By SageTaylor

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Cecilia Callahan is a young female werewolf growing up in Montana. She faces several problems including her a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nine

1.9K 62 3
By SageTaylor

I stripped myself down to my birthday suit and coaxed my body to transform. I forced myself to leave the safety of my mate and tried to keep a mental block from leaking information to Silas through our new bond. I had been taught by Gran that once werewolves mated, they'd be able to call out to their mates through a mental communication and I knew that as soon as Silas realized I was gone, he'd try to get me to tell him where I was.

I ran deep into the woods trying to track the familiar scent of my father. He was there for me and I was the only one who could convince him to let Sienna go. I picked up a faint smell of him that told me he was nearby so I dropped the tee shirt from my mouth and shifted back. I slid the long tee shirt over my body and noted the familiar scent of my wonderful mate as I was enveloped in it.

“ALPHA CALLAHAN! YOU CAME HERE FOR ME, SO COME AND GET ME!” I screamed out as I sat on the forest floor as I leaned against a tree trunk and waited. It seemed like forever before I heard the heavy paws on the ground and three wolves stood around me.

“You want me, you can have me but at least shift back and let me see your face. I came here alone and I'll go willingly so stop being a coward.” My voice came out stronger than I felt.

Silas's POV

I was exhausted from lack of sleep, spending all day searching for my missing sister, and making love to the most beautiful girl on Earth so when she told me to sleep, I didn't hesitate. I woke up three hours later and noticed that J.J wasn't next to me. I flipped the switch on the lamp and started to get out of bed when I found the note that caused my heart to drop into my stomach.

Dear Silas,

I love you, I love your family, and I'll do anything to keep you happy and safe. P.J was right when he said that none of this would have happened if I hadn't come here. My Gran died protecting me and I can't let you die fighting my battle. Those last moments we've spent mean the world to me and I'll do my best to come back to you but I have to do this. I have to save Sienna and I'm willing to die trying. Please take care of Maddy and if I don't make it back to you, let her know how much I love you and her. We finished the mating before I left because I needed you to know how much I love you, but I also did it so that I can call out to you if I need you. Stay with Maddy until I call for you baby.

Love me always, Jasmine

I felt like I was going to be sick. My mate left me to try to save my sister and she didn't want me to go search for her. I tapped into our mental link and yelled out to her, but she didn't respond. I called P.J and demanded that he send out more men to find her and I told him that he needed to get over to our mothers house right away.

“What the fuck happened Silas? I told her not to leave this house!” P.J demanded and I handed him the letter. “She heard you blame Sienna's disappearance on her so she took it upon herself to go save Sienna. This is all your fault!” I was pissed at my brother, pissed at the world, and I wasn't going to hide it. “I swear to the moon P.J, if she doesn't make it back to me, I will kill you! Do you hear me Preston? I can't go look for her because I have to stay with Maddy so you best get your ass out there and find my mate!”

Jasmine's POV

“Cecilia, you've turned into a stupid little bitch haven't you?” My fathers voice was venomous. “I should have killed you when you were born!” He huffed out.

“I'll willingly let you kill me without a fight as long as you let the girl go.” I tried to stay strong.

“Why would I let her go? She's a sexy little number. I might just have to keep her for myself.”

“You have a mate.” I breathed out.

“Correction, I HAD a mate. That weak little bitch blew her head off after you ran away. I lost my mate because of you and I will make you suffer.” He reached out and grabbed me by the hair. He drug me to a rundown brick house at the edge of the woods and threw me into the basement. I opened my eyes to find Sienna curled up in a ball.

“I'll get you out of here Si, I promise.” I whispered.

– Silas baby, can you hear me?--

– Yes baby, are you okay?--

I don't have long to talk, he'll be back soon. Sienna's here and drugged. We're in a small rundown brick house at the edge of the woods but I don't know which direction it is. –

I love you Jasmine, Stay safe, we're coming for you. –

I love you too. I'm sorry I got you into this. I've got to go, he's coming back. He's got a needle. Tell Maddy I... –


She was trying to tell me that she loved Maddy when our connection was lost. I felt a sting in my neck and knew that she was injected with something. I had to find her before she was killed. I checked on Maddy and told my mom to keep her safe. I knew that I'd be able to track J.J to where they grabbed her from, and I'd bring enough guys with me that you could take them down. I made a few calls and went out the door to find my mate.

J. J.'s POV

I felt groggy and instantly remembered that Sienna and I were locked up and my father stabbed a needle in my neck. I heard the door open and kept my eyes closed and tried to keep my breathing slow and calm. When he reached down to feel my pulse, I forced my weak body to shift and clawed his face, knocking him to the ground. I was trying to leap on him but I was too weak. He snarled at me and as he got up and started to shift, a large wolf came out of nowhere and knocked him back to the ground, causing him to hit his head on the cement floor. The man shifted back and reached for a knife that he threw to me. I shifted back to my human form, and stood naked.

“Here, you do the honors.” He said.

I took the knife and knelt over my fathers body. I placed the knife to his neck as he opened his eyes and looked straight into mine. I didn't hesitate, I pushed the blade into his skin and slit his throat. The man handed me a towel and a large tee shirt so I could clean the blood off of myself and cover my naked body. I looked at him with gratitude trying to figure out who he was and why he was helping me.

“I'm Emmett.” He said as if he was reading my mind. “I worked for your father before I knew how messed up he was. When he kidnapped Sienna, I realized that I couldn't continue to help him.” He gave me a weak smile and I tried figuring out what Sienna had to do with it.

I watched Emmett walk over to Sienna who was lying with her eyes open, but still seemed weak. He scooped her up and held her against his body, placing a kiss to her forehead. She smiled up at him, and I knew right away why Sienna was what made him change his mind about my father.

“You're her mate.” I said quietly.

“Yes, and since he brought her here, I've been planning the best way to kill him. I came close when you started screaming in the woods and I had to rethink my plan. If you had stayed safe with your mate, Sienna would have came home without you being put in harms way. I wouldn't let him hurt her.” He explained softly. “Why did you surrender?” He looked at me as if deep in thought.

“He came here for me, not her. I would rather he kill me and let her go free. I lived through his abuse for years, and I didn't want Sienna to experience that. He was an evil man, and an evil Alpha.” I was feeling dizzy and weak so I sat down. “Why can't I communicate with my mate?” I asked.

“Your father injected you with a drug that blocks you from being heard so you can't be tracked. It should wear off soon, but you won't need to contact him, I'll take you guys back home.” Sienna slid to her feet and came to me, wrapping me in a hug.

“Thank you for coming to save me Jazz, you've always been a great friend to me, even when I wasn't so great to you.” She whispered.

“Let's just get you home.” I responded as I hugged her tighter. I tried to contact Silas one more time.

Silas... Can you hear me?–

Jasmine, I hear you. I'm on my way to get you baby. Are you okay? –

We're safe honey, just go home to Madelyn and I'll be there soon. Sienna found her mate and he helped us, and my father is dead. We're coming home baby. –

I love you Jasmine. –

I love you too Silas. –

“Sienna, let's go home now. I need to see my daughter and Silas. I know your mom is worried.”

“My truck is out back Miss Callahan.” Emmett said to me.

“Please, call me J.J. I am not a Callahan, I am nothing like that prick.” I responded as I stood to my feet to follow Sienna and her mate out of the basement.

Emmett drove us back to Carla's house and I was greeted by the strong arms of my mate. I wrapped my arms around my neck and pulled him as close to me as possible. I didn't know if I would ever see him again, and once I had him in my arms, I couldn't help but weep with joy. I kissed him while the tears ran from my eyes and didn't want to let go of him. After a minute, he put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me back from him so he could look me in the eyes.

“How could you be so stupid? You're a beautiful, stubborn girl!” He kissed me again and turned to face Emmett.

“You helped my sister and my mate so I must thank you. Our Alpha is waiting inside to talk to you.” Silas picked me up so that my legs were wrapped around his waist and my head was buried in his shoulder. He carried me into the house where P.J was sitting at the head of the dining room table. He stood and gestured for us to sit down.

“I am Alpha Potter. Please, fill me in on what happened out there.” He directed his statement to Emmett.

“Sir, I am Emmett Carter.” He announced as he bowed his head to show respect. “Alpha Callahan had told us that his daughter had been kidnapped and we were supposed to be saving her. When I found out that he wasn't being forthcoming with us, I tried to leave but he threatened to kill me. After he grabbed Sienna, I realized that she was my mate and I knew that I had to save her. Miss Cal... I mean, Miss J.J came screaming and drawing attention to herself and I saw an opportunity to help bring these girls home to you. Callahan injected his daughter with drugs to weaken her wolf, but when he went to check on her, she shifted. I went into wolf form and attacked him from behind so that he couldn't hurt her. I allowed Miss J.J to be the one to take his life, as I believed she had more reasons to want him dead.” He took a deep breath and looked into strong, glowing eyes of Preston.

“Thank you for saving them and bringing them home. I owe you for bringing home my sister. How many others came with you from Montana?” I could tell that there was something more bothering Preston, but he wasn't saying what it was.

“There are four others still out there. I can help you find them to see what their intentions are. There is Luke, Brock, Darren, and Paul still out there sir.” I felt my face go pale. Three of those four men had taken a part in my rape before I left the Callahan home. They would have known the real reason for coming after me and wouldn't hesitate to hurt someone. Brock would want revenge on me for hurting him when he snuck into my room. The only one that I didn't know was Paul, which meant that there was a chance that he could help us like Emmett had. I took a deep breath.

“Alpha, may I speak to you in private please?” I asked him in a hushed tone.

“Of course Jasmine. Sienna, please show Emmett to the shower. There are extra clothes in my old room that he can wear.” I watched Sienna lead the extremely tall, dark haired man out of sight.

“Silas, please go check on Mom and Madelyn while I speak to J.J.” Preston used his strong, authoritative voice.

“Fuck that! I am not leaving her, she just came back to me!” His voice boomed out and I could feel the vibrations rumbling the walls.

“Silas, don't be a drama queen, she was gone for less than six hours. Now, LEAVE!” P.J was getting angry.

“Baby, please. I need to speak to your brother. I'll come find you and Maddy soon.” Once Silas was out of sight, I turned back to P.J.

“Let's go for a walk outside, away from ear shot. I know he's standing down the hall listening to us.” I said rather loudly.

“Damn it.” I hear Silas mutter from fifteen feet away.

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