Lean on me

By Grace013310

16.4K 297 27

Grace Walker was Jensen Ackles' lifelong best friend. When she dies giving birth to her daughter, she asks Je... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 3

1K 18 1
By Grace013310

"Sloan! Come on, we're late!" Grayson yells up the stairs, waking the girl up. 

Sloan groans and looks over at her alarm clock, seeing that it's 7:45. She jumps up and grabs a random outfit, rushing to get dressed. They were supposed to be at the set fifteen minutes ago. Sloan stops, her shirt halfway over her head, as she remembers the group's plan for the day. The teenager walks over to her door and opens it just a crack. 

"Are we still going swimming later?" She calls down the stairs. 

"Yes." Grayson replies. 

"Are we coming back before we go or are we going straight there?" That would determine if she puts actual clothes on or just her bathing suit. 

"I think we're going straight there." The older boy says, annoyance lacing his voice. "Now hurry up and get dressed! They're gonna kill us if we're late again!" Sloan huffs and walks back to her closet. 

"Calm down!" She yells back, throwing her clothes back in the closet and grabbing a random bathing suit, moving back to the door. "They won't kill us, they'll just seriously hurt us." 

Sloan closes the door again before changing into her black bikini. She slips a white lace dress over her shoulders before sliding into her brown flip slops. She walks into the bathroom she and Grayson share and quickly brushes her teeth before pulling a brush through her long blonde tangles. Sloan walks back into her room and grabs her phone and earbuds before running down the stairs. 

"You're not going to take actual clothes?" Grayson asks, eyeing his friend's outfit. "We have to be back at the set tonight and then we're going out for dinner. There's no way Jensen's going to let you wear that in public." 

"Why not?" The girl asks, looking down at the clothes as if she was oblivious to the older boy's meaning.

"Because you can see straight through it!" The sixteen year old exclaims, making Sloan laugh. 

"Realax, I have clothes in my dad's trailer." She tells him, walking towards the door. Grayson stays in his spot, watching her go as he shakes his head in exasperation. "Let's go, Padalecki. We're gonna be late."

"I hate you." Grayson mumbles, following the younger girl to the door. Sloan smiles at the boy sweetly. 

"No you don't. You love me." She insists as she opens the door. "You just don't know it yet." The two walk outside, expecting to see Cliff, but the driveway is empty. 

"See? Cliff isn't even here yet." Sloan points out, turning to her friend. "He probably got caught in traffic or something. Which is the excuse we're gonna give for being late." Sloan throws her arm around Grayson's shoulders. "I'm telling ya, Gray, you need to lighten up. Live a little." 

"I'll live a little if they don't kill us." He says as a car pulls into the driveway. Sloan releases her friend and begins to walk backwards towards the car. 

"Relax, they won't even know why we're late." She says.

"Oh yeah?" Grayson asks with a smirk as a car door closes. Sloan nods. 

"Yeah. Trust me. How would they possibly-" She begins, turning around and seeing none other than Jensen and Jared leaning against Jensen's truck, arms crossed over their chests and a brow raised. "know?" 

"You were saying?" Jared asks with a smirk. 

"Hey, guys! What are you doing here?" The girl asks, acting like the two teenagers weren't running late for the third time that week. "I thought we were meeting you at the set." 

"You were supposed to." Jensen says. "Half an hour ago."

"See, it's a funny story, really." Sloan says before pointing to Grayson over her shoulder. "Which I'll let Grayson explain. Take it away, Gray." 

"Well, you see, we were late again because somebody slept in. Again." He says. Sloan turns and looks at him, a betrayed look in her wide eyes, before turning back to the actors in front of her. 

"He's just joking." She says with a laugh. "We were waiting on Cliff, but I guess he got stuck in traffic or something. We're still waiting on him." The two men look at each other. 

"You believe her?" Jensen asks his best friend. 

"Not for a second." He replies. 

"Neither do I." Jensen agrees, both of them turning back to the girl. 

"That hurts." She says, placing a hand over her heart for a moment before dropping it. "Look, I'm sorry we were late, my alarm didn't go off. But it's okay, right?" 

"You're lucky neither of us had coffee this morning." Jensen tells his daughter. "They ran out of coffee on the set so we came back here. Otherwise you'd be in trouble."

"It won't happen again." Sloan says as the men push themselves off the truck and walk towards the house. "I swear." 

"That's what you said yesterday." Her adoptive father says as he passes her.

"And the day before that." Jared adds, following his friend. 

"Well, I mean it this time." Sloan says, turning around and walking behind them. 

"You said that before, too." Grayson says, walking beside Sloan. 

"Shut up, Grayson. No one asked you." She says, shoving him away playfully. 

"So where is Cliff anyway?" Grayson asks as the men fix their coffee. Sloan grabs a cup and pours herself some. 

"He called this morning and said he's sick." Jared explains. "Said he thinks he might have strep or something." 

"Which means we need to keep an eye on you." Jensen adds, pointing to Sloan. 

Since she was born so early, the girl has an extremely weak immune system. Anything can make her extremely sick, even if it's something that's not usually bad. She got strep one time a few years ago after Grayson had it and she was in the hospital with a 104 fever. She had hallucinations from the fever being so high and almost died. So, whenever anyone was sick, Jensen keeps an extra close eye on her.

After finishing their coffee, the group piles into the truck and goes to the set. When they arrive, Sloan jumps out of the truck and closes the door, turning around to see Grayson already walking towards the building with their guardians. 

Smirking, Sloan removes her shoes, holding them in her hand. She runs towards the trio, all of them oblivious, and jumps onto Grayson's back, startling him. She wraps her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. He quickly regains his balance and grips the back of her legs, insuring that she doesn't slip. 

"One day you're going to do that and I'm going to move out of the way and let you fall." He tells her, turning his head slightly to look at the girl. 

"No you won't." She argues, resting her cheek on his shoulder to see him better. "You're too nice for that and you would never let me get hurt." Grayson roll his eyes before facing forward again. 

They walk into the building and Sloan hops off Grayson's back, walking next to him as Jensen and Jared go to the hair and makeup station to get their makeup touched up. The teenagers walk over to the chairs with the actors' names on them and sit down. 

"Did you bring snacks?" Sloan asks Grayson as she settles in her dad's chair. 

"Of course." He says, holding up a bag of peanut m&m's and a coke for the girl. 

Grayson tosses the snacks to the girl and she smiles, opening the bag of m&m's. Robert Singer walks up to the two, giving them a look that they know well. 

"You two know you're not supposed to eat on set." He tells them. 

"Yes, we do." Grayson says with single nod. 

"But you let us do it anyway." Sloan finishes. "Admit it, Bob. You love us." The director just rolls his eyes and walks away. The two watch as everyone gets everything ready before they begin filming. 

Grayson and Sloan smirk at each other and watch as their families start working, immediately getting into character. They wait for a really serious moment before looking at each other and nodding with matching smirks on their faces. They open their sodas at the same time, making a loud hissing noise echo throughout the room. 

Jensen's the first to start cutting up, eventually making both of the actors fall into fits of laughter. The teenagers look to their right to see Robert glaring at them for making the two cut up, knowing it's going to be damn near impossible to get them to focus again.

They jump out of their chairs and run away, cutting across the part of the set Jensen and Jared were on. They burst through the door and continue running, not stopping until they reach Jared's trailer. 

Panting, Grayson tries to open the door but find that it's locked. The two go next door to Jensen's trailer, getting the same result. Sloan turns to her friend, still trying to catch her breath. 

"You think they did that on purpose to keep us out of their trailers?" She asks, getting a nod in return. 

"That's what I would do if I were them." He says.

They walk over to the truck and climb over the sides of the tailgate, sitting in the back. After feels like an eternity, Jensen and Jared emerge from the building. 

"Finally! We were dying of boredom out here!" Sloan exclaims. The men roll their eyes at her dramatics and start walking towards the trailers. 

"Just a few more minutes." Jared tells them. "Let us get out of this stuff and then we'll leave." 

"If you're hungry, go to the food station and get some sandwiches or something." Jensen adds as though the two hadn't spent most of their lives on the set. 

Grayson and Sloan jump over the sides of the tailgate and go back inside, walking up to the tables that are piled high with food. They grab two turkey sandwiches and sit down on the floor near the door while they eat, watching everybody move around the building in an organized chaos.

"What do you think it would be like to be on the show?" Sloan asks after a few minutes. 

"You want to be on the show?" Grayson asks. Sloan shrugs. 

"Yeah. I guess." She says. "I mean, I'm interested in acting and singing. There's no better opportunity to be on TV than to be on the same show as my dad." They sit in silence for a few minutes as they finish eating. 

"Ready to go?" Jensen asks when they return. The kids nod and stand up, following the two to the truck. 

They climb in and Jensen drives to their "secret" lake. He pulls up to the secluded area, parking as close to the woods as he can before the group piles out of the truck, grabbing their towels and the snacks they brought, walking to the hidden trail. 

Sloan pushes back the tree branches and they enter the woods, following the small path until they reach another curtain of branches. She pushes those back and sees the small lake below the cliff they were standing on.

The group sets their stuff down and remove their shoes. The males remove their shirts and jump in as Sloan removes her dress before walking to the tree line to grab the rope she had hidden in a hollow stump. 

She finds a tree that has a thick branch extending over the water and starts climbing carefully. When she reaches the branch, Sloan sits on the end of it and slowly scoots further out. When she finds the perfect spot for the rope, she drops one end of it, keeping a firm grip on the other. She ties the rope to the branch, knotting it tightly so it doesn't come loose. 

"What the hell are you doing?" Jared calls up to the girl. Sloan looks down at them from her spot and sees the three males watching her closely.

"You'll see!" She calls back. Once she's sure the rope is secure, she scoots even further out on the branch. "You guys might want to move!" 

"Why?" Jensen asks, not sure about what the girl was up to. Her fearless and reckless nature made him worry about her.

"Just move!" She tells them, watching as they swim back some. 

Without hesitation, Sloan lets go of the rough bark, sliding off the branch. She smiles as she feels the wind flow through her hair as she falls, her stomach dropping like it would if she were going doing a hill on a rollercoaster. She holds her breath just as she hits the water, her momentum making her sink to the bottom. She swims up to the top, breaking the surface with a laugh. 

"That was awesome!" I say. 

"You're an idiot." Grayson says, shaking his head at his friend. 

"Why?" She asks, confused as to why the three were looking at her like she was nuts.

"You had no idea how deep the water is. You could have gotten hurt." Jensen scolds. 

"But I didn't." She points out, earning an unamused look from her dad. "Relax, I've done it before. I knew what I was doing. Plus, now we have a rope to swing from." 

"I still think you're an idiot." Grayson says. Sloan rolls her eyes and grips his shoulders, pushing herself up on them and forcing him under the water. 

When he comes back up, Sloan tries to swim away from him, but Grayson grabs her ankle and pulls her back towards him. The girl lets out a squeal as he picks her up and throws her into the water. 

"We should do a chicken fight." Sloan suggests after about an hour. The three agree and they go a little bit shallower so Jensen and Jared can touch the bottom. Sloan's about to get on her father's shoulders when Grayson stops her. 

"Wait, wait, wait." He says. "Family shouldn't pair up." 

"Why not?" She asks. 

"Because then we might get help from them which would be cheating." He tells her. 

"He wouldn't help me." Sloan argues, gesturing to Jensen, who nods in agreement. "Fine. We'll switch." 

Sloan swims over to Jared and he goes under the water, allowing her to hop onto his shoulders, crossing her ankles across his chest. She grips his head as he stands back up and her body wobbles slightly as she tries to balance. 

Once everyone's ready, Sloan lets go of Jared's head and reaches for Grayson's hands, the two lacing their fingers together. They start pushing against each other, neither of them willing to give in first. After a minute, Sloan lets her right wrist relax, making him push it backwards. She cries out in false pain, making him stop. 

"What? What happened?" He asks, seeing how far back he pushed.

"My wrist hurts. I think you pushed too hard." She says, fake tears welling up in her eyes and cascading down her cheeks. 

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" Grayson says quickly, guilt quickly welling up in his chest.

"Wait! She said her wrist hurts?" Jensen asks the boy quickly. 

"Yeah. Why?" He asks, looking down at Jensen. 

Sloan uses his distraction to her advantage and stiffens her wrist again, shoving her hands forward, knocking him backward and causing him to fall into the water. Grayson comes back up and spits water out of his mouth. 

"I thought your wrist was hurt." He says in disbelief. Sloan smirks, wrapping the tears from her eyes. 

"I'm double-jointed in my wrists, remember?" She asks. "It takes a lot to make them hurt when we play this game." Jared laughs and reaches up, giving the girl a high five. Sloan leans backwards, falling off Jared's shoulders. 

"I tried to warn you." Jensen tells Grayson. Grayson gives Sloan a look of betrayal when she breaks the surface of the water. 

"You're a cruel person." He tells her, making the girl laugh. 

"It's not my fault you believe everything I say." She says with a shrug. She swims to the cliff like structure and grips the rocks, turning to look at Grayson. "Race you to the top." 

"You could just walk up the side like a normal person." Jared points out. 

"Normal's boring." She tells him before looking back to Grayson. "You comin' or what, loser?" 

"I'm coming." He grumbles as he stand beside her, gripping the rocks. "Stop calling me loser." 

"Then stop being one." She teases, laughing as the boy rolls his eyes. 

They start climbing, Grayson trying to go up fast. Sloan smirks as he reaches for a rock that was too weak to support him, watching as his weight causes the rock to come dislodged, making him hold himself up with one arm. 

Sloan laughs and resumes climbing, grateful for her light body weight. She's almost to the top when she looks back over her shoulder, seeing Grayson getting his bearings again. 

"Be careful!" Jensen calls to the girl when he sees how high up she is. 

"I'm always careful!" She yells back, making him roll his eyes. 

When Sloan finally reaches the top, she pulls herself over the cliff's ledge, turning around and looking down the fifteen foot drop, seeing Grayson just over halfway up. 

"I think I won. Again." She calls down to him, making the boy stop and look up at her with a glare.

When Grayson finally reaches the top, Sloan holds out her hand, grasping his forearm as she pulls him over the edge. She lets go of him and walks over to the rope. She grabs it and walks backwards as far as the rope would reach before running forward again and jumping off the ledge. 

She lets out a Tarzan yell as she swings from the rope, letting go when she reaches the farthest point, doing a backflip as she falls to the water. "Beat that!" She yells up at her friend, who was standing at the edge.

"I can't do a backflip!" He yells back, making the girl laugh. 

After swimming for a few more hours, the guys inform them that they need to get back to the set. The four get out of the water and dry off. Sloan pulls her dress back on her still slightly wet body and puts her flip flops back on, drying her hair as they walk through the woods.

When they reach the studio, the Ackles go to Jensen's trailer while the Padalecki's go to Jared's. Sloan walks into the bedroom and pulls out a coral colors romper with little whit flowers on it and a triangle cut out of the middle. She walks into the bathroom to change and brushes through her still damp hair before twisting it into a french braid that stops at the middle of her back. 

Sloan goes back to the bedroom, putting on a necklace that Jensen told her belonged to her mother. She slips on a wishing star ring on her right ring finger before putting on a pair of white sandals that tie around her ankle. Once she's ready, she exits the trailer and finds the three males waiting for her. 

"Ready?" She asks. They go to the truck and she stops before getting in. "Can we ride in the tailgate? We're just going down the road." 

"I guess." Jensen says. 

The teenagers climb into the tailgate and sit down opposite of each other, their backs against the sides. The truck starts and they lurch to the side as it starts moving. Soon, they pull up to the spot at the woods where they were meeting the rest of the crew. 

Sloan jumps over the side of the tailgate and follows the group into the woods. The teenagers watch as they start the scene, talking to each other in hushed whispers that are barely audible. By the time they finish filming, it's almost impossible to see anything. 

The three say goodbye to the crew before going to a Japanese restaurant, sitting at a table where they cook the food in front of you. They order and Sloan watches in awe as the cook builds a volcano out of onions, lighting it on fire. 

He puts four pieces of shrimp down on the hot surface and cooks them. He gets one on his spatula and turns to Jensen, who opens his mouth. The cook launches the shrimp at him and it lands in the actor's mouth. The cook then moves on to Sloan, launching the next piece at the girl, who moves her head slightly to the right, catching the seafood with ease. 

When he moves on to Grayson, the boy tries to catch it, but the shrimp hits his chin and falls the floor, Jared's following shortly after. They watch as the man cooks their food and sets it in front of them before leaving. 

Sloan grabs some chopsticks and begins eating her teriyaki chicken, looking to her left at the sushi on Grayson's plate. She smirks before leaning over and stealing a piece of it off the boy's plate, popping it in her mouth quickly. 

"Hey!" He says in protest. "Don't eat my food!"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Sloan says around a mouthful of sushi. Grayson glares at the girl before snatching a piece of her chicken. "Hey! That's my chicken." 

"I don't know what you're talking about." The boy repeats with a smirk. Sloan glares at him. 

"Chicken thief." 

"Sushi stealer." 

"Stop it." Jensen warn the pair. 

"But it's my food!" They say at the same time, glaring at each other right after. 

"You two fight like an old married couple." Jared comments, watching the two in amusement. "Can you see it, J? Ten years from now, they'll be married." 

"Yep. And they'll still be living with us and arguing over everything." The oldest of the group replies. "But they will definitely be married." 

"Shut up." The teenagers say in unison again, making the adults laugh. 

"I hate all of you." Sloan mutters as she picks up another piece of chicken.

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