Embrace The Flames // BOok 1

By and_thebad_wolfStory

3.4K 59 1

"I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me " ... More

Darcey's Playlist / aesthetics!
Where it started
Pilot Part 2
Wendigo part 2
Bloody Mary
Bloddy mary part 2
Skin part 2
Hook man
Bugs part 2
Scarecrow part 2
Faith part 2
The benders
Shadow part 2
Dead Man's Blood
Dead Man's Blood part 2
Salvation part 2
Devil's Trap
Devil's trap part 2
Season 2 playlist
In My Time of Dying
In my time of dying part 2
Everybody loves a clown
Erverybody loves a clown part 2
Bloodlist part 2
Children shouldn't play with dead things
Children shouldn't play with dead things part 2
The usual suspects
The usual suspects part 2
The other special Winchester
Born under a bad sign
Born under a bad sign part 2
Tall tales
Tall tales part 2
What is and What Should Never Be
All hell breaks loose, part 1
All Hell breaks loose part one, part 2
All hell breaks loose, part 2
All hell breaks loose part two part 2

PILOT Part 1

297 5 0
By and_thebad_wolfStory


Darcey was sitting in the front of the impala. she bobbed her head to the music that was blasting. She hummed along as she watched the scenery changed from houses to trees and back to houses.

"So where exactly are we going when we should be looking for dad?" she asked her brother.

Dean looked over to his sister then back to the rode. "I told you, we're getting back up" sighing at his not so detailed response, she looked back out the window.

By nighttime, they stopped at a building. Dean got out of the car and Darcey followed. "Dean, what the hell are we doing?"

Rolling her eyes, she helped him open the window. As they snuck around this unknown place, in the dark. Hearing a thud, she let out a gasp as Dean started to fight someone. The grunts of the two men put Darcey on edge. Soon though, it stopped with someone being thrown down on the floor. "Easy tiger,"
Dean laughed.

"Dean?" She heard Sam, her baby brother say.
"I'm here too" Darcey said as she stepped out of the shadows. "Darcey?"

"you guys scared the crap out of me."

"that's because you're out of practice." The twins said together laughing. Sam then took his chance to flip his brother into the position that he was previously in. "or not, get off me." when he got off of Dean, Sam walked up to Darcey and gave her a hug. "What the hell are you guys doing here?" He asked looking between his brother and sister.

"what, siblings can't visit?" Darcey shook her head and crossed her arms over her chest. "well I was looking for a beer," dean said,

Darcey watched her brothers and sighed. She knew now why Dean wouldn't tell her where they where going. If Dean told her they were going to get Sam, he probably knew that she would try and convince him not to ruin their little brothers free from monster's life.
She's always envied him for it. She wished she had the guts to do what Sam did, but she loved her dad and twin way too much to ever leave them.

When a light turned on, a blond girl came into view wearing pink shorts and a smurf's top. Darcey suddenly felt nerves in the girls presents. "Sam?" she asked.

"Jess, hey,"

"Dean, Darcey, this is my girlfriend Jessica" Dean smirked Jessica smiled, "as in your brother and sister?" she asked.
"I love the smerf's,-"
"no, you don't, you said papa smerf gives you the creeps," Darcey laughed. Remembering when she would watch the old show and Dean would beg her to turn it off.

After giving his twin a glare, he continued, "I gotta tell you, your way out of my brothers league."

"let me just go put something on,"

"no, no. I wouldn't dream of it, seriously,"

Darcey laughed and smiled at her brother, "Ah Dean..." she started

Dean looked over, knowing he needed to get back on track just by the look on his sister's face.

"anyway, I gotta borrow your boyfriend here to talk about some family things, but ah, nice meeting you."

Sam looked to his sister and brother. "no, what ever you need to say to me, you can say it in front of her," Darcey sighed. She knew this was a bad idea. She knew she shouldn't have let Dean drag her here, Sam was happy, he didn't want to be in danger or have anxiety like she did. But she didn't want to crush Deans hopes in bringing the family back together.

looking sadly at Sam, Darcey took a deep breath, "dad hasn't been home in a few days," she began.

"So, he's working overtime on a miller time shift. He'll stumble back sooner or later," he said. shaking her head, she continued, "Sammy-"
Dean could see the look of worry on his sister's face. He sighed and interrupted

"Sam, dad's on hunting trip, and he hasn't been home in a few days.'

The air in the room grew thick and Darcey felt sweat drip down her forehead as the tension grew high, they waited for Sam to answer.

"Jess, excuse us. We have to talk"

The three Winchester's were making their way down a flight of stairs and into the night. Sam began to speak, "I mean, come on, you can't just break in in the middle of the night and expect me to hit the rode with you guys,"

Darcey sighed as she listened to the boys argue. "you're not hearing me Sammy, dad's missing and We need your help finding him" When they reach the bottom of the stairs, Darcey made her own way to the impala to wait.

When she saw her brothers. She could hear the last bit of what Dean was saying, "well dad's in real trouble right now, if he's not dead already, I can feel it,"

She sighed at the thought of her father being dead, she knew with him being gone for this long, there was a chance he was. but she couldn't think like that, she needed to be strong for her brothers. She couldn't let her anxiety's get in the way of that.

When the brothers came up to the car, Now that Sam decided to help them, with the agreement to be back by Monday for a law school interview, she was in a better mood already. Now they just needed to find their dad not dead so she can feel even happier.

Darcey watched as Dean opened the car trunk full of supernatural weapons. She stood next to Sam. "now where the hell, did I put that thing" Dean looked around the trunk for a file with information about the case their dad was working on. Sam looked to Darcey and asked, "so when dad left, why didn't you go with him?"

Dean and Darcey looked to Sam, "We were working our own case." Darcey said Sam looked shocked to hear this. "Dad let you guys go on a hunting trip by your self's?" the twins shared a look.

"we're 26, dude"

*time skip*

Jericho, California

At a gas station, Sam and Darcey are sitting in the impala wile Dean fills it up. After, he asked "do you guys want breakfast?" Darcey perked up at the mention of food. "you know what I want," she told her brother. Sam shook his head "no thanks. So, how'd you guys pay for that stuff you guys still running credit card scams?"

Dean replied. "well, hunting isn't exactly a pro ball carrier, besides, all we do is apply. It not our fault that they send us the cards,"Darcey shook her head. Her brothers continued talking and Dean handed her a bag of chips. She dug right in.

Sam began to say, "dude, you got to update your cassette tape collection,"
both Dean and Darcey replied, "why?" The younger brother laughed, "well for one, there cassette tapes, and two, Black Sabbath, Motörhead, metallica, it's the greatest hits of mullet rock"

Dean looked back to Darcey, who was still munching on her chips, she looked between the brothers then said, "house rules Sammy"

"driver picks the music, and shotgun shuts his cakehole," dean finished. Darcey laughed. "you learn to live with it," she said.

"you know Sammy is a chubby twelve year old, it's Sam, Okay?"

"sorry, cant hear you, music's too loud!" Dean said blasting the radio. amused at her brothers behaviour, she leaned back in her seat and did what she did best when she was going to be stuck in the car for a few hours, she closed her eyes and let the darkness take over.

after a few hours, when they reached Jericho 7, she woke up. " alright theres no one matching dad at the hospital or morgue, so thats something I guess,"

just as Darcey is about to make a comment, they drive up to what seems to be a crime seen on a bridge. "check it out," Dean says slowing the car down. he parks at the side of the rode and opens the glovebox, then pulls out the box with fake ID's and badges they use when working a case. Dean passes Darcey her FBI badge. "lets go," the twins say getting out of the impala.

walking up to the officers who are talking around a car, Dean says

"you fella's had another one like this just last month didn't ya?"

the officers look up to the three Winchesters.

"And who are you?" he asked.

Dean held up his ID, "federal marshals,"

the cop looked them up and down, "you all a little young to be marshals,"

"thats kind of you," Dean said.

Darcey sighed and gave a look to Sam, clearly her twin was taking control on this. He walked up to the blue car and Darcey decided to speak, "you did have another one, just like this, right officer?" she said, flipping her long brown hair over the shoulder, in a flirty way. The man in uniform smiled at her, then checked her out, seeing this, Dean fake coughed and brought back his attention.

Embarrassed, the deputy continued. "Yeah thats right. About a mile up the rode. There's been other before that."

Sam said suddenly, "so this vicim, you knew him?"

"A town like this, everybody knows everybody."

still checking out the car, from afar, Dean asked. " Any connection between the victims, besides that their all men?"

the deputy looked over. "No. not as far as we can tell,"

while the boys and the cop talked about the theory, she grew bored of the conversation. Until her brother decided to insult them and their work. As they make their way back to the car, both Darcey and Sam smack the back of Deans head, only to have him slap Sam back. "What was that for!?" he asked, " why did you have to stomp on my foot like that"

Darcey replied, "why do you have to talk to police like that?"

Dean stopped his siblings from walking any further, "come on, they don't really know whats going on, where all alone on this, I mean if where going to find dad, we gotta get the bottom of this thing our self's" he finished.

sighing, Darcey decided to step in. "okay, but Dean,--

noticing Sam's face, and the sound he made, the twins turn and see a few more cops behind them. "Can I help you boy's, and lady,?"

"No sir, we were just leaving ." he smiles at the two other real FBI agents.

"Agent Muller, Agent Sully," he says smiling.

*time skip*

At the library, the three Winchesters are at a computer, looking up what Amys friend told them about the killer hitch hiker.

Darcey typed in the search, 'female Murder Hitchhiking' only to come up with no results. Dean then pushed her away from the desk and took over. He Switched out hitchhiking with 'Centennial highway' only to come up with nothing again. Darcey laughed at her brother failing, soon regretting it when he shoved her, making her fall off the chair.

"dude, what the hell!" she whisper yelled, they were in fact in a library and she respected the 'be quiet' rule. She shoved him back a bit harder. A smile of victory what she made him bump into Sam. The younger brother shook his head, annoyed with his twin siblings. "Dean, let me try." He said reaching for the mouse. "Man,I got it!" Dean said pushing Sam Away.

Sam, not agreeing with him, decided to push his chair away, like he had done to Darcey, only he didn't fall off like she did.

Dean hit Sam's shoulder and went closer to where Darcey was. "dude, you're such an control freak" mopping for a second, Darcey rubbed Deans back to make him feel better. She did it to him when they where younger too and it normally worked. Sadly, Dean shrugged her off and leaned away from her.

frowning a bit, she listened in to what Sam was saying.

"So any spirits are born out of a violent death right?" he asked. The twins said "Yeah," at the same time.

Sam then said, "so maybe it's not murder." he went to the search bar and switched murder with suicide. To both Dean and Darcey's surprise, he was right.

An article popped up showing in 1981 a woman named Constance Welch twenty four years old jumped of the bridge and drown in the river.

The middle Winchester asked, " Does it saw why she did it?"

"What" the twins asked together.

"you guys do that a lot," the younger one said, but continued, " a hour before they found her she calls 911, her two little kids are found in the bathtub, she leaves them alone for a minuet and then she comes back, they aren't breathing. They both die"

Darcey feels a tear slide down her cheek as Sam finished reading. She couldn't begin to think how that must have felt. Having a son of her own, she can't bare the thought of losing him. Standing up, she excuses herself from the brothers.

Sam watches her leave with a confused look. "What's up with her?" He asked his brother.

Dean sighed, knowing his sister was going to make a call to their uncle Bobby to check up on her son Grayson.

Dean wasn't sure now if he should tell Sam, or let Darcey tell him herself. after a pause, Dean decided to say, "she's had a hard couple years,"


As the brothers finished reading the story on Constance, Darcey waited and listed to the rings of the phone, when Bobby picked up, she sighed. "hey Bobby,"

"Hey CC, I was wondering when'd you'd give a call, he's been asking for ya," she hear muffled sounds before a small voice sounded on the other end. "Hi momma!" Darcey laughed at her son's excitement. "Hi Grey, are you being good for Uncle Bobby?"

"yes! he let me help him fix a car!" Her son's happy mood made he feel content. "When are you coming back momma?" he then asked with a tint of sadness laced in his voice. "soon baby, I promise, now I got to go back to uncle Dean okay? you continue to be good to for Bobby Okay?" "okay momma! love you. Tell Uncle Dean I fixed a car!" she laughed and said one more goodbye to her son and Bobby before retuning to her brothers.

"So are we heading to the bridge or what? daylight is burning! lets go boys. Dean hand me the keys, i'm driving." she caught them with her hand and went quickly out the library doors. Sam gave his brother a look. "don't look at me, lets go!" Dean said tapping Sam on the back.


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