Embrace The Flames // BOok 1

By and_thebad_wolfStory

3.4K 59 1

"I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me " ... More

Darcey's Playlist / aesthetics!
Where it started
PILOT Part 1
Pilot Part 2
Wendigo part 2
Bloody Mary
Bloddy mary part 2
Skin part 2
Hook man
Bugs part 2
Scarecrow part 2
Faith part 2
The benders
Shadow part 2
Dead Man's Blood
Dead Man's Blood part 2
Salvation part 2
Devil's Trap
Devil's trap part 2
Season 2 playlist
In My Time of Dying
In my time of dying part 2
Everybody loves a clown
Erverybody loves a clown part 2
Bloodlist part 2
Children shouldn't play with dead things
Children shouldn't play with dead things part 2
The usual suspects
The other special Winchester
Born under a bad sign
Born under a bad sign part 2
Tall tales
Tall tales part 2
What is and What Should Never Be
All hell breaks loose, part 1
All Hell breaks loose part one, part 2
All hell breaks loose, part 2
All hell breaks loose part two part 2

The usual suspects part 2

24 0 0
By and_thebad_wolfStory


Darcey Winchester stood, still by the window of the small room that Sam and her were being held in.
The older girl has had enough of it.
She needed air. She needed more room. She was tired of feeling trapped.
A man soon came in, they're lawyer. He handed them a note, it was from Dean.
She smiled a bit when she saw that he thought the same thing they did, about the name Dana Shulps being in fact not a name at all, but an anagram, or in this case a street name.
"I hope that was meaningful." The lawyer says. "I'd like to discuss your case now."
Sam pointed to the other chair.
"Sure thing, Matlock." He says

Darcey though, began to pace a bit as they talked.
"You two really are brothers, aren't you?" He says
"Oh, yeah, two peas in a pod. Can we hurry this up?" Darcey says annoyed.
She really needed some air. The lawyer looked at her and sat down.
"Now, as you know..the DA might be interested in—" he started but was interrupted but a knock at the door.
They're lady cop friend was at the door,
"We need you. With the other one." She says
Darcey and Sam look to one another, she try's her hardest not to run out the door.

When they were left in the room, Sam and her made they're great escape.


In the motel, Sam looked through some papers from the station while Darcey made a quick phone call to Grayson, just to let him know that she was okay.
When she was done, she sat at the bed.
She was just about to ask Sam a question when they're was a knock at the door.
The Older and younger Winchester shared a look, when Sam went to go open it, Darcey grabbed his non hurt hand, stopping him from opening the door, worried it was the police.
"It's fine." He whispers to her going over to the door despite her protests.
When Sam opens it, they were surprised to see that it was Diana, the lady cop.
Sam let her in.

She presented her wrist to Sam to take a look.
"These showed up after you saw it?" He asked the woman.
Darcey sat on the bed, away from her, not liking that they were helping the woman who took her brother.
"Yeah, I guess." She tells him.
"All right. You're going to have to tell me exactly what you saw." He says
"You know, I must be losing my mind." She said "you're a fugitive. I should be arresting you." She tells them both.
Darcey scoffs and shakes her head.
"All right, well, you know what? You can arrest me later. After you live through this. But right now, you gotta talk to us. Okay?" He says

Diana nods, agreeing to his terms.
"Okay, great. Now, what did the spirit look like?" Sam asked

"She was..really pale. And her throat was cut. And her eyes, they were like this deep dark red. It appeared like she was trying to talk to me, but she couldn't. It was just a lot of blood." Diana tells them.

Darcey looked over to Sam when Diana sat down on the edge of the other bed, then one Darcey wasn't on.
"You know what? Here. I've been researching every girl who's died..or who's ever gone missing from Ashland street. " Sam says showing her the stolen files.
"How'd you get those? Those are From crime scenes and booking photos." Diana says
"You have your job, I have mine." Sam said
From where she was, Darcey gave a small smirk, knowing neither of them saw it though. She then started to play with a loose string on the duvet, she was annoyed.
"Here, I need you to look through these, tell me if you recognize anyone." Sam told the woman.
Diana day on the bed that was closer to the table, the bed that Darcey was on.
The girl then got up and moved to the table,
The cop looked to the girl before she looked back to the photos.
When she passed a few, she finally looked up to them.
"This is her." She says handing it to Sam.
"I'm sure of it." She said
"Clair Becker, 28 years old. Disappeared about eight or nine months ago." Sam reads.
"But I don't even know her." Diana said. "Why would she come after me?" She asked
"Well, before her death, she was arrested twice for dealing heroin. You ever work Narcotics?" Sam asked Turing to her
"Yeah. Pete and I did. Before Homicide." Diana says
Sam held up the photo.
"You ever bust her?" He asks
"Not that I remember." She says
"It says she was last seen entering 2911 Ashland Street. Police searched the place, didn't find anything." Sam reads more. He then handed it to Diana.
"Guess we gotta check it out ourselves. See if we can find her body. " Sam says getting up.
Darcey got up as well and grabbed her jacket.
"What?" Diana asked
Darcey rolled her eyes.
"Well, we gotta salt and burn her bones. It's the only way to put her spirit to rest." Sam explains
"Of course it it." The woman says


At the place, Darcey and Sam look around with they're flashlights, looking for anything useful.
"So, what exactly are we looking for?" Diana asked
"I'll let you know when we find it." Sam says
Sam then made his was up the old wooden steps, Darcey not far behind.
When they hear Diana call
for them, they make they're way back down and rush over to her.
"Hey, we're here. What is it?" Sam asked when the got to her
"What happened?" Darcey asked
"Clair." Diana says

"Where?" Sam asks
"She was here."
"Did she attack you?"
"No. She was just like, reaching out to me. She was over by the window." The trio makes they're way over.
Diana and Darcey go over to the big thing that's blocking the window.
"Hey, wait. Help me move this." Diana says
And they do, Diana reads the window.
"Our little mystery world."
Sam then turned around, the light reflection from the window made words on the brick wall viable, spelling out Dana Shulps.
"Now the extra letters make sense." Sam said pulling out the EMF.
"What is that?" Diana asks
"Spirits and certain remains give of electro-magnetic frequencies." Darcey says from beside Sam.
They start to walk around, holing the device up.
"So if Claire's body was here, that wound indicate that?" Diana asks
"Yeah. Well, that's the theory." Sam says

When Sam walked up to the wall, the EMF started to ring and the red at the top went full blast.


Darcey and Diana stood back as Sam took a pipe and began to break the wall.
When he made a hole, he took his flashlight and shined it down.
"Yeah, yeah. There's definitely something in there." He says

Diana and Darcey walked a bit closer.
"You know, this is bothering me." Sam says hitting his elbow to the wall.
"Well, you are digging up a corpse." Diana says
"No, not that..that's pretty par for the course, actually." Sam said
"Then what?" Diana asks, her voice going higher as she did so.
"It's just,..I mean, no vengeful spirit we've ever Tussled with..wanted to be wasted. So why would Clair lead us to her remains?" Sam asked
Darcey thought about that. What Sam was saying was true.
"It doesn't make sense." Darcey says agreeing with him

He broke more of the wall. When it was big enough, he said
"All right, give me a hand."
They all pulled out the remains, placing it to the ground.
Sam got out his switchblade and cut the rope, revealing Claire body.
"Look at her wrists." Darcey says
"Yeah, they'd be bruised just like yours." Sam says as Diana shows them.
She then slowly moved her hand to the chain necklace the corpse was wearing.
Noticing, Sam says, "that necklace mean something to you?"
"I've seen it before." She said to them.
Sam then picked it up to get a better look.
"It's rare. It was custom-made over on Carson Street." Diana says as she reaches to her chest and shows them her own.
"I have one just like it. Pete gave it to me." She said


"Now this all makes perfect sense." Sam said standing up.
"I'm sorry?"
"Yeah, you see, Clair is not a vengeful spirit. She's a death omen." Sam realizes
Darcey and Diana stand up now.
The older Winchester moved over to Sam.
"Excuse me?" The lady cop asked
"Clairs not killing anyone." Sam tells her
"She's trying time warn them." Darcey says
"See, sometimes spirits don't want vengeance, they want justice. Which is why she led us here." Sam explains
"She wants us to know who her killer is." Sam concludes
"Detective, how much do you know about your partner?" Sam asked her
Darcey watched as Diana's face changed."oh, my God." She says
"What?" Darcey asked before Sam could.
"About a year ago, some heroin went missing from lockup. Obviously it was a cop. We never found it who did it. But whoever did would need smmejne to fence their product." Diana tells them.

"Someone like a heroin dealer." Sam says
"Somebody like Claire." Darcey said


In the cop car, with Sam in the front and Darcey in the back, from the drivers seat, Diana hung up her phone.
"What is is?" Sam asks
"Pete just left the precinct." Diana says
"He has Dean." Darcey exclaimed
"Yes." Diana confirms
"What?" Sam asked
"He said the prisoner had to be transferred, he just took him." She explains
Darcey hit her head on the back of the seat. This was not good.
She needed to see Dean, her Nerves were all over the place right now and only seeing him would calm her down.
"Dispatch has been calling. He won't answer the radio."
That bit of information didn't help Darcey at all.
"Radio? He toot a county vehicle?" Sam asked
"Yeah." Diana says
"Then it should have a LoJack. You just gotta get it turned on." Sam said
Darcey has no idea what that was. She was glad sam did though, that meant the could help Dean.


Diana and the Winchester's quickly ran and stopped when they saw Pete holing a gun to Dean who was on the ground.
Diana took out her own gun and aimed it at him.
"Pete. Put the gun down." She tells him.
"Diana?" The guy says surprised that she was here.
"How'd you find me?" He asked
"I know about Claire." She says
"I don't n me what you're talking about." He denies
"Put the gun down." She asked again
"Oh, I don't think so." He said "you're fast. Pretty sure I'm faster."
Darcey looked between Pete and Dean nervously.
"Why are you doing this?" Diana asks
"I didn't do anything, Diana." Pete claims

"It's a little late for that." She says
"It wasn't my fault." He said
"Claire was going to turn me in. I had no choice." He says
"And Tony? Karen?" She asked
"Same thing. Tony scrubbed the most. Then he got skittish..and then he wanted to come clean. I'm sure he told Karen everything." He said "he was a mess. I had to clean it up. I just panicked."

Sam and Darcey Stare at Dean, the brothers having one other they're silent conversations Darcey never understood.
"How many more people are going to die over this, Pete?" Diana asks
"There's a way out." He said
"This Dean kid's a frigging gift. We can pin the whole thing on him. Okay? No trial, nothing. Just one more Dean scumbag." Pete said
"Hey." The twins said out loud. Pete held his gun up more to Dean as Sam held Darcey a bit back.
"No one will question it." Pete says
"Diana, please..I still love you." He pleads.
Diana Lowers her gun.
"Thank you. Thank you. " Pete said
When she then fired her gun, hitting Pete right in the leg, Dean rolled out of the way.
"Yeah, why don't you buy me another necklace, you ass." Diana says
Pete then grabbed her legs and threw her down. He grabbed her gun and aimed it at Sam when he tried to move forward.
Darcey stood behind him.
As Pete Aimed the gun back at Diana, Claire showed up behind him.
The stillness and surprise of Pete that Claire was in front of him, gave Diana enough of a distraction so she could grab a gun and fire one shot at him, making this officially over.


In the morning, the Winchester's stood back as they watched Diana look at Pete.
Darcey held on to Dean. She held on tightly, worried that if she let go, someone would take him away again.
The lady cop then made her way over to the Winchester's.
"You doing all right?" Sam asked her
"Not really." She admits
"The death omen, Claire. What happens to her now?" She asked
"It should be over." Sam tells her
"She should be at rest."

"So, ah..what now, officer?" Dean asked.
"Pete did confess to me, he screwed up all of your cases royally. I'd say there's a pretty good chance that we can get your cases dismissed. " she tells them

"You can take care of that for us?" Sam asks
"I hope so." She says
"But the St. Louis charges? That's another story. I can't help you."
The Winchester's share a look.
"Unless..I just happened to turn my back, and you walked away. I could tell them the suspects escaped.
"Wait, are you sure?" Sam asked
"Yes she's sure." The twins says
"No, it's just you could lose your job over something like that." Sam said
"Look, j just want you guys out there doing what you do best. Trust me. I'll sleep better at night. Listen, you need to watch your back. There're going to be looking for the three of you now. Get out of here. I gotta radio this in." She tells them, turning her back, only to turn back when Dean asked,
"Hey, you wouldn't happen to know where my car is by any chance?"

"It's at the impound yard on Robertson." She says "don't even think about it." She said
"It's okay, it's all right. Don't worry about it. We'll..just improvise. We're good at that." Sam said
"Yeah, I've noticed." Diana said

The Winchester's have turned around and make they're way away. Darcey walked bedside Dean as they walked.
"Nice lady." Sam says
"Yeah, for a cop." Dean said "did she look familiar to you?" He asked
"No, why?" Sam says
"I don't know. Anyway, are you hungry?" Dean asked
"Yes." Darcey says just as Sam said no.
"For some reason I could really go for some pea soup." He said
"I hate pea soup. It reminds me of vomit." Darcey says


Hello! Thanks for reading and voting!
I know I can be a silent reader sometimes, but I would really like for some of you to comment your thoughts!!

The next chapter is about Darcey ! I'm really excited!
And this chapter was fun and a bit hard to write with the going back and forth,
I think from now on, after every chapter I'm going to put a little fact at the end about the episode.
Since I'm watching and typing at the same time, I'm watching on my laptop on Amazon prime video and every episode they display facts about it.


( Like in this episode "The Usual Suspects" it's the first episode Dean doesn't refer to Sam as Sammy. )

Anyway, enjoy!

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