Embrace The Flames // BOok 1

By and_thebad_wolfStory

3.4K 59 1

"I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me " ... More

Darcey's Playlist / aesthetics!
Where it started
PILOT Part 1
Pilot Part 2
Wendigo part 2
Bloody Mary
Bloddy mary part 2
Skin part 2
Hook man
Bugs part 2
Scarecrow part 2
Faith part 2
The benders
Shadow part 2
Dead Man's Blood
Dead Man's Blood part 2
Salvation part 2
Devil's Trap
Devil's trap part 2
Season 2 playlist
In My Time of Dying
In my time of dying part 2
Everybody loves a clown
Erverybody loves a clown part 2
Bloodlist part 2
Children shouldn't play with dead things
Children shouldn't play with dead things part 2
The usual suspects
The usual suspects part 2
The other special Winchester
Born under a bad sign
Born under a bad sign part 2
Tall tales
Tall tales part 2
What is and What Should Never Be
All hell breaks loose, part 1
All Hell breaks loose part one, part 2
All hell breaks loose, part 2
All hell breaks loose part two part 2


26 1 0
By and_thebad_wolfStory


The darkness was something Darcey got used to by now.
There were no windows that let the beautiful light brighten up this damp room in a basement.
The girl sat, cross legged, in the furthest corner from the metal door.
Her arms tired together with a zip tie, like always.
Her wrists were red and always bleeding.
She shivered as a slow breeze of coldness flowed in.
Not having been fed it a while her body was starting to get cold more often.
When the sound of the lock clicked, she knew it only meant pain. She huddled more into the corner, wishing if she pressed herself against it hard enough, she would sink through it and disappear and be back with her father and brother.

The girl looked up, only to be a bit blinded by the small amount of light that seeped from the open door.
She knew not to make a run for it when it opened, she learned the hard way.

"Well, hey Sweetheart." The crude voice of her captor filled her ears.
Her hands shook and her eyes glistened with tears.



Darcey turns in her sleep, the familiar rock of the impala that she didn't know she would miss so much helped her sleep, but the nightmare and loud Dean's Triumph is what woke her up with a startle.

"Woo! Listen to her purr. You hear anything sound so sweet?" When his sister made a gasp sound, he looked in the review mirror and saw that she was awake. The slight fear and anxiety on her face didn't go unnoticed by the twin brother.
"Sorry, D. Did I wake you?" He asked her knowing that he was probably partly the cause.
"Yeah, you know, if you and Baby wanna get a room, just let me and Sam know." She told him as she fixed her bed head hair.
"Oh, don't listen to them Baby. They doesn't understand us, and she's just jealous because I love you more." He says to the car.
Darcey rolled her eyes as Sam let out a scoff.
"You're in a good mood." Sam says stating the obvious.
"Yes he is. And it's annoying." The sister says only because she's in a horrible mood herself.
"Why shouldn't I be? And you, hush." Dean says over to his sister and Sam.
"No reason." The little brother says
"I got my car. Got a case. Things are looking up." Dean said, a smile plastered on his face.

Darcey wanted to be in a good mood too, but her nightmare, or rather, memory, kept her from doing just that.
It put her in a dark place and she wasn't sure working a case was best, but it was a bit too late now, so, she sat back and just listened to her brothers talk while she thought to herself.

When they were done the last one, after the whole watching Dean smack the car thing, she hung out with her son and apologized for her behavior towards him, Grayson, forgave her in a heart beat.
Sometime, she questions if he's even her son because of how he acts. But when she looks into his green eyes, she knows, with no doubt that he is hers and hers only.

"Wow." Sam says, amazed because he doesn't even remember a time he's seen his brother like this before.
"Give you a couple of severed heads and a pile of dead cows..and you're Mr. Sunshine." Sam tells him
Dean smiles more." How far to Red Lodge?" He asked
"Ah, about 300 miles." Sam says
"Good." Dean said and pushed harder on the gas, speeding up the car down the empty road.


At the police station, the Winchester's talked to the sheriff.
"The murder investigation is still ongoing. That's all I can share with the press.hope you can understand that." He tells them.
Pulling down her pencil skirt, Darcey un crosses her legs and scrunched down the uncomfortable clothing.

"Sure, we understand that. But just for the record. You found the first head last week...right?" Sam asked him
"The sheriff nodded his head.
"Okay, and the other, a Christina Flanagan. " Sam continues
"That was two days ago. Then—" The man was cut off by a knock at his door.
"Excuse me, sir?" The woman said and tapped her watch.
"Oh, thank you. Sorry, times up. We're done here." He says about to get up.
"One last question" Darcey says.
"What about the cattle?" Dean asked
"Excuse me?"
"You know, the cows found dead..split open, Drained, over down cases " Dean asked more specifically
"What about them?" The sheriff says
"You you don't think there's a connection?" Sam questions
"Connection with..?"

"First, cattle mutilations. Now, two murders. Kinda sounds like ritual stuff. " Sam says
"You know, like satanic- cult ritual stuff." Dean clarifies.
The sheriff then begins to laugh.
"You.." he laughs and points to them, who are not laughing at all
"You're not kidding." He says
"No." Darcey said shaking her head
"Those cows aren't being mutilated. You wanna know how I know?" He asked

"How?" Sam counters
"Because there's no such thing as cattle mutilation. Cow drops, leave it in the sun..within 48 hours the bolts will split open so clean..it's just about surgical. The bodily fluids fall down into the ground, gets soaked up...because that's what gravity does. But, hey, it could be Satan." The sheriff says to them
"What news paper did you say you work for?" He then asked


When officer friendly kicked them Out, they're next stop was the county hospital, to look at one of the recent body's.

The three walked into the room, white doctor coats on, trying to blend in.
"John." Dean says to the guy at the desk
"Jeff." He corrects him
"Jeff, I know that. Dr. Dworkin needs to see you in his office." Dean tells him
"But, Dr. Dworkin is on vacation." Jeff tells them
"Well, he's back. And he's pissed. He's screaming for you.so if I were you—" Dean says as Jeff runs off.

"I can't believe that actually works." Darcey says as she plays with the sleeve of her doctors jacket.
She was a bit distracted today and the brothers promised each other that they would confront they're sister about it later.
"Those Satanists in Florida, they marked their victims, didn't they?" Dean asked
"Yeah. Reverse pentacle on the forehead." Sam says

"Yeah."  Dean says as he hands his siblings gloves, "So much F'd up crap happens in Florida."

Sam and Dean opened the door that held the first victims body.
"All right, open it." Dean says to Sam referring to the box.
Sam looked up to his brother "you open it." He says
Dean then picked up the box
"You wuss." He says as he brings it to where his sister is standing. Darcey braces herself as the boys let out a sigh.
"Well, no pentagram." Dean says
"Poor girl." Darcey says softly
"Maybe we should look in her mouth. See if those wackos stuffed anything down her throat." Dean tells them.
" like the moth in silence of the lambs?" Darcey asked Dean.
"Yeah!" Dean agreed
"Yeah, yeah, go ahead." Sam says Turing the box to Dean.
"No, you go ahead." Dean said pushing it back
"What?" Sam asked
"Put the lotion in the basket." Dean says

"Right, yeah, I'm the wuss, huh? Darcey can't even look at the thing." Sam said As he begins to look in her mouth.
"Get me a bucket." The little brothers says

"Find anything?" He asked
"No, I'm going to puke." He tells them

"Wait, lift the lip up again." Dean asked
"What? You want me to throw up? Did he want me to throw up?" Sam says looking to Darcey
She only shrugged her shoulders.
"No, I think I saw something." Dean said lifting the lip up himself
"What is that, a hole?"
Dean pressed it and a fang extended from it.
"That's a fang." Darcey says
"A retractable set of fangs. You got to be kidding me." Dean said

"Well, this changes things." Sam says
"You think?" The twins say looking at Sam


Walking into a bar, even thought Darcey practically begged to go anywhere else, they walked up to the bartender.
"How's it going?" Dean asked him
Filling up a glass, the guy looked up
"Living the dream. What can I get for you?" He asked
"Two beers and a water, please." Dean says
"So, were looking for some people." Sam says Darcey took the water and downed it. Her Nerves we all over the place and she didn't like it.
"Sure. It's hard being lonely." He tells sam
"Yeah, but that's not what I meant." Sam said and pulled out a $50 bill and passed it to him. He took it and Sam started.
"Great. So these people, they would've moved here about six months ago. Probably pretty rowdy, like to drink." Sam describes
"Yeah, real night owls, you know? Sleep all day, party all night." Dean says taking a sip from his beer
"Barker farm got leased out a couple months ago. Real winners. They've been in here a lot. Drinkers. Noisy. I've had eighty-six of them once or twice." The bar tender says
"Thanks." Dean says.
The Winchester's start to head out.

Walking, she could tell the boys were felling the same way she was, like they were being followed.

The brothers then pushed the intruder up against the wall.
"Smile." Dean tells him.
"What?" He asked

"Show us those pearly whites" Dean asks again
"For the live of—you wanna stick that thing somewhere else, I'm not a vampire." He says

"That's right. I heard you guys." The guy says.
Darcey stood as far away as possible.

"What do you know about vampires?" Dean asked
"How to kill them." He said "now, seriously , bro, that knife's making me itch." Gordon says
Gordon tried to get out of they're grasp but Sam hit his shoulder
"Whoa, easy they're, Chachi." He then slowly puts his hands up and lifts his upper lip.
"See? Fangless. Happy? Now, who the hell are you?" He asked

At his car, they stood around him as he showed them his hunting gear.
Dean didn't really question his sister when he noticed her silence and shy behavior, he took it as a shy thing, but the grip she had on the back of his shirt, confused him.
"The Winchester's. I can't believe it." Gordon says "You know I met your old man once. Hell of a guy. Great hunter. I heard he passed. I'm sorry."
"That's big shoes. But from what I hear, you guys fill them in. Great trackers. Good in a tight spot." He tells them

"You seem to know a lot about our family." Dean says
"Word travels fast." He says " you know how hunters talk."

"No, we don't actually." Dean says
"I guess there's a lot your dad never told you, huh?"
Sam then speaks, breaking the silence.
"So, um. So those two vampires. They were yours?"

"Yep. Been here two weeks" he tells him
"Did you check out that farm?" Dean asked
"Just a bunch of hippy freaks.though they could kill you with that patchouli smell."
"Where's the nest then?" Dean questions
"I got this covered." He tells them

"Look, don't get me wrong, it's a real pleasure meeting you," he says sending a cocky smile to Darcey, who made the mistake to make eye contact.
She flinched back and his back behind Dean.
Sam watched his sister with confusion and worry.
"But I've been on this thing for over a year. I killed a fang back in Austin, tracked the nest here. I'll finish it."

"We could help." Dean says
"Thanks. But I'm a go-it-alone Type of guy. " Gordon said
"Come on, i've been itching for a hunt". Dean asked
" sorry. But, I hear there's a chupacabra two states over. Go ahead and knock yourselves out." He says and gets in his car.
"It was real food meeting you. I'll buy you a drink on the flip side." He says lastly, sending a wink to the sister.
when he finally drove off, Darcey seemed to physically relax, letting out a breath.


When the brothers insisted that they follow Gordon, Darcey stayed in the car until they came back.
She used her flashlight to read a book in the dark.
She wasn't in the mood for fighting, or rescuing Gordon. She didn't like him.

The sound of the impala door opening lifted the girl's attention to her brothers as they entered the car.
The sister immediately noticed the blood splatter on Deans face.
"Dean! Are you okay?" She ask sitting up from her seat.
"I'm fine, it's not mine." He tells her as he started up the car.
"Where are we going now? Can we find a motel and call it a night?" The older sister asked hopefully.
"We're meeting with Gordon. He's buying us drinks." Dean tells her
Darcey leans back in her seat.
She wanted to do nothing more the just go back to a motel and sleep and forget this terrible day she was having.


In the bar, she sat bedside Sam, who also didn't seem in the drinking mood.
The drinks were brought buy a pretty blond.
Gordon gave her the money and handed Darcey a shot.
She took it but placed it in front of her, not drinking it.
After his toast, he says
"Dean. You gave that big-ass fang one hell of a haircut, my friend."

"Thank you." Dean says
"That was beautiful, absolutely beautiful." Gordon says
"Well, you alright, Sammy, D?" Dean asked looking to his sister and Sam.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Sam says While Darcey nods. She wasn't in the mood to talk.

"Well, lighten up a little, Sammy and DD,"
"They're the only ones who gets to call me that. And you don't get to call my sister anything." Sam says protectively
"Okay. No offence meant. Just celebrating a little. A job well done." Gordon says
Darcey's whole face changed when he called her DD.
Sure Dean called her D sometimes, but it was Dean, that has always been a nickname, for just him.

"Right, well, decapitations aren't my idea of a good time, I guess."
"Oh, come on, man. It's not like it was human." He tells Sam "you gotta have a little fun with your job."
Dean snapped his finger and pointed at Gordon
"That's what I've been trying to tell him. You could learn a thing or two from this guy" he says

"Yeah, I bet I could. Look, I'm not gonna bring you guys down. I'm just going to go back to the motel. Darcey, come with?" He asked
She stood up quickly and grabbed Sam's reached out hand.
"Are you guys sure?" Dean asked
"Yeah." Sam answers
"Man, you're sister it hot." Darcey heard Gordon say.
Sam went back over to him, ready to fight him, but She stopped him. It wasn't worth it.
" watch it." Dean says defending her. "Sammy," the brother calls and tossed the keys to him.
"Remind me to beat that buzz kill out of you later, all right.?"

Darcey and Sam then walk out and head to the motel.
When they do, Darcey immediately goes and to shower.
When she's out and dressed again, she walks out of the steamy washroom and sits on the other bed and listens to Sam talk to Ellen.
"Yeah. Yeah, everything's fine. Got a question. You ever run across a guy named Gordon Walker?"
Darcey grabs a book from her bag, with intention to read it. "And?" She hears Sam ask
"Well, we ran into him on a job and we're kind of working with him."
The sister looks over when she noticed the change in Sam's voice
"I-I thought you said he was a good hunter." He asked

"Ellen.. Right. Okay." Sam says and hangs up.
"You okay?" Sam asks his sister
Darcey hesitates, not sure if she should talk or not, especially to Sam.
She usually talks to Dean, but he was with the Gordon.
"No. Not really. I don't trust this guy." She tells him honestly

"Neither do I." Sam says 
She hesitates again. 
"Like, I really don't. I and don't like how close Dean is getting with him." she says,
Agreeing with her, Sam then asked her if she wanted anything from the vending machine he saw earlier. She said no and went back to her book.

When Sam walked back in the room, he noticed Darcey not on the bed, figuring she was in the washroom, Sam let's put a surprised grunt as a person jumps him.
He begins to fight both the guys that have managed to get in his room, only to be knocked out.


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