Into the Unknown | The Witcher

By shortfilipino

637K 24.5K 4.4K

{Based on The Netflix Series} Destiny has a funny way in getting what it wants. And unfortunately for Jamie M... More

Bonus Chapter: Vampire's Touch
Bonus Chapter: Vampire's Touch Pt. 2
Bonus Chapter: She's Gone
one. geralt's p.o.v.
two. geralt's p.o.v.
three. geralt's p.o.v.
four. geralt's p.o.v.
five. geralt's p.o.v.
the vampire's touch. geralt's p.o.v.
six. geralt's p.o.v.
seven. geralt's p.o.v.
jaskier and the selkiemore. geralt's p.o.v.
eight. geralt's p.o.v.
nine. geralt's p.o.v.
ten. geralt's p.o.v.
eleven. geralt's p.o.v.
twelve. geralt's p.o.v.
thirteen. geralt's p.o.v.
fourteen. geralt's p.o.v.
fifteen. geralt's p.o.v .
sixteen. geralt's p.o.v.

Bonus Chapter: Jaskier and the Selkiemore

11K 456 92
By shortfilipino

New Bonus Chapter, this is meant to be between chapter seven and eight, as a request from user taydass Of course, this is not directly after the Striga incident. Rather this is directly before the events of episode four. Again, if there are specific moments in which you guys would like to see, let me know. I am willing to write something just for you. I also thought it could be pretty cool if I wrote scenes that were in Geralt's point-of-view in the situation, rather than Jamie's.

Jamie groaned loudly as she tripped in the dirt, choosing to look up at the sky instead of Geralt. All she did was let out another long sigh, "Fuck."

"You're doing well."

"I'm doing real shit." Jamie sat up with another groan, feeling her body grow a little sore from being thrown around. And she could tell that Geralt was truly holding back with his training. Either wanting to make sure he doesn't hurt her or that he isn't entirely motivated.

Geralt extended an arm down to her, helping her stand back to her feet, "You're doing well, Jamie."

"It doesn't feel like it-" She raised her arms up and winced at the pain in her back, then got a whiff of her, "Nor does it smell like it. I smell like I am in desperate need of a shower." Jamie ran a hand through her hair, tilting her head back so she was looking up at Geralt, "I think I'm going to-"


"Oh, come on." She sighed heavily and trailed behind Geralt as they went back to where Roach was, "I smell disgusting and my hair is getting oily. Let me just dip in the water for a while. You can watch-" Jamie slams directly into Geralt since he abruptly stopped, she stepped back as he faced her. Realization washed over her face and she choked, "N-not like that! I meant... I meant you could... just have your back facing me like you did before."

Geralt stared down at her silently before turning away, "Just clean up. Yell if you're in danger."

"I always do." She grinned happily, Jamie grabbed onto her cloak off of Roach and went towards where the water was. Jamie could hear the rushing of water, meaning it was either a river or there was a waterfall like aspect of it. And thankfully, there was a waterfall.

Stripping down to nothing, Jamie hopped into the water like it was a pool. She swam back up to the surface and laughed a bit with a yelp. It was most definitely cold but it felt extremely nice against her skin. She ran her hand up her face and back over her hair, squeezing the excess water from it as she walked closer to the water dripping over the hill. Watching as the filth on her skin washed off into the water.

Jamie looked up at the water and shut her eyes as the droplets of water fell over her. It was soothing. Just listening to the water flow was so intensely soothing for her. It was like she had a moment to herself. A moment to reflect. She kept remembered her talk with Triss and it was really beginning to bug her.

She hadn't actually had a conversation with Geralt about what happened. Despite knowing that Triss thought it would be best that she at least told Geralt how she felt. But, of course, Jamie hadn't said anything at all. She should have said something, but since Temeria, Geralt hadn't brought any other... women of the night into their rooms while she was out. So, Jamie felt as if it was a conversation that they didn't need to have anymore.

Slowly turning around, Jamie exhaled and opened her eyes. She squinted her eyes for a second before screaming out. She covered her breasts and ducked into the water, "Geralt!"

"Wait, no, Jamie-"

But it was too late, Geralt had already come with his sword out. His eyes land on Jamie before they shoot over to Jaskier, who was still staring widely at Jamie. He pointed his weapon over at Jaskier, "Eyes up."

"Right, sorry, I apologize-" Jaskier cleared his throat and kept his eyes up, slowly turning his head so he looked at Geralt instead, "I just saw a beautiful maiden in the water and assumed she must need some assistance."

"Assistance?" Jamie demanded harshly, scurrying out of the water and grabbing her cloak to cover herself, "In no way did I seem distress, you simply wanted to sneak a peek."

"If I knew it was you, Jamie-" Jaskier swallowed uncomfortably since Geralt still had the blade under his chin, "Trust me, I would avoid looking at all costs."

"Love that." She deadpans at his words, bending over and bunding her clothes up in her hands, "Really makes me feel better."

"I'd feel better if this blade wasn't pressed against my skin."

"Geralt-" Jamie reached out and held onto his wrist, "He's not going to attack me, you can stop now."

"Hm." He grunted as he drew sword back, "What are you doing here, Jaskier?"

"Right-" Jaskier literally refused to look over at Jamie, keeping his eyes trained on Geralt instead, "Well, I heard a rumor that there was a scary beast terrorizing this town, so I knew that The White Wolf and his Golden Girl must be heading here to collect some coin."

Jamie unclasped her cloak after getting her clothes on, "What scary beast?" She looked between him and Geralt for a moment, "We were travelling to go kill some beast?"

"Oh, you haven't heard?" Jaskier was suddenly back to himself, the tenseness he once felt completely gone now that Jamie had calmed, "A big scary worm thing has been bothering the people of the town, snatching up farm animals, people. All that lovely mess of things. I figured that Geralt here would hear about it somehow and not help himself."

"Worm?" Jamie squeezed her hair, tilting her head to the side and letting all the water fall, "So it's a selkiemore, right?"

Geralt tore his eyes away from Jaskier to look at Jamie now, "It's likely."

In Jamie's eyes, a selkiemore always sounded like a sand worm from the Dune book series, though she did watch the weird short series with James McAvoy starring at Leto Atreides II, it was really weird and kind of hard to follow for a fourteen year old. A big difference is that there wasn't any sand in this area, so this worm thing had to be pretty terrifying if it was hiding somewhere.

"The water." She suddenly says, turning her body so she was staring over at the waterfall, "Could a selkiemore live in water?"

"It can."

"Then we should-"

Geralt instantly interrupted her and stopped her from moving by taking her wrist in his hand, "You are not doing anything. Jaskier, town."

"Always giving the orders." Jaskier waved his hand lazily and skipped away from them, "Fine, follow me."

Jamie tugged her wrist away, "Come on, Geralt. At least let me do something. I can help."

"You're not helping me now." Geralt ushered her over to where Roach was, watching as she got on his horse, "I can't be thinking of watching you and fighting the selkiemore. You're safer staying with Jaskier."

Her eyes trail over to the bard before she let them fall on Geralt once again, "Seriously? Safer with Jaskier? What's he going to do? Sing at things to keep them away?"

"It usually works out for him."

"Geralt-" If Jamie could, she'd reach over and smack him for his comment, "Jaskier is better at singing than you'd care to admit."


"Hm." Jamie repeated back mockingly, crossing her arms over her chest as if she was pouting, "Jeez, even if you do train me, you're going to forever treat me like a child you're protecting."

"Then act less childish." Geralt commented without looking over at her, keeping his arms down even while holding the reins to Roach.

Jamie let her jaw drop slightly but with her attitude currently, she could see how she could get pretty childish. "I am not a child..."

"Did I call you a child?" Geralt demanded from her now, not looking at her but definitely shifting his eyes as if he was directing them her way, "I said you were acting like a child. There's a difference."

"How exactly would you have me act then?" Jamie leaned forward on Roach, trying to get his attention, "Like one of those prostitutes you buy off?"

Geralt halted completely causing Roach to stop, he could see the town from here and could even vaguely hear the voices of the villages. So Jaskier could continue walking without them having to follow anymore, "Are you still on that?"


"You are."

"I'm not."

"You're being childish, Jamie."

She rolled her eyes, "Well? You won't ever let me help you with literally anything. How else am I supposed to act?"

"Just act like yourself." Geralt sighed heavily, shutting his eyes when she slid off the side of Roach, "But remember that you are not ready to go charging out against something that can and will kill you."

"I know..." Jamie whispers as she twiddled with her fingers, she glanced up at him with a soft sigh, "It made me feel disrespected."

"The prostitute?"

Jamie was glad that he caught on quickly, rather than having to explain herself again, "We shared that room. So, knowing that you're willing to just have someone else in our room made me uncomfortable. And made me feel disrespected."

"My intention wasn't to make you feel that way."

"Yeah, I know. And don't apologize..." Jamie raised her hands up as if to stop him herself, "Like you would anyway... but, don't apologize. It's also me being ridiculous. After all, you're a man with his urges. You've got to get those fulfilled somewhere." She cleared her throat uncomfortably as her eyes drifted away from him, "And without me in the room or that would be... just really weird."

"What's got you two slowing down?" Jaskier jogged back over to them the second he realized they weren't trailing silently behind him, "Come on, you slow pokes. Pick up that speed."

Jamie nodded her head, choosing to walk instead of ride Roach. She kept ahead of Geralt now, standing next to Jaskier, "Is the new lute treating you well?"

"Oh, I love this beautiful creation." Jaskier admitted to her as he reached back and patted the instrument, "Has gotten me pretty far."

"That's really nice." She smiles over at him, her hands behind her back as she walked, "How'd you know we'd come to this town specifically for a monster?"

"Well, I just followed the signs." He answered her as though the answer was so obviously clear that she shouldn't even have to ask, "Monsters pop up all over the Continent, but which were closest to where I last saw you. Or at least the last place I heard you were at. Assumed that this would be the next place."

"That's pretty good deducing." Jamie hummed, "Irritatingly good since it's you."

"I won't take offense to that and receive that as a lovely compliment meant to make me smile."

She shrugged her shoulders with a small smile on her face, "Whatever inflates your already engorging ego."

"Okay, now that hurt my feelings." Jaskier placed a hand over his chest as he looked to her, "You've been around that big brooding witcher for far too long. He's rubbing off on you."

"He is not." Jamie rolled her eyes, "I've always been like this. You're just not around me enough to know that I can be quite vicious."

Jaskier squinted his eyes over to him before looking back to Geralt, who of course was brooding silently, "Don't believe it. You were a lovely maiden when we first met."

"I sure as hell was not." Jamie shook her head with a laugh, "I am pretty sure I yelled at you more than Geralt ever did. After all, you're a very... glamor like bard in my eyes."

"Glamor?" Jaskier repeated, questioning the meaning she had behind that word, "What exactly does that mean, Jamie?"

"Interpret it yourself." Jamie stepped away from him when he tried to get her to stop, "You really want to touch me? You saw me naked and Geralt almost chopped your head off."


Jaskier looked between the two of them and glared, "Are you two ganging up on me? That is not fair. I do not have anyone on my side. This is highly rude."

"You're okay, Jaskier." Jamie giggles, as Geralt watched them silently, "Stop being so overdramatic."

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