Embrace The Flames // BOok 1

By and_thebad_wolfStory

3.6K 59 1

"I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me " ... More

Darcey's Playlist / aesthetics!
Where it started
PILOT Part 1
Pilot Part 2
Wendigo part 2
Bloody Mary
Skin part 2
Hook man
Bugs part 2
Scarecrow part 2
Faith part 2
The benders
Shadow part 2
Dead Man's Blood
Dead Man's Blood part 2
Salvation part 2
Devil's Trap
Devil's trap part 2
Season 2 playlist
In My Time of Dying
In my time of dying part 2
Everybody loves a clown
Erverybody loves a clown part 2
Bloodlist part 2
Children shouldn't play with dead things
Children shouldn't play with dead things part 2
The usual suspects
The usual suspects part 2
The other special Winchester
Born under a bad sign
Born under a bad sign part 2
Tall tales
Tall tales part 2
What is and What Should Never Be
All hell breaks loose, part 1
All Hell breaks loose part one, part 2
All hell breaks loose, part 2
All hell breaks loose part two part 2

Bloddy mary part 2

62 1 0
By and_thebad_wolfStory


Heading back to a house, the Winchester's are talking to the friend of Donna's friend Charlie.
Darcey sits with her as she cry's and tells them what happened.
"And they found her on the bathroom floor. And her—her eyes. They were gone."
"I'm sorry" Sam says.
"And she said it. I heard her say it." She continued.
"But it couldn't be because of that." She denies.
"I'm insane, right?"

"No, your not insane." Dean tried.
"God, that makes me feel so much worse"
"Look.we think something's happening here. Something that can't be explained." Sam said.
"And we are going to do everything to stop it."
Darcey tells her.
"But we could use your help." Dean says.

They waited for the blond girl to open her bedroom window.
The three Winchester's climbed in.
"What did you tell jill's mom?" Sam asked.
"I just said I needed some time alone with jill's pictures and stuff."
"I hate lying to her." Charlie said.
"Trust us, it's for the greater good. Hit the lights" Dean said.

Turning on the hand-camera, Charlie then asked.
"What are you guys even looking for?"
"We'll let you know as soon as we find it." Darcey said to her smiling. Charlie smiles back.
Sam asked Dean to turn on the night vision feature on the camera.
"Do I look like Paris Hilton?" Dean asked.
Darcey looked over,
"More like a clown."
Sam shudders at her choice of words.
Laughing when she saw him do so, she patted his shoulder, "Sorry, Sammy."
She said.

With the camera, Sam went over to the closet with a mirror on it.
He panned it and started asking.
"So I don't get it. I mean, the first victim,didn't summon Mary, and the second victim did. How is she choosing them?"

"Hell if I know." Darcey said, looking around the room with Dean.
"Beats me." He brother said holding his EMF reader.
"I want to know why Jill said it in the first place." Dean said to Charlie.
"It was just a joke" she said.
"Yeah, well someone's going to say it again." Darcey said, her own EMF in hand.
"It's just in a matter of time."

"Hey" Sam suddenly said.
"There's a black light in the trunk,right?"

When Sam came back with it, they got back to work.
Using it, they saw a hand print and a name.
"Gary Bryman?" Charlie read out loud. "Do you know who that is?" Sam asked her.
Shaking her head, the girl said no.


When the Winchester's were done investigating, they went back to the bench they were talking on before.
Sam came up to the sitting three.
"So Gary Bryman was an eight year old boy. Two years ago, he was killed in a hit and run. The car they described was a black Toyota Camry, but nobody got the plates. Or saw the driver."

"Oh, my god." Charlie suddenly said.
"What?" Darcey asked.
"Jill drove that car."

"We need to get back to your friend Donna's house." Dean said.

Getting back to her house, they did the same thing with the black light. They found another name. This time, a name that was oddly familiar.
"Linda Shoemaker" Sam read.

When they go and talk to Donna, getting frustrated with them, she asked,
"Why are you asking me all about this?"
"Look, we're sorry, but it's important." Sam said.
"Yeah, Linda's my mom, okay?and she overdosed on sleeping pills. It was an accident, and that's it." She said.
"I think you should leave."  She was probably getting tired of them getting all personal in her business.
"Donna, just—" Darcey tried.
"Just get out of my house!" She yelled at them.
Charlie then turned to them.
"Oh,My god. Do you really think her dad could've killed her mom?" She asked
"Maybe" Sam answers back.
"I think I should stick around."
The Winchester's agreed.
"All right. Whatever you want. But what ever you do, don't,—"
"Believe me, I won't say it."

When night time rolled around, the three siblings went back to their motel room.
Dean at a computer.
"Wait, you're doing a nationwide search?"Sam asked as he pinned papers on the wall.
"Yep. The NCIC, the FBI database." Dean said not looking away from the blue screen.
"At this point any Mary who died in front of a mirror is good enough for me."

"But if she's haunting the town, then she should've died in the town."
"Not necessarily" Darcey said.
"There's nothing local. Unless you've got a better idea.."

Sam continues speaking.
"The way Mary's killing the victims it seems there's a pattern"

"I was thinking the same thing." Darcey says.
"With Mr.Shoemaker and jill's hit-and-run, both had secrets where people died." Sam and Dean figured out.

"There's folklore about mirrors. They reveal your lies. Your secrets. There're a true reflection of your soul.which is why it's said it's bad luck to break them," Darcey remembers.
"Right, right. So maybe if you've got a secret, like a real nasty one, like someone dies, then Mary sees it and punishes you for it. Whether you like it or not."

"Even it you not the one to summon her." Sam says.

"Take a look at this."
Turning the laptop, he showed his siblings pictures of a bloody hand on a mirror and the dead body of a girl.
"It kinda looks like the same handprint." Darcey says to Dean.
He then reads,
"Her name was Mary Worthington. An unsolved murder in Fort Wayne, Indiana."
He finishes Looking to Darcey and Sam.


In Fort Wayne, Indiana; the Winchester's talk to a local police officer.

"I was on the job for thirty-five years, detective for most of that. Everybody packs it in with a few loose ends. But the Mary Worthington murder...that one still gets me." The man finishes.
"What exactly happened?," Darcey asked.

"You said you were all reporters?"

"We know Mary was 19,
Lived by herself." Sam said,
"She won a few local beauty contests. Dreamt of getting out of Indiana....being an actress. We also know the night of March twenty-nine, someone broke into her apartment, and murdered her. Cut out her eyes with a knife." Sam told Him.

"That's right." He answers

"So when we all ask you what happened, we want to know what you think happened." Dean said.
Darcey stood with dean and crossed her arms.
The detective got out a box from a filing cabinet.
"Technically, I'm not really supposed to have a copy of this." He said
flipping threw a file.
Showing them the pictures dean had found earlier, he then pointed to the letters that were written in blood on Mary.
"See the letters there? T-R-E?"
The detective leans in. "I think Mary was trying to spell out the name of her killer." He confesses.

"Do you know who?" Darcey asked.
"Not for sure. But there was a local man,a surgeon. Trever Samson."
He says, pulling out a picture.
The old black and white picture was showing Trevor wearing black sunglasses, as he was in a suit, holding a cigar and a drink.
"I think he cut her up good."

Sam then asked.
"Why would he do something like that?"
"In her diary, she mentioned that she was seeing someone. She called him by his initial T. Well, her last entry, she was going to tell T's wife about their affair."
"Yeah but—" Darcey started, Dean interrupted her by saying,
"But how do you know it was this guy who killed her?" He asked
"It's hard to say. But the way her eyes we cut out, it was almost professional."
"But you could never prove it?" Darcey put in.
"No. No prints, no witnesses. He was meticulous." The detective said.
"Is he still alive?"
"Nope. If you ask me, Mary spent her last living moments trying to expose this guys secret. But she never could."
"Where was she buried?" Sam asked.
Having a feeling she wasn't going to like the answer, she sighed.
"She was cremated."
Nodding her head, and crossed her arms.
"What about that mirror? It'd not in some evidence lock up, is it?" Dean asked.
"No. It was returned to Mary's family a long time ago."

Looking to Dean, who was already looking to her, she asked the detective one last question before Sam could.
"Do you happen to have the names of her family?"


In the car, Darcey in the back and Sam in the front, they listen as Sam talks on the phone.
"That's too bad, Mr. Worthington. I would've paid a lot
For that mirror. Okay. Well, maybe next time then. Alright, thanks."
Sam finished up by ending the call.
"So?" The twins say.
"So, that was Mary's brother. The Mirror was in the family for years until he sold it. One week ago. To a store called Estate Antiques. In Toledo." Sam explains.
"So where the mirror goes Mary goes?" Darcey comes up with.
"Her spirit is definitely tied up with it somehow." Sam says.

Leaning in between the brothers, Darcey says,
"Isn't there this old superstition that says that mirrors can capture spirts in them?"
Sam nodded.
"Yeah. When someone would die in a house, people would cover the mirrors so that the ghost wouldn't get trapped." He concluded. "So Mary died in front of the mirror, and it draws in her spirit."
Dean inputs.

"Exactly" Darcey says.

"Yeah, but how could she move through hundreds of different mirrors?" Sam asks.
"Don't know. But if the mirror is the source," Dean trails off.
"We find the mirror and smash it!"
Darcey says all but too excited.
Sam shook his head, as did Dean."you have a problem" her twin said.
"You have a problem" Darcey said back mimicking Deans deep voice with a high pitched one.
"Yeah. I don't know. But maybe." Sam said ignoring the twins.
He was used to their sometimes child like behavior by now.
While they were bickering now, the phone ringing shut the up.
"Hello?" Sam said unto the flip phone as he answered it.
"Charlie?" He said.
The twins looked to Sam knowingly.


When they got to their motel, with a scared Charlie, the went quickly into action. Darcey sat with the blond girl on the bed as the brothers made the room dark and covered and mirrors.

When done, Sam knelt next to Charlie who was huddled in Darcey's arms.
"Charlie?" The older Winchester said quietly.
The girl wouldn't uncover her eyes.
"Hey. Hey, it's okay."
Sam tried.
"You can open up your eyes, Charlie. It's okay."

Slowly removing her hands, she lifted her head from Darcey's shoulder.
"Your gonna be alright," Darcey told her.

"Now listen." Sam started.
"You're going to stay right here, on the bed. And your not going to look at glass or anything else that has a reflection, okay?"  He said.
"As long as you do that, she can't get you."

"But I can't keep that up forever." The girl said.
"I'm gonna die, aren't I?" She asked with fear.

Darcey was familiar with that feeling.
Coming close to death so many times.

"No. No. Not any time soon." Sam said.

Sitting on the bed, Dean spoke.
"Alright. We need to know what happened," he Said.
Still wrapped up in the Winchester girls arms, Charlie said,
"We were in the bathroom. Donna said it."

"That's not what we're talking about." Dean said.
Charlie looks over with tears in her eyes.
"Something happened, didn't it?" Dean continued
"In your life. A secret. Where someone got hurt."

"Could you tell us about it?" Darcey asked gently.

With her lips trembling, Charlie began to tell us her secret.
"I had this boyfriend. I loved him....but he kinda scared me too, you know? One night, at his house, we got into this fight, and I broke up with him. And he got upset, said he needed me, and he loved me. He said, "Charlie if you walk out that door right now, I'm going to kill my self."
And do you know what I said? I said "go ahead" and I left"
When finished, she looked to the middle Winchester.
"How could I have said that?" She asked. "How could I leave him like that?
I just—I didn't believe him, you know? I should've."

After speaking, she cried into Darcey's shoulder once more.
The Winchester's lost for words.


In the impala, Darcey in the front this time after having to play a game of Rock-Paper-Scissors with Sam and winning, she listened as Dean said,
"Her boyfriend killing him self, that not really Charlie's fault."

Darcey agreed. And Sam said,
" you guys know as well as I do that spirits don't exactly see shades of Gray. Dean, Charlie had a secret, someone died. That's good enough for Mary."

"I guess." Dean said.

"You know, I've been thinking, it might not be enough to just smash the mirror"

"What do you mean?" The twins asked.

"Well, Mary's hard to pin down. She moves from mirror to mirror. Who's to say she's not gonna just keep hiding in them forever?
So maybe, we should try to pin her down." Sam explains.
"You know, summon her to her mirror, and then smash it."

Darcey hated this idea.
"How do you know that's going to work?" Dean asked.

"I don't know. Not for sure."

"Well, who's gonna summon her?"
Nope, she definitely hated this idea.
"I will." Sam said. "She'll come after me"

"No!" Darcey shouted. Voicing her opinion about this stupid plan.
"This is a dumb idea." She Said. Dean suddenly pulled over.
He turned to his youngest brother. "This is about Jessica, isn't it?" He said.
When Sam didn't answer, Darcey and Dean's thoughts were proved.
"You think that's your dirty little secret? That you killed her somehow?" Dean voiced.
"Sammy—" Darcey began, only to have her voice stomped on by Deans.
"This has got to stop, man.
I mean, the nightmares, calling her name out in the middle of the night....it's going to kill you."

"Now listen to me. I was not your fault. If you want to blame something, then blame the thing that killed her, hell, take a swing at me, I dragged you away from her.—"
Sam then finally looked Dean in the eye.
"I don't blame you, either of you." He said looking at Darcey as well.
"Well then you shouldn't blame yourself. There is nothing you could've done." Darcey said.
"I could've warned her."
"About what? You didn't know it was gonna happen. And besides, all of this isn't about a secret. I mean, Darcey and I know everything about it. It's not going to work with Mary anyway."

"No, you guys don't." Sam said.
"We don't what?" Darcey asked.
"You guys don't know all about it, I ha w told you guys everything."
"What are you talking about?" Dean said to Sam.
"Well, it would really be a secret if I told you, would it?"
He said.
Looking to Dean, who marched the same about of confusion she did, she said,
"No. I don't like it. It's not happening, forget about it."
"Guys, that girl back there is going to die if we don't do something about it. And you know what? Who knows how many more people are gonna die after that?
Now, we're doing this." Sam said back.

Dean looked at his brother with uncertainty.
"You've got to let me do this."


When the get to where the mirrors are, Darcey and Dean watch as Sam picks the lock.
"I don't like this." Darcey whispered to Dean.
Shaking his head, he didn't say anything.
With a click, the door opens and the Winchester's enter.
"I really don't like this!" Darcey said to the brothers as she looked around all the mirrors.
"Well, this is just great." Dean said,
Ignoring his sister, Getting out the picture of Mary, they look at the mirror that she lays down in front of.

With a flashlight in hand, she separates from the boys, much to her displeasure, and begins the search.

Coming up with nothing so far,
From the other aide of the store,
Darcey heard Dean shout,
"Maybe they sold it"

"I don't think so.." Sam says.
Meeting up with the brothers, it looks like Sam found the right mirror.
"Sammy—are you sure about doing this?" Darcey asked.

Without replying, Sam walked up to it.
He then started,
"Bloody Mary. Bloody Mary. Bloody Mary."

Holding their weapon at the ready, the Winchester's waited.
When a glow of a light shines across the room, Dean turns to Darcey and Sam.
"I'm gonna check that out. You two stay here. Be careful."
Without giving her a chance to argue, he rushed off with out saying, "smash anything that moves!"

" bastard" Darcey mutters.

When nothing happens for a while, Darcey looked around and finally saw Mary in the Mirror behind Sam.
"Sam behind you!" She said to him.
Turning around, he brought his weapon down on the mirror, smashing it completely.

Turning back to the host mirror, they wait more.
"Come on." Sam says.
"Come into this one."

When Sam's reflection becomes one of its self, The real Sam's eyes start to bleed. "Sam?"
Dropping his weapon, the mirror Sam speaks,
"It's your fault. You killed her.
You killed Jessica"
Covering her eyes, Darcey hold out her hammer the best she can.
"Sam! Don't listen to it." She says.
"Sam!" She tries again.

When the other Sam began to speak once more, he said, "you never told her. Who you really were. But it's more then that, isn't it? Those nightmares you've been having, of Jessica, dying....screaming....burning! You had them for days before she died. Didn't you!?"
Darcey could hear the grunting of Sam. He was in some trance he couldn't get out of, and Darcey couldn't do anything, not with out having to look and getting her self in the same state as her brother. She was helpless.
"You where so desperate to be normal. To believe that they were just dreams. How could you ignore them like that? How could you leave her alone to die?"
The other Sam continued.
"Don't listen to him, Sam!" Darcey
"You dreamt it would happen!"

Moving out of the way, as she heard dean coming, she helped him smash the mirror.
Quickly getting down to Sam's level, Dean and Darcey grabbed Him.
"Sammy?" Darcey said, holding his head up.
"Sammy?" Dean said this time.

Quietly, their younger brother said,
"It's Sam."
Laughing softly, Darcey asked. "Oh God, are you okay?"
" yeah."
" I told you guys I hated this plan."
The boys laughed a little.
Getting up, the Winchester's had began to walk out.
When they heard the sound of moving glass, the all turned around.
The ghost of Mary stood in front
Of them. The Winchester's began to not be able to breath. Their breathing was in and out. Gasping for air. Grunting as they fell, Mary dragged herself closer. All of their eyes bleeding like Sam's was.
Reaching for a mirror, Dean held it up so that it faced Mary.
"All those people, you killed them!"
Mary's reflection said.
When the ghost Mary started to Melt away in a puddle, the siblings were free from the trance.
Throwing the Mirror her was holding, he looked over to his brother and sister.
"Hey guys." He said.
"Yeah?" Sam and Darcey said together.

"This has got to be like, what, six-hundred years of bad luck?"
"Yeah, how could our lives get any worse?..." Darcey asked nobody in particular.


In the morning, the Winchester's drove Charlie home.
Parked outside her house, they begin their goodbye.
From the back seat, Charlie says.
"So this is really over?"
"Yeah, it's over." Dean tells her.
"Thank you."

Getting out of the car, before she could go any further, Sam says.
" Charlie, your boyfriends death, you should try and forgive your self. No matter what you did, you probably couldn't have stopped it. Sometimes bad thing just happen."
When the blond girl leaves, Darcey
Hits Sam's head from the back seat.
Looking to her, she says. "Well that's some good advice Sammy."

As they drive, Dean speaks.
"Hey Sam?"
"Now that this is all over, I want you to tell us what that secret was,"
Sam looked to Darcey, her already knowing because of last night, she nodded to him, silently telling him to tel their brother.

"Look, you're my brother, and I'd die for you, and Darcey, but there are some things I need to keep to myself.
Keeping quiet, Dean drove on.


£ thank you all for reading!!
Remember to vote and comment what you think of it! I think next chapter I'm going to do a flash back chapter with Darcey, when she was younger. Just to show her and Johns relationship and so on...

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