Secret Vampire (Gackt X Femal...

By AmaRue7

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(GacktxFemaleReader) *currently going through heavy editing to improve the story Your friend from Japan invit... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 10

272 12 0
By AmaRue7

Your POV

The three of you returned home. It was quite late and mostly everyone else was asleep. The first thing you wanted to do was take off this kimono and relax in some pajamas. You, Sam and Yui, undressed in the room. "Hey (Y\N) what happened to your shoulder? Don't tell me that is what I think it is. Did Yoshi and you get a little private time" Yui winked. What is she talking about? You looked at your shoulder and your face went pale. It happened again. You saw the same fang marks, barely noticeable. The area was still a bit red. Was there another vampire? But how? You were with Yoshi the whole time! You never left his side at all. Was it possible that Yoshi was the vampire?! No it couldn't. Wait a second. The mask! He never took it off and didn't want to. You thought he was just being shy or playing hard to get. Oh my gosh. That's the only thing that could make sense now. You blacked out then and also at the festival. It's all too obvious. Although, nothing seemed very vampire about Yoshi though. Looks can be deceiving, just like the kitsune mask he was wearing. "Hey are you okay? I didn't mean to poke fun at you and Yoshi. I was just teasing. Though, now that I look at it, it might just be a bug bite. Stupid mosquitos" apologized Yui. "Oh yea. That's what it is. I'd never do such a thing in public anyways, you know" you said. What should you do about this turn of events now?

You didn't really want to believe you got bit again. You were trying to think of what to do about this. For all you know, you could just be overthinking all of this and it could be nothing. Though you only were sure last time when you ate some garlic. Perhaps you should try that again. You went into the kitchen to get a drink and looked for some garlic. There was one clove. You can't just mince it up right here when it's so late. You decided to take a bite out of it. The heat from the fresh garlic stung your tongue. Yikes! Why did you do that again? You poured yourself a glass of water and chugged it. Much better. You took some deep breaths and so far nothing happened. Last time, it took awhile for something to happen. You went back to the room to relax and lie down. You got distracted talking to Yui and Sam, you forgot about waiting for something to happen. However as you were just about to fall asleep, that's when you felt a reaction. The same thing you felt last time. No coincidence two separate bites would sting twice from just garlic. You had to investigate this further, but how? You couldn't just ask Yoshi if he was a vampire. There must be a way to catch him in the act or a smart way to trick him into admitting. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Though what did this mean about your feelings towards Yoshi? Were you really going to toss them out the window if he was really the vampire?

The next day, the three of you just wanted to just relax from the long week of excitement. You sat at the table looking at your phone, remembering everything that happened last night. You had to text Yoshi and figure this out. You started with a simple 'good morning'. That's not suspicious at all. You waited for a reply. "Hey Yui. Can you take Momo to her martial arts class? I have to go see my aunt, she's in the hospital" you overheard Yui's cousin ask. "No problem. What time does she start?" Yui asks. The two went on to chat. You've received a text back from Yoshi that read 'Good morning'. Was there a way to meet him in person again? He'd have no reason for a mask. 'Have anything planned for today?' you asked him. "Okay girls let's go run some errands. I have to take my niece to her martial arts class. Why not get some stuff for lunch?" suggested Yui. You went along just to pass the time, waiting for his reply. As Yui's niece was in class, the three of you went to a nearby market to get some ingredients. 'Just work. You?' Yoshi had finally text back. Dang it. Looks like no meeting today. 'Nothing much for today' was all you said. Well that's not enough to keep the conversation going. You spent the rest of the time texting Yoshi and trying to find a way to fit vampires into a conversation. But how? Though, you could just be overthinking once again. You stood next to Sam and Yui, watching Yui's niece finish up class. "The last drill for the day will be practicing our defensive knee jabs" said the instructor. The instructor modeled the drill for the kids. " You want to aim as high as you can but also make sure you get a strong hit. Any hard knee in the gut is sure to stop an attacker in their tracks" explained the instructor. You watched all the kids repeat the move several times. You mimicked the motion a few times. Could come in handy. "Maybe you should take a class, (y

)" said Sam, noticing your movement. "Learning self defense wouldn't be a bad idea. I'll only take a class, if you join me" you told her. "Deal" ,Sam agreed.

You didn't get another reply from Yoshi until close to dinner time. Guess he really did have work. Weird to think that a vampire has a job. Okay. That is kinda biased honestly. It probably is easier to look normal that way. 'When can we meet again?' you text back. 'Soon' he said. At Least he wants to meet again. You felt slightly conflicted about seeing him again. You did hope to go on a date with him as a man and not potentially a vampire. You especially want to see what his face really looked like. How handsome was he? Maybe you should drop the vampire thing. Not like you had much physical proof now. It could be another vampire entirely. But everything so far pointed at him. Oh well. One day at a time.

A few days later, the three of you had just gotten back from an adventure at the shopping center. The sun was now setting. Yui's new heels had given her blisters, so you all had to head home kind of early. "You're not wearing heels for a while," said Sam, helping Yui take care of the painful blisters. "I know. I should have band-aids in the bathroom" Yui said, relieved that her feet were free. Sam got up to look. "I don't see any" ,she replied from down the hall. "Dang. My cousin usually has a box because of her kids. I really need to cover my blisters. I guess I'll let them breathe for a bit" sighed Yui. You remembered seeing a convenient store down the road close by. The three of you drove past it several times. "I can go get some for you. Isn't there a store really close by?" you volunteered. Yui perked up a bit, "Oh yea, It's only a few blocks from here. It's called Hana's Groceries. They should have first aid supplies. It's not too late, still some sunlight. You shouldn't have any issues walking" she told you. The sun was setting quickly, but you saw how lit the streets were at night. You felt safer here in Japan. As long as you stay close to other people and keep alert, there's no possible way of being bit again. Not on your watch. Not by the same vampire again. Though what were the odds? "I'll make sure I'll knee any bad guy in the gut if anyone tries anything funny" you said joking but serious at the same time. Yui gave you the thumbs up. You grabbed your purse and headed out. 

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