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At the police station.

I walked inside, annoyed  "I don't understand. You were supposed to arrest Poppy Liften and not me. WE have her on tape committing fraud."

Officer "Fraud?"

They took something off my worst.

Me "Why the hell were you even arresting me?"

He showed me the bracelet that he had taken off my wrist  "that"

I froze confused "what? no. No. I didn't steal that. That was my great-grandmother's. You can call my mother, Lily Bass. she'll tell you this is a mistake"

Officer "Lily Bass?"

I nodded "Yes"

Officer "she called it in"

My jaw dropped "You're joking."

Then they put me in a cell. I rolled my eyes and sat down on the metal bench.


I was standing with my back to the wall, holding a black pad in front of my chest for the camera. I looked at it annoyed while they took the photos of me.

A few days later. At the station.

i was standing in a room waiting for my mom to pick me up. Serena, Blair, Chuck and Nate couldn't do anything to help me get out of the cell earlier.

Mom walked into the room.

I crossed my arms over my chest and looked at her.

Mom "you forced me to do this. I hope you learned your lesson"

Me "That my mom's crazier than i imagined?"

Mom "no crazier than you, m daughter, thinking you could fix this situation yourself"

Me " i was fixing this. You were worried what people would think"

Mom "When you're a mother, you have to make decisions that don't always win you points for popularity. "

I crossed my arms over my chest "when i'm a mother, i will be nothing like you"

Mom rolled her eyes "yes, you say that now, but just wait"

I shook my head "no, i would rather give my kids up for adaption then end up like you"

She frowned. 

Me "oh, wait, you did that"

Mom sighed "i came down here to drop the charges and put it behind us. Please show a little respect , and i will stick with my plan "

Me "i'll stick to mine. Besides you're fooling yourself if you ever believe that i would forgive you or letting me get arrested, mother"

She  sighed. 

Me "and If you didn't notice, you weren't my phone call"

Mom "oh, so who was?"

Suddenly Grams walked inside "she called me, darling"

Mom's face fell annoyed.

Grams smiled, amused "ironic, isn't it? if only she knew"

I smiled "hey, Grams"

She hugged me and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

Mom glared at us. 

Queen Flavia (Nate Archibald)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora