. "What does this make us? I mean it's kind of weird to think you're my vampire and I'm your prey. I really did like who you were at the festival. I liked Yoshi and I....want to...continue to talk" you opened up honestly. Yea this night was a completely mind blowing experience but that's kind of life for you. Though you were surprised you were taking things easy rather than freaking out. "You don't hate me for being a vampire and....biting you?" he asked in return. The bites weren't the highlight of your vacation here in Japan, but they were the least of your problems now that the mystery was solved. He was still Gackt. With the best songs. Still pretty hot too. You may see him a bit differently from now on, but it didn't really make you hate him at all. Hell, you were in this weird ass vampire\prey relationship with him. What a fanfiction idea! "As long as you don't attack me randomly anymore, I think I'll be okay. You are still Gackt to me. Just with a vampire secret" you blushed now hitting you once again that it was still actually Gackt. "I'm..sure we can talk about everything sooner or later" he sighed in relief. You think he really is relieved now that you know his identity and still accepted him. It's like what his friend suggested. He was probably right that Gackt wouldn't be able to settle down until he faced you and revealed who he was. 

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