20 days until Sunset

By ____irresistible___

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Being famous just makes it harder to find love.... but sometimes the person next door can be your true love. ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9 (Gabe's P.O.V.)
Chapter 10 Mandy's P.O.V.
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 (Gabe's P.O.V.)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (Mandy's P.O.V.)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 (Gabe's P.O.V)
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 (Mandy's P.O.V)
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 (Gabe's P.O.V)
Authors note
Chapter 27 (Mandy's P.O.V.)

Chapter 8

283 5 1
By ____irresistible___

I don't know where I'm going but I know I have to get out of here. In a matter of time, Cole will call Lizzie and tell her what had happened. i rolled my eyes. I honestly didn't care about anything at that moment. I decided to go to the one place where I could be alright. The mall.

I pulled up into the parking lot to see a familiar car. Dalton's car I think. Just as the thought left my head, I saw two similar boys walk out of the mall. Dalton and Dana.

Then I saw a girl linked to Dalton's arm. So maybe he didn't like Suhy. But then I saw Dana with my sister. Wait what the hell is going on here?

"Alysa! Get your butt over here!" I screamed storming up to her. I saw a look cross her face. She was pissed off. Good.

"What are you doing here" she snarled at me. I smirked, ooh this is going to be so much fun.

"Dana I do not need to say your last name, how dare you take my sister courting without my permission?" I dared to ask. I saw my sister bury her face into her hands, I tried to keep my glare without bursting.

"I um I uh" Dana stuttered.


"I dunno", Dana said looking paler and paler.

"Dude chillax man. I'm kidding' I said flipping my hand, "As long as she is home before 10 and doesn't do anything stupid alright". Then I burst laughing. We all did.

"So it's ok if I hang out with Dana today?" Alsysa asked with puppy-eyes.

"Yeah sure why not? If I can't be happy at least you can be." I said. they all looked at me confused. Oops, I forgot that they didn't know. So as quick as I could I slipped around them and went into the mall. To crash into someone.

"Ooh I'm sorry", I said fixing myself. Is it me or are my eyes getting worse?

"It's ok I just wanted to catch you and explain", the guy said. Then my eyes fixed. Gabe. Why is he following me? Like leave me alone!!!

'What do you want" I snapped.

"I need to explain, please just listen to me" Gabe pleaded. He thinks I'm going to forgive him and just fall. HELL NO!!! I'm sorry.

"There is nothing to explain, Gabe. I don't want to talk nor see you again. EVER" I screamed. Then he took his hand and put it over my mouth. I was so tempted to bit him at that moment.

"Don't bit me", he said softly. I'm crazy but decent, inlike Liz who would bit some one if they took her cinnamon bun. But I just stayed there with his hand over my mouth. Then he turned me.

So my back was pressed against him. Then he took his other hand and wrapped it around my waist. THen he lifted me off the ground. I started to squirm, but he still kept me off the ground. Where the hell and what the hell is this boy doing? I was to tired to think and to stressed out.

He carried me all the way to a closet and shoved me inside. And locked the door behind me.

"What do you want for my life?" I hissed, "Can't you see I do not like you in anyway what so ever!!".

"Yes I know your mad but please just listen to me", he begged. I rolled my eyes and leaned against the shelf behind me.

"Well then explain. I have shoes to buy" I said annoyed. I don't want to be here.

It's suppose to be I slap you and we go our seperate ways, until the show of course. But no. This boy keeps coming back, for whatever reason. He is driving me crazy!

"Um ok then so I uh I" he stuttered. I rolled my eyes. I have had enough of this.

I turned and was about to walk out. Then he grabbed both my wrists and pinned them beside my head. With me pressed against the door with no way out. I started to get really agitated. What does he want from me? He has Mia, and is famous and has amazing hair. What more do you want?

"Look I really like Mia but not that way ok. Sure I'm dating her but I don't want to break her heart. I'm not like that Mandy, I wouldn't do that" he said softly with a crack in his voice. Almost as if it pained him to say these simple words.

"Well Gabe maybe not on purpose. But you certainly broke mine", I said, my voice about to break into tears.

I wriggled out of his grip and placed both hands on his chest, pushing him back. Then turned and ran out. I knew that he was right behind me, but I didn't want him to seduce me again. Yes, that is what he did. He seduced me.

So I saw a stage in the middle of the mall, I have an idea.

"Mandy", I heard Gabe call. I turned and smiled. Then right on cue, I saw a group of teenage girls walk by. Perfect.

"OMG IS THAT GABE FROM IM5!" I screamed out. The girls whipped their heads around to see where I was pointing. Then I heard a huge squeal as they ran in Gabe's direction. He didn't even run. He just stared at me with those same brown eyes that he gave me when we were in the closet. Sad eyes, well to that I rolled mine.

Then I jumped down from the platform and walked over to my favourite shoe store. Yes, 50% off.

Half an hour later I walked out with two pairs of shoes and a new hand bag. That turned today around. I peaked out of the store looking ot see if Gabe was there. Good, coast is clear.

I walked over to my car and began to run home. Right now there was nothing more than I wanted to do then to crawl into bed with a bucket of ice cream (chocolate of course) and watch a long marathon of chick flicks.

As I pulled up into the driveway I got a text. From Suhy,

Hey guess what we have a interview with the guys this afternoon! So dress pretty and did you see this picture.

Then there was a picture link. Then I clicked it. Oh My Goodness, NO!

It was a picture of me and Gabe in the garden. Me on the glass, his hands on my waist, his lips on mine. I sighed. Like this, sitting in the car, close to tears. My first kiss, wasted. My first ever moment, wasted. My evening, wasted. All because I was a stupid naive girl.

I got out of the car and slipped into the house. I heard the tv on and four people in my living room. Cole and Lizzie, and Suhy and wait Will? Woah, what the hell? It's been 3 hours.

I quietly went upstairs and took a long hot shower. Then went to my room to change. I wore a simple ensemble. A pair of shorts and a chiffron laced top with a dip at the back, three ribbons stringed across to keep the shirt from falling off my shoulders.

Then I heard my door open.

"Woah Mandy. you look great" Lizzie said.

"Yeah when did you get home?" Suhy asked.

"Um about 20 mins ago and aren't we going to go to that interview?" I asked looking at their outfits. Lizzie in her Toms and frilled top with a thin cardigan on top. And Suhy with her white shorts and crop top with lace along the back, paired with white flats.

They smiled and we all walked down the stairs to see Cole and Will there, I winked. Maybe our plan might actually work. The key word is maybe.

"Ready m'ladies" Cole said holding his hand out for Lizzie, and Will for Suhy. I smiled. Suhy's face was pure red, like tomato red. SO the guy she likes is Will. I knew it!

I walked out and got into the car and started to fiddle with my phone. Then I saw a text from an unknown number.

Hey Mandy, its Gabe. You may have gotten away from me in the mall but some how I will make you see. So don't give up on me <3

Gabe, wow. What does he not understand? But it broke my heart inside. Deep in me I knew what I wanted and it just happened to be him. I sighed. I looked up at my friends and their 'boyfriends-to-be'.

We pulled up in front of the station and quickly ran inside since it was raining. There Dalton, Dana, Alysa and Gabe were already there. Then we walked into the studio. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Dalton take out his guitar. I smiled. THis might just work.

Then I looked to Will and Cole and just nodded.

It's show time!

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