Chapter 15

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"I think I'll leave it there for now. You two look like you could use a break" Ren suddenly announced and dismissed himself. Thank goodness. He was right about needing a break. All of this was a lot to take in. But what exactly should you and Gackt do? You couldn't go back early. It's only roughly been an hour. You then remembered Yui wanting a picture of the two of you. "Since we have some time, how about we work on a look for Yoshi? You'll need a disguise so you can go out freely" you suggested. You couldn't help but hope for a good reply. Not like Gackt was the type to be rude or anything. "Sounds good to me. Let's go up to my room then. I should have some wigs somewhere in my closet" he got up. His room!? Wasn't expecting to here that already. But it was just for dressing up, nothing more. No need to worry. You followed Gackt upstairs. Of course there were many more rooms, along with more fancier decor. What were they for? As you walked down one of the halls, you could see more personal items on the walls. This is where all the certificates and awards were hanging. Wow. You wanted to take a chance to look at them all. Maybe you could later. Gackt opened a nearby door. You peaked in at first. It was indeed his bedroom. Everything looked neat and lavish. It was quite a big room too. You saw a desk in the far corner and saw the walls around it adorned with pictures. You would love to take a look but you didn't want to be nosey. You took a step inside and got a better look of the arrangement. Gackt had opened his closet and was sorting through some boxes. You allowed your eyes to observe more of the room. You could see a door that led to his bathroom. What kind of shampoo or even makeup does he use? Not that it really mattered much. Guess it was more of a fan's curiosity than a personal one.

Gackt had eventually pulled out a medium sized box. Inside were some wigs as well as other things. It looked like he had a wig for every shade of hair and in a range of lengths. All the wigs were kept neatly in their own plastic sealed bags. You weren't expecting him to have this amount. "Why so many?" you asked. "From movies mostly" Gackt replied. He also seemed to be thinking of which one to put on. Surprised to see he kept these sorts of things afterwards. Gackt took some out for you to look at. "This should be fun" Gackt said, finding the current situation amusing. Not everyone gets to dress up Gackt now do they? After sorting them by color you decided that Yoshi should have (color) hair. You felt a bit awkward picking for this. He should also have a say, right? "If you don't like what I'm choosing you can say something" you said almost apologizing. He smiled, "It's not a problem. I'm curious to what you will pick" he said almost like he was flirting. Maybe it was just you. But it did make you blush. "Okay" you tried not to sound awkward. Now for the length. You decided to go for the (length) hair. Let's see if it actually looks good on him. No doubt it will. "How about you try on this one?" you suggested. He opened up the sealed bag and stood in front of a mirror he had in the room. How many times has he put on a wig before? Obviously, quite a few times. Before long, he looked to fit into the wig naturally. "How is this?" he asked while turning around to look at you. Of course like you thought, he still looked freaking good in it. You do recall seeing pictures of him in multiple hairstyles, so anything technically would fit him fine. However, you were here working on his Yoshi disguise and nothing else. You would've loved to see him in every wig but you were just looking for a quick fix for now. "I think it will do.The less recognizable, the better" you told him. He nodded, "Would you like to try one on? Just for fun?" he suggested. Try on a wig? You? Well you were sure everyone wondered what they would look like with a different hair color or length. Wonder why he wanted you to try it on though? Maybe he thought it was fun to try different styles and what not. It couldn't hurt either way. "Sure. Maybe you should pick for me then" you only thought it was fair. You let him decide and waited for him to pick one. Eventually he pulled out a (color) wig that was (length) in length. You might look like a new person completely. But it was kind of exciting. "Do you need help putting it on?" he asked. You had no idea how to put on a wig. "If it's not too much" you told him. He had you stand in front of the mirror. You felt him run his hands through your hair to gather it and clip it in place. The feeling sent chills down your spine. Not only did it feel relaxing but also awkward. He fixed the wig so it was perfectly on you and looked natural. "What do you think?" he asked. You almost didn't recognize yourself in the mirror. " I kind of like it" you said honestly, appreciating the new look on you.

You kept the wig on, for fun, as the two of you tried to brainstorm other ideas for his disguise. If any physical trait about Gackt that certainly was noticeable, it was his blue contacts. That was almost like a trademark for Japanese rockstars. You could recall HYDE also wearing a similar color. It would be a dead giveaway. "How about taking out your blue contacts. You always wear them, it would be obvious and a bit suspicious" you mentioned. "Good point " he agreed, before delicately removing them. You couldn't see how people could do that. One wrong move and you could poke yourself in the eye. In an instant, Gackt's eyes turned from blue to a normal brown. Now we were getting somewhere. "That's great! Now you really don't look like yourself at first glance" you said, a bit excited at his transformation. Although you could still see parts of his facial structure that was him, but that's because you were a huge fan. Any normal person on the street who didn't know wouldn't be able to tell who he was. Gackt seemed to be pleased with your response. "Ready for that picture then?" he asked. Picture number 2 technically. How freaking good is your life right now! You had Gackt take off your wig for you, before the two of you went back downstairs.

The two of you decided to take a normal picture on the sofa. Luckily nothing down stairs was any give away that he was Gackt. It just looked like a fancy house or apartment. Which shouldn't be a problem at all. The two of you sat down on the sofa, this time Gackt had pulled you over right next to him so that the two of your bodies were touching. You couldn't help but scream in your head and blush madly. Gackt then put one of his arms around you. Oh man, Is it getting hot in here!? You took out your phone as calmly as you could and opened the camera. You held out your arm until you could get a good angle. Gackt had gently placed your head on his shoulder. The sensation of his fingers on your cheek was kind of indescribable. Maybe gentle and dream-like. Guess he really wanted this to be a good picture. You steadied the camera and took the shot. "Send that pic to me. I really think it's cute" Gackt commented. Cute. Was he referring to the both of you? You doubt he was talking about himself. He's not conceited at all. You had to agree though. "Okay. I like it too" you nodded. "Maybe we should take another. I think you look really cute today" he commented. You could feel blood rise to your cheeks in shyness once again. He really thought you were cute?

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