Chapter 20

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Thursday came quickly. You spent almost the whole day waiting for dinner. You, Sam and Yui quickly got ready before 7. You made small talk to pass the time. You stood at the window and waited eagerly like a dog waiting for its owner. Each second felt like forever and when the car finally arrived, you leaped with joy. In your head at least. You were the first out the door. From the passengers side, you saw Gackt come out. Ren must be driving as usual. Gackt had walked around to greet you, in his disguise of course. "Yoshi" you greeted. For some reason you were so filled with joy, you could easily jumped into his arms. But you weren't sure if the two of you were on that level of intimacy. It might be way too soon. You were still excited to see his face nonetheless. "Your dress suits your cuteness (y/n)" Gackt complemented. Well it was actually Yui's but you'll take the compliment. You smiled a bit shy, "Thank you. You look handsome as always Yoshi" you repaid the compliment. You were stuck in the moment. Just the two of you. Until Yui and Sam had come to stand by you. "Nice to put a face to the name" Sam had greeted. You listen to Gackt and your friends exchange greetings. Every thing was going well and everyone was getting along. This should be an enjoyable evening.

Ren had drove us to a restaurant about 30 minutes from Yui's place. The place didn't look too fancy but was still very nice. Once parked, Gackt had opened the door for you. "A true gentlemen" commented Sam as she stepped out after you. Yui had struck up a conversation with Ren. Hope she wasn't being too much for him to handle. The five of you walked inside. Gackt had nonchalantly intertwined his fingers with yours so the two of you were holding hands. His hand was comforting to hold. You could just melt in his embrace right about now. You heard the snap of a picture being taken. You turned your head to see Yui with her camera. Yui just gave you an encouraging smile and a thumbs up.

Seated at the table, you all engaged in conversation. "You two look to be hitting it off really well" mentioned Yui to you and Gackt. It was almost like a dream how well it was going. You knew relationships weren't all sun shine and rainbows. But you never wanted to imagine a day when you and Gackt would argue or hurt each other. " Yoshi just turned out to be so nice and caring. I'm lucky to have met him at the festival" you replied. Gackt had out an arm around you. He really did turn out to be a wonderful man. So genuine. Even for someone as famous as he is. " I should be considered the lucky one. You showed me how beautiful a person could be" Gackt had said to you as he turned your head towards him. His tone was honest and his touch gentle. You could almost lean in and kiss him from the feelings bubbling go inside you. Something told you he wasn't just putting on an act as Yoshi. He didn't hide his feelings alone with you, that was for sure. You felt everyone at the table staring at the intimate moment you were sharing with Gackt. Your face never turned so red in embarrassment. "I really do hope the two of you end up going out someday. The chemistry you two have is spot on" said Sam. That you had to agree with.

The rest of dinner went pretty well. Yui was mostly smitten with Ren but her and Sam had their fun showing Gackt pictures of the three of you from college.  "You should totally get her wasted Yoshi. She's extra sassy"  Sam told him. Oh no not that topic. "Sassy? What do you mean?" asks Gackt. Of course he wants to know now. " Its something you have to see for yourself. Its so opposite of how she normally acts" says Yui. "I'm intrigued" Gackt said. You wanted to sink down under the table. A question suddenly hit you in your train of thought. If alcohol goes into the blood, what would happen if a vampire bites a drunk person? Would they get drunk too? "Since we're on the topic, Yoshi is quite the performer when he's had too much" Ren joined in the conversation. Looks like you won't be the only one embarrassed. Your friends were totally in for the story. "Ren" Gackt tried to stop him. "Its only fair you get embarrassed too" Ren replied. Well I guess that makes it even. "Go on Ren" Yui urged. Maybe you and Gackt should both hide under the table at this rate. "Last time he was drunk at a party, he stood on a table and started singing" Ren laughed as he remembered. Gackt wasn't so amused, he hid his face in embarrassment and muttered something in Japanese. Looks like the tables have turned. For once you could see his face turn red. It was cute.

As the five of you left the restaurant and walked around the whole shopping area, you couldn't help but feel like you were being watched. As Yui and Sam made a restroom break, you took a chance to look around. Not too far away, someone had their eyes on you. You became nervous. The man certainly didn't look familiar to you. Gackt felt your hand tense. "Something wrong?" he asked. "I think...we're being watched" you whispered to him. Gackt had turned around. His eyes instantly  locking with the stranger following you. Something didn't feel right the way they stared at each other. The stranger approached us, his eyes never leaving Gackt. "You're still alive, I see" said the man. Still alive? What does he mean? "I never want to see your face again you lying bastard!" Gackt had hissed aggressively. Why was he so angry? Ren had noticed the commotion. "Look what Satan dragged in. You have balls to show your face. Especially with me here" Ren had said while standing defensively. Ren knows this guy too? "I just wanted to see if it was true, if he was still alive. But how? I nearly killed him and there are no hospital reports of the incident. I smell something fishy here. How can you possible still be alive all these years later?" replied the man to Ren. Ren had cracked his knuckles, "(Y/N) get Yoshi away from here. I'll follow up in a few minutes" he ordered. Gackt was tensed and looked ready to pounce on the stranger. You pulled him by his arm and forced him to come with you. It took some effort, but you managed to pull him inside a nearby store. "Gackt What's going on?" you tried asking him. You were desperately concerned right now. Gackt was quiet and still looked enraged. You could see his fangs poking out. You put your hands on his cheeks and made him look at you. "Please tell me" you begged. You saw his expression soften. He exhaled deeply and tried to regain his sense of self. "That man tried to kill me. He's the reason I'm a vampire" Gackt answered.

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