"Please, Go"

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Next day. Morning. 

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I walked into the living room and smiled when I saw Nate sitting there on the couch

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I walked into the living room and smiled when I saw Nate sitting there on the couch. He was looking at something that was on the table. He didn't look happy at all.

My smile dropped and I asked worried "are you okay?"

He shook his head, still looking at the table "no. To be honest, I'm not okay"

i asked worried again "why? What happened?""

Nate "someone sent me these"

He nodded at the table.

I walked over to it and my stomach dropped. Photos of me and Carter, making out. Wait what?  My jaw dropped.

Nate looked at me "you said you don't remember, yet your face tells me otherwise"

I shook my head "I didn't lie. I didn't remember"

Nate "but then you did. You remembered and didn't tell me. Why?"

Me "I was scared"

Nate asked confused "scared of what?"

I looked down.

Nate "that that kiss meant something? Is that why you didn't tell me, because you still feel something for him?"

I shook my head, looking at him "God no, Nate, come on""

Nate ""no", what?"

Me "I don't feel anything for Carter"

Nate "then why didn't you tell me you remembered that you hooked up? That the stranger you were with was Carter?"

Me "because I was scared of how you would react"

He froze.

Me "We've fought so many times because of Carter. Our relationship has even reached breaking point because of him. Nate, I just want to let him in the past. "

Nate "that's why you kissed him, right? Because you wanted to leave him in the past"

I shook my head "Nate, I was drugged, I didn't know what I was doing.I was drugged"

Queen Flavia (Nate Archibald)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt