The "Just Friends" Talk

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A few days later. Morning. At home. 

I walked into the kitchen and saw the family eating breakfast. 

Mom looked at me "morning, sleepyhead"

I yawned and drove a hand through my hair "morning, Mom"

Serena "morning, F."

I nodded "morning, S."

Dan looked at me "You tired?"

I shot him a  look and shook him a look "no, i just like to look like death itself"

Eric handed me a cup of coffee and i kissed his cheeks "thanks bro"

Rufus "You want something to eat?"

I shook my head "no, thanks, coffee's just fine"

Mom looked at me worried.

Me "what?"

Mom "You've barely eaten anything for a few weeks now"

Me "Probably because i spent the last weeks on a catwalk in Spain, so i am sorry if i didn't have time to eat. Besides, i am not hungry at all"

Serena took a bite of a bacon.

Suddenly i saw Chuck walk to us. 

I was feeling as bad as this guy looked. Since he and i found out that Nate screwed Blair we were pretty pissed. Like for real pissed. I haven't talked to Nate since we got back from his grandparents and to be honest i don't care anymore. 

Mom "Charles, you staying for breakfast?"

Chuck shook his head "i have an appointment"

Dan "What does Chuck Bass do at 8 a.m.? It's not like you work out. "

Chuck "i do my cardio in the evenings. Morning is for business, for which i am late. So if you'll excuse me..."

Eric "does this feel like a sitcom to anybody else?"

Dan "it feels like a reality show"

Chuck nodded "good, so i can vote you off"

Dan scoffed "it would almost be scared if it wasn't wearing plaid"

Chuck walked to the elevator. 

Me "you told Jenny yet?"

Jenny asked confused "told Jenny what?"

Mom "Well, we wanted to tell you in person, all of you. "

Serena "We are planing a sweet 16 party for you here, tomorrow night. "

Mom "Fantastic caterer and beautiful flowers"

Serena "D.J., the perfect guest list."

Me "We wanted it to be a surprise but the woman in this family can't keep their mouths shut"

Mom "We heard you had one of those last year, and it didn't go so well"

Eric took a bite of his bacon "oh, Jenny cake"

Jenny looked down. 

Rufus "Well, that's why this year, i was more than happy to delegate people who know better"

Jenny giggled. 

Rufus "so what do you think?"

We all looked at her. 

Jenny smiled nervously ""

Dan "you're not excited?"

Jenny "No, i am, i totally am. But okay, look, last year i would have killed for a party like this. But this year, i don't know. Things just--things just seem different. Like--like, okay, i was just kind of hoping that it would be us and Vanessa and Jonathan, and then i don't even--maybe those two girls room my chem class who didn't light my hair on fire that one time. I'm sorry. Is that okay?"

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