Chapter 29

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You spent a lot of time in thought after Ren's story. You just couldn't believe the madness that went on that night and the precursors before it. The two of you spent much time talking about all sorts of things. Mostly about your life and how you ended up coming to Japan this summer with your friends. After a snack, you waited eagerly for the door to open signalling Gackt's arrival. "Relax will ya. He'll be here soon. No need to jump on him like a dog whose been waiting for it's owner all day" laughed Ren. It was kind of true you were too excited to sit still, but you've been waiting all day. You had a right to be excited to see him. "I have a right to be excited. He is my...b-boyfriend after all" you blushed as your mind went back to moment Gackt kissed you and asked you to be his. You blushed at the thought. "So the two of you made it official? It's about damn time. Gackt's absolutely crazy about you. I never thought I see him act so love struck before. He usually keeps his composure most of the time" Ren replied. Who knew of all people, you would have Gackt acting in such a way.  "He is good at keeping his composure. He has to when he preforms on stage and stuff, you know" you blushed. This certainly is a wild trip to Japan. Things keep getting better and better, despite the awkward start. You and Ren kept the conversation going as you talked to him about where you grew up and some of the interesting things you did with your friends recently here in Japan.

"ただいま(I'm home)" you heard a voice announce after the door had opened. He's home! Finally! You sprung up from your seat to go greet him. You almost ran into Gackt as he entered the room. "If we weren't at home I would've thought we were at a concert by the way she jumped up from her seat" Ren chuckled making fun of you. You really couldn't defend yourself there.  "Maybe it's more like a private concert. Right (Y\N)?" Gackt winked at you going along with it. "It's not a concert until the rock star starts singing" you smiled. You all went into the kitchen together. "So what did the two of you do while I was at work?" asked Gackt as he peeked in the fridge for something to eat. "Just talked to pass the time"  you replied. "What about?" replied Gackt. You glanced at Ren, "Nothing much. Just about (Y\N)'s trip here and all the sights she's seen" Ren answered. "Too bad I missed it. I want to hear what you and your friends have been up to. Care to repeat?" Gackt asked you as he put some leftovers in the microwave. You nodded, "Sure. I don't mind" you agreed sitting down at the table.

 You retold your story about the trip here and everything you experienced, providing the entertainment as Gackt ate dinner. "Did you ever notice my bites? I know most people don't give them a second thought because they heal so quickly?" Gackt asked out of the blue. It was a topic you've been recently recalling. How crazy this whole vampire incident was. "I didn't noticed at first. I first recognized  it when I accidentally hit my shoulder on my friend's car door. Since the bite was still sensitive it was easy to point out. Although it wasn't a clear bit mark. I dismissed the thought of it being a bite until the whole garlic myth came true. The second time was at the festival right? My friend pointed out that my shoulder was red and I noticed the same marks as before. I then was able to connected the two. I had black out both times and you were wearing a mask as the festival, although it is common at events like that. It was pretty sneaky" you went on and on about your thought process. Gackt just gazed at you the whole time interested in what you were saying. You did feel you were rambling a bit. "Oh am I talking too much?" you caught yourself. "You're not. You know you're a very smart girl. Very few people take such a thing seriously" Gackt complemented.  "Well maybe I watch too much anime", you giggled. Gackt had chuckled in response. "He's got a point. It's very easy to write such a coincidence off as nothing. Only a handful of people know about us and mostly of the time, they are close friends of ours who keep our secret seriously. Looks like you're already on of them" Ren informed you. You felt honor to know the truth about vampires. Something that was nothing more than a fantasy in books and movies. "Since we're on the topic. I'll go round up my buddies. I told them to swing by when nightfall came. They'll be here soon so I'll go wait on the porch in the meantime" Ren excused himself. This ought to be exciting. A really treat to be accepted by vampires and to even be offered protection. You certainly felt special.

You and Gackt stayed in the kitchen continuing to chat.  "Do you mind if I go shower real quick?" he asked. You shook your head, "Not at all. I'll be alright" you insisted. He stood up from his seat, "Go ahead and watch some television if you like" he said before going up stairs. You should be able to change channels on your own. Let's see what's on then. You walked back to the living room and turned on the TV. The remote looked just like any other, thankfully. You flipped through the channels, looking for something to watch. You finally decided to watch the (cooking, movie, news, etc) channel. You could hear the shower running in the background. Hopefully Gackt won't be long. But it wasn't like you were uncomfortable. You were getting used to being here.

After getting wrapped up into a program. You heard Ren come back in. He was alone though. He looked towards the 2nd floor acknowledging the sound of the shower. "Let Gackt know that the crew made it here. We're also going to go out for a bit. We'll be back in no more than an hour." Ren informed. You nodded. "Oh and don't be shy to go knock on his door and tell him. I'm sure he's already been in there for awhile" Ren said before he left again. How long have you been watching TV? A typically program is about 30 minutes. So it has been awhile. Maybe you should go knock on the door.

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