Queen Flavia (Nate Archibald)

Oleh Gerlithequeen

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Flavia Van Der Woodsen is New York's It Girl #1. Flavia's life isn't as perfect as you might think. It's the... Lebih Banyak

1.1 Back
1.2 "Give Me A Break"
1.3 Chucky
1.4 "Don't Dare Me, Chuck"
1.5 Caught Off Guard
1.6 "What Were You Thinking?"
1.7 "Love You, Brother"
1.8 Dropping A Bomb
1.9 Photo Shoot
1.10 Carter
1.11 "Mom"
1.12 Masquerade Ball
1.13 Sweet Dreams
1.14 "Who The Hell Was That?"
1.15 Thanksgiving
1.16 The Best Thanksgiving
1.17 Grams
1.18 Carter Baizen
1.19 The Ball
1.20 Special Gifts
1.21 The Key
1.22 "Truths"
1.23 "I'm Chuck Bass"
1.24 "He Was Your First"
1.25 "But you can keep it"
1.26 "G"
1.27 "What Has She Got On You?"
1.28 "We're Sisters"
1.29 "Let's Get You Outta Here"
1.30 "Let's get that Bitch"
1.31 No Saints
1.32 "You deserve it, G."
1.33. "What Are You Up To Now?"
1.34 Summer
1.35 "I'm no saint either"
1.36 White Party
1.37"Why am i even asking you?"
1.38 "I need a Break"
1.39 On Top
1.40 Fashion Week
1.41 "You Can't Lie To Me"
1.42 "I don't have to change for anyone"
1.43 Thanksgiving
A Double Win
Changing Partners
Snowflake ball
"We want you here"
The Will
The Brunch
"Under One Condition"
"Stay Here, Please"
The "Just Friends" Talk
Playing Games
"Relationship Problems"
A Scam
"She Doesn't Know All Of Us"
Arresting The Wrong Girl
"Don't Provoke Her"
"Then Let's Go"
"Right. 'Cause You're Stalking Me "
"I Want You, Carter"
"No More Excuses"
"Please Go, Carter"
"It's Complicated"
"Why Does It Hurt So Much?"
Complicated Love Lifes
"I Don't Know"
"We Should Take Things Slow"
"I'm Done With You"
"I Love You, Fla"
The Lost Empire
"Happy Birthday, Baby"
Relationship Problems
Trust Issues
Moving Back In
Sister Fight
An Emotional Evening
Saving The Relationship
" Where Are You?"
First Day Of School
Dangerous Rumors
Waldorf-Bass War
Game Over
"Please, Go"
Photo Shoot
A Busy Evening
"Spin The Globe"
Dan's Book
"You Used Me"
The Wedding Shower
Chuck And Blair
Wedding Crasher
"Fuck Loyalties"
The Wake
"I'm Back In Town "
"I Fucked Up"
One Half Of Gossip Girl
"Is That A Promise ?"
"Jealous, Fla?"
Fashion Show
The Spectator
Leaked Tape
Thanksgiving Drama
Bart Bass
Endings and Beginnings

A Trapp

3.7K 65 4
Oleh Gerlithequeen

At Chuck's place. A few days later. 

I walked into the kitchen and saw Nate groaning annoyed .

Me "you look like hell"

Nate shot me an annoyed look "and you look like heaven"

I rolled my eyes and sat down next to him "no, but seriously, you didn't find anything?"

Yeah, well, looks like Blair and Chuck were actually the ones who got into the wrong car. Nate was meant to get into the car Chuck and Blair got in. It was supposed to be Nate in that accident. 

Nate "i've reread every piece in The Spectator since i started. Unless Christina Aguilera is mad about our "Baby Bump or Mexican Lunch?" article i really don't think there's anything here worth hurting me over"

Me "Gossip Girl didn't offer to help?"

Nate "only if i help her. whatever that means"

Me "sometimes, to get your needs met, you need to choose an unsavory partner."

Nate shot me a look "We're talking about Gossip Girl. It's been nice not having her record our every move. "

I nodded "yeah"

At the Spectator. 

Serena, Dan and i walked down the sidewalk when mom and Rufus showed up. 

My sister was going to take on Gossip Girl in her new column. Well, i wrote it but she's publishing it as her own because i can't have my name on something like that. Well, at least not since that drug drama. 

Dan "Dad, Lily, what are you doing here?"

Rufus "Serena asked us to come"

Serena smiled "i'm sorry, i was just so excited"

Then she hugged mom. 

Mom "Of course. It's not every day you get to see your face on a cab"

Me "Well, mine's on a billboard on Times Square, soo.."

They shot me a look. 

I smiled "kidding. I'm happy for my sis"

A paparazzi showed up "Serena. Flavia"

Another one "Serena, Flavia over here"

I shook my had "oh, not yet. We're waiting for one of the cabs"

Serena "i wonder where Nate is. It's almost 10. he would not miss this."

Me "this is just as much his moment as ours"

Dan "I'm sure he'll be out in a minute"

Rufus "ah, there's one. Taxi"

The cab pulled over in front of us and Serena moved in front of it. Her face was on it "S by S. takes on Gossip Girl"

Mom smiled "this is fabulous"

Rufus "Let's the the column"

Dan put it on the Ipad and handed it over to Serena "Here we go"

Serena walked over to the cab and held the Ipad up "Fla, come here"

I walked over to her and stood next to her. 

Paparazzi 1 "hold it up. Yeah, right next to your faces. That's great. Thanks"

Everyone was taking pictures. 

Paparazzi 2 "Ask a question"

Paparazzi 3" But there's -it's just blank"

I looked at the Ipad and froze. 

Serena "Well, that's-that's weird,-"

Dan "maybe there's a delay or something"

Mom "what's happening?"

Serena and i fake smiled. 

I looked at her and fake smiled for the cameras "Looks like someone's gonna lose his head"

In the building. 

I walked over to Nate, pissed off  ""this page no longer exists"?"

Nate turned to me "i had to postpone the launch. I'm sorry"

Me "i'm confused because this whole column was your idea. If you're rethinking it now, let me know"

Nate "no, it's just not the right time. Marketing said awareness was too low. Maybe after the cabs make more laps around the city. "

Me "so this is all about marketing strategy?"

Nate nodded. 

I sighed.

Nate "you'll  be the first to know when i decide we're ready. I promise"

I nodded "okay"


I was sitting in Nate's office chair, waiting for him. 

his computer beeped. 

I looked at it and there was a mail from Gossip Girl. 

Me "wait, what?"

Gossip Girl: In exchange for Serena's column...

I opened the mail and it brought me to the original document of the column. 

Suddenly his assistant walked in "Turns out Nate's gonna be longer than i thought.Hey . Wait, what are you doing?"

Me "Nate killed Serena's column because Gossip Girl told him to"

she shook her head "you can't do that"

I nodded "watch me"

Then i published the column and looked at her "do me a favor and tell him that it was me who did that"


I walked into Nate's office "you wanted to see me"

Nate "Just wanting to let you know you're fired"

I chuckled "are you kidding me?"

Nate "you went behind my back and launched your sister's column"

I nodded "yes"

Nate shook his head  "We weren't ready"

Me "we weren't or Gossip Girl wasn't?"

He froze. 

Me "i saw the e-mails, Nate. I know you've been secretly working with her. Or for her. Either way, i don't care. It means you're a hypocrite. "

Nate "did you even read the e-mail?"

Me "which one?"

Nate "the last one, where she said my own cousin sabotaged my car. "

I looked at him amused "Tripp? are you serious? you sound even crazier than Gossip Girl"

Nate "Well, her information seems reliable. She's got photos"

Me "photos who can be faked . She would do anything to save her reputation now. Nate, what's happened to you? When did you stop being able to tell the difference between your friends and your enemies?"

Then i walked out of the door. 

Nate followed me "Fla, wait"

I shook my head "i don't have to listen to you. And you know what? Someone should tell Tripp that his cousin is trying to frame him for a crime he didn't commit"

Then i walked away. 

Night. At home. 

Tripp shook his head and was pacing around in front of me "how could Nate ever believe i'd want to hurt him?. He's the closest thing i have to a brother"

I nodded "i know. He's changed, Tripp"

Tripp "well, so have i. I am not gonna let him frame me for a crime i didn't commit"

Me "That's why we have to kill the story before he goes public with it"

Tripp "how? there's no way i can prove i didn't do it"

Me "Maybe we can find out who really did do it. Who would want to hurt Nate?"

Tripp "i don't want to say this out loud, Flavia. but all the way here i was replaying it in my mind"

He sat down next to me. 

Me "replaying what?"

Tripp "the night of the accident. I heard Maureen call a car to take her to the Empire. If i had known-"

I asked surprised "Maureen?"

Tripp "Are you surprised? After all, all she's ever care about was my career. how my success reflected on her. When she saw Grandfather pass me over she decided to protect the thing that mattered to her most"

Suddenly the doors of the dinning room opened and Nate and William stepped out.

William "i think we've heard enough"

Tripp jumped up, shocked. 

William "Thank you, Nate"

Nate "don't thank me, thank Flavia. It was her idea"

I walked over to Nate. 

Tripp asked confused "what is going on?"

Nate "we knew you won't admit to anything so Fla and i staged a little argument on Gossip Girl. We figured you'd pin the accident on someone else.."

Me "...like when you left my sister in that car. Did you think i'd talk to you, never mind take your side against Nate?"

William crossed his arms over his chest "You're gonna pin this on Maureen?"

Tripp shook his head "i am not pinning anything. It was Maureen. Why don't we ask her ourselves?"

William shook his head  "we don't have to. She has an airtight alibi"

Tripp "how do you know?"

William "The night of the accident she was with me, consulting a divorce lawyer. As soon as she hears about this, she's definitely gonna be through with you"

I smirked at Tripp. 


William "start at the beginning"

Nate "and don't leave anything out"

Tripp sighed "the day of the accident, i met Max. He'd followed you from Nate's office and offered to help me in exchange for money. We'd just had that argument about the weekend, Nate taking my place. I was so angry. And so i paid him to drain the brake fluid from the car. Half before, and the rest when it was done. "

Me "so that explains Gossip Girl's photo of Max at the Empire"

Tripp nodded "i met him outside the garage to give him the rest of the money. He said he'd done it. When i double-checked it turns out that he played me. he took the money and he ran. "

Me "so you did it yourself"

Tripp "i never meant for anything to happen to Blair"

Nate "you wouldn't have cared if i ended up in a wheelchair? Not to forget that Flavia was gonna be in that car too"

Tripp "i never thought it would get that bad. I thought you'd hit a parked car, get thrown around, get banged up. I wanted to ruin your weekend not your life"

Nate scoffed, shaking his head. 

Tripp "and i know what you think of me after what i did to Serena. And when i saw you rising up with The Spectator...well, we both know there's only a certain amount of Grandfather's love to go around. He chose you. And so i did the only thing i knew how to"

William asked irritated "that's it? that's your answer? not enough love? I raised you to stand on your own two feet. "

Tripp shook his head "no, you raised me to kneel before yours. And now my life is over"

Me "and that's exactly what you deserve. Two years ago, you and my sister were the ones in the accident. And you left her, hurt and alone, and you got off scot free. but not this time. This time you are gonna pay for what you did"

Nate "and i'm gonna see to it"


Nate turned to me "you okay?"

I nodded "yeah. I'm better now. What about you?"

He sighed, shrugged "Well, you can imagine"

I sighed "He's still your family, Nate"

Nate shook his head "no, he's not. Family doesn't do that to each other"

Me "Well, if you knew the things Serena and i have done to each other.."

Nate "but did you ever try to kill each other. And nearly actually succeeded?"

I shook my head, smiling a little  "not yet"

Nate looked down. 

Me "Nate, Blair and Chuck nearly died, okay? It was supposed to be you in that car and not them"

Nate "Still i would've invited you to drive with me to the airport. You would've been with me in that car. You would had accident too and it would've been my fault"

I shook my head "Nate, you couldn't have known. no one could have-"

Nate "Blair lost her baby and Chuck was so close dying. Do you have any idea what i would go through right now if it had it us instead of them? Fla,  if anything happened to you because of me or my family, i'd never forgive myself for that"

I nodded "i know"

Suddenly Serena walked inside with a really drunk Blair in her arms. 

They moved upstairs. Well, Serena was dragging Blair upstairs. 

I looked at them confused. 

Nate "i better go now"

I nodded. 

Nate "see you tomorrow?"

I nodded "sure"

Then he walked to the elevator.

Chuck walked out of the elevator while Nate got in. 

Me "Chuck, you need to leave"

Chuck "i don't know what it is you think i did tonight, but all i care about is her"

Me "I don't think she wants to see you, Chuck"

We walked to the elevator. 

Chuck "tell her i came by. And that i am not done. It's one thing i learned from Blair. You don't give up on the people you love"

I looked down. 

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