dnyl club [ nct dream ]

By pentagone_0ff

10.8K 948 551

"What's up students? The sun is shining, it's a beautiful day. So the reason I've turned on this mic today i... More

[ dnyl club ]
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[ nineteen ]

252 27 14
By pentagone_0ff

Surprisingly, all the boys found each other during the lunch break.

At first Chenle found Renjun, since they would usually eat together, and then they just so happened to bump into Jaemin as they were headed outside to each in the courtyard.

Jaemin was headed towards the gymnasium, not really going anywhere, just wandering like he usually would.

He then joined the two Chinese boys, starting a lighthearted conversation between them.

Chenle was laughing loud, followed by a loud "Oi!" from Renjun, at a joke Jaemin said, when they saw Jeno and Jisung having a conversation on a bench just outside one of the doors leading to the courtyard.

"Hey, Jisung Pwark!" Chenle yelled, gaining both Jeno's and Jisung's attention, both looking at the boy with wide eyes.

They had stumbled on a serious conversation between the two cousins.

Jisung had been telling Jeno about how he was feeling, Jeno consoling him about them.

Jeno had heard from his mom what had happened to Jisung, and that the older was to essentially take care of the younger as he transferred to his school.

"Wanna eat with us?" Jaemin asked the two, seeing as none of them had actually gotten food from the cafeteria just yet.

Jeno looked at Jisung, who in turn looked at Jeno, before sharing a nod, and returning their gazes to the others who were waiting expectantly for their answer.

"Yeah," Jeno said, smiling widely at the relief that covered the three's faces.

Lifting themselves off of the bench, Jeno and Jisung looked at the other's, expecting them to lead the way.

Silently, Renjun lead them to the garden, where a set of benches sat around a table, the blossoms falling onto the surfaces as it was approached late fall.

Jaemin instantly was awestruck, not knowing that the spot was there on their campus.

"How did you find this place?" he asked, looking at everything in the scenery, starstruck with it.

"I found it for an art project for last year's art show," Renjun answered, sitting his book bag on the table, the others following his actions.

"Renjun's really good at art," Chenle boasted for him, Renjun's cheeks flushing slightly at the compliment.

"Really?" Jaemin said, as if he was looking at the older in a new light.

"Kind of," Renjun answered before quickly changing the subject, "let's go get some food before all the jocks eat it all."

Jeno feigned a gasp.

"Excuse me, we don't eat that much," he said, laughing slightly.

"Well, when all the kimchi's gone, don't blame me," Renjun playfully bantered back, already leading the others back out of the garden.

Their way to the cafeteria was filled with more banter, each adding their own color into the kaleidoscopic conversation.

They were completely in their own little world, the rest of the world a blurry blob outside of them.

They had gotten to the cafeteria line, trays in hand, as they received their lunches.

It wasn't until they had reached the end, collectively getting their utensils, when their bubble was burst.

Before he knew it, Jeno had someone desperately clinging onto him.

With wide eyes, he quickly looked down at the arms wrapped around his, before looking up to see a painfully familiar face.

He blinked quickly, as if he was seeing a figment of his imagination, before furrowing his eyebrows.

"Yu Nawoon?" he whispered, looking at the girl.

"Lee Jeno!" she said, acting like she was angry, "How dare you leave me!"

Jeno was beyond perplexed, nothing making sense in his mind.

"What do you mean?" The other boys' attention was solely on this strange girl.

"Why haven't I seen you for two whole months?" she asked, still clinging to his arm.

"Why should you?" he asked, still mildly confused.

She pouted, "I thought we were still friends."

Jeno felt like he was being forced through a farce tunnel, thrown through situations that racked his brain.

"You broke up with me, what do you mean friends?" he asked, taking her arms off of him.

"Does that mean we still can't be friends?" Jeno felt the slightest bit sorry that he was acting so cold to Nawoon, but he wasn't understanding her antics.

"Why not?"

But luckily the other boys did.

"Because you used him? Lead him on?" Jaemin answered, making their presence known to the girl.

"Do we need to list more?" this time Renjun spoke up, not wanting Jeno to feel harassed by this girl's sudden appearance.

Nawoon looked at the other confused, before recognition shone in her eyes.

"Oh my gosh, you're Na Jaemin, the dance prodigy! And Huang Renjun the art prodigy!" her voice rose almost three octaves at the recognition, "Jeno," she said, looking at him and lightly punching his shoulder, "when did you get such impressive friends?"

Renjun and Jaemin looked at each other, both put-off that the strange girl knew them.

Jeno was struck by the last sentence Nawoon had said.

"Why does who I befriend matter?" he asked, narrowing his eyes at her.

She hesitated, stepping back a small step away from Jeno.

"I-It doesn't, silly," she stuttered, before covering it up with a soft laugh.

Jeno raised an eyebrow.

"Seems like it does to you," he said, before he walked past her back to the direction of the courtyard.

"Wait, what do you mean?" she asked, stumbling after him.

"Yu Nawoon," Jeno said, turning back around at her, making her stop quickly.

"That's enough. Stop trying to act like this, I don't want to be a part of your game anymore."

I don't want to be your pawn anymore, as much as it hurts, I don't want that for me.

He looked at her face, remembering everything he used to love.

Let me be selfish this time.

He turned around, not facing her anymore.

I don't want to feel like that ever again.

. . . 




happy new year!

here's another update,

and i hope it was a surprise!

and i hope you enjoyed it,

thank you so very much for reading,

AND until next time!

started : 2020.01.01
finished : 2020.01.01

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