Let me be lazy please!

By Xiao_Shin00x

369K 16.8K 2.9K

If there was an award for laziness then everyone was sure that Ryo would be the one to get it every year but... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 (Arc 1.3)
Arc 1.4
Arc 1.5
Arc 1.6
Arc 1.7
Arc 1.8
Arc 1.9
Arc 1.11
Arc 1.12
Arc 1.13
Arc 1.14
Arc 1.15
Arc 1.16
Arc 1.17
Arc 1.18
Arc 1.20
Arc 1.21 (End)
Reine's POV
this is NOT an update
character profile
Arc 2.2
Arc 2.3
Arc 2.4
Arc 2.5
Arc 2.6
Arc 2.7
Arc 2.8
arc 2.9
Arc 2.10
Arc 2.11
arc 2.13
arc 2.14
arc 2.15
Arc 2.17
🌟 IM BACK!!! 🌟
arc 2.19
arc 2.20
arc 2.21
arc 2.22
arc 2.23
Mo Qing Yu pov
ARC 3 teaser profile
Arc 3.1
Arc 3.2
arc 3.3
arc 3.4
arc 3.5
arc 3.6
arc 3.7

Arc 2.1

9.8K 447 183
By Xiao_Shin00x

( before starting this Arc I want to thank all of you for your support and patience, I was able to get over the incident thanks to your support)

Arc 2: WTF?!

[....transfer initialized]

[ Transfer complete!]

[Welcome host to your second world!]


[The system will be announcing the points you have accumulated by completing your first world...

Destroy the female protagonist-1000pt
Finding a partner - 1000pt
Living a good life -1000pt

Waahhh this system is so happy tht host finally finished his mission]


[? Host? You alive?]


[Host?! Did my transfer go wrong? Host wake up!]

'....shut up for a moment will you?'


' now now bella let me speak, if I was not wrong you never mentioned to me anything about having to feel pain when dieing....so what was all that about huh? And what was with that crap vortex thing you used to transfer me? Do you how badly I wanted to puke?! '

[Sorry host I forgot to mention about it...]

'*sigh* it's alright, just warn me before you do anything like that again, now...where are we?'

He spoke looking around the messy bedroom, it looked quite luxurious but all of that was completely washed away by the mess of comic books and canvas lying around the room

[ Host right now you are in the second world, do you wish to receive the plot line?]

'yes' leo said as he walked towards the couch near the window and layed down

[ This world mainly focuses on the ML and the FL as every other world, the FL is a college girl who joined in on the prestigious college even though she was from a very poor background, due to which she was often bullied in the class, one of the main bullies was Zhe Xieran, the step brother of the ML, Mo Qing Yu. After going through a series of pain the FL complains to the headmaster who later calls the ML as he is the only relative of Zhe Xieran. After finding out what had happened the ML felt bad for the FL and gave compensation for his step Brothers actions- and that is where the plot begins-]

'huh? Then what the hell were you saying till now?'

[...it is also part of the plot host... Let me continue, after the small interaction the ML begins to start having very very small feelings towards the FL but never focused on it as he felt it was a simple attraction, but all was proven wrong to him when the FL was met with an accident that was caused by her bully, after finding out about the accident the ML rushed towards the hospital where he found the FL lying unconscious in the bed and that was when he realized his feelings for her, so without much hesitation he killed his step brother, Zhe Xieran after finding about the accident and later proposed to the FL only to get rejected on the face ...]

'pfttt! How is he so stupid? That was the best part of the plot so far' leo laughed

[ Host the ML is the well known business man around the world, titled the king of the business industry]

'woah...I guess his brains only work in the business department'

[ Continuing the plot, after getting rejected by the FL, the ML was extremely depressed, and almost killed himself...] The system who was ready to cry looking over the Ml's condition felt all it's invisible tears dry up instantly after hearing it's host

' K I confirmed it, the guy is stupid, why the hell does he need to kill himself? Like brother, dude get another girl man, you the infamous business king after all I'm positive you will find someone, so why waste your life for that little bitch?'


'okay okay chill, now going to continue or not? You're taking a lot of time to explain few words'

'i would have completed the plot by now if you wouldn't have stopped me a million times in between' the system thought pitifully about it

[ Ahem.. as I was saying, after the news of the ML trying to kill himself reach the ears of the FL she...wait what the hell? She actually didn't care?!]

'pft, there goes your halo' Leo mocked

[ Host stop! After seeing that the ML tried to commit suicide the FL decided to make it easier for him by planning an assassination, and at the end she was successful and received the ML's assets and married the one she loved]

'Oy.... aren't the ML supposed to be like an immortal being or something? What's with this pitiful death? Well who cares.? I don't have anything to do with him so I'm gonna leave him, by the way who am I?'

[....Host...you do have something to do with the ML....you are his step brother....]




[You are Zhe Xieran...]

'...oh no, oh no no no no! Hell no! Fuck the ML's pitiful state I'm the one with the worst outcome! The one who gets completely tortured to death is me!.......wait.....THE ONE WHO HAS THE STUPID ML AS A STEP BROTHER IS ME??!!! No way, that guy is too pitiful but not as much as me but still!'

[ Host has already transferred to the body there is nothing you can do]

' *sigh* what's the use huh? Well let me start my pitiful life now, where in the plot am I?'

[ you have just started attending the college and has not yet bullied the FL]

'omg! I love you bella, you're the best, you didn't want me to die so pitifully so you transferred me way ahead of plot right? '

The system badly wanted to hold it's host's head and test if there were any abnormalities during the tranfer because it was sure as hell that she never transferred him to this time zone it was an automatic process alright? An AUTOMATIC PROCESS!

'so that means I can also save that step brother of mine from his pitiful death!'

[....Host you and the ML are not very close in the original plot]


[ Zhe Xieran, was a product of his mother who was a commoner sleeping with Mo Qing Yu's father who was a high class business man, so Mo Qing Yu hated Zhe Xieran as he believed that his mother planned on sleeping with his father to gain position in the society, therefore Mo Qing Yu never even considered acknowledging your existence]

'....well that has to change...I don't want to die that way all right?! , Now where is that guy? Time to make an introduction!'

[ He is away on a business trip]

'..... fantastic!' note the sarcasm

'k bella, I'm gonna go look around'

[I don't think that is a good idea host, the original rarely walked around the house, he was always in his room , reading comics or painting ]

'well the original is the original and I am me! That guy is long gone and i took his place so I decide what I do' Zhe Xieran said as he walked out of the room

The maids who saw the door the their almost non existent second Master's room opening stood there baffled seeing him coming out

The Younger ladies were almost in a trance looking at the boy walking downstairs

Once he reached the garden- his favorite place back in the last world too he sat down under the tree and simply closed his eyes feeling everything around him

The scene looked very peaceful for others, a young boy sitting under a tree, the wind blowing his black hair slightly and his face being hit by few sun rays, it looked almost like a painting, a very beautiful painting to be exact

Zhe Xieran who was under the tree completely ignored the looks he was getting and thought of everything...

He never thought he would die and be bound to a system and time travel around the world

The first world was fun but he was unable to do anything interesting there, he did have fun staying in the castle and teasing Reine....

Sitting under the tree with his eyes closed he muttered the words...
" Our love will be like the eternal snow slowly accumulating in our hearts.....right Reine?"

He smiled as he muttered thinking about the prince charming's words...

' even if my love cannot be accumulated, my affection for you will certainly be there , I'm sorry to not be able to return your feeling...' he thought in his mind not noticing the shadow of the man next to him from he start

[Host the ML is here!]


Opening his eyes he looked up only to be met with another pair of hazel eyes

Being stared up at by those ice blue eyes the man slightly narrowed his eyes and spoke

"What are you doing here?"

Brought out from his trance, Zhe Xieran spoke

"Shouldn't I be asking you that? What are you doing here? I thought you were out in a business trip or something"

Hearing the voice he has not heard in a long time, Mo Qing Yu felt something in his heart but ignored it and replied

"It's non of your business"

"Then me being here is non of your business either"

Right after Zhe Xieran said that the conversation stopped


'its impossible!' he thought as he recalled the conversation that has ended a few minutes ago, no one has uttered another word and that guy was still standing beside him 'how am I supposed to make this relationship better? This is harder that the mission...wait mission?'

'bella what are the missions?'

The system who was completely ignored till now was happy that it's host asked

[The main missions in this world are the original Zhe Xieran's wishes
• Prove his innocence
• bring the one who accused him to daylight
• protect his brother
• improve his relationship with hair brother ]

'....I knew it! '

[ You knew what host?]

' I knew that the original was innocent, because like the hell the plot was so shitty and never mentioned anything about finding proof of Zhe Xieran being the killer'

While he was conversing with bella, Mo Qing Yu was in his own thought

He didn't know what it was but something in him was irritated, irritated because of what he heard, his heart was pounding really hard in his chest, it was almost like there was something he was forgetting, something important

He then turned towards his step brother and asked the question going around his mind

"Who Is this Reine?"

Zhe Xieran was brought out once again from his trance by the man beside him, the moment he heard the question he dropped his head low and answered

"....it's no one ....I need to get going ..." He said as he stood up to leave only to let his hands be caught by the man beside him

"Who is he?" Qing Yu asked again

"I said it was No one! " Xieran shouted as he took his hand away from the hold and walked towards his room leaving behind a very confused Qing Yu

Qing Yu didn't know what caused his step brother to act such a way but he was sure that it had something to do with the person named Reine, after all he noticed the small flash of sadness in Xieran's eyes when he asked

Now he badly wanted to find this person for some unknown reason

Back in the room, Xieran calmed himself and layed down on the couch, closing his eyes while enjoying the breeze and eventually fell asleep

The door to his room was once again opened after some time and a man stepped in

Looking over the room, Qing Yu's gaze finally fell on the figure sleeping in the couch and went near him

Upon closer look, Qing Yu was able to notice the small beauty mark under his right eye, which just added on to the beautiful face more beauty

Slowly lifting the figure up, making sure to not wake him up, Qing Yu brought him down to the bed and gently laid him there, covering him with the blankets.

Before leaving he spoke in a very low voice, almost a whisper

" The snow, even if being accumulated will eventually melt..."

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