How You Get The Girl

By fearlessisbeautiful

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One quiet girl. One popular boy. What could possibly happen if their paths cross? More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Character Listing
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Authors Note 2
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Authors Note 3
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Author's Note

Chapter Two

10.2K 267 45
By fearlessisbeautiful

I sat down in my usual seat in the back of the rowdy classroom. I pulled out my worn out copy of The Hunger Games. I began getting lost in the dystopian world when I heard a throat being cleared. I looked up and I was greeted by Mr. Abbot.

Mr. Abbot was a middle aged man, with salt and peppered hair, who was insanely rude and shouldn't even be working in the education and children field. He took that it was his job to humiliate them and make them start to cry. I was one of the people that constantly got ridiculed daily. I found it ironic since I actually tried in that class. English was my favorite subject. I loved to read and write and I was a huge fangirl. Apparently if your a nerd or more academic person you were immediately a target for Mr.Abbot.

"Excuse me, Ms. Burns if you would much rather read this horrible piece of literature then discuss the homework you can go sit in dentention" he smirked.

My face burned and I whispered softly " No sir." I quickly shoved my book in my bag to avoid further embarrassment.

"Good now who would like to read their essay?" He scanned the class then picked Kyle, Brian's best friend. He was the class clown and I was honestly surprised how he even got in AP English. He goofed off all the time and rarely turned in work. Kyle stood up and pulled out his wrinkled paper. He began reading a short story about his camping trip over the summer. When he finished he bowed goofily and sat back down in his seat.

Mr. Abbott looked around again and his eyes landed on me. "Emerson?" I groaned silently in my head and walked to the front of the class.

Shaking I tried to avoid the 23 pairs of eyes glued to me. I started reading my story about my trip over the summer to Europe for a soccer tournament. I began concluding my last paragraph when I was rudely interrupted by Mr. Abbott.

" My prompt was to write a short, true story about your summer vacation, not this completely and utter fictional story." He glared at me.

I was immediately angered, I know most people don't see me as a soccer player but this guy had the nerve to say that? I began trying to think of a comeback that wouldn't sink me in detention when the voice you would least expect called out.

" Excuse me Mr.Abbott, my cousin was on the team to go to Europe with Emerson and she did indeed go. I don't see why you think it's inaccurate?" My eyes scanned the room to meet Brian sticking up for me. What was with him noticing me today?

"Well Mr. Parker, it's nice of you to stick up for your classmates. I however don't see the need for this conversation to involve you" Mr. Abbot spat.

I took my seat and sucked in big breath thanking God it was over.

When the bell finally rang signaling the end of torture I hurried out of there.

" Emerson!" I heard someone calling me frantically. I saw Brian rushing towards me.

" I can't believe that guy has the nerve to diss you paper." Brian said angered. His whole body language was shifted from being cool and calm to ready to whoop someone to the moon. I personally thought when he looked upset it was hot. But you didn't hear that from me.

" Yah whatever" I responded readjusting my glasses.

"You could sound a little more appreciated that I stood up for you" he said clearly annoyed.

"Oh my god your such an amazing person for saving me thanks your royal highness" I replied rolling my eyes.

"Emerson... I don't want to argue I need your help" he said swallowing.

What? Brian freaking Parker wants my help!

" I need you to help me ask out Julia Gray". That's when my world came crashing down. I felt like my heart had been ripped out of my body and feed to sharks. Okay maybe I'm being too dramatic but I'm serious.

Julia Gray was beautiful, popular, nice and super athletic. She played soccer with me for years until she left for swimming. Julia was always super friendly to all the "unpopulars" which included me. We had once had a science project and she invited me to her house. Which happened to be next door to me.She had the perfect wardrobe filled with designers that I couldn't even begin pronounce. I had felt so out of place in my Nikes and soccer jacket standing on the porch. Her family was incredible too. Her mother was a big time lawyer, her dad a brain surgeon and her older brother was on his way to playing in the NFL. I was obviously jealous of her. All the boys were drooling over her long blonde locks, super tan and fit body. Brian would be perfect for her. I swallowed and looked at him.

" Why me?" He looked at me confused

"What you don't get it?"

" No Sherlock if I got it I wouldn't have asked." I laughed at my joke.

"Aren't you her neighbor?" He asked.

And if you could die after you die then I guess I did. Of course it was cause I lived near her not because I give such good relationship advice,which I obviously did not. If I gave any relationship advice it probably was horrible since my longest relationship was three days in my bed when I had the chicken pox. Since that apparently did not count I'm afraid my relationship education was below zero.

"Oh yah, right" ,I said sighing.

" Will you help me?" He asked. His eyes were desperate. I couldn't crush his heart like he just did to mine only moments ago. Not that he knew that of course.

"Fine." I answered. Oh what was I getting myself into?

Authors Note: I know it's not that good yet but I had to set the stage. Please comment what you like and what you want to happen! Have a great day and I love you all!

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