Queen Flavia (Nate Archibald)

By Gerlithequeen

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Flavia Van Der Woodsen is New York's It Girl #1. Flavia's life isn't as perfect as you might think. It's the... More

1.1 Back
1.2 "Give Me A Break"
1.3 Chucky
1.4 "Don't Dare Me, Chuck"
1.5 Caught Off Guard
1.6 "What Were You Thinking?"
1.7 "Love You, Brother"
1.8 Dropping A Bomb
1.9 Photo Shoot
1.10 Carter
1.11 "Mom"
1.12 Masquerade Ball
1.13 Sweet Dreams
1.14 "Who The Hell Was That?"
1.15 Thanksgiving
1.16 The Best Thanksgiving
1.17 Grams
1.18 Carter Baizen
1.19 The Ball
1.20 Special Gifts
1.21 The Key
1.22 "Truths"
1.23 "I'm Chuck Bass"
1.24 "He Was Your First"
1.25 "But you can keep it"
1.26 "G"
1.27 "What Has She Got On You?"
1.28 "We're Sisters"
1.29 "Let's Get You Outta Here"
1.30 "Let's get that Bitch"
1.31 No Saints
1.32 "You deserve it, G."
1.33. "What Are You Up To Now?"
1.34 Summer
1.35 "I'm no saint either"
1.36 White Party
1.37"Why am i even asking you?"
1.38 "I need a Break"
1.39 On Top
1.40 Fashion Week
1.41 "You Can't Lie To Me"
1.42 "I don't have to change for anyone"
1.43 Thanksgiving
A Double Win
Changing Partners
Snowflake ball
"We want you here"
The Will
The Brunch
"Under One Condition"
"Stay Here, Please"
The "Just Friends" Talk
Playing Games
"Relationship Problems"
A Scam
"She Doesn't Know All Of Us"
Arresting The Wrong Girl
"Don't Provoke Her"
"Then Let's Go"
"Right. 'Cause You're Stalking Me "
"I Want You, Carter"
"No More Excuses"
"Please Go, Carter"
"It's Complicated"
"Why Does It Hurt So Much?"
Complicated Love Lifes
"I Don't Know"
"We Should Take Things Slow"
"I'm Done With You"
"I Love You, Fla"
The Lost Empire
"Happy Birthday, Baby"
Relationship Problems
Trust Issues
Moving Back In
Sister Fight
An Emotional Evening
Saving The Relationship
" Where Are You?"
First Day Of School
Dangerous Rumors
Waldorf-Bass War
Game Over
"Please, Go"
Photo Shoot
A Busy Evening
"Spin The Globe"
Dan's Book
"You Used Me"
The Wedding Shower
Chuck And Blair
A Trapp
Wedding Crasher
"Fuck Loyalties"
The Wake
"I'm Back In Town "
"I Fucked Up"
One Half Of Gossip Girl
"Is That A Promise ?"
"Jealous, Fla?"
Fashion Show
The Spectator
Leaked Tape
Thanksgiving Drama
Bart Bass
Endings and Beginnings


6.3K 96 21
By Gerlithequeen

At Chuck's apartment. Next day. 

Nate and I walked into the apartment.

Nate "do you like this apartment?"

I looked around "I love it. "

Nate "Really?"

I nodded "Yeah, i mean, you and Chuck do have taste"

Nate "i mean, look at the girls I've dated "

I shot him a look "if you want me to throw you over the balcony, then just say it"

Nate chuckled "What, it's true"

I sighed "Why am I here, Nate?"

Nate "Well, do you like it a lot?"

I nodded "yeah, it's amazing"

Nate "could you imagine living here?"

I nodded "yeah, sure. I mean, i've spent countless of nights here before"

Nate "Then why don't you just move in with me?"

I chuckled "what?"

Nate nodded "I am serious, Fla, I'm actually really relieved that you love this place, since It's gonna be yours"

I shook my head "I do not like your choice of words, Nathaniel "

Nate "then what would you like?"

Me "I would like for you to not pretend that I never told you I loved you, like you never stood me up after I told you that"

He sighed "Fla-"

Me "Nate, why the hell did you even care with who I am sleeping with? I thought you were happy with Lola? "

Nate "well, i broke up with her"

I nodded "i know. but why?"

Nate "Because i realized that she was just a distraction"

My jaw dropped "huh?"

Nate "yeah, Fla, I do have to get over you somehow"

My jaw dropped even more "huh?"

Nate nodded "Fla, you were the one who ended it, not me. My feelings for you, they stayed the same. "

Me "That's why you didn't sleep with anyone throughout that summer"

He nodded "Well, I felt kinda uncomfortable hooking up with a girl while the girl I wanna hook up with is right there with me"

I nodded "yeah, I know that feeling"

Nate shook his head "Fla, do you love me?"

I nodded "yes"

Nate "and I love you-"

Me "then why did you let me stand there the other day? "

Nate sighed "Because Chuck needed me"

Me "Looked more like you needed Chuck "

Nate nodded "it's the true, Chuck and I have decided to buy a car together. And since we had the interior design custom made, it took a while to get it done"

I raised an eyebrow "A car?"

He nodded "yeah. A Ferrari"

Me "A Ferrari?"

He nodded "yeah"

Me "Nate, you do realize that neither of you own a driver's license, right? So please explain to me how you want me to believe that lie?"

Nate sighed "It's a long story"

Me "you wanted me to cancel my plans for today. I have time, Nate. So what did you and Chuck pick up?"

He sighed "A ring"

My jaw dropped "what?"

Nate "Chuck got a ring for Blair. She doesn't know it yet so please don't tell her anything "

I nodded "Yeah, I won't tell her. "

He nodded "Good. Now that that is taken care of....."

I shook my head "Nate, I am not going to move in with you"

Nate "and why not?"

Me "I can't just move in with my ex-boyfriend. "

Nate nodded "you can, if you make me your official boyfriend"

My jaw dropped and I shook my head "no"

Nate asked confused "why not?"

Me "Nate, are you high!? "

He shook his head confused "no, why would you think that?"

Me "Because you're starting to act like Carter"

He froze.

Me "and there is a reason I am not with him"

Nate "well, there's a reason you're not with me either"

Me "you know exactly why I ended things with you"

Nate "and that reason was just stupidity."

I shook my head "no, It was smart"

Nate "oh really, are you happy with that decision?"

I looked down.

Nate "see? And all I am saying is that you have the opportunity now to undo that decision"

Me "Nate, you're asking me to move in with you!"

Nate nodded "  yes"

Me "why?"

Nate shrugged "I figured we should take the next step. Move in together"

I shook my head "we aren't even together, Nate"

Nate sighed "Fla, please"

I sighed  "just give me some time, okay? "

He nodded "Sure"

Me "I'm sorry, Nate"

He shook his head "it's okay"

I nodded and walked out.

At Home. Night. 

Blair had kicked out Serena, since they had a little disagreement. God, this is all getting out of hand. Mom divorced Rufus and is now back together with Bart which is strange. 

Dorota walked inside "Miss Flavia, you have a visitor"

I asked her confused "who?"

Dorota "he said not to tell you his name, just that you should come downstairs"

I raised an eyebrow "Is it Jack Bass?"

She shook her head "No. "

I walked downstairs "then who the hell is down there?"

My jaw dropped when i saw Carter sitting there on the couch.

I rolled my eyes "hell. no"

Carter smirked "Hell, yes"

I glared at him "what the hell are you doing here?"

Carter stood up and walked over to me, smirked "I missed you"

Me "what are you doing here, Carter?"

Carter "your ex called "

Me "which one?"

Carter "the one you chose over me"

I asked confused "why the fuck would he even contact you ? I thought he was your enemy"

Carter nodded "he is. We are. But we have one thing in common"

Me "and what is that?"

Carter "you"

I rolled my eyes "Cart-"

Carter "don't you think that you have this guy so desperate that he even got to the point where he called the one guy for help who wants nothing more than you?"

I sighed "what did he tell you?"

Carter "that you broke up with him because you thought you're changing him – turning him into a bad boy. "

I sighed.

Carter "Flavia-"

Me "do not tell me you're here to help, Carter. You'd love nothing more than for me to come back to you"

Carter nodded "true"

Me "why are you helping him?"

Carter "because I know exactly how it is to love you"

I rolled my eyes.

Carter "Fla, I know you better than anyone. "

I looked down.

Carter "talk to me, please"

I sighed.

Carter "Fla, it's me, okay? "

Me "I'm scared"

Carter "of what'?"

Me "I am not the easiest person on the planet, okay? And we're now in an age where you have to make thoughts about your future, where you have to consider things and go ways for your future"

Carter "and Nate's not in it?"

I nodded "he is but, Cart, I changed him to a person he's never been and going into a future with him...I'm scared that he'll wake up one day and hate me for making him that way"

Carter asked amused "that's all the drama is about?"

I nodded "yes"

Carter chuckled  "that's so bullshit"

I froze "what?"

Carter "Fla, you're by far the most confident but also the most insecure woman I've ever met"

I rolled my eyes "Cart, I know"

Carter "what you're saying will never happen"

I shook my head "you can't know that"

Carter nodded "I can"

Me "and how?"

Carter "Because you had the same fear when we first got together, remember?"

I nodded.

Carter "and did your fear come true?"

I shook my head "no"

Carter "and why?"

Me "Because I realized that the person you were with me was the person you've always been"

He nodded "and it's the same thing with him"

I looked down.

Carter "I mean, of course he did things he probably wouldn't have done if it weren't for you. But all those things were to keep you safe, doll. It was all for you"

I looked at him "can I ask you something?"

He nodded.

Me "we've been back and forth with each other, and while doing that we weren't exactly treating each other with respect"

He nodded.

Me "but despise everything......were you happy?"

He nodded "of course, I was happy with you, Fla, and we could still be happy if you-"

I warned  "Cart"

He sighed "Sorry but it's the truth. I mean if you had decided to let me stay with you the day you broke up with Nate,....Fla we would be engaged by now"

I scoffed "and who said I'd marry you?"

Carter "you by accepting my proposal"

I shook my head, amused.

Carter "you know that I want you to be happy, doll, and If the only way for you to be happy is with Archibald then be with him. "

I sighed "but-"

Carter "no "but"s okay? Stop doubting everything and allow yourself to be fucking happy"

Me "the last guy who talked to me like that didn't survive the night"

Cart smirked "is that a promise?"

I rolled my eyes and shoved him a little.

He chuckled "come on, Fla, you're way to confident to be soo insecure"

I rolled my eyes and hugged him "thank you"

Carter "for what?"

Me "for doing something you and I both know hurt you"

He tensed a bit but then hugged me back "anything for you, doll"

At Nate's. Night. 

I walked inside and saw Nate sitting there watching TV.

Me "we're gonna need a bigger bed"

He turned to me surprised.

Me "I definitely want a bigger bed"

His face lit up and he walked over to me "you came back"

I nodded and held up a bottle of Whiskey "and I brought alcohol"

Nate "I guess, you changed your mind"

Me "bringing Carter into the game made me realize how hurt you are an all and to be honest, Carter kicked my ass but I kinda needed that"

He nodded "good to hear"

Me "Nate, I love you. I do love you ..."

Nate "but.."

Me "moving in together is the next step, Nate. Do you really think we can make this last?"

Nate shook his head "no, I was gonna wait a year before throwing you out"

I shoved him a little, smiling  "meany"

He smiled "do you think I would've asked you to move in with me if I didn't see this last?"

Me "well, you do dumb things when you're in love"

He nodded "like breaking up with someone"

I rolled my eyes "I deserved that one"

He nodded "mhm. Promise me something"

I nodded.

Nate "talk to me first before breaking up with me again"

I nodded "I promise"

I smiled "I love you, Nate"

Nate suddenly picked me up  "I love you too "

I laughed "Nate!"

Then he kissed me. 

I put my arms around him and kissed him back. 

Next day. Morning. 

Serena had left town. Chuck had left to find Jack to plan his revenge on Bart since Bart took everything from him. Dan and Blair aren't together anymore. Everything was great for me and Nate. 

I smiled sitting up when I saw Nate walk inside with two Starbucks cups.

Nate smiled "morning"

He handed me one and gave me a quick kiss.

Me "don't tell me you went half naked to Starbucks just for me"

Nate sat down next to me on the bed "no, I asked your sister to drop off some"

I nodded "good choice."

Then I took a sip of it and said amused "I'm surprised we didn't break the bed last night"

He didn't answer and i looked at him.

I smiled confused "why are you looking at me like that?"

Nate's face went serious "marry me"

I froze, shocked, surprised and confused "what?"

Nate "Marry me "

He reached out to the nightstand and showed me an open ring box. 

My stomach dropped.

Nate "I had planned on doing it on New Year's but now that I look at you. I can't wait any longer"

I looked at the ring and my jaw dropped even more.

Nate "so what do you say?"

Me "Nate, we just got together yesterday. Are you sure?"

Nate "I'm willing to try if you are, Fla"

I smiled.

Nate " Flavia Catherine van der Woodsen, will you marry me?"

I smiled at him, in tears "Yes! Yes ! of course!"

He smiled and put the ring on my finger.

I kissed him "I love you"

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