Endings and Beginnings

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Nate "By the time i got to the party, Chuck was gone. "

Cop "i didn't even see him. so you missed the outburst where he accused his father of trying to kill him"

Nate " i don't know anything about that"

The cop looked at me "do you?"

Me "Well, Chuck likes drama, okay? he was probably wasted. i'm sure it was nothing. usual father and son stuff. "

Cop "what do you know of his relationship with Blair Waldorf?"

Me "well, first of all it is none of your business. And second of all, why the hell don't you ask her yourself?"

Cop "you mind if i looked around, check if she was here?"

Nate nodded "yes, i mind.you're not searching with no warrant. i think this conversation is over. "

The cop nodded "i understand you recently went to jail yourself, Mr. Archibald. Hate to see you back there"

Then he left. 

Nate turned to me and hugged me. 


I looked at the papers that were scattered on the pool table. 

Nate was talking on the phone to someone "no, i didn't realize that. But that's good news. It's great news. yeah, just have the papers sent over. Thanks."

Then he hung up. 

Me "was that about the search warrant?"

Nate "it was about The Spectator. I mean, now that Bart's dead, my name's the only one on the loan. If i can pay off what i owe, it'll be all mine"

I smiled "that's amazing. If we figure out the Gossip Girl exposè, you have the perfect story to make it happen. "

Nate nodded "just wish i felt like celebrating. Chuck's not calling. He doesn't want to get us in trouble but i need to know he's okay. "

I nodded "yeah, same. but Blair's with him. She won't let anything bad happen to him. "

Nate nodded, looking down. 

I sighed and put my hands around his middle "trust me. Us Upper East Side Girls can be very very protective over our boyfriends. "

He smiled and kissed me. 

Suddenly our phones buzzed. 

We looked at our phone. 

Gossip Girl "Spotted: Chuck Bass back in Manhattan. We hear he's on his way to turn himself in Who's up for a little stake out at the big house? xo xo Gossip Girl"

Nate and i looked at each other. 

Suddenly Jack walked in. 

I breathed out annoyed "oh hell no"

Jack "Fla, put on something nice and Let's go"

I looked at him, confused. 

Jack "hurry up"

At the museum. 

Jack, Serena, Nate, Dan, Georgina and i waled over to mom and Chuck. Chuck was wearing a tux. 

Me "mom. Chuck?"

Chuck "i am sorry, i shouldn't call"

Nate "you really scared us"

Queen Flavia (Nate Archibald)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum