Embrace The Flames // BOok 1

Por and_thebad_wolfStory

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"I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me " ... M谩s

Darcey's Playlist / aesthetics!
Where it started
PILOT Part 1
Pilot Part 2
Wendigo part 2
Bloody Mary
Bloddy mary part 2
Skin part 2
Bugs part 2
Scarecrow part 2
Faith part 2
The benders
Shadow part 2
Dead Man's Blood
Dead Man's Blood part 2
Salvation part 2
Devil's Trap
Devil's trap part 2
Season 2 playlist
In My Time of Dying
In my time of dying part 2
Everybody loves a clown
Erverybody loves a clown part 2
Bloodlist part 2
Children shouldn't play with dead things
Children shouldn't play with dead things part 2
The usual suspects
The usual suspects part 2
The other special Winchester
Born under a bad sign
Born under a bad sign part 2
Tall tales
Tall tales part 2
What is and What Should Never Be
All hell breaks loose, part 1
All Hell breaks loose part one, part 2
All hell breaks loose, part 2
All hell breaks loose part two part 2

Hook man

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Por and_thebad_wolfStory

Sitting with Dean and Grayson at a table out side of a cafe,
Sam comes back from talking on the pay phone.
Typing on a laptop, Dean says,

"Your half-caf double vanilla latte is getting cold over here, Frances."
Sistine beside Grayson, who was wearing a black hat, said, " I though uncle Sam's name was Sam?" He said confusingly,
While poking at a half eaten brownie.
"Uncle Dean is just being silly." Darcey told him, sipping from her plane black Coffee.
"Yeah, bite me." Sam said sitting down.
Grayson leans over and bit Sam's wrist.
"Ow! What was that for?" He asks his nephew.
"You said to bite you, so I bit you."
Holding back a laugh, Darcey shook her head.
"He didn't really want anyone to bite him." She told her son.
"Then why would he say is?" Grayson asked, tiling his head like a dog would.
"Yeah, Sam. Why would you say it?" Dean asked jokingly.
"So anything?" Darcey asked Sam.
"I had them check the FBI's missing-persons data bank. No John does matching Dads description." Sam told them.
"I even ten his plates for traffic violations."

Dean looked up from his computer to Sam,

"I'm telling you, I don't think dad wants to be found." He said to him. " check this out. It's a news item out of Plains Courier,
Ankeny, Iowa. It's only about one-hundred miles from here."
Sam reads the news item out loud,
"The mutilated body was found near the victim's car parked on nine-mile road."

"Keep reading." Dean says.
Darcey check to see if Grayson was still playing with her phone. There wasn't much to do on it, but it kept him distracted.
"Authorities are unable to provide a realistic description of the killer. The sole eyewitness, whose named has been withheld, says the attacker want invisible."
Dean looked to Sam, who looked to Darcey.
"It could be something." Dean said.
"Or nothing." Sam said back.
"A freaked out witness who didn't see anything doesn't mean it's the invisible Man."
"But what if it is?" Darcey asked.
"Dad would check it out." Dean told Sam.

In the car, with Darcey finally getting to drive,
Sam was in the front as Dean and Grayson were in the back.
"I didn't like it back here" Dean complains.
Smiling, Darcey said,
"Get over it you big baby."

Sam laughed as Dean mumbles bad words under his breath, thank God Grayson was asleep so he couldn't hear what his favourite uncle was saying.

When the Winchester's make it to they're destination, Darcey parked at the side of the rode.
Getting Grayson out of the car, she walked up with her brothers.
The building had people outside their yards, sitting on couches, and fixing cards.
"Once again, what are we doing here?" She asked holding Grayson just a little tighter.
"The victim lived here." Dean told her.

Walking up to a guy holding a banana, Dean told him, "nice wheels."
The banana man turned around.
"We're your fraternity brothers. From Ohio." Dean said.
Darcey sighed, not know what lame identity he was going
To come up with for her and Grayson, it's a good thing she knows a few different languages, hopefully Dean thinks the Same thing.
"We're new in town. Transfers. Looking for a place to stay." Dean told the guy.
"And the chick and kid?"
Dean looked to his sister,
"She's ah, or live in maid, and that's her son, she doesn't speak English,he doesn't either."
" no inglés, es un placer conocerte!" Darcey said smiling.
When that worked, the guy led the Winchester's in the building.
Walking into a room, a guy was painting his body purple.
"hombre púrpura!" Grayson said out in Spanish.
She May have taught him some, knowing it would come in handy one day, here that day was.
" si, sí, un hombre morado!" Darcey Said clapping. "Ah, What? Who are you?" The purple guy asked.
" we're your new roommates.shes the maids"
Dean told him.
The kid looked to Dean.
"Could you get my back? Big game today."

"He's the artist. The things he can do with a brush..."
sitting on the couch with Dean, Darcey let Grayson go so he could sit on her lap.

"So, Murph, is it true?" Dean asked.

"Is what true?" He asked back
"We heard that one of the guys around here got killed last week."  Dean said
"What happened?" 
Sam asked, painting his back.  "They're saying something psycho with a knife. Maybe a drifter passing. Rich was a good guy."
"Was Rich with anyone?"
"Not just anyone. Lori Sorenson." He said like this girl was a big deal.
"Who's Lori Sorenson?" Dean asked.

"te perdiste un lugar," Darcey said, pointing to the kid.
Seeing to we're she was pointing, Dean for the message.  
"She said you missed a spot. Just down there in the back." 
Giving them a glare, Sam paints the spot.
The purple guy continues.
"Lori's a freshman. She's a local. Super hot. And get this, she's a reverend's daughter."
Dean leaned forward.
"You wouldn't happen to know which church, would ya?"

Entering the church, the Wooden doors slam shut, making the reverend stop his prayer, but then continued.
Sitting down in the back pew, they wait until the serves ends.
Bowing their heads, Darcey does say a little prayer in her head.

When it was over,
Everyone was waiting outside.
Walking up to the girl,
Sam Asked, "are you Lori?"
"My name is Sam, and this is my brother and sister, Dean and Darcey, and her son Grayson. We just transferred to the university."
The girl nodded. "I saw you inside."
"We don't want to bother you. We just heard about what happened."

Dean stepped in, "we just wanted to say we were sorry."
"I know what you're going through. I saw someone get hurt once. It's something you don't forget." Sam told her.
Darcey caught the glance Dean thew her way, but he looked away as soon as he felt her eyes on him.

Soon, Lori's Dad come up to them.
"Dad, This is Sam, Dean, Darcey. They're new students." She told him.
Dean took out his hand and held it out. "It's a pleaser to meet you, sir. I must say, that was an inspiring sermon." He said.

"Thank you very much. It's so nice to find young people who are open to the Lord's message."

"Listen, ah, we're new in town actually.." dean started and Walked with the man.
Leaving Darcey and Sam with Lori.
"Tell me, Lori, what are the police saying?"  Sam asked the girl in green.

"Well, they don't have a lot to go on." She began as they started walking as well. 
"I think they blame me for that."
"What do you mean?" Darcey asked.
Grayson was holding her hand as they walked. He kicked a stone a long the way.
"My story. I was so scared, I guess I was seeing things. "  she told them.

"That doesn't mean that is wasted real." Darcey said to her.


At a library, she found Grayson some books to keep him occupied while they do some research.
"You believe her?" Dean asked Sam.
"I do."
"Me too." Darcey said.
"Yeah, I think she's hot too."

Sam shook his head.
"No, there's something in her eyes. And listen to this, she herd scratching on the roof. Found the bloody body suspended upside down over the car."
Sam explains.
"Bloody body suspended, that sounds like—"
"The hook man legend." Darcey said with
Grayson on her hip with a book in hand.
"It's famous you don't think we're dealing with the hook man?" Dean asked, not convicted.
"Every urban legend has a source. A place where it all began." Sam tell them.

"Yeah but what about the Phantom scratches, tire punctures, and the invisible killer.?" Dean says.
Darcey thought for a bit before Sam spoke,  "Maybe the hook man isn't a man at all."
"What if it's some kind of spirit?" Darcey added in question.

Sitting at a table, the librarian hands over a box's
"Here you are. Arrest records going all the way back to 1851."
"Thanks" Dean says.

"So this is how you spent four good years of your life, huh?" Dean laughed as he asked Sam, "welcome to higher education." Sam says back opening the first box.

After a few hours of reading threw half the box's, Grayson ended up sleeping in Darcey's lap.
Finally, Sam seemed to find something.
"Check this out," he said.
"1862, a preacher named Jacob Carnes was arrested for murder. He was so angry over the red-light district in town... that one night, he killed thirteen prostitues. Ah it says here that "some of the deceased were found in their beds..sheets soaked with blood, others suspended upside down from trees..as a warning against sins of the flesh." Sam finished reading.
"Get this, the murder weapon?  Looks like the preacher lost his hand in an accident. He had it replaced with a silver hook."
Dean informs them. 
"Look where all this happened." Sam said
"Nine-Mile-Road." Dean read.
"The Sam's place that frat boy was Killed." Darcey said.
"Nice job, Dr.Venkman. Let's go check it out."  Dean said.


Making it to Nine-mile-road, they pull the car up to a stop.
Darcey, wasn't really feeling up to leaving Grayson alone in the car, and she didn't want to bring him in, she decided to stay in the car with him. She watched as Dean handed Sam a gun.
Dean the came over to her side, she opened the window.
"You're sure you'll be okay?" He asked her.
I-I'll be fine. Grayson is sleeping, so I can keep watch. Plus,
I have a trunk full of weapons."
She said, not only trying to convince Dean, but her self too.
He nodded.
Then Sam came to the window.
"If it is a spirit, buckshot won't do much."
"Yep. Rock salt." Darcey conferred.
"Huh. Salt being a spirit deterrent." Sam said amusingly.
"Yep. It won't kill him, but it will slow him down." Dean says.
"Alright, be carful!" Darcey tells them.

Not far from the car, the Winchester brothers stop walk-in g when they hear a twig snap. Readying their weapons, they wait.
Hearing shouting, Darcey looked over from the back window.
From the looks of it, they've been caught.
Quietly waking Grayson, she hides on the floor of the car.

When Darcey got to the local police station, she waited anxiously for the brother to walk out.
When they did, she gave out a sigh of relief. When the brother were about to enter the car, they saw cops run out of the station.
Quickly getting the the car, Darcey asked,
"What's going on?" Sliding over time the passenger side as Dean got in the drivers seat and Sam got in the back with Grayson, who was reading a book.
Following the cop car to the girls dorm, when they drive by,
The Winchester's see and ambulance with Lori sitting in it with a blanket wrapped around her. They quickly drove off.
Parking at the side of a road, behind the house, the three get out off the car, Grayson hot on Darcey's trail as they walk and sneak around the back.

" why would the hook man come here? So far from Nine-Mile road?" Sam asked in a hushed whisper.
"Maybe he's not haunting the scene of his crime. Maybe it's something else." Dean said back.
Watching as Sam climbs the wall, Grayson hops on deans back. 
"If I had know we would be climbing things, I would've left Gray at Bobby's." Darcey whispers to Dean.
When they managed to get thew the tiny window, Grayson got back on Dean's shoulders.
In the house, Sam opens the door to Lori's room. With a creek, he stoops as they watched the officer go down the stairs.
When they walk in, Darcey whispered to her son and him to close his eyes.
On the wall of the room, written in blood was, 'aren't you glad you didn't turn on the light' beneath it, a strange symbol.
"That's right out of the legend." Sam said quietly.
"Yeah, that's classic hook man, all right."
"It's definitely a spirit." Darcey said.

"I've never smelt ozone this strong before." Sam told them.
Handing Grayson over to his mom, the boys eyes still closed, the second oldest Winchester went to the window.

"Hey, come here." Sam said.
hey pointed to the symbol.
"Does that look familiar to you?" He asked Dean.

Back outside, Grayson now in the comfort of the backseat, the twins sat on the car as Sam stood and showed them the file from the library about Jacob Carnes.
"It's the exact Same." Sam said.
Looking at the hook in the picture, it was an uncanny match.
"Alright. Let's find the body, burn the bones and put him down." Dean told them.
Sam then begins to read from the paper.
"After execution, Jacob was laid to rest in old north Cemetery..in an unmarked grave."
"Shit." Darcey mumbled.
"Super." Dean said.
"So we know who it it but we still don't know where he'll manifest next, or why." Sam explains as Dean picked up a parking ticket.
"I think I know why." Darcey said
"I think your little fiend Lori has something to do with it." Dean says opening the car door.
When they all get in, Dean looks back to his nephew.
"How you doing Grayman?" He asked
Looking from his book, his black hat still on his little head just like  it has been for a few days now,
He boy said,
"Good, I like catching monsters." He told his uncle.
Surprised, yet a little scared by his answer, Dean looked to Darcey, who matched his expression. 
"Well, cool. You keep reading that book, okay?" Dean said.
Letting out a breath, Darcey got in the back with her son.
Darcey has always thought that when she had a child, she wouldn't make him grow up the way she and her brothers did.
She wouldn't make him move around constantly, or change schools too often.
She wanted to raise her child with a father in his life.
And when her child got older, only then would she tell them about what goes bump in the night, only then would she teach them everything she knows about hunting. Only to keep them safe.
And, if they choose to do so, she would let them hunt.
She didn't know what would happen to her.
She didn't know she was going to be thrown into motherhood as she was thrown into this supernatural world.
But that's the thing about life, you never know what's going to happen, sometimes it's bad, and sometimes there's good.

When night time rolled around after learning new information, Darcey, Dean, and Grayson walked along in the cemetery to look for the unmarked grave.
With a flashlight in one hand, and Grayson holding the other, Darcey walked beside Dean.
Hearing a twig snap, Dean pushed Darcey behind him and Darcey lifted up her son.
When nothing happened, they continued to walk forward slowly.
The Winchester twins eventually found a convincing looking not so unmarked  grave. It had the same symbol from the wall, and Hook.
"Here we go." Dean said.
Putting Grayson down, Darcey took the shovel Dean handed her.
Half way threw digging, Darcey was becoming tired, so was Dean.
Dean looks to his sister.
"Next time, I get to watch the cute girl's house." He said out of breath.
Shaking her head, with a few more digs, they hit wood.
"Hello preacher." Dean said
Throwing the shovel away, they get to work.
Getting out salt and gasoline, Dean lights a match and throws it in the grave.

The next morning, after Sam called the twin informing them about what happened, They get to the hospital where Lori's dad is.
Walking down the hall, they try and walk further but are stopped by two officers.
"It's alright, we're with him—
Hey, that's out brother, hey, brother!" Dean says pointing and waving to get Sam's attention.
The officer with Sam gives the okay.
Darcey follows dean but not without giving a glare to the cops.
"Thanks!" Dean says and grabbed Darcey and Grayson.
Sam then walks to them.
"You guys okay?" Dean asked his brother.
"Yeah." Sam answers ruffling Graysons hair. He lost his hat back at the grave yard.
"What the hell happened?" Darcey asks.
"Hook man"
"You saw him?" Dean says confused.
Sam asked them why They didn't torch the bones.
"What are you talking about?" Darcey said.
"We did." Dean told Sam. "You sure it's the spirit of Jacob Carnes?"
"Sure as hell looked like him." Sam said back. "That's not all. I don't think it's attached to the reverend."
"I mean yeah,the guy wouldn't send the Hook man after himself." Darcey says

"I think it's latching onto Lori." Sam confess. "Last night she found out that her dad wand having an affair with a married woman."
"So what?" The twin asked.
"So she's upset about it. She's upset about the immorality of it. She was raised to believe it you do something bad, your get punished." Sam explains
"Okay, so she's conflicted." Dean said.
"And the spirit of Carnes is latching on to her repressed emotions, and maybe he's doing to punishing for her?" Darcey guesses.
"Right." Sam confirms.
"Rich comes on to strong, Taylor tried to make her into a party girl.. dad has an affair." Sam continues with his theory.

"Remind me not to piss of this girl." Dean says.
"But we burned those bones. We buried them in salt. Why didn't that Stop him?" Darcey asked, Grayson now in her arms, head in. The crook of her neck. She could tell he was asleep.
"You guys must have missed something." Sam says.
Shaking his head, Dean denies he missed anything. Darcey agreed.
"Did you guys get the hook?" Sam asked
"The hook?" The twins say.
"It was the murder weapon. And in a way, it's was a part of him." He goes on.
"So like the bones," Darcey says,
"The hook is a source of his power." Dean finishes her thought.
"So if we find the hook...we stop the hook man." They all finish together.

"Let's not do that ever again, it freaked me out." Sam said


At the library, Graysons nose in a book once more as the Winchester siblings look for anymore information they could fine.
"Here's something I think." Dean tells his brother and sister.
"Logbook, Iowa State Penitentiary.
"Carnes, Jacob. Personal effects..disposition thereof..." Dean reads.
"Does it mention the hook?" Sam asked
"Maybe."Upon execution, earthly items shall be remanded..to the prisoner's House of Worship, St. Barnabus Church.""
"Isn't that where Lori's father preaches?" Darcey realizes.
"Yeah." Dean answered.
"Where Lori lives?" Sam questions on. "Maybe that's why he's been haunting reverends and reverends daughters." Dean comes up with. "Yeah, but if the hook were there, don't you think. Someone would've seen it?" Sam asked
"I mean, a blood-stained,silver-handled book?"
"Check the church records." Dean said getting up from his seat.
When they got the recored, Sam read,
""St.Barnabus, donation, 1862. Received: silver-handled hook from state penitentiary. Reforged. " Sam says
"They melted it down. And made it into something else."


Making it back to Lori's house, the Winchester's got out of the car,
All except Darcey and Grayson.
With the brothers waiting out side, the young mother turned to her son.
"Okay, Gray. I'm going to go in with them. And your going to stay here. Understood?" She told him
The small boy nodded.
"I'm good momma."
Darcey nodded.
"I know. Alright. I got to go now. Read a book, or go to sleep, I'll be back soon."
She says, then finally gets out and meets with her brothers.
"He'll be fine." Dean tells her, handing her a gun of rock salt.
Nodding, she gave the car one last look before they make they're way to the house.
"Alight. We can't take any chances. Anything silver goes in the fire." Dean informed them
"I agree" Sam says. "Lori is still at the hospital. We'll have to break in." Sam says.
"Alright. Take your pick."
"I'll take the house." Sam decided
"Okay." The twins say.
"Hey, stay out of her underwear drawer." Dean said to Sam.

Making the fire, Dean and Darcey begin to throw in anything that silver.
When Sam came down with a bag, they dumped it in. "Better sage then sorry." Dean said
When Darcey heard the floor from above creak, she shushed the brothers.
"Move. Move" Dean said.
Going up the stairs, guns at the ready, they enter the church and see someone at the front of the pews. They're better guess was that it was Lori.
Dean motions to Sam to go to her while he grabbed Darcey's arm and pulled her back downstairs.
After burning everything, when Darcey and Dean herd the fighting and screaming going on upstairs, they came running up. With her gun in her hand and Dean by her side, they saw the hook man, Sam, and Lori.
"Sam! Drop!" Darcey screamed
Shooting his gun, the Hook man disappeared.
"I thought we got all the silver?"
"So did we!" The twins say.
"Then why is he still here?" Sam asked
"Well maybe we missed something!." Darcey said
Sam looked over to Lori, just now noticing her silver chain necklace.
"Lori, where did you get that?" He asked her.
"My father gave it to me." She told him.
"Where did your dad get it?" Dean said
"He said it was a church heirloom!"
"Is it silver!" Darcey asked
"Yes!"! The girl answered
Ripping of her chain, Sam was about to run but the sound of a nail scraping across the walls stopped them.
The hook man was back.
"Sam!" Dean said as he threw him his gun. Catching it, Sam shot the wall.
Dean ran down the stairs with the chain and threw it in the fire.
From upstairs, Sam, Darcey and Lori watched as the Hook man burned, and disappeared for good.

When dean came back upstairs, he sighed in relief.


In the morning, Darcey was with Grayson in the car after it was her turn to talk to the police.
As Dean and Darcey waited for Sam, Dean takes to Grayson.
"How'd you make out last night buddy?" He asked him.
"Okay. I fell asleep after I read a story." The five year old said as he hugged his mom.
Nodding, Dean said, "cool."
When Sam came back, he got in the front.
Dean looked to his brother,
"We could stay." He told him. Sam shook his head silently.

Darcey smiled. She looked to Grayson who was now on her phone again.
As Dean started the car,
Darcey lays down. "Wake me up when we get to wherever we're going next." She says.
"You got it." Was what Dean said as he blasted a song from the radio.
Closing her eyes, she lets the sound of the music and the rocking of the car put her to sleep.
Only for an hour late, to be waken up by a strange nightmare.

Translations — I got from google translate, correct Me if I'm wrong!

"Nice to meet you"
"Purple man"
"Yes, yes, a purple man"

( wow, for some reason that episode was one whole chapter.
Anyway, since starting this book I've been wondering if I wanted Darcey to have any powers or supernatural connection thing like Sam does/did... and in the next few chapters, you'll find out what I decided!
I'm really excited for this book and I really hope you all like it too!
Please, please vote and comment! It gives me motivation to write more! )

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