Chapter 8

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You made your way back to Sam and Yui. They both saw you brought a friend along, "Welcome back (Y\N). I see you have a new friend. Mind introducing us" said Yui, wasting no time. "This is Yoshi. Yoshi, these are my best friends Sam and Yuri" you introduced, while giving the girls a portion of their sweets they had requested. The three of them exchanged glances in acknowledgment. You sat down next to Sam and motioned for Yoshi to sit with you. He did. "Mind taking off the mask Yoshi. I'm sure (Y\N) would love to see your face" San was blunt with him. You and your friends all looked at him. "I'm sorry. I can't. Not now at least" he said. "Why not?" asked Yui, pouting slightly like a child. You should be the one pouting and begging for him to take it off, but you knew there was a person under there. Besides, you didn't want him to be uncomfortable either. You didn't want to pressure him. He seemed to think for a long second. "Let's just say...I'm kind of famous around here" ,he admitted. Famous? You talk to someone famous? Must be your lucky week after running into Gackt. The girls were in awe. "Are you a famous chef?" asked Yui. "Or maybe an artist" added Sam. "How about the head of a company?" you even pitched in. You hoped all of this wasn't going to scare him away. But he seemed to be okay under the pressure of three ladies. "All good guesses. One of you might be onto something" he teased. The three of you did a girl huddle. "He's playing hard to get. Though surely he doesn't want someone to fall for him because of money. Smart move. He's a keeper" whispered Yui. Sam nodded, "Good luck (Y\N)" she told you. They act like this is some sort of game. Although, it sort of is. You had to make the right moves and give the right impressions to get someone to like you. But this was real life. You couldn't exactly mess around. Though you're just showing interest right now, no promises yet you'll end up dating.

The four of you watched the performance. But for some reason you couldn't focus very well. You were sure you weren't the only one trying to think of what possible famous person Yoshi was. The name didn't ring any bells. Yui would know more about famous people from Japan than you would. You couldn't help but think of Gackt, no matter what conclusion you came to. But that's impossible. No way he would show up here on a random day in summer. He most likely has his own parties and stuff. After the show, Yui had dragged Sam to go look around while leaving you and Yoshi alone to talk more. But what can the two of you talk about? It's obvious he doesn't want to reveal who he really is. So let's avoid that topic. "How come you came here alone? Isn't a festival something you'd enjoy with friends?" you asked. The two of you started to walk side by side, enjoying the atmosphere. "I just felt like I needed some air. A break from my work" he answered. Reasonable reply. "It doesn't bother you being alone?" you continued. He shook his head lightly, "Not at all. I can enjoy the scenery and relax", he was happy about it. Everybody needs their alone time. You get it. "I see" ,you smiled. The walkway was lit up with lanterns. Many people were still around to enjoy the night. "You said you are from America. Will you be returning home soon?" Yoshi asked. You almost forgot about that. You've been having so much fun here." In a few weeks" you replied. Did he want to see if this would last long enough to become a friendship? "There is so much to see in Japan. I hope you can enjoy yourself while you can" he finally said. He sounds so hopeful. You thought this was going to go in a totally different direction. That the fact you have to go home, would make him not want to talk to you anymore. "Yui has been doing her best to show me around. I'm loving every second" you smiled. It really was wonderful over here. "Perhaps I can show you some of my favorite places. If you're okay with it" he offered. Was he suggesting a future date? YES! "I'd like that Yoshi. Do you think we can exchange numbers?" you asked. If he was serious about this, he'd say yes. Yoshi agreed and the two of you gave each other numbers. The girls are going to be so proud. Although, you'd never thought it would be this easy. Yoshi does seem very easy going. That could be a huge factor. You were told most guys in Japan were very shy. "Mind if we stop by the restrooms? I'll only be a moment", Yoshi requested politely. "No trouble at all" you agreed. On the way there, some of the lights had gone out. It soon became a bit dark. You could still barely see people walking to and from the restrooms. As long as you stood close to Yoshi, you'd be fine.

Gackt's POV

Ren said he would cut out the lights around the restroom area. There would be plenty of room and darkness to do what I had to. Although, I was doing so good this time. I was enjoying myself for once. I was a bit nervous at first, but she was just so pleasant and easy to talk to. I didn't have the urge to bite her this whole time. At least, not until now. Now that I remembered what Ren had planned. He said I'd be desperate for her blood. But this past hour, I've felt nothing. Not a twitch. Though the moment I began to think about biting her, my vampire instincts caused my fangs to grow and no doubt made my eyes glow red too. We stepped closer and closer into the darkness. My heart beat started to pick up. Almost time.

I saw Ren's shadow move into position. He waited until the pathway was clear of spectators. Just one second was all he needed to put her to sleep for a few minutes. In a flash, she blacked out and her body relaxed. I moved her to the side where no one could see or pay much attention to us. I pulled my mask back and prepared to pierce her skin for the second time. But I stopped. Did I want to do this again? I knew her a little bit more now. It was almost painful to think about it. I felt conflicted. One side of me wanted to stay logical and human. While the other wanted the taste of her sweet blood. "She'll wake up in a minute. Do it quickly. Bite her now" Ren urged me from the sidelines. I closed my eyes, hoping it would help, and I buried my fangs into her shoulder. Her blood came leaking out of the marks. Once I tasted it again. Ren's words made sense. This time it tasted pleasurable. It was satisfying. No other blood was sweeter than her's. When I had finished, I had realized I was going to be addicted to her blood forever.

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