
By booknerd1203

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Rebels demand freedom while their oppressors are not willing to let their slaves go. Decisions have to be mad... More

Please read
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
Character List
chapter four
chapter five
authors note!!!!
chapter six
Making a new cover
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
chapter nine
Chapter ten
tentative cast list
chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
update coming soon!!
Chapter twenty three PART ONE
chapter twenty three PART TWO
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
update coming soon!!
chapter thirty
lap top almost fixed!!
chapter thirty one
Chapter 32
chapter 33
Untitled Part 45
chapter 34
Untitled Part 47
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter thirty eight
Watt pad mess up
chapter 39
chapter 40
Chapter 40.5
Authors note

chapter twenty two

478 40 1
By booknerd1203


***Caroline's Point of View***

I drop the note after reading it four times. Landon is seated on a chair staring at me as if he was in a trance. "He has left me in charge before, but it was only for a couple weeks at the most. It was never at a time where we are about to go into war." He exhaled deeply. "We can handle this. The other village leaders have agreed so obviously they are not worried." I encourage him just as much as myself. We nods at me once before taking the note and putting it in the chest with all the maps and plans. Inside the chest we find a lock that we have never used before and was always on the bottom but it was on the very top this time. "How did that get there?" he asked me. I shrugged confused, but then realized father wanted us to lock the plans up. I told Landon my suspicion and he nodded and proceeded to lock the chest. It was the kind that had a key to it. He swiftly took off the simple chain he wore around his neck and slid the key onto it. I waited for him to put it back on but he handed it to me. " Take it." He said dangling it in front of me. "You will be able to get it back way easier then I could if someone got it from you. I can fight sure, but you have your mind gift." He explained. After I put it on he hid it in my shirt and I blushed slightly. We have never done anything more than kiss and when he hid the key he pulled down my shirt a tad bit. Not enough to see anything though. If this ends well and we end up getting married I will probably blush every time we are intimate.

We are walking to William and Elizabeth's tent when a familiar yapping draws my attention. There are several children huddled in a group playing with scout. I laugh as they are trying to get him to roll over. Some of the younger ones are rolling on the floor showing him how to do it. They must have heard me because they all became quiet. "Hello there." I said happily. "I am sure glad you all have been taking care of him." I said as he hounded over to me happily clawing at my leg. I pick him up and rub his ears. "I promise you will be able to play with him another day, but he needs to go see someone now ok?" I ask kindly. They all nod and scurry away. I frown slightly not liking how they seemed terrified of me. "They are just amazed my love." Landon murmured in my ear causing a shiver to go down my back. I nod in understanding not trusting my voice enough to speak right now. We continue on our way and soon hear two sets of giggles coming from William's tent.

"That's not what happened!" William whined right as we walked in. The giggles stopped though when Allison saw me and Landon. Her eyes went down cast and I saw an old and battered bear in her arms. I put down scout and he hurriedly ran over to Allison. She leaned down slowly and helped him onto her cot. She handed the bear to Elizabeth and said a quiet thank you. "Can I speak to Allison alone please?" I asked everyone. No one said anything but William looked to Allison and she nodded so he grabbed Elizabeth's hand and pulled her along with him outside Landon following them. She sighed quietly as I sat down on her cot. "Thanks for bringing scout." She whispered. "I can't believe I was so blind." I told her tears pooling in my eyes. "I was so caught up with my problems I didn't even think about how you were handling it. I never even thought to see how you were doing." I sighed frustrated with myself. I felt her hand reach out and grab mine causing me to smile slightly. "I didn't ever tell anyone how I was feeling." She started. "I just held it all in. It's my fault really. I proved just how unable I was to help when I threw a temper tantrum and turned myself into a vampire. Now I'm weak and can't even stand up for long." Tears were streaming down her face and I used my thumb to wipe them away. "From now on Allison, we have to promise to tell each other how we are feeling." I ordered not willing to let her get this desperate again. She nodded vigorously only to sway slightly. I grimaced at the sight realizing that we had done that to her.

"William explained to me why you guys did what you did." She said sadly. "I don't blame anyone, but I don't want to see Daniel. He..he.." she couldn't finish so I pulled her into a hug and she sobbed into my chest. I rubbed her back soothingly and rocked gently back and forth. After a few minutes she had cried herself to sleep and I laughed quietly while laying her back and covering her with the blanket. Scout burrowed into her side and curled up. I smiled at them before walking outside to be greeted by a worried Elizabeth. "You need to come with me now." She said while pulling me behind her.

***Landon's Point of View***

William, Elizabeth and I decided to go to the food shelter to get some food for us and Caroline. William told me that in this weakened state Allison can't eat actual food. We reached the tent and several village leaders were there rationing out food supplies for their village. Several of them smiled encouragingly at me offering me any help if I so desired it. I was thanking them when a furious Daniel came out of nowhere. "What is the meaning of this?!" he roared shoving a note at my face. It was from his father. It was close to the note that he sent me and Caroline and I realized this must be the note he sent to the village leaders. I noticed William pull Elizabeth behind him. I hoped it didn't come to throws. "Daniel, it's what your father wanted. I had no control over it." I stated standing my ground not letting him push me around. He may be my best friend, but I won't let our friendship hurt our people.

"You've clearly read the note. So you will follow what I order or you will be dealt with." I say looking him straight in the eye. William has stepped closer preparing to step in if a fight happens. I couldn't see Elizabeth, but I didn't have time to think about it because Daniel threw a punch right at my face. William had him in a head lock before I could even think about dodging the blow. I nodded a thanks and he grunted in response holding Daniel still. "What do you plan to do with him?" he asked over Daniel's curses and grunts. Footsteps pounded on the ground beneath me and I turned around to see a panting Caroline sliding to a stop. Elizabeth was a ways behind her. "What...happened?" she demanded while catching her breath. "Our father betrayed me that what!" Daniel barked. She rolled her eyes understanding that he had heard about father's departure. "What do you think?" I asked her. I valued her opinion and I knew she was always had good judgment. "We can't just let him be. He is angry not only at us but Allison." She sighed. She looked at me with a pained expression and I nodded knowing what she decided before she could say it. "Let him go William." She ordered softly. He did and before Daniel could run Caroline had him standing up straight arms at his side.

She had him about two inches off the ground. "Your going to the prisoners tent." She said shakily. We cannot trust you and I won't put my people in danger. Brother or not you are a risk." She finished wiping a stray tear off her cheek. We followed behind his floating form. He was oddly quiet, save for grunts, and I was honestly confused as to why. "I'm sorry Daniel." She whimpered quietly when we entered the shelter and she made the chains wrap and lock around him. He was fighting to open him mouth and I realized she had forced his mouth closed. She then took a bandana and allowed his mouth to open enough to gag him. Once he was settled lying on the cot. She hurried out of the tent. William was gone and I assumed he was with Allison and Elizabeth. I followed Caroline out to the practice field. She passed several village leaders and ordered them to come to the practice field. Soon the bugle was blowing three times. This signaled a meeting.

I knew she wanted me to address them and I didn't want to admit I was nervous. Soon the field was full of the leaders and their top three. They would go back and address their villages. I cleared my throat summoning their attention. "By now you should all be aware that Craig is gone and left Caroline and I in charge." I started seeing several nods. "We have placed Daniel in the prisoners tent and he will stay their till we decide he is no longer a risk." I waited to see if there was any objection before continuing. "Caroline and I are planning on going over the maps tonight after supper. You are not required to come, but if you would like your input heard please come. This is a hard time for us, but we will not let it defeat us." I finish looking towards Caroline to see if she has anything to add. She shakes her head. "We will take our role seriously and I promise we won't let you or our people down. That's it for now. You are dismissed." I say nodding at them. The crowds disperses quickly and Caroline and I head to check on Allison.

"That was good." She tells me while interlocking our fingers. I smile down at her and sigh in content. "I missed this; just being together." I tell her she nods while pulling me behind a tree. I turn us so she is against the tree and move to be right in front of her. I lean down and capture her lips with mine. I feel her smile and it causes me to chuckle slightly. I wound one hand into her hair and deepened the kiss. I love her so much. She is like the sun in my life. She brings me warmth and light to see by. I would be lost without her. I pull away and she lets out a soft whine. She blushed and I knew she didn't mean to. She frowns slightly and I see doubt flash in her eyes. "Hey." I call gently. I use my finger to pull her chin up so she is looking at me. "I love you, Caroline. I want to one day marry you and have a dozen children with you." She laughs and makes me smile. "Just because I don't pressure you to do more doesn't mean I don't want to. Trust me this kills me, but I love you and respect you too much to go any further until we are married. I want this to be right. I want you to have the best life possible. I want our first time to be beautiful and perfect. You deserve that." I finished while moving a stray lock of hair of her face.

"Why are you so perfect?" she asked quietly. "I'm basically God's gift to man kind." I brag causing her to scoff. "Yeah come on God's gift lets go see Allison before we have dinner." She taunts. I laugh and follow my beautiful Caroline out from behind the tree.

***Allison's Point of View***

I woke up snuggled under a blanket with a furry but in my face. I chuckled slightly moving scout to where his but wasn't on my cheek. He yawned and clumsily burrowed under the blankets finding my side and laying down. I wish I could see him, but I was too cold to take the blanket off. I laid in the quiet for a while trying to ignore the dryness in my throat. I was so thirsty. Maybe William would bring me some blood soon. I wonder where everyone is? I don't know how much time has passed before Elizabeth walks in with food and a tall cup. I smell it and know that it is blood. My whole body lurches towards it. William is in front of me laying me back down before I even get far. "Calm down." He said gently. "You have to learn control." He continued while placing the cup in my hand. I try to take my time drinking it and look to William and see a nod of approval. I can tell it's not Caroline's blood or Elizabeth's. Elizabeth had given me some of her blood right after I got to their tent. "It's Landon's." William answered my unasked questioned. I nodded while finishing the blood. "It was very funny Allison." Elizabeth spoke while eating some jerky. "Landon wanted to give Caroline a break so he told William to take some of his blood. You should have seen the two. When William went to lick Landon's wrist Caroline burst out in laughter causing Landon to blush ten shades of red!" She laughed out.

"Well the experience wasn't fun for me either." William grumbled. "Get used to it sweetie, I can't feed both of you all the time." She said and then flinched looking at me worried that she offended me. "It's ok I know I'm a burden I say while gently placing the cup on the floor and burrowing into my blanket with scout. "Allison you're not a burden. I didn't mean it like that." She tried to explain. "I get it I promise." I say while gently petting scout. I could hear William comforting Elizabeth and just tried to fall asleep. She may not have meant that I was a burden, but I am. I have to have blood and someone is going to have to be giving it to me all the time. It's not fair. Maybe Daniel was right, I should be in the prisoner's tent being given just enough blood to survive. That would be better.

"How is she doing?" Caroline's voice woke me up. I tried to roll over but it took a while. "I'm tired and hungry like usual." I grumbled. I noticed Landon was with her and they all had sympathetic eyes gazing at me. "How long has it been?" she asked William. "Maybe an hour." He stated reluctantly. Caroline sighed while moving her hair and coming over to me. she sat me up and positioned herself in front of me. "Caroline?" Landon, William and Elizabeth all questioned at the same time. "Let her drink as much as she can. William take away the pain and listen to my heart and make sure she leaves enough for me not to heal with only minimal amount of blood in my system." She ordered while shooting me a soft smile. "Caroline, this won't help anything she will still need more blood." William tried to reason. "My baby sister is hungry and in pain. Shut up and do as I say." She snaps. "Come on Allison drink up." She says softly. I nod while shooting a look at William to make sure he was using his gift before I bit into her neck.

***William's Point of View***

This is stupid. Allison is just going to be hungry again soon. Caroline is being rash as usual. I activate my gift and Allison bites into Caroline. I can hear Caroline's heart beat and make sure it stays steady. I'm concentrating so hard on Caroline that I didn't notice at fist what was happening to Allison. Elizabeth's gasp brought my attention to a now glowing Allison. Landon, Elizabeth and I stood in awes as a shimmering glow enclosed Caroline and Allison. Landon reached forward and when he touched the light it burned him. Not badly, but enough to get him to back off. Soft whimperings from Caroline reminded me to concentrate and she stopped once I focused. "What is happening?" Elizabeth asked?" I shook my head not knowing. I heard Caroline's heart start to weaken. "Allison, that's enough stop." I ordered. The light suddenly exploded in brightness. I pulled Elizabeth behind me and shielded her face with my body. The light was everywhere. Then a small snap happened and the light went out. We turned around to find both Allison and Caroline sprawled on the floor of the tent.


.Hello lovely readers! I hope you like this chapter!! comment with what you think and vote if you like it!! For real though comment I love hearing from you all.


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