Chapter 3

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For the first two days, the three of you spent most of the day out and about. Going to nearby restaurants and stores. Nothing too much since you were still adjusting to the jet lag. But you sure as hell blasted Gackt on the radio as you traveled from place to place. Even without Gackt in the equation, you still were having a blast with Yui and Sam. Everything was going smoothly.

Wednesday finally came, the day of the movie premiere and Q&A. You made sure to be up and ready extra early, especially since the Q&A started at 10am on the dot. Yui didn't waste any time speeding to the theater and finding a comfortable parking space. "Everyone got their VIP passes?", Yui asked to check and make sure we had what we needed. You had the pass on a lanyard around your neck. "Check" you replied. "Double check" added Sam. You were happy to wear such a rare and precious thing proudly.

"It's gonna be such a fangirl rally in the conference room" said Sam. There would be no doubt the majority of the crowd would indeed be girls. The three of you left the car and went into the theater to make sure you weren't a second late. A staff member directed you to the next building, to a nice open area outside. For some odd reason, it was a bit cloudy. Though it's not too uncommon for summer thunderstorms.

Everyone was seated and chatting while they waited for the Q&A to start. "At Least we'll get a good view from here. Can't complain about the middle" said Yui. A long table was set up on stage and was empty for the most part. You tried to remain patient. It was so hard since you knew Gackt would be here and sitting in one of those chairs.

"Ladies and Gentleman. We will now begin the Q&A . Let me introduce you to our main stars", a man announced. The crowd applauded. Yes. Finally! The man announced the main actors in the film. You watched the stage eagerly and finally saw Gackt stroll out elegantly wearing a handsome attire. You, Sam, Yui and a whole bunch of other fans screamed in excitement.
"Looks like you have a bunch of fans here Gackt" a fellow English speaking actor commented.

"Jealous?" Gackt replied playfully in English.

A few whistles and laughter came from the crowd. The set of actors went on with the Q&A happily answering questions they have received from their fans. After about 30 mins, the clouds that you saw suddenly vanished. The sun shone brightly again. It almost lit up the stage. "I'll take this as a sign as a good omen for the movie" an actor commented about the sunlight. The actors continued. While everyone was focused on the current speaking actor, you noticed Gackt having a bit of discomfort. He kept touching his face tenderly. Was it getting too warm for him or something? The actor next to him noticed. "Pressure getting to you Gackt?" he asked aloud, in a teasing manner. "Not at all. It's...just a bit warm" Gackt replied. He really sounded a bit different. "There are some cold water bottles in the back, if you need any. Although I'm sure any of our ladies in the audience would love to share some of theirs with you" the actor winked. All the women screamed in response. Gackt forced a smile despite his discomfort.
"I'll be right back" Gackt excused himself.
"I hope he's alright", you said, worried about Gackt."It must be really hot on stage if he's feeling that bad" ,Sam commented.

After some time, it was announced that Gackt was feeling under the weather and wouldn't be returning to the stage. "Major bummer" Yui said disappointed. "At Least we got to see him" ,sighed Sam. "Yea that's true" you replied also bummed out.

When the Q&A had ended, the audience was taken to a private theater for the movie premiere. "I'm sure this movie will cheer us up" Sam tried to lighten the mood. "We have been waiting a year for this. I'm excited" said Yui, also trying to get the excitement going again. "Let's make sure we get good seats" you chimed in. Yui fetched the snacks, while you and Sam got some good seats. You felt so lucky to be at a movie premiere. You always hear of celebrities going but never everyday people. The movie started 10 minutes after everyone had settled down. You enjoyed every second of it. Who knew Gackt would be so good at playing the villain. A devilishly good looking vampire like villain. He looked so good, especially with the fangs. You couldn't stop thinking about it.

When the movie was officially over, you had to make a desperate bathroom visit. You held it in since you didn't want to miss any of the movie. "I'm going to go look for a bathroom. Just wait for the lobby for me" you told Sam and Yui. You didn't wait for a response since you had to go so bad. The restroom out in the lobby had a long line. You couldn't wait. There must be another one somewhere. You rushed down the halls in search of one and found probably the most deserted restroom way by the last theater. Did they even need 25 theaters here? Sounds like overkill. You finally sat down on the toilet and so for sweet relief .You flushed, washed your hands and went on your merry way. As you left the bathroom, you couldn't help but overhear two people talking in the men's restroom. The door oddly wasn't closed all the way.

"My face is all red and my fangs....feel weird" said a familiar voice.

" How long has it been? More than a week? You know that lotion can only protect your skin from the sun correctly if you've been feeding on blood every couple of days" said another voice.

"I know. Filming the movie took longer than expected" replied the first voice, sadly.

"This sort of thing wasn't a problem before. But maybe you're right. Let's just get you some blood to fix you up for now" replied the second one.

What are they talking about? Blood? What are they REAL vampires? Yea right. It's probably a bunch of nonsense anyways. You began your stroll down the deserted hallway. You heard a door close behind you, but thought nothing of it. Suddenly, you were pulled back by someone. You were pushed up against a nearby wall. The unknown person had a hoodie on, leaving just a darkened face. Something about him was desperate. "すみません(Sorry)" he shuttered before showing a pair of fangs. What the hell is happening!? You were genuinely terrified and confused at that moment. Before you could do anything, the other person had covered your eyes and you oddly became unable to scream or move. You felt a quick sharp pain in your shoulder for only a moment before you started to feel hazy and sleepy. You blacked out for a few seconds. But when you came to, they were gone.

Were you imagining that? Did that movie influence your thoughts to that extent? No. Absolutely not. You weren't going mad. That had to have happened. But you had no proof.

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