Where to Next

By stetskos

224 35 11

Jade is stuck in a world full of mental illness, drugs and disarray. Wondering if she will ever get out, she... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 17

3 1 0
By stetskos

After getting into the limo, everything started happening so quickly. It wasn't long that I was standing outside the doors of the most beautiful church. I started to feel completely nervous. My legs started to shake and my palms began to sweat. When the doors opened, we began to enter the building. There was tons of white lilies which are my favorite. As we walked in there was a long white satin stream that led up to the altar. Craig hired a flower girl and she was sprinkling rose petals as I walked. I couldn't believe he did all this for me. All I have ever wanted was a big beautiful wedding with him. It kind of made me sad that most of the people there were strangers. I wasn't going to let that ruin my day.

As I approached Craig he was standing there just looking at me. Now I don't ́t mean staring, I mean really looking at me. Like he could see into my soul. The look in his eye was pure love. I took his hand and began to shake. As the preacher started, Craig leaned in and whispered,

̈ ̈ Don't be nervous baby ̈

¨You look so beautiful ̈

¨I love you so much ̈

Just then the preacher began speaking to Craig. I know he was talking, but I was so nervous that my legs began to shake. I could barely make out what he was saying to me. Just then the preacher asked me the same question,

̈ ̈Jade, do you take this man to me your lawfully wedded husband ̈

Before he could finish I blurted out, ̈Yes I do ̈!

He then asked for the rings. ̈Wait, I don't have a ring for him ̈ I thought to myself. Just then the preacher took something from the flower girl. Craig had bought us a set. As he repeated the preacher he slide a princess cut diamond ring and band onto my finger. Then it was my turn and I slide his gold band onto his left hand. When the preacher announced us man and wife, Craig grabbed me and kissed me passionately. I was so happy! I am finally his wife! When we left there we went back to the hotel where Craig had rented out an area there so we could have cake. We sat for some time with my sister and Dr. Shapiro before headed up to their rooms and we headed to ours. This time we went back to the suite reserved for Craig. It was actually the penthouse.

Once we were in there Craig guided me towards our bedroom. He was being so sweet. He told me how beautiful I looked at my wedding dress. When we walked over to the bed he had some lingerie he bought for me to wear.

¨You want me to out that on ̈ I said sheepishly

Craig then pulled me into his chest. His shirt to his tux now unbuttoned and his tie was just loose around his neck.

¨I want you to wear whatever makes you feel comfortable Mrs. Whitman ̈

He gave me a peck on the lips then he rubbed his nose against mine.

̈ ̈Jade, you made me a happy man tonight ̈

¨You know you are mine forever now ̈

He then leaned in and gave me a much more passionate kiss. It made my whole body feel warm and tingly. Then he turned me around.

̈ ̈Let me help you unzip this ̈ he said while pulling the zipper on the back of my dress down.

As he started to slide the dress off my shoulders he gently started kissing them. He slid his hand up my neck brushing my hair to the side and kissed me some more. Before I knew it he had gently pushed me down on the bed and started to pull up my dress. He then whispered in my ear that he loved me as we began to consummate our marriage. The next morning I woke up to the rays of the morning sun. Craig was already up drinking a cup of coffee. I just admired how he looked sitting there. He was fresh out of the shower wearing his very own white bathrobe. He had room service already come up and was drinking from a white mug. Steam was rising from it as he took a sip. In front of him sat two plates with two silver lids. There were two bowls of fresh fruit and a single rose in the middle of the table.

I got up and walked over to him giving him a kiss before sitting down.

¨It smells so good Craig ̈

̈ ̈What did you order ̈?

He sat his mug down and began lifting off the lids.

̈Only your favorite ̈

¨It was eggs and biscuits ̈

I laughed. I can ́t believe here we are in this extravagant room and he ordered me eggs and biscuits. I looked up at him.

¨You know I couldn't ask for a better husband ̈ I said while stuffing my mouth full of eggs.

I looked a mess. I still had on the makeup from the night before along with the single strand of pearls that my sister bought me. I was also still wearing the blue zircon gem earrings I borrowed from Dr. Shapiro. Just then I wondered what time they were leaving. Craig told me they had already left.

̈ ̈Left, without saying goodbye ̈

I was kind of upset. Craig placed his hand on my knee and told me they had to get back.

̈ ̈Plus we leave in about two hours for our honeymoon, so you better hurry up and get ready ̈

I set my plate down in disbelief.

̈Honeymoon, really ̈

Craig then handed me a brochure. It said Bora Bora on the front. I almost spit my food out. With my hand now covering my mouth I mumbled, ̈no this is to much ̈.

̈ ̈Nothing is too much for you Jade ̈

¨I love you and I want you to have memories to look back on one day when were are old ̈

I choked down my food and gave him a kiss while throwing my arms around his neck.

¨I love you ̈

¨I really do Craig ̈

¨You really thought of everything ̈

I think that was the hundredth time that I had said that, but it was so true. He had planned out the perfect wedding surprise all for me. I couldn't help but think about the surprise waiting in store that I had for him. It was in that moment that I decided I would tell him the truth when I we get back. ̈ ̈The whole truth¨ I told myself.

The trip was amazing! I couldn't have asked for a better honeymoon. We ate so much food. Craig had booked us a private bungalow that sat on the water. The ocean was turquoise. Everyday there was so magical. We took a boat to dinner and he took me out of tours. We spent about a week there before we had to head back. Craig was already working on a legit business plan so he could bring in more money that wasn ́t just blood money. He knew he had to leave that life behind. Although, he was very well set with what he had already, he just wanted to keep himself busy while I was at my job. It took some convincing to get him to let me keep it because he didn't want me working once we were married. I could never see me just sitting at home though. Once we got back Craig had one last surprise. We were sitting in his car on our way back from the airport when he handed me something. It was an envelope.

̈ ̈What is in side ̈ I asked impatiently?

̈ ̈Open it and you ́ll find out ̈

I ripped open the paper and it was a key.

¨A key ̈

¨I don't get it ̈ I said with a puzzled look on my face.

̈ ̈Jade, that is a key to our new home as long as you want it ̈

̈Of course I want it ̈ I said while leaning in for a kiss.

We drove to the other side of town and pulled up to a beautiful house. Inside he had already decorated every room. Craig hugged me and wanted to show me around. There were these stairs that led up to the second floor and into a long hallway. The first room had a guest bathroom and the second was the guest bedroom. The third room he showed me was an office and he showed me all the plans he had drawn up for his business. Then he guided me to the next room. When I opened the door I couldn't believe my eyes. It was a nursery. I felt my body just riddled with guilt. I must of had a look of disappointment because craig quickly reassured me that we could change it. ̈ ̈Change it ̈ I thought to myself.

̈ ̈No its perfect Craig ̈

The room didn't have a whole lot of color, but it had a crib and rocking chair that sat close to the window. It had a huge stuffed bear and changing table opposite from the crib. Then in the corner was a chaise lounge with a throw going across it almost like something straight out of a magazine. I turned towards Craig with my head hung down. I couldn't look him in the eyes. I began to tell him my secret. I wanted to tell him everything! All of the dirty little details that I have been hiding for so long, but I couldn't bring myself to say them. Then I just blurted out,

̈ ̈Craig it is perfect because I am already pregnant ̈

Still not looking up at him, I started to say it again when he exclaimed,

̈ ̈Oh my gosh, you are ̈?!

He sounded so happy! I looked up at him and he grabbed my face and kissed me.

¨I am so happy Jade ̈

̈ ̈Really I am ̈

He embraced me and I knew I needed to tell him the truth, but I can ́t. Later that night while laying in bed, I couldn't help but think about what I had done. I have lead him to believe that I am pregnant with his baby. I promised myself I would tell him the whole truth, but I just clammed up! I know he deserves to know the truth, but I just can't tell him. Not yet at least.

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