𝐋𝐮𝐬𝐭: 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐦 𝐁𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫...

By stolympus

16.6K 470 515

Alicia was always the type to make excuses for the ones she loved dearly. She was gullible. In love with the... More

Our Sinful Cast
Twenty-one ✔️
Twenty-Two ✔️
Twenty-four ✔️


761 26 19
By stolympus

2:30 pm-later that evening-

I stepped out the shower, feeling the cool breeze that slipped in from the crack in the door, before grabbing and wrapping in my towel. I lean forward to wipe the mirror off from the fog that blurred it .

Catching my reflection, I smiled. Today was going to be a good rest of the day. Johnathan and his little situation left about 10 minutes after our little 'group session'. I felt more at peace now that I had said everything I needed to say.

Walking out into the bedroom, I opened the half empty closet, revealing the outfit I'd worn when I first met Johnathan. I can't lie, it brung back memories but, with those memories came feelings and the greatest feeling was confidence.

I was so confident back then and I wanted that feeling to resurface more than ever. So, with the self-esteem that lingered, I trailed forward and grabbed the outfit off the hanger and proceeded to get dressed.

-2:38 pm-

I glided down the stairs preparing to leave the house. Serene had called me earlier to see if I was still up to meeting her husband, I couldn't just flake so I told her yes and got dressed after.

Hearing her honk her horn, I checked myself in the mirror and gave myself a thumbs up and giggled, walking out the door and down the driveway to where she'd parked.

Getting closer to the car I heard her let out a whistle. "Damn girl you look so damn good !" She shrilled out. I dropped my head, laughing and entering her Jeep.

"I try, I try." Closing the door I turn and put my seatbelt on, facing her with a huge grin displayed on my face.

"You ready ?" She asks, excitement laced in her tone. I look deeply into her eyes, feeling her excitement wade into me.

"When am I never ready serene ?" She chuckles, starting her Jeep up and pulling off from my house.

"So what's new ? I know I just seen you this morning but, it's still a lot I don't seem to know." She keeps her attention on the road, tapping on the steering wheel. I sighed and laughed a little as memories reoccurred.

I looked over at her with an expression that screamed 'sis !'. Pulling up to a stop light, her head turns and her eyes widen when they connect with mine.

"Bitch ! Spill everything right now !" She says with all seriousness.

"Well, Johnathan and Denaya came into the house while I was there. Denaya got slick at the mouth and I had to shut her down. Johnathan just stood there like a dumbass saying nothing at all." I rolled my eyes, looking straight ahead .

She scoffs as I finish the mini story time, the light turns green 'fastest light ever' she drives the car forward, getting closer to the destination.

"Because that is what he is Alicia . A dumbass ! And I honestly can't believe it took you this long to realize that. Call me judgmental but, you're smart. You should've peeped that a long time ago." She was so nonchalant with it I couldn't help but silently agree.

"I mean all the signs were there Alicia." She turns the corner and sighs .

"I know. I'm just glad I realized it before a baby got involved. Although I would've loved to have a baby, but I guess I wasn't in the right situation." I reminisced the thought of me being round and glowing.

"Are you sure a baby isn't going to be involved ? Because I could've sworn y'all had sex about a week ago." Shit! I'd forgotten all about that little encounter.

"I'm not pregnant serene. I can't be, not after everything I've been through and not to mention, we are getting divorced." The thought of being pregnant made me feel nauseated.

"I don't know licia. Maybe you should get a pregnancy test and get tested for any STD's while you're at it." Pulling into the restaurant, she parks her Jeep next to the entrance.

She shoots a stern look at me and I sigh, nodding my head like a 5 year old child. "Okay."

Getting out the Jeep, I walk up the ramp and into the restaurant, following behind serene as her alarm goes off. She walked to the booth where, who I assume is her fiancé was seated.

He looked up from the menu and a bright smile stretched across his lips. Rising to his feet, stumbling in the process, he marches over to serene and kissed her on the cheek and rested his hand on her pregnant belly. Earning smiles from the couples across the dining area. "Hello to my angels."

He looked up to me and extended his hand in a introduction manner. I extended my hand, shaking it in return.

Guiding us back to the booth, we take our seats and serene begins introducing us to one another.

"Malik this is my best friend Alicia and Alicia this is my fiancé, Malik." She said smiling both times as his name slipped through her lips.

"Well it's very nice to meet you Alicia. Finally good to put a face with the name of the girl my fiancé can't seem to stop talking about." A grin formed on my lips.

"Likewise, you seem to be a great man along with being a great fiancé. I'm glad you make her so happy." I was genuinely happy for her. She was getting everything she had ever wished for.

Once the formalities were over serene made the announcement to the waiter we were ready to order.

-15 minutes-

15 minutes into the dinner and I could already see why serene was so head over hills for him. He was quit the charmer.

"So," clearing his throat, he looks to serene with a glance of seriousness making her smile fade. She grabs my hand under the table and turns to me with a grin of conflict, leaving me confused .

"Serene has told me you two are very close," he directed his gaze to her, making eye contact before turning back to me. "And I have asked something of her and she feels like she can't answer until she knows your opinion." He gives small smile before sighing.

He reaches for my hand, taking it into his. Nervousness plastered on his face. "About a year from when serene gives birth, I wanted to move her out of the country. To my home in France." What. The. Fuck.

I was surprised to be honest. My only best friend besides Corrine was asking of me to give my opinion on moving halfway across the damn globe.

I looked at serene. She had tears in her eyes with a small smile. "Please say something Alicia. I need to to know you'll be okay with this ."

She was pleading for my answer. That was the last thing I wanted, I didn't want her to feel as if her life needed to be surrounded around me because I can't be an adult.

I released a sad chuckle. "It would be selfish of me to say no for my own benefit. I'm going to miss you a lot serene but, if this is what you want which I know it is," she giggled a little with tears gliding down her cheeks, it broke my heart to let her go.

"Than I'm going to let you go and be happy with your family... you don't need my permission."

She brung me in for a hug and squeezed, I squeezed back to reassure her everything would be okay.

Letting her go, I turned back around to my plate filled with fettuccine and stuffed some in my mouth. I looked up realizing that they were looking at each other then to me .

"Are you sure about this Alicia ? I don't want to cause a rift between you guys friendship." He questioned sincerely.

I put down my fork and released an annoyed breath. "Yes y'all. For the last time, I am okay with you guys wanting to start a new chapter in life. I'll be fine . We'll just FaceTime everyday ." I laughed to brighten the mood.

Soon they both joined in on the laughter and everyone went back to eating their now warm food.

"So your baby shower is coming up in a few days. Are you excited ?" I said bringing my water to my lips.

She grins from ear to ear before she laughs. "I'm hella excited. I'm 7 months in and I'm just ready to meet my little pr- I'm sorry my little bundle of joy." I was confused as to why she stopped herself.

"Malik doesn't want to know the gender, he wants to be surprised." She stated,excitement laced in her voice.

"He didn't see your Instagram then is how I'm taking it." I released a stifled laugh.

"Oh, Malik doesn't have social handles. He says it 'dismantles the brain and has a way of changing a persons mindset'." She shrugged it off causing me to chuckle.

"Um babe . I'm right here honey. The audacity " He rolled his eyes and flipped his imaginary hair.

"Oh, I know." She popped her neck and smacked her lips.

'They are made for each other.'

Laughing at their actions I turn back to my plate, finishing the rest of my food.

-4:20 pm-

Walking into my house, I heard serene honk her horn before pulling off. Closing and locking the door I was presented with a figure that made my stomach want to regurgitate everything I'd eaten.

Sighing, I drop my purse on the coach and begin dragging my feet over to the kitchen. Resting my elbows on the counter, I looked up with an annoyed glance .

This was the last thing I wanted to encounter after my good day out. I'd had my mind refreshed and here I was being approached by the same person who could piss me off at any given moment.

Bringing myself to announce the intruder, I avoided eye contact. "What do you want Johnathan ?"

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