A Court of Stars and Fire | A...

By lunar-loves

55.1K 1.5K 746

ACOTAR fanfic that takes place after A Court of Wings and Ruin. Any novellas that take place after ACOWAR are... More

Chapter 1 - Feyre
Chapter 2 - Feyre
Chapter 3 - Feyre
Chapter 4 - Feyre
Chapter 5 - ?
Chapter 6 - Feyre
Chapter 7 - Nyssa
Chapter 8 - Feyre/Nyssa
Chapter 9 - Feyre
Chapter 10 - Feyre
Chapter 11 - Feyre
Chapter 12 - Feyre
Chapter 13 - Feyre
Chapter 14 - Feyre
Chapter 16 - Feyre
2020 Update Schedule
Chapter 17 - Nyssa
Chapter 18 - Azriel
Chapter 19 - Feyre
Chapter 20 - Feyre
Chapter 21 - Azriel
Chapter 22 - Cassian
Chapter 23 - Nyssa
Chapter 24 - Nyssa
Chapter 25 - Azriel
Chapter 26 - Nyssa
Chapter 27 - Nyssa
Important Note!
Chapter 28 - Nyssa
Apology! Updates soon!
Chapter 29 - Nyssa/Azriel
Chapter 30 - Azriel
Summer Update
Chapter 31 - Nyssa
Chapter 32 - Azriel
Chapter 33 - Nyssa/Cassian
Book Update
Chapter 34 - Nyssa/Cassian
Chapter 35 - Nyssa/Azriel

Chapter 15 - Nyssa

1.2K 35 47
By lunar-loves

Nyssa's POV

My magic coursed through my veins, mixing with adrenaline as I sensed the warships. I could feel the magic that cloaked them as they sailed towards the City of Starlight. As they sailed toward Velaris.

My city.

The others stilled around me. I felt their fear radiate off their bodies. Feyre's nostrils flared in panic as I began to pull my hair into a braid.

"You're lying," Amren accused me angrily.

I gave her a deadpan look as I used a piece of ribbon I materialized, tying my braid off. "Are you a goddess of magic?" I rebutted fiercely, taking my jewelry off.

My eyes scanned through the city in front of me, people laughing along with friends as others stumbled home drunkenly. Citizens, enjoying their night like any other. Peacefully. I will protect this peace.

"Hey," Azriel hissed softly, putting a hand on my shoulder to stop me. "It would be nice if we could see the warships."

"Give me a gods damn second," I responded, stuffing my jewels into my clutch and shoving it into his hands. "Back up."

"What are you doing?" Rhys asked me, eyes narrowing as he calculated his options.

"What I promised," I replied, gritting my teeth as people refused to back up. Rhys nodded at the Court of Dreams, and they backed up a few feet as I stepped forward to the railing, facing the open horizon.

As I started casting the disenchantment spell, a shriek came from behind me, followed by a thump. "Elain!" Feyre's voice called in panic. I glanced behind, my words faltering as Elain laid on the ground, feverish.

"Move," I muttered, pushing past Azriel to kneel down on the ground. Lucien held his mate in his arms, baring his teeth as I reached a hand forward.

"Don't do anything to her," he threatened. I waved my hand across his face, a calming spell softening his demeanor.

"My head," Elain whimpered, a thin layer of sweat on her forehead as I checked her temperature with the back of my hand. She was heating up fast.

Christ, she's a seer, I thought to myself as she began muttering incoherently about ships and Fae and death, gripping her head.

"Help her," Feyre demanded as I heard Cassian murmur in alarm. The three Illyrians turned away from where Elain laid as I closed my eyes, snaking into her head.

A vision of ships, flying the flag of the fallen Hybern. Thunder, a sky full of stars that slowly dimmed one by one.

Gods, I'm going to need so much liquor after this shitshow of a day.

When I left her head, Elain fell silent, going completely limp in Lucien's arms. Feyre said her name in more panic as I stood up, my gaze going to the horizon behind me. Rhys and his brothers stood, staring at the skyline as they undoubtedly sensed exactly what I had.

"Here," I said, shoving the key to my apartment in Lucien's hand, wrapping his lax fingers around it carefully as I used a little magic, ordering, "Go to my apartment and lay Elain on the guest bed. Lay next to her and go to sleep. You'll both wake up from a nap in a few hours."

Lucien nodded, eyes glazed as he stood up with Elain's body in his hands. He followed my commands, carrying his mate in the direction of the Rainbow. Feyre watched me with silent contempt, disgust, wariness - I don't know, and I didn't care as I had worse things to worry about.

"I can fight, if needed," Mor offered Rhys, already taking off her own jewels as she looked out at the horizon in worry. I stood up, nodding at Feyre before walking back to the railing of the bridge.

"It's fine, they won't reach the city," I told Mor, touching her shoulder lightly as I went around Rhys. I glanced at the High Lord of Night, his eyes a violet storm of anger and panic. "Please, back up."

"I'm not leaving my city defenseless," he told me, deadly calm. I rolled my eyes, nodding to his hand.

"Have a little faith in me, please," I begged him, pulling on the phantom connection of our blood bond. He felt it as he gasped lightly, running his fingers over his other palm.

They backed off, eyes watching the back of me as I began the disenchantment. I reached out, sensing the glamor they casted when I was... rebounded. My sisters.

White, blazing fury grew in me. One of my sisters attacking Velaris? This meant fucking war.

My disenchantment was more successful the second time. The glamor fell, a small navy of about 3 warships, and 4 battle ships of smaller size flying the flags of Hybern as they slowly but sailed toward the city.

I laughed to myself. This is what one of my sister's sent to attack my city? It was a suicide mission.

I spun around, everyone looking at me like I had just murdered a bunch of people. Not yet.

"What are you going to do?" Feyre asked me, her skin pale as she regarded the small fleet behind me. People in Velaris began to notice the warships, faint waves of panic reaching me as I sensed it from where I stood.

I need my things, I thought. With a flourish of magic, I threw down a puff of darkness as I winnowed a pile of weapons onto the street beside me and changed into my assassin suit in the blink of an eye.

When the darkness cleared, they stared at me in surprise as I began strapping daggers around me, on the outside of my suit.

I looked over at the pile of weapons I randomly chose, smaller than normal. "Ugh, not the preferred amount, but this will suffice," I muttered to myself as I strapped the daggers with ruthless efficiency.

"My High Lady asked you a question," Rhysand repeated. I stopped, glancing at him as I finished buckling a dagger on my thigh. "What are you doing to do?"

"I don't really know," I said with a shrug, a mischievous grin slipping on my face. "Kill some people. Have some fun. Maybe burn a few ships."

Rhys growled, Azriel and Mor putting a hand on his shoulder to stop him from walking forward to me.

"Just calm the people," I told him as I strapped my last dagger on, picking up my dual swords and sheathing them on my back.

I was about to turn around when Azriel materialized before me, holding out my favorite sword in his hand. "Thanks."

His eyes were shadowed as I took it from him, sheathing it in my side as more screams of panic erupted from the city behind me. "I would go do crowd control," I whispered to him as I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

"And I would go fight the enemies, but here we are," his shadows calming around him as he searched my eyes. "I'll be here. Don't die."

"It's quite fun," I told him with a smirk, walking past him as I walked over to the railing and watched the armada on the horizon. "I've done it a few times."

He sighed as I jumped up on the railing, finding my balance easily. "As much as I hate to admit it, it's much more interesting with you around than not. So don't die."

"It will take a lot more than 10 ships to kill me," I replied with a shrug. I shook my shoulders out as I prepared to go fight.

"Be safe," Feyre called from behind me, a tight smile on her face as she walked up next to Mor and Amren, holding their hands.

"Safe is so boring," I replied with a wink, glancing back at her.

I turned around, looking at the ships as they approached. They seemed closer than I thought, but I cleared my mind of any worries as I had another task at hand.

Closing my eyes, I visualized what I wanted in my mind. I remembered the curves, the bony and strong membrane, the dark color like the night sky, the graceful width... I visualized my Illyrian wings, and I summoned them with a sharp cast of my magic.

The weight was there in an instant, a few gasps behind me as I flexed them for the first time in 3,000 years, quickly associating myself with the feeling of the wings again.

I turned around on the railing with a smirk, extending them to their full width as I took a look at Velaris. I caught the eye of the Shadowsinger as he backed up a few steps, teasing him, "How's this for a wingspan?"

Without waiting for a response, I fell backward off the bridge, my wings doing all the work as I shot back into the sky just as fast.

I've missed these. I laughed as I did a loop mid-air, soaring higher and higher. I could see all of Velaris below me,

I let my wings glide on a stream of wind, shivering at the temperature at my altitude. I cast a quick warming spell as I sailed the sky, gazing down below at the ships I now flew over.

They were moving much slower now as they approached Velaris inch by inch, wave by wave. I swooped lower, scanning the ships I flew over, noting the ones with the most soldiers, the least soldiers, their weapons. Where the captains were.

Using my magic, the amount of people I sensed on each ship doubled from my initial count as I sensed everyone beneath. While they were Fae, they were not foreign Fae from overseas. This must be the last resistance of Hybern.

I swooped over once more, the centermost warship capturing my attention as three generals gathered on deck, overseeing the preparation on their ship and carrying messages to the others. Found my mark.

They were shouting commands as a small group of soldiers ran by, briefly talking about their plan of attack as I dropped down sharply, smoothly landing on the stern of their ship.

As I landed, I flung out two small daggers, hitting their mark in the hearts of the men who stood near me. A wave of silence washed over the ship as I twirled a dagger around my finger, a feline smile slipping on my face.

"Who is your captain?" I challenged, propping a hand on my hip as I tapped my foot impatiently.

People gaped as my wings flared once behind me before I tucked them in, the center general angrily shouting, "Who are you?"

"What is it with you humans and formalities," I said in a scolding tone, my lips twitching with a smirk. I knew the people before me were Fae, but nothing gets them dancing in their pants with annoyance as much as being mistaken for mortal.

As I waited for my words to spark a reaction, I used my magic to quickly skim through everyone's minds on the ships surrounding me, their lives flicking through my mind as I located their positions, powers, etc. I was done in a second.

Suicide mission from Vallahan, my shadows whispered to me, and my interest piqued. How convenient one of my sister's magic was just present? I searched for any remains of it, but only found minute traces. Nothing special.

The general who first spoke shook with anger, his face turning red. "We are not mortals," he boomed at me. "We are Fae. I'll ask you once more: Who are you?"

"Hmm," I said, tapping my dagger to my chin as I walked towards the general. The soldiers on the edges of the ship dropped dead as I walked past, their attempt to get to me before I got to their general thwarted before they could even move.

"I'll give you three guesses. Maybe if you guess right, you can live. I'm afraid there will be consequences if you do not guess correctly."

"Maybe you're the High Lord's new bitch piece," he shot at me, spittle coming out of his mouth. I gagged, taking back a step so it wouldn't get on my boots. "He probably fucks you when he's tired of his broken High Lady."

"Wrong," I said, pulling out an additional dagger calmly. His eyes tracked my movements as I held a dagger in each hand, lighting them aflame and throwing them to the warships on either side of the one I currently stood on. Panic burst on the adjacent ships as flames spread.

"I wouldn't be Rhysand's play thing. He would be my boy toy."

The general snickered, gloating in whatever superiority complex led him to believe he would still live. The generals on either side of him exchanged worried looks as screams began to arise, people catching flame from a fire that could only be extinguished by me.

"Who would sleep with a demon bitch like you anyways?"

"Wrong again," I repeated with an error sound as I snapped the other two generals' necks with a look. The rest of the people on the ship I stood on fell dead with a clench of my fist. "Now, choose your words carefully. Better make your last guess count."

The general began to look genuinely scared as his eyes scanned the corpses on his deck, motionless as panic raged on around us. I sauntered my way over to him, the man beginning to quiver as I got closer.

"I'm not a demon," I told him, my eyes darkening as I circled him, trailing a manicured finger on his shoulder. "I'm not an angel either. Do you wish to know who I am?" I whispered in his ear, running a hand along his arm.

My darker magic bloomed inside of me at the fear from the ships around us, the overwhelming fear radiating from the man who stood in front of me. "Who are you?" The general shouted, trembling with rage and fear. I winced inside my head at the volume of his voice next to my ear.

"I'm Nyssa Highthorn," I told him, walking around to face him. Growing trepidation rolled off him as I added, "your worst nightmare."

With a swift blow to his face, I knocked him out, his body crumpled like a piece of parchment. Unfortunately for me, I knew I would have to keep a prisoner.

The people on the ships around me began to cower as I extended my wings. I put my foot on the unconscious general's chest as I turned to look at Velaris, seeking Feyre's mind.

Hey, Feyre, Nyssa here, I whispered into her mind from the ship. Hello, Rhysand. I know you can both hear me. Everything is under control. I kept a prisoner for you to play with. Just gonna explode a few ships before heading back.

I closed off the connection to Feyre's mind before she could respond, casting a shield spell over the general's body to make sure it didn't get engulfed in flames.

Spreading my wings, I burst into the air and flying to the ships on my left. The warship was already deteriorating under the relentless flames, few survivors floating in the water. I killed them with my mind, flying onto the other ships and setting them on fire. Doubling back, I repeated the process with the right side of the fleet.

When I finished with the last ship, I returned to where I left the general's body. Due to oversight by me, the flames from surrounding ships spread much faster than I anticipated. I had to drive through some of my flames as I grabbed his body.

The heat was stifling, deadly hot as I winnowed back to the bridge where I took off a few minutes prior. One second I was over the sea, flames nipping at my feet, and the next I was on the ground, a mess of wings and unconscious prisoner.

"Nyssa!" I heard someone call, my mind taking a moment to register it was Feyre as she ran up to me. I opened one of my eyes, going to respond before realizing one of my wings was on fire.

"Hold still," a deep voice said to me, and I opened my other eye to see Azriel. I felt his scarred hands on the crest of one of my wings as he put the fire out with a shirt. Part of his shirt.

The fire was gone in a moment, and I shared a look with the Shadowsinger as he offered a hand. Taking it, I stood up, flaring my wings before tucking them away. "Could have put it out myself," I mumbled, adding a "Thank you," when I caught his eye.

The generals body rolled over as Cas nudged it with a foot, patting Mor and pointing to the body. "Promise me I'll get to torture him," I said to Rhys and he gave a tense smile.

"We'll see."

"Are you alright?" Feyre asked, and I nodded. I gasped slightly as the High Lady wrapped her arms around me in a hug, my arms limp for a second before I returned the gesture.

Over Feyre's shoulder, I saw people in Velaris relieved at the impending doom disappearing, but panicking about the fire on the waters. The orange light from the flame illuminated the city, fighting with starlight to create an eerie effect.

When Feyre released me from her hug, I took a few steps forward, closing my eyes. I waved my hand, a wave of darkness sweeping over the city like a blanket. It smelled of jasmine and lavender, stars dimming as it covered Velaris.

"What are you doing?" Rhys shouted, alarmed, before I sent some of the darkness to him. It washed off like a wave, and he was visibly more relaxed and calm once it dissipated.

"Calming spell," I mumbled. I pulled my braid out from behind me, slightly wincing at the movement. My back muscles weren't as fit as I thought.

"Guess you'll join Feyre for flight lessons," Cas taunted me as he saw my wince.

"Who's the teacher?" I asked, pulling the ribbon out and freeing my hair.

"Az," Cas told me with a smirk.

"Not a bad deal," I said, casting a sly glance to the Shadowsinger.

"You have beautiful wings," Mor's voice chimed, the blonde beauty walking up with a stellar smile. "Thank you for protecting my home."

"It's mine, too," I reminded her, returning her smile.

"You know what they say about wingspans," Rhys teased, and I caught his eye. Unspoken words were exchanged in our glance as he nodded his head with a grin.

"I think mine is the largest," I joked back, the Illyrians bursting into debate at my remark. Feyre shushed them, rolling her eyes.

"Where's Amren?" She asked, looking around.

"Oh," Mor said, waving her hand, "she went to her apartment to take a nap. Said if Velaris was going to get destroyed, she wanted to die well rested."

"Oh my gods," Rhys sighed, shaking his head. "To think I left her to defend the city on numerous occasions.

I laughed, Rhys' joke taking me by surprise. People's attention turned to me at my laugh, and I fell silent, self-conscious. "At least we'd have Rhys' shitty jokes until the end," Cas said.

Everyone chuckled at him. I bent down to grab the generals feet, dragging him behind me as I made my way to my apartment. "Tea, anyone?"

Murmurs of agreement followed me as I led the way home. The general's head bobbled on the stones of the streets as we walked.

The people of Velaris were certainly grateful, stopping me many times to hug me or express their gratitude for protecting them. I gave the body to Az to drag because I was getting stopped so much.

We had finally made it to the bakery in the Rainbow a few minutes later. I was walking up the few steps to the entrance when a little Fae girl ran up, no older than 5. She had a toy tiara sitting on top of her head, catching her breath for a moment.

"Hi," she said shyly, batting eyelashes that masqueraded innocent eyes. She clutched a stuffed toy in her arms, her thick coat matching her paint-splashed boots.

"Why, hello," I greeted her back, crouching down to her level. Everyone gathered a few feet away, watching this small exchange.

"I wanted to thank you, but I don't know your name."

"Isn't that silly?" I asked her, and she gave a shy giggle. "I'm Nyssa."

"Nys-ahh," the little girl echoed, sounding out my name. "I like your name. It's really pretty."

"Just like you," I said with a smile, reaching up to fix her tiara. "What's your name?"

"Jasmine," the girl responded coyly, blushing as she smiled.

"What a coincidence!" I exclaimed, winking. "Jasmine is my favorite flower."

She smiled brightly for a moment, staring me deep in my eyes. Her trailed off to her feet, and I felt a piece of my heart break at the memory of...

My thoughts were cut short when Jasmine burst forward, wrapping her tiny arms around my neck in a hug. "Thank you for protecting my home," she whispered in my ear, echoing Mor's words from earlier.

My heart ached. Even though I enjoyed killing as much as the next assassin, moments like these reminded me what I fought for. What I protected.

Reminded me of what I could have been fighting for.

Don't go there, I scolded myself, shutting out those memories as the girl pulled back. A hand subconsciously went to my stomach, smiling as I said, "You're welcome."

Her eyes lingered on me for a moment before looking at the people who spectated the scene, my new friends. Jasmine's mouth dropped open in shock. "You're Feyre!" She squealed, running forward to hug the High Lady.

I stood up, my body dragging from the exhaustion of the day. I'd usually go a lot longer without rest, but I've become spoiled. I saw Rhys watching his mate, the look he had reminded me of something I had a long time ago.

"Jasmine," an older woman exclaimed, storming up in a hurry with her hands on her hips. "There you are! I was worried sick!" The lady fanned herself as she crouched at the little girl, asking her, "How would I have told your mother I lost you?"

"Sorry, grandma," Jasmine sighed, stepping toward her grandmother with her head down.

"Don't be so sad, I found you," her grandma comforted her, rubbing her head as Jasmine clung to her legs. The old lady looked up, a smile on her face as she said, "Thank you for defending the city tonight, Lady...?"

"Nyssa," I responded, finishing her sentence.

"Nyssa," her grandma repeated, stroking Jasmine's hair. "Thank you for also keeping my granddaughter safe. She likes to run off."

I laughed, waving my hand. "She was no trouble at all."

"Good night," her grandma said, nodding at me and everyone near me before gathering her granddaughter and walking away. Jasmine looked back and gave me a wave before skipping off into the night alongside her grandmother.

I stood there, a tear escaping my eye unexpectedly. I quickly turned around as the Shadowsinger took a step forward, noticing my tear. My back was to him as I walked inside, hastily making way to my apartment.

"The bakery is- oh, hey," Stella greeted me from behind the counter as she wiped it down in preparation for closing. I nodded once, obscuring my face. "How was your night out?"

"Eventful," I responded curtly. "Remember to get me when your grandmother comes tomorrow. Good night."

I didn't wait to see her reaction as a few more tears escaped against my will. I hid my face as I ascended the stairs to my apartment, footsteps following. I drew a quick unlocking spell on the heavy stone door to my apartment, pushing it open with the last bit of strength left in me.

I came face to face with a sword.

"Should have chosen a dagger," I told Elain, grabbing the blade and disarming her. I threw the sword on the chair next to my bedroom, flames bursting to life in the lanterns.

"I didn't know it was you," Elain muttered, her eyes careful.

"Where's Lucien?" I asked her as I ran a hand through my hair, putting two kettles on the stove to heat.

"Still sleeping," Elain informed me, looking down the hallway. Faint footsteps could be heard as everyone else began to catch up to me. "Where's everyone?"

"Still walking," I told her, slightly sniffling as I wiped any tears on my face.

"Are you crying?" She asked me, her voice soft as she glided over to the kitchen.

"No," I denied, but I gave in when I caught her eye. "Maybe. Tonight was really eventful. I need to sleep it all off."

"Save your whining for tomorrow," Rhys said with a roll of his eyes as he came into the apartment. He nodded at Elain as Feyre entered behind him. "That is, if you're still coming to training."

"Of course she is," Cas said, entering with Mor. He tossed me my clutch from dinner, and I caught it easily. I peeked inside the clutch to make sure my diamonds were still there.

"You can teach me a thing or two," Mor said with a smile. I looked up as her and Feyre took seats at the kitchen counter opposite of me.

Azriel came in at last, dragging the body of the general behind him. He dropped it with a grunt, dusting his hands as he looked at me and said, "he's all yours."

I closed my eyes, pinching my nose as I tried to reign in my thoughts and emotions. Too much, too fast. I needed my bed.

"Where do you want him?" I asked Rhys. Rhys gave me a shrug, looking around. I waved my hand and the generals body disappeared. "He's somewhere in the Court of Nightmares."

"Thanks," Rhys said with a nod. He went over to the living room, sitting next to Cas on one of the couches. Az sulked past, and I averted his concerned gaze.

They made small conversation as the water for the tea heated up. I stayed silent, lost in my thoughts.

People began leaving slowly, the exhaustion of the night catching up. Mor left to go to her apartment, where she told me a very nice bottle of wine and a warm bath was awaiting her.

Elain retired to my guest room, where her and Lucien would spend the night. I didn't have to worry about my sleep possibly being interrupted by the sound of... adult activities, as Lucien was still knocked out from my mind command.

Feyre and Rhysand left after Elain retired. Feyre thanked me a million times over, but I was too tired to even truly accept. Rhys shut the door behind him with a promise that I'd get to interrogate the general if he couldn't get any information himself.

I stood, resting my head on the counter as I waited for the tea to heat up. Azriel sat on a stool in front of me, the intensity of his gaze burning holes where he stared.

Cassian came over, clearing his throat to break the silence. He took the seat next to Az as I stood up, rolling my eyes. "What do you want?" I asked flatly.

"I sincerely want to know how you're wingspan is bigger than any of ours," Cassian blurted out randomly, Azriel face-palming instantly. I began taking the daggers off my body with a laugh.

"Seriously!" Cas followed up defensively. "Those shits are huge. I thought you were like a winged demon."

"Did Amren ever have wings?" I asked, throwing the last dagger onto the pile that formed on my counter. "That would really be a winged demon."

"Don't change the subject," Cas waved his finger at me as I turned to take the boiling kettle off the stove. "This is a serious inquiry."

"No," Azriel interrupted Cas, answering my question. "She didn't."

"Thank gods, to be honest," Cas added under his breath.

"I modeled them after someone I knew," I said mysteriously as I added tea leaves to my mug.

"Who the hell had wings like yours?" Az asked me, and I looked up at him with an arched brow as I mixed the tea leaves.

"Someone close."

"Ugh," Cas said, waving his hand as I took a small sip from my mug, leaning on the counter. "She's not going to tell us anything. Bonding moment over."

"Don't worry," I reassured him with a wink. "We can get drunk one day and tell each other the deepest darkest secrets of our souls."

"Cassian's darkest secret is his undying love for Nesta," Az mumbled. Cas frowned, hitting him on the back of the head. Az rubbed his neck, baring his teeth at the other Illyrian.

I sighed, looking away as I picked up my mug and began to walk towards my room. "That's my cue, before you guys have a pissing contest in the middle of my apartment over my tea. I'm going to bed, you can let yourselves out."

"Goodnight," Cas told me with a yawn. Az stood up, and I nodded at him as I walked by. I got a few steps forward before he stopped me, grabbing my arm.

I stared at his hand on my arm, looking up at his shadowed eyes. His mouth was open, but he was flustered, and abandoned what he was going to say, opting for a simple, "Goodnight."

I returned the sentiment, walking over to my room. I paused as I opened the door, looking back at Az with a lingering look. My shadows whispered secrets to me but I waved them away, shutting my door for the night.


Here is the end to your cliffhanger! I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Stuff will start to pick up from here, so hopefully it will be much more interesting!

Thank you for reading. Vote and comment to let me know what you thought of the chapter!

with love, lunar-loves

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