Chapter 2

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First day of summer! Tokyo, Japan here you come! three o'clock in the morning. You'd never thought you'd have to wake up this early in your entire life. But your determination to fly to Japan gave you the energy you needed to drag your happy bottom to the airport. You know it will be all worth it. Even if the flight was almost close to 15 hours. It was to see Gackt in person. You made sure you had everything you needed for the flight in your carry on bag. Phone charger and maybe a book too. Everything else was going in the suitcase. Thankfully the flight wouldn't seem that long since you'll have Yui and Sam to keep you company. Thank goddess.

The three of you got your belongings all checked in and sat down outside of the gate to wait to board. "I didn't get a wink of sleep last night" admitted Samantha. "Me either" you agreed. "Too excited I take it? Not to make things worse but you're gonna have a huge time lag when we land. Thankfully the movie is on Wednesday. Plenty of time to adjust" said Yui, fully awake. You forgot all about the jet lag. Luckily you would have plenty of time to adjust like Yui said. Maybe you could sleep most of the flight.

"Boarding flight 33 to Tokyo, Japan. All passengers please get ready to board" said a woman over the intercom.

Finally.The three of you checked in and found your seats on the plane. After the plane took off, you soon got comfy and situated.It didn't take you long to fall back asleep.

You woke up around 8 in the morning. You could distinctly hear the jet engine's roaring all around you. At Least you were able to stay asleep for a couple of hours. You did feel a little better, but you could use some food.First, you looked around to see what everyone was up to. Sam was still fast asleep, she won't wake up anytime soon. That girl can sleep through anything. Yui was awake, reading a book quietly. "Have a nice nap?" Yui asked, not taking her eyes off the book. "I definitely needed it. But maybe I'll go back to sleep for another few hours" you joked a bit. "That's not a bad idea" agreed Yui. There was still a long way to go before we all arrived in Japan. A flight attendant soon came by serving coffee and granola bars for breakfast. You eagerly took what was being offered since you were pretty hungry at the moment. "Maybe we can all watch a movie on my laptop when Sam wakes up" suggested Yui as she sipped on her coffee. "Sure what movies do you got?" you asked. "Oh you know the usual. Moon Child, Tonde Saitama, Bunraku" she hinted playfully. "Gackt it is. That's all you had to say" you giggled. "We're watching Gackt. Count me in" Sam woke up from her dead sleep like some sort of zombie. "Okay now the real question is: Which movie?" asked Yui. That is a tough one. You really like all of them. The three of you finally settled for (Gackt movie of your choice). But ended up watching all of them eventually. There was never too much Gackt on the screen.

As time passed by watching movies and taking a quick break for lunch, you finally arrived in Tokyo. You and San were glued to the window taking in all the sights and colors you could. "I can't believe we're actually here. It's a dream come true" you smiled. As the plane was landing, Yui said her aunt would be waiting for us at the gate."Just stay close to me, the airport is really big and it's easy to get lost" she told you and Sam. As Yui led the way, you couldn't help but be tempted to stop and look at every little thing that caught your eye. But you prioritized not getting lost, so you kept your urges at bay. There would be plenty of time to look later.

The three of you eventually met up with Yui's aunt, who was going to let us stay at her place while you were here. It was nice to not have to rent a room through a hotel, it made you feel a lot safer.

Secret Vampire (Gackt X Female Reader Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن