Embrace The Flames // BOok 1

By and_thebad_wolfStory

3.6K 59 1

"I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me " ... More

Darcey's Playlist / aesthetics!
Where it started
PILOT Part 1
Pilot Part 2
Wendigo part 2
Bloody Mary
Bloddy mary part 2
Skin part 2
Hook man
Bugs part 2
Scarecrow part 2
Faith part 2
The benders
Shadow part 2
Dead Man's Blood
Dead Man's Blood part 2
Salvation part 2
Devil's Trap
Devil's trap part 2
Season 2 playlist
In My Time of Dying
In my time of dying part 2
Everybody loves a clown
Erverybody loves a clown part 2
Bloodlist part 2
Children shouldn't play with dead things part 2
The usual suspects
The usual suspects part 2
The other special Winchester
Born under a bad sign
Born under a bad sign part 2
Tall tales
Tall tales part 2
What is and What Should Never Be
All hell breaks loose, part 1
All Hell breaks loose part one, part 2
All hell breaks loose, part 2
All hell breaks loose part two part 2

Children shouldn't play with dead things

31 0 0
By and_thebad_wolfStory



A three year old Darcey Winchester sat the kitchen table.
A big glass of milk and a plain peanut butter sandwich with no crust,
sat in front of her.
The child watched the blond woman as she washed some dishes.
Her feet dangle off the chair, and her head bobbed as she munched.
The mother hummed the familiar tune that she sings to her children when she puts them to sleep.
"Mommy?" The little girl asks
The very pregnant Mary turns around to face her only daughter.
"Yes?" She answers and watches as she licks the peanut butter off her small fingers.
She grabbed a cloth and went over to the girl and wiped her sticky hands clean.
"Where's Dean?" She asked
Darcey hasn't seen her brother this morning. Not since they woke up.
Mary smiles
"He's probably with your father in the garage." She tells her.
Darcey nodded.
"Where do babies come from?" The girl asked looking at her mother's stomach, Curiosity in her green-blue eyes.

Mary laughs. Her daughter and son have become very intelligent at they're age, and she wasn't surprised her daughter Darcey was the first one to ask that question.
"How about you ask me when you are a little older, yeah?" She tells her, not ready to explain that complicated, well, semi complicated process, to her three year old.

Darcey nods her head, Accepting the mother's request. But little did the girl know though, that it wasn't going to happen, at least not with her in the picture.
Though, when she was older, she and her brother would have to listen to a vary uncomfortable speech from her father about some stork and something about birds and bees.

"Mommy?" She asks again when she finishes her lunch.
"Yes, my love?"
"Can I go see Dean and Daddy now?"
Smiling, the mother says, "yes. Tell Dean that it's time for his lunch, okay?"
"Okay!" Darcey runs of.
Mary Winchester could tell by just looking into her daughters eyes that she was going to be powerful.
More powerful then anything anyone has ever seen before.



"Come on, Sam, I'm begging you. This is stupid." Dean says as he drives down the empty road.
Darcey Winchester sat in the back of the impala, her son beside her.
They were on they're way to visit, to Sam's request, they're moms grave.

When the oldest child was small, she was more of a daddy's girl then a mommy's girl. Up until her mother died, of course.
Growing up, she was still close with her father, not as close as Dean was, but close no less. but that changed.
With her mother though, they had,
a special bond, if you will, because she was Mary's only girl, so they did girly things, talked about girly things, and did things Mary couldn't do with her son.
Like shopping and such.
But Darcey always did feel like she didn't fit in well with her parents, not  like Dean did.
He was close with they're mother until she died, but then became closer with they're father, until he died as well.

So when Sam suggested that they go visit her grave, Darcey was hesitant.
But, she then thought that if/when she were to die, she would want Grayson to visit her, body or no body.

From her seat, her legs dangled. Her son read a book, one she's read billions of times.
Then she thought. She thought about a bunch of little things until she jumped in Sam and Dean's conversation, only telling them that she thought that it was a good idea, to which Dean ignores her input.


At the cemetery, Darcey stood with Grayson who held her hand.
She stood a few steps away from the grave. She watched thought, as Sam knelt and buried something into the ground.
When Darcey looked over to Dean, he was reading someone else's headstone.
"Stay with Uncle Sam." She tells Grayson as She begins to walked over to her twin.

"You okay?" She asked him
"Peachy." He says as he looks over to the tree that was in the distance.
He made his way over to it as Darcey follows.
He knocked on it a few times. Confusion crossed Darcey's face as she watched Dean back away from it.
He looked around then down.
Following his lead, she looked down as well, only to see that they were in a perfect circle of dead grass.
Dean bent down she. He noticed flowers and a small plaque.
He looks up to his sister, she was just as confused as he was.

Standing with Sam and Grayson again, Dean came up to them with a small piece of paper.
"Angela Mason." He says "she was a student at the local college. Funeral was three days ago." He then continued to explain.
They started to walk..Darcey and Grayson was wondering around. She didn't let him get too far, just far enough where she could still see him.
"And?" Sam asked wondering why this was a thing they should talk about.
"And? You saw her grave." He says "everything dead around it in a perfect circle. You don't think that's a little weird?"

"Maybe a groundskeeper went aggro..with pesticide." Sam tried
"No, I asked him. No pesticide, no chemicals. Nobody can explain it." Dean tells him
"So, what are you thinking?" Darcey asked.
"I don't know. Unholy ground, maybe."
"Uh—" Sam says
"What?" Dean questions "if something evil happened, it could easily poison the ground. Remember the farm outside of Cedar Rapids?"
"Yeah?" Sam said
"Could be the sign of a demonic presence." Dean says "or the Angela girl's spirit, if it's powerful enough." 

Sam didn't look to convinced with Deans accusations. "Sure, don't get too excited, you might pull something." Dean says sarcastically.
He looked to Darcey who just shook her head.
"I mean, maybe." She says
They continue walking to the car. "It's just, stumbling onto a hunt? Here, of all places?" Sam said as he got to the passenger side.
Darcey looked around for her son and called out his name when she spotted him.
The boy looked over to his waiting mother and ran over.
"So?" Dean says
"So, are you sure this is about a hunt? And not about something else?" Sam asked
"What else would it be about?" Dean questions, looking between his brother and sister.
Sam shook his head. Not going with what he was going to say.
"Just forget it." He tells him and gets in.
"You can believe all you want, Sam. But I let you drag my ass out here. Least we can do is check this out." Dean says
Darcey felt the heat rise as
She watched the brothers exchange their words.
"Fine." Sam said
"Girl's dad worked in town. He's a professor at the school." Dean tells them as he gets in.
Sam looks to Darcey.
"Really?" He asked
Not sure what he meant, she shrugged her shoulders and lifted her hands
"Don't look at me, I'm Switzerland, okay? I hate choosing sides. When you two fight." The older sister says finally getting in the car, her son scooting closer to her and rested his head in her lap as she sits.


At the school, the Winchester's,  minus Grayson who was napping the motel they found, were standing in front of Dr. Mason's door.
Dean lifted his hand and knocked.
When he answered, Sam spoke first
"I'm Sam. This is Darcey and Dean. We were friends of Angela's. We..we wanted to offer our condolences," he says
Dr. Mason smiled sadly
"Please, come in." He told them as he opens the door more.

The three sit as they look through a photo album of Angela's.
"She was beautiful." Sam says
"Yes, she was." Her father reply's
From across the room, Dean held a book.
"This is an unusual book." He says showing it to them.
It was a brown cover with gold writing and a gold odd symbol in the centre of it.
"Oh, it's Ancient Greek. I teach a course." Dr. Mason said.
"So a car accident, that's..that's horrible." Dean says
"Angie was only a mile away from home when, uh..." he struggled to say
"It's gotta be hard. Losing someone like that. Sometimes it's like they're still around...almost like you can still sense their presence." Dean oh but so subtlety drags out.
"You ever feel anything like that?" Dean asks
"I do, as a matter of fact." The Doctor said

"And that's perfectly normal, Dr. Mason." Darcey tells him, sending a short look to Dean. She knew what he was doing.
"Especially with what you're going through." Sam says
"You know, I still phone her?" The man said. "And the phone's ringing before I remember that, uh...
Family's everything, you know? Angie was the most important thing in my life. And now, we'll, I'm just lost without her." He says.
Darcey looked down. She couldn't imagine what would happen to her if she lost Grayson, or even her brothers.
Not only would she be lost, but she would be a mere shell of a person. Someone who doesn't have a place in the world anymore because the people who kept her they're, were gone.

"We're very sorry." Sam says


At the motel, Darcey made sure to give Grayson an extra hug when she was greeted by him as they entered.
She and him made they're way to a bed, where she listened to her brothers talk, she watched over her son as he began to read a story.

From the other side of the room, Sam and Dean discuss the potential case.
"There's something going on. We just haven't found it yet." Dean says looking through they're fathers journal.
"Dean, so far you got a patch of dead grass and nothing." Sam said
"Something turned that grave into unholy ground." Dean presses on further
"There's no reason for it to be unholy ground."  Sam tells him "Angela Mason was a nice girl who died in a car crash. Thats not exactly vengeful-spirit material. You heard her father."

"Well, maybe Daddy doesn't know everything there is to know about his little angle." Dean said
Darcey could hear the raised voices of her brothers.
"You know what? We never should've bothered that poor man. We shouldn't even be here anymore." Sam says to Dean.
"So, what, Sam? We just bail? Without even figuring out what's going on?" The brother asked

Darcey sighed, fed up with both brothers at this point.

"I think I know what's going on here. It's the only reason I want along with you this far."  She hears Sam say
"What are you talking about?" Dean asks
"This is about mom's grave."
Dean scoffs. "It's got nothing to do with it."

"You wouldn't step within 100 years of it. Even Darcey went up to it. Look, maybe you're imagining a hunt where there isn't one..so you don't have to think about mom or dad." Sam says
Darcey scoffs like Dean did earlier.
Her brother though was silent, not confirming nor denies Sam's thought.
"You wanna take another swing? Go ahead, if it'll make you feel better." Sam finally says
Dean shook his head.
"I don't need this crap." He says and goes to walk out of the room.
"Dean, where are you going?" Darcey asked standing up.
"I'm going to get a drink. Alone." He says to her and Sam.

When he left the room, Darcey went back to her shared bed with Grayson.
"You have to know I'm right, right?" Sam asked her
"I don't know, Sam. He's been distant from me and it's starting to worry me. I'll try and talk to him in the morning." She says getting under the duvet.
She moved her pillow around and made sure Grayson was okay before she fell asleep.

The next morning, Sam and Grayson had to shake Darcey awake because she was screaming in her sleep.
"Darcey, hey, it's okay. It's okay." Sam says.
The girl felt her tears and moved her shaking hand to her face to wipe them dry.
She felt her son hug her front. She quickly hugs him back, her feeling just a little better.
"Are you okay?" Sam asked her "do you want to talk about it?"
Darcey shook her head and held Grayson just a little tighter.
"Okay, we can watch some tv then.." Sam says turning it on some skin care channel.
When Grayson eventually let go of his mom, Dean walked in.
"Hey." Sam says after he quickly shut of the tv.
Dean gave them a look, clearly judging they're choice of entertainment, or lack there of.
"What?" Sam asked, pretending he wasn't just watching what they were watching.
"Awkward." He says
"Where the hell were you?" Sam asked

"Just working my imagination case." He says
Darcey lays back down. Her head slightly hitting he headboard, which caused her to let out a small Yelp.
The brothers looked over at they're sister who was rubbing her head.
They said nothing to her and continued they're talk.
"Yeah, and?" Sam asks
"Oh, well, you were right. I didn't find much." Dean says
"Careful, Sam, his ego is showing." Darcey says noticing They way Dean talked and moved, he probably went to go prove Sam wrong and actually found out something.
"Yeah. Whatever. Actually, Angela's boyfriend died last night, slit his own throat." Dean says. "But, you know, that's normal. Uh, let's see. What else? Oh, he was seeing Angela everywhere before he died. But, you know, I'm sure that's just me transferring my own feelings." Anger or maybe just aggravation was clear in his voice.
"Okay, I get it. I'm sorry. Maybe there is something going on here." Sam says

"Maybe? Sam, I know how to do my job, despite what you might think." Dean said

"We should check out the guys apartment." Sam says

"I just came from there." Dean tells them. "And a pile of dead plants, just like the cemetery. Hell, a dead goldfish too."

"So unholy ground?" Sam asked
Darcey made a noise. The brothers looked to her, "if you say unholy ground one more time, I swear." She says. Her mood was not a good one this morning and with the way they were acting this week, she was just not having it.

"Maybe." Dean says "I'm still not
Getting that powerful angry-spirit vibe from Angela. I've been reading this, though."
He got up and brings out a pink book.
"You stole the dead girls diary?" Darcey
"Yeah. And if anything, the girl's a little too nice." He said
"So, what do you Wanna do?" Sam asks
"Keep digging." Dean tells him
"Get any names?" the little brother asked
"You kidding me? I have her best friend in the whole wide world." He says throwing the book to Sam.


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