Chapter 17

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"You have a lovely voice. I'm sure you can improve if you put in some practice" Gackt had complimented you. He didn't have to say that. He's so nice. Nicer than you honestly thought he would be. "Maybe I'll consider taking some lessons" ,you thought. They might have some classes at your college. You'll look into it. If he really did mean it then that should mean something to anyone who wasn't a professional singer. "Maybe we can start now" he said. Now!? With Gackt as your teacher!? You were sure he could teach anyone how to sing. But now he wanted to add that to the list. "Maybe you can give me some tips for now" you told him, wanting not to overload your brain too much today. "Fair enough" he agreed. Gackt gave you a little lecture on posture and breathing. You never had time to consider how those two elements contributed to singing well. It definitely opened your eyes and made you more eager to singer better.

After more questions and explanations, you heard your stomach growl out loud. It was a bit embarrassing. "Guess I'm not the only one who is hungry" Gackt mentioned. At least he was on the same page. "It must be close to lunch time" you said. You looked at your phone. Geez, it was 11:47. Lunch time indeed. "Let's get something to eat. Anything you want in particular?" Gackt asked. Nothing really struck you as a craving. You weren't picky and didn't mind trying anything new. "I'm not really in the mood for anything. I have been trying alot of Japanese food and would like to try some more" you told him trying to give him options. "You don't mind seafood?" he asked. You had no problems with it. None so far. "Not at all. I'll try anything you think is good" you replied. "Okay then. I'll have it delivered here" he said taking out his phone. At least whoever delivers the food won't recognize him in the disguise. Unless they know the address. Maybe Gackt had his own delivery person.

The two of you waited for a bit for the food to come. You didn't exactly knew what Gackt had ordered since you didn't recognize many of the food he mentioned over the phone. Wait. If he's a vampire, how does he eat normal food? "Don't you need blood instead of food?" you brought up curiously. "That would be the usual case, but Ren has specific pills that I take every morning allowing me to eat normal food. I just need to make sure I get some blood in my system for it to work with no issues. Without it, normal food upset my stomach. I never want to experience that again. I thought I was going to die honestly, it hurt so bad" he explained. What kind of chemicals could be in that pill to allow such a change? It must be a lot of chemistry involved. "Sounds simple enough, I guess" you said. That must be one hell of a stomach ache.

Lunch came. You sat at the dining room table as Gackt brought in everything. "Are you okay with using chopsticks?" he asked as he brought out the take out boxes. Well you were okay but not the best. "I can use them. I just need practice. I'm not exactly a pro yet" you replied. You watched as Gackt opened up the boxes. You saw all sorts of new food items. It all smelled so good. You took in all the scents. "What drink would you like?" you heard him ask. It threw you off guard for a second. "(Soda, Milk, Water) please" you replied. You couldn't help but think how much of a gentleman he was. It was a bit rare to see, especially back in America. Very few guys were genuinely like this. Most of them only did it for the benefit of getting something in return. Was Gackt treating you this way because he felt obligated to or did he want to? The two of you ate lunch together. You tried out everything. It almost felt like you were watching a show on tv showcasing the many Japanese dishes. It was amazing. "Enjoying yourself?" Gackt asked. You almost forgot he was there but only for a second as you were enchanted by the food. "It's totally different from what I'm used to but I like it alot. I'm sure there is more to try" you replied, enjoying every bite you took.

You offered to wash the dishes afterwards while Gackt put the leftovers away. You took a glance around his kitchen as you did so. What kind of food did he have here? Snacks? Desserts? You finished cleaning the last utensil, but you accidently dropped it in the sink. The knife had lightly cut your thumb when you reached to pick it up. Ouch that kind of stung. You rinsed the cut under the water to help with the pain. Thankfully it was a small cut. But it stung still like a *bleep*and was still bleeding a bit. So much for a light cut. You reach for a nearby napkin and wrapped your thumb in it and applied pressure. "Everything alright?" Gackt approached you. Should you tell him you're bleeding? You don't want to make him 'turn' uncontrollably. "I'm okay. Just a little accident" you told him, pulling your hand closer to your body. Although, wasn't this useless if he was able to smell it? "May I see?" he asked politely. What were you afraid of? Him biting you? You trusted him now, did you not? You let him see your hand. Gackt easily identified the cut. He looked fixated on it for a minute. What was he thinking about? He was gently holding your hand, but the cut stung still. If he is addicted to your blood, it would explain why he didn't really want to stop staring. "Do you...want to make it feel better?" you asked without exactly thinking. Did you just offer him to feed off your cut? Was that weird? Sure felt odd to say. But it felt right at the same time. His eyes locked with yours. His red vampire eyes looked back at you. It made you freeze. Was it wrong to suggest this to him? You felt him lightly squeeze your thumb to get more blood flowing. It really hurt but just for a second. You watched absentmindedly as he lifted your hand to his mouth slowly. Oddly enough, he tenderly kissed the top of your hand. The sweet gesture threw you off guard. Before you knew it, he had put your thumb in his mouth. It was a weird sensation as you felt his tongue lick your cut. Shivers ran down your spine as you stood there almost immobilized and entranced. You began to feel hazy as you thought about it. It was an odd sensation but you weren't scared at that moment. You just let it happen.

For a minute, you blacked out. When you came to, Gackt had you resting against him. Your head was lying on his shoulder and his hand was holding yours. Your cut? It felt numbed. Pain free. "I'm sorry" he whispered, knowing what he just did. "I gave you permission to. Although, I didn't think you would actually do it" you told him. Maybe you were adjusting and more accepting of him being a vampire more than you thought. You exhaled, relaxed by the thought. "Don't be scared to ask. If you want to bite me, you know. I don't think I'm scared anymore" you concluded. That had to be it. If you truly did accept the fact, then you didn't have to worry or be afraid. Maybe this little cut happened for a reason.

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