The Gilbert Twins (Kol Mikael...

By TheKailaMR

786K 14.9K 3.1K

I'm Jordan Gilbert, twin sister of Jeremy and younger sister to Elena. Growing up in Mystic Falls has never b... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty PartB
Chapter Fifty-One

Chapter Three

24.1K 413 142
By TheKailaMR

After the ball, I woke up feeling like my head was on fire. I groaned, pulling myself out of bed and dragging myself into a cold shower. I felt the water wash over my skin, chilling my bones, I could feel my lips turning blue. Getting out, I changed as Jeremy walked in, flopping onto my bed.

"Argh! I hate this!" He whined.

"Oh, you mean lying on my bed or spending time with me?" I pouted and he scowled at me, pointing a finger my way.

"Don't! I love you and you know it!"

I sighed. Walking over, I sat down beside his sprawled-out body.

"I'm sorry."

"What's wrong?" He asked. A smile creeped over my face; Jeremy could read me like a book. I felt his hand squeeze my thigh, encouraging me.

"It's just....I feel off. I can't explain it and its driving me crazy!" I finished, yanking my hair. I felt Jeremy sit up, grabbing my hands into his own. I looked up and smiled at him.

"You don't need to explain to me." He pulled me to him. My face crushing against his chest and I found myself smiling. He kissed the top of my head. After I pulled away, I poked his chest.

"What's up with you?"

"Well, Elena is in a mood...." I winced. Elena in a mood was never a good thing. I rose a brow before we heard a door slam and a frustrated yell. Jeremy walked over to the bathroom that we shared and connected our rooms together. He quickly exited my room as my door flew open by Elena.

"Damon is just.....argh!" she shouted.

"Yes......yes he is." I replied, feeling uneasiness wash over me. I sat on the end of my bed cross legged as she walked over and sprawled in the same spot Jeremy was in not a minuet ago. She grabbed my pillow and pulled it over her face and screamed into it. I laughed and grabbed the pillow from her.

"Want to talk about it?" I asked.

She shook her head.

"I want to talk about how pretty you looked last night though." Elena wriggled her eyebrows at me with a smile. I smacked her with my pillow, giggling.

"Like you can talk. I swear, every guy was drooling over you." I pointed at her.

"Noooo.....please don't say that." She pulled her lip up, shaking her head in denial.

"But Jordan, you looked beautiful. I may have taken a few pictures of you too." She winked pulling out her phone and showing me the pictures. I frowned at her but when seeing the pictures, I actually liked them. I looked up at her smiling face.

"I got a lot of 'you look nice'" I mocked. Elena snorted.

"Well, they were right. You did look nice and pretty and beautiful." She grinned, and I covered my face with my hands feeling my cheeks go red. She pulled my hands away with a smile. She kissed my forehead.

"Bonnie and Caroline will be over soon..." She trailed off. I nodded, already getting the hint.

"Want me to drag Jer out too?" I asked.

"I think he has plans."

I frowned and looked at the bathroom door and then turned to Elena who shrugged at me. I rolled my eyes and sighed. I had no idea what I was going to do. My door opened as someone was knocking. I looked up to see Alaric poking his head in.

"Hey girls."

"Hey." We both answered in unison.

I looked at Elena and we both giggled at the same time. Alaric walked in, hands behind his back. I eyed him with narrowed eyes.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go grab a bite? Maybe at the Grill? Play some pool?" he asked, looking at me.

I turned to Elena who just blinked and looked at me.

"Ah, me right?" I asked a little confused.

He laughed and nodded.

"Yes, Jordy. You."

"Sure." I grinned. 

"Are you alright?" Alaric asked as we sat at the bar.

"I'm ok." I nodded, taking a sip from my soda. He gave me a look and I sighed looking down. "Ok, I'm scared is all. These deaths.....they are freaking me out."

"We don't know what's causing them." Alaric sighed, rubbing the back of his head. We stayed silent for a few minutes.

"What about...." I trailed off. Alaric turned to me.

"Vampires?" he whispered.

I shrugged.

"Come on now, let's not go blaming the new family in town just because you lot got a serial killer at large."

I froze hearing the British accent that haunted my nightmares. I could feel my heart jumping out of my ribcage.

I chanced a look up and saw Klaus was not alone. Kol was starring at me intently.

"Don't mind us, my brother and I are here to let off some steam......isn't that right Kol?"

Alaric moved his body to shield me away from Klaus. Sadly, I could feel Kol's gaze burning through me and sending my poor heart into overdrive.

"Right." Kol answered.

I looked at Alaric who turned to me before turning to Klaus with a smile.

"We will leave you to it then."

Jumping to my feet, I grabbed my coat in my arms and we moved away from the bar and to the pool tables. Alaric racked the balls up, I grabbed the cue sticks before grinning at him.

"Care to get smoked again?" I taunted.

"Oh, I learnt a few new tricks..." Alaric replied.

I rolled my eyes, chalking the end of the cue. I gestured for him to break, our game commencing.

I had beaten Alaric three times when his phone went off. I rolled my eyes, feeling annoyance chip away at my good mood. Damon loved to ruin any remote chance I had at a good day; it was like he had a sixth sense for it. Alaric walked closer; his tone low. The music was playing, I bobbed away, singing away to the classic ACDC- Thunderstruck. The Grill wasn't packed but had a few people in it.

I noticed Caroline coming in, giving us a small smile. Meaning something was going down. Alaric came over to me.

"I need you to do exactly as I say."

I nodded, feeling fear creep into my mind, taking away the annoyance. I lined my shot, watching the small exchange at the bar. Caroline folded her arms, saying something. I saw mild interest flicker over Kol's face before he turned his attention back our way. I averted my gaze, striking the white ball and sinking my ball. Lining up my next shot, I saw Caroline making her escape from the Grill and Klaus hot on her heels. I made eye contact with Alaric who mouthed 'it's ok'.

I leaned against the post, watching Alaric lining his shot up. I stifled a laugh as he missed his ball. I walked around, eyeing the table. When I flicked my eyes up, Kol was standing close by, smile on his face.

"A lady like you should choose suitable company." His smirk fell into place as he looked at Alaric. I scowled at what he was implying and felt my temper spike.

"Thanks." I gritted out.

Kol chuckled, walking closer to me. I groaned, before standing up and raising a brow at him.

"I would make suitable company." He smiled at me.

"That's a no from me." I answered with a smile.

I glanced around to notice Alaric by the emergency exit, he opened the door and I caught the flash of black leather jacket. Damon.

"I like pretty things with sharp tongues." He mused. I rolled my eyes before hanging my cue stick back up. When I turned, Kol was behind me, stepping closer as his hand stroked my face. I stilled, my eyes widening as fire burned through my face where he was touching.

"Don't touch my daughter!" Alaric snarled quietly as I watched in slow motion, a dagger being plunged into Kol's chest. I gasped as Damon walked in, helping Alaric take Kol into the alley. I went to follow when a hand wrapped around my arm, pulling me to a stop. A hand covered my mouth as I screamed into it, fearing it was Klaus.

"It's ok. It's me." Stefan spoke calmly. I nodded and he removed his hand from my mouth. He let go of my arm before he looked at the door.

"You should head home; you don't need to see that." He motioned to the emergency exit.

I took one last look at the door, guilt tearing into me before I nodded, grabbing my coat and walking out the Grill as quickly as I could. I looked across the street to see Klaus storming over, I went to run when he grabbed me, his fangs lengthened, and he pierced my neck. I screamed before pain and darkness took me.

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