Dragon Kings: The Icy King✔

By TempralSinz

8.1K 762 81

Secrets, regrets, and messages from long ago. The story continues as the Icy King tries to deliver a message... More

Into The Cold
Snow Storms And Hot Cocoa
Blood And Snow
Welcome Home
A One Time Thing
This Is Home
Questions For A Queen
Double Unity
Fix What Can Be Fixed
Then There Were Four Pt 1
Then There Were Four Pt.2
The Matchmakers Secrets Pt. 1
The Matchmakers Secrets Pt. 2
To Keep A Secret
In The Moonlight
Book 5 Teaser

Take Off

366 38 4
By TempralSinz

(Taehyung's POV)

Lee was coming down the hall as I waited for Ruby.

"Taehyung, care to come help me for a moment?" He asked. I nodded, figuring I should since I wasn't currently doing anything important.

I followed Lee down to his room, once inside he shut the door behind me. I noticed two large suit cases with familiar looking books as well as some trinkets that look familiar to me.

"Hey, aren't those-"

"Yes. They are. The books of Thelius and Magni, and those are the books of the Dragoons. Seven Talismans to represent the Seven houses that became one. I hope you don't think ill of me for taking them." Lee said as he looked at me. I shook my head.

"If you took them from the palace you must have had a good reason." I replied. Lee nodded in return.

"I did. In truth Kirsa and Iredia gave them to me to keep safe. They were instructed to do so by your father and Namjoon's. One reason I left in a hurry, I needed to take them." He explained.

"I understand. Though I don't know why such old things would be so valuable. I guess sentimental value is very high." I shrugged. He chuckled and shook his head.

"These books have valuable information. Not just that though, these talismans are very special and shouldn't fall into the wrong hands, but I'll explain more on that once we get home. For now, just help me pack them up carefully." He instructed and I nodded. I helped him wrap each talisman in cloth and tucked them into the suitcase carefully. We packed up the books after that.

"Ruby has to fly with me... you can take the other girls, right?" I asked Lee as we headed out of his room.

"If you insist. It might be better for Amethyst to have Emerald and Citrine along with her anyway. She has to take it easy, and as a Dragon with more flight experience it would be best that I carry her, no offense my King." Lee replied and I chuckled.

"No offense taken. I know you're wiser than me in a lot of things, I'd feel better knowing you're the one looking after her- if she is the mate of one of my brothers then she's in good hands and none of us have to worry." I responded as I followed Lee down the stairs. Mrs. Hadley who runs this unusual place was standing in the lobby with Citrine. Two large suitcases on rolls stood on either side of Citrine.

"I thought we agreed to pack light?" Lee asked the golden-rod blonde. She smiled sweetly and batted her eyelashes.

"Correction Boss man, You agreed while I packed my important things." She replied to him. I couldn't help but to chuckle. Lee shook his head and we stood there waiting for the others.


(Ruby's POV)

I tried to explain everything to Amethyst, Citrine was no help so I sent her to pack and told her to wait for us down stairs. Ames was clearly confused, but that could have been in part to the pain medication Mrs. Hadley had given her.

I did my best to pack a bag for her, but she was slurring and it made it really difficult to understand a fucking thing she was saying. I honestly just half-ass packed her things. I might have left most of her clothes behind. At some point Wonho had come up to retrieve Ames, since there was no way in hell I was going to be carrying her. He was much more careful with her as he picked her up and carefully carried her out of her room. I had my duffle bag as well as the small bag I packed for her. Slowly I followed Wonho down the stairs, where the others were waiting.

"I think the trouble will be getting to the clearing in this snow." Lee said.

"It shouldn't be a problem if you take the truck, Wonho can bring it back." Mrs. Hadley replied.

"I've got no problem with that, I'd rather see all of you off safely anyway. If there are people still after the girls and the two of you- well I'd rather be there just in case." Wonho responded. Blue boy smiled and patted him on the shoulder. Both nodded to one another. I guess it was some sort of dragon thing.

"Well let's get you girls bundled up for the drive." Lee added. We got into our snow gear, it was far too cold out to wear anything less. Snow pants, boots, Thick flannel lined puffy jackets. We were definitely bundled up to resist the cold. Mrs. Hadley escorted us out to the truck, she had thick blankets for those of us riding in the bed of the truck to wrap ourselves in. Once we were bundled up even more we left the manor, I felt bad for not saying goodbye to Peri but Mrs. Hadley had the communicator so we could get in contact with him again whenever we wanted.

I was so deep in thought I failed to notice Blue Boy standing up in the truck bed with Em, Wonho, and I. Ames was in the truck nestled in the rear seat while Citrine rode shotgun. I looked up at blue boy and wondered what the heck he was doing. I looked at Wonho who just smirked at me.

My curiosity got the best of me and I stood up beside him, trying to keep myself still wrapped in the blankets.

"What are you doing?" I asked him, raising my voice a bit so he could hear me over the sounds of the truck driving through the snow. If I had payed attention to where he was looking I might have been able to answer my own question, but instead I stood there cold as I waited for him to speak.

"Clearing the snow." He answered. I looked at his eyes which were a bright blue, then I followed his gaze to see the snow in front of the truck was parting like the red sea. My mouth hung open for a moment while my brain tried to process what I was seeing.

"How...?" I muttered out and I heard Wonho laughing from behind me.

"He's an Ice Dragon Ruby. AND he's a King." Wonho yelled up at me with a huge grin on his face. I looked back at blue boy and for some reason I wanted to do nothing more than kiss him. I wanted to feel the power he was displaying, I wanted to... I had to know what it was like, what he tasted like. I shook myself out of these thoughts and quickly sat back down. Wonho just kept looking at me and smirking. Even Emerald was smirking at me. I rolled my eyes and focused on the passing trees as we made our way up to the clearing.

Wonho hopped out of the tuck first once we came to a stop by the clearing. The snow was fairly deep so he helped Emerald and myself out while Blue boy made another path by doing whatever strange magic he was doing. Wonho helped Ames out of the back seat and carefully carried her to the clearing while Lee and Blue boy carried the bags. I was quick to grab my bag and Ames's bag before either of them got it. Lee had two large cases of his own to carry, yet both of them carried everything with ease... or at least it seemed that way.

Lee stopped and seem to scan the area to make sure it was clear. I knew I couldn't see or hear anything out of the ordinary- Birds chirping, the sun was making the snow covered mountain glisten. That inner child in me kind of wanted to just plop myself in the damn snow and make a fucking snow angel. I shook the desire out of my head and opted for just following the others.

We made it to the middle of the clearing and Lee sighed heavily.

"Ah, I'm going to miss the smell of the snow here. It's nice." He said as he smiled at us.

"I'm... scared." Ames spoke softly as she was cradled in Wonho's arms.

"Don't worry little lady, you know Lee and the others will make sure you're safe." Wonho tried to reassure her. She smiled and nodded at him as she looked to us.

"Well we should get going before our luck runs out." Blue boy said as he gave Lee a knowing look. I shrugged and walked over to Lee.

"Okay so how do we do this? Some space ship comes and beams us up, Scottie?" I half mocked, half was seriously wondering if a fucking space ship was going to pop into the sky randomly.

"Who's Scottie?" Blue boy asked with what almost seemed like a half accusing tone. I brushed it off and laughed at him.

"Dude... you need to watch some television sometime. Netflix or something at least." I chuckled.

"Alright. Wonho, bring Ames to me- Citrine, Emerald come close. You're with me. Keep your bags close. Before we start just know you're most likely going to fall asleep, it's the easiest way to do this kind of thing. You'll feel your body get heavy, just lay down, you won't be able to see anything but you can stay huddled together. Ames, you might want to lay down now as it will be harder for you once we start and you can't see anything." Lee explained, Wonho helped her to the ground and Em and Citrine crouched beside her.

"We can stay like this with her right?" Citrine asked as all three were at Lee's feet holding hands.

"That's fine, ready?" He asked and the three of them nodded, I could tell they were nervous from their expressions. Lee closed his eyes and in seconds a brilliant dark Grey almost black glow came in waves off his body. It took less than a minute for him to disappear and be replaced by a growing black orb looking thing. It started to take shape and I backed up even more as it was growing even larger.

"Holy... shit..." I muttered out loud, not even realizing I'd done so. I could hear Wonho laughing and the soft chuckles of Blue boy too. It might have taken a total of five minutes before the big black now Dragon shaped thing shot off into the sky like a fucking rocket. My eyes were opened wide, my jaw was slacked and I was trying to figure out what the fuck I just witnessed.

"Cool isn't it?" Wonho asked.

"H-how... W-what? I... But he just... what the fuck?" I was confused, rightfully so I think.

"Ruby, come here please." Blue boy asked as I took mine and Ames's bags over with me. I stood in front of him and looked up at him, his eyes flashing that blue again. I shivered visably and he smirked. "Cold?" he asked.

"Nope, just wondering if you're going to turn into a giant black orb looking Dragon thing too." I replied, like hell I was going to let him know I was both cold and kind of, maybe infatuated with his eyes.

"Right. Come here." He said as he put his arms around me and held me to him. I wanted to fight against it, but I wasn't sure how safe it would be for me to do that. I could feel his heart beat in his chest, it seemed to vibrate my whole body and well... I kind of liked it. I mentally slapped myself for thinking and feeling that way. This guy is not going to trap me, fuck to no. But.. fuck me, he smelled good. I shook my head and looked up at him- Mistake number two. I got trapped by those eyes yet again. I don't know why that flash of blue captivated me but it did and I couldn't fucking explain how exactly it made me feel.

A sudden roar had me suddenly blown out of Blue boy's grasp and tumbling into the snow.

"Ruby!" I heard him call as he rushed to me, he looked back and stood with his back facing me, his arms spread out wide. I couldn't see Wonho as the snow shifted from under me and came up around me to make almost like an instant fucking igloo. I couldn't see blue boy anymore either so I sat there alone in the middle only listening to the roars.


(Taehyung's POV)

I had to act fast, so I manipulated the snow to shield her from the fight. I couldn't fight here, not out in the open like this. I had to get her out of here but I needed to at least stun this Air dragon, luckily there was another dragon here who seemed to know what he was doing.

"Air Dragon?" He asked.

"Yeah, the one that attacked Amethyst!" I yelled back at him over the wind that was blowing hard against us both. I kept my eye on him and noticed the man started to move closer to the Air dragon who was floating pretty low to the ground. As he moved I noticed he seemed to be starting to glow.

"Get Ruby and go! I'll handle this puny shrimp!" He half yelled back at me before heading forward again, this time he shifted and that soft gray glow took the form of a Dragon, His tail swung gently and the shards of rock that sprung out from his tail took the snow packed roof off of the shelter I kept Ruby in. She was looking up in shock but also curiosity as she laid eyes on the gray dragon. I could hardly believe it myself. Rock Dragons usually kept to themselves and this rock dragon was larger than others I'd seen. I smiled at him though and I could almost see his dragon's mouth curl into a smile of his own.

I wasn't about to argue with him, he could handle him. I could tell from the way he charged right at him, no fear. Maybe he was a warrior once? I didn't recognize him but it's possible.

My focus was on Ruby, who was huddled up and starting to shiver. I hurried to her and scooped her up in my arms. She was shaking a bit more once I stood with her in my arms.

"You're cold, rest against me. I'll take the cold away." I whispered to her, my lips against her brilliant red hair. She nestled closer to me and my Dragon was very happy to feel her against us. I looked back at Wonho, the rock Dragon. He was handling himself fairly well. He got in a few clean swipes on the Air dragon, I could see the claw marks on the Air dragon's arms. Ruby didn't say anything, her teeth chattered a bit as I hurried to get our belongings together. Once I had them together I set her down and rubbed my nose against her face.

"I know you're cold, but I need you to focus and stay calm. I can keep you warm but you must do something I know you don't want to do." I told her. She looked at me with that cold alluring stare.

"What?" She managed to get out.

"You're going to have to let me kiss you.. and let yourself kiss me back." I said slowly hoping she'd understand. She gave me a look of disgust, but nodded.

"F-fine." She said. I took that as her consent and I focused in on her pale lips. She was clearly cold, but I'll fix that. I pressed my lips to hers, I was expecting her to resist me yet to my surprise she quickly kissed me back. I felt her arms wrap tightly over my shoulders, one of her hands slid up the back of my neck and ran up through my hair. I was bent over because of the height difference and I was quickly losing my focus and instead found myself focusing on her taste. I tried to memorize it, the shape of her lips, the way she was pressing against me. My dragon growled in a mix of satisfaction and hunger.

"Sorry." She said as she suddenly pulled away. I wanted more, I whimpered and that seemed to have caught her attention.

"Did... Did you just whimper?" She asked, her expression was one I'd not seen. She seemed intrigued, there was a glimpse of desire in her eyes and it was driving me insane.

"We have to go. I'm going to shift, just close your eyes and listen to my voice." I changed the subject because if I didn't I knew there was no way in hell we were getting off this planet.

"Okay." She said as she continued to hold onto me... if she kept herself pressed to me like this I was going to lose it. I moved back a little but kept her close. She was glowing with my blue glow and my dragon was doing another happy dance. She looked so beautiful surrounded in my glow. She kept her eyes on me and then slowly closed them as soon we were both surrounded in my Blue glow.

"This is so weird." She muttered and I chuckled.

"It won't feel like this for long." I replied as I shifted, she was lifted onto my back, held close by the blue glow that acted like a force field, it protected her and kept her safe while I shot off. I knew I was faster than Lee, but I also knew he knew where to take the girls. We would meet him in the mountains once we arrived, and then... then I'd take Ruby back to the palace with me.

I hoped her seeing the others would put her at ease, show her that my brothers and I had no ill intentions, that we truly loved our mates.

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