The Darkness of Kuoh Academy

By Ash_The_Reaper

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A new sacred gear, a eternal fight. The new host is going to have to not only get used to his life as the hos... More

Info and character Bio
Waking up, school, you know the "normal" stuff on the first day
The date, a start of new life and..... Devils!?
Sacred gears? The supernatural? A new face? Oh great
A new friend, and a new voice, and traning will start. Finally!
Traning and a friend in need (im so soooorrryyy)
Bonus chapter 1: getting to know a new friend
First fight! Saving our friend!
Bonus Chapter 2: Time with the new devil
Down Time? Nah, Fight
Sports and a wacko search! Wait...wacko?
A Phoenix appears, and the Kyoto visit
Kyoto, Powell hunting. What could go wrong
Powells help
Home at last... But no resting yet!
Back on the daily grind (Beginning of DxD New)
An old face! The Church duo arrives!
An Alliance is Made!
The Search, And The Encounter.
Boss Fight! The New Brotherhood!
Pool Time, Fun in the...Oh Crap
Bonus Chapter 3: The Request for Sirzechs
4th of July special (non-cannon unless you want to think it is to main story)
A Fallens help, how could this go wrong?
Day 1: Start Traning!! The Dragons meet!
Day 2: Parent meeting, a Maou, and a date!
Day 3: A New Friend!
Day 4: The Awaited Battle! Rivio vs the Darkness!
The Otherworld
The Castle & The Meeting
Freedom of the Soul
Summer Vacation!!!!
The Darkenss and The Bael
Party Crashers
Arc of the New Brotherhood: The Abduction
Arc of The New Brotherhood: Shades of Trust
Arc of the New Brotherhood: Eye of the Storm
Arc of the New Brotherhood: Climax
Arc of The New Brotherhood: Breakdown the Beast
Arc of The New Brotherhood: Will of Humanity๏ฟผ
Waking up, School, Experiments, you know the normal stuff๏ฟผ
Bonus Chapter 4: Maou Sentai Satan Rangers!
Rivio's Troubles
The Rating Game! Rias vs. Sona Begins!
Halloween Special
Rias vs. Sona! (Part 1)
Rias vs Sona! (Part 2)

Arc of The New Brotherhood: End and Epilouge

559 11 11
By Ash_The_Reaper

  I look at him, my brother, standing before my. That is to say, what my brother has become right now.

  [Don't worry partner, he's in there. But we must end this fast, if not he may be able to start powering up again.] Ddraig says to me.

  "Ya. Hey Riv! You know what today is right?" I ask getting a snarl and a roar from the monster. I flinch back a bit; "It's Christmas Rivio! And I'm gonna make sure you come back for the dinner and fun you here me!?" I yell through my armors helmet. Balance Breaker; I had unlocked it finally in the forest when Koneko's older and bustier sister attacked us. I can't hold it for long right now...but Rivio had all this power already?

  I charge forward with the thrusters on my back pushing me faster. At the same time the creature runs at me on all fours. When we reach each other time seems to slow as the adrenaline finally kicks in. It raises a claw and aims for my head- I have a fist going for its chin. With a quick duck I dodge the claw and land a strong upper-cut! To my surprise the thing reeled back then shot its head forward hitting my own. I get sent back a few feet before correcting.

  "Come on Riv, that all you got?" I taunt it. It slowly shambles forward before suddenly vanishing! "What the fuck balls?" I ask as suddenly a snake head bites down onto my shoulder- through my armor- and starts lashing me around. I grit my teeth as I feel it's own start tearing the flesh a bit. This is nothing to what Rivio had to have been feeling while being tortured! I throw my head back in a hail- marry attempt and hit something hard. With the momentary stagger I felt was enough time to yank the snake thing off and pull forward hitting Riv into my elbow.

  "All this time I thought you may have been stronger then me Riv! What happened?" I say with a smirk. This may be life and death...but I can finally see who's stronger! Call it sibling competitiveness.

  I grab hold of the creature and then start up my thrusters. Shooting forward I drag it's face against the ground while holding it to me. Then suddenly it was gone again!

  [Above partner!] Ddraig shouts. I feel the weight of someone on my back and a sudden cold blast of air. Turning my head I see he's ripping my armor off! "Get off!" I yell going into a spin not realizing my mistake. Not only does he get off via teleportation, but I also end up hitting into the ground, then bounce into a tree hard.

  [Partner, your not taking this seriously!] Ddraig yells.

  "I can't. I wouldn't feel right if I accidentally hurt the real him Ddraig, he's my brother!" I say back standing up as my armor repairs itself.

  [I understand what you mean partner, truly I do. But right now you cannot afford for sentimentality to control this fight!] I grit my teeth in anger as I watch the thing that has my brother inside it look to me before thrusting some of those snake things into the ground. Damn it! He's right. [That being said, I'll be helping you as much as I can for this fight. Starting with- MOVE!]

  Following his order I roll out the way as the snake things he put in the ground burst up where I was just standing. Damn! To close! BOOST! my gauntlet yells as I feel my power double again. "Alright then bud, how are we playing this?" I ask Ddraig raising my hand as he suddenly was in front of me again and swinging. He was scratching and peeling off my armor as I backed up from his sudden advance.

  [From What I see, this is similar to a form you cannot attain yet with our Sacred Gear. If it is anything like the Juggernaut then he'll only stop when tired out, dies, or...well maybe bashing him over the head enough could actually work as well come to think of it. Try that!] well then that's something I most definitely can do!

  "Just like Koneko taught me...yes!" I yell as I sway to the side of him pouncing and Ladin a solid boost-infused punch. "And a another!" I say hitting him across the face. I try to grab him to bring a knee to his chin but before I could get a grip on his arms he suddenly leans back at an odd angle and throws me to the ground. He flips over so he is straddling me and starts charging an attack point blank! Shit!

  Thinking fast my Devil wings pop out and act on instinct. With a string flap the pointed edges went into his eyes and shot me up a bit so my thrusters could follow up and send me away. Just as I made it to safety he fired the purple ball of energy from his mouth; but with no eyes he was swinging the beam all over the place. "Nows my chance!" I say to myself running up and ducking under the beam. He stops firing and starts trying to look around, that's when I hear...sniffing? I reach him and aim another head blow at him only for it to miss as he leaned back then shot his snakes forward.

  They dig their teeth into my arms and legs, and as they get ahold of me suddenly weird skin-like creatures and dark imps crawl out of a hole in the shade. They throw themselves on me with smoke coming off then due to the light. Up above I can see a swirling black cloud starting to form as some of Rivio's snake things breath in black air or something. Suddenly I hear a charging again and look to see- shit!

  Riv fires a beam again, this time weaker then the last but still point blank at me! After it dies down my armor is smoking, a bit scorched even, but still intact. "My turn." I say as I lower my arms and shoot forward. 'Ddraig! Let's do this!' I say in my head to my partner as I start throwing punches at the blinded creature.

  Punch after punch, blow for blow, a weird black tar like substance goes flying away from the body of my brother. At one point he tried to use his tongue to rap around my leg; I slammed his jaw shut on it and watched as it wriggled around on the ground. Gross...but cool like a comic book scene! Charging up a Dragon Shot I real my fist back: let's see if this works!

  "Give me back my brother! Dragon SHOT!" I yell as I slam my fist forward and shoot a red beam of energy at his head. I watch as it engulfs him and send him sliding away. Panting I lean forward a bit at the loss of my energy till I Boost again and go back straight. My eyes widen at the scene as he stands again. A good chunk of his face was steaming, his jaw was out of place even- but other then that he was nearly undamaged! I watch as it reaches up and sets its jaw back into place with a loud crack and a growl. What'll it take!?

  "Damn it...DAMN IT!" I yell marching forward. "Just give him back!" I yell as I drive a fist toward the creature. Surprisingly he caught my fist and crushed as hard as he could. I felt my hand break suddenly as I look to see his eyes fully healed again. He pulls forward and pops my arm out of place, then stabs his claws into my chest and lifts me up. I cough out some blood as I stare down at his face before he reaches up and takes my helmet off.

  He starts moving a claw to me before suddenly his hand stops. He stares at my face for a second and then starts screeching. Dropping me he fumbles back, holding his head in pain. Is he remembering or something? I slowly get to my feet and clutch the wound at my chest. Damn he got me good. At least I get some healing from the president after now~

  No! Bad Issei stay focused!

  I look up as suddenly a sphere of black energy shoots out of him. It passes by harmlessly and suddenly the black cloud above shrinks a bit! The sphere passes over the hole in the ground and it's creatures and they disintegrate while the hole closes up! I look back to the creature and see it slouch over; and as it screams I can see the slight distortion in its form going back and forth to Rivio and itself. That's it! If he remembers then he can fight it back!

  "Riv! You remember that time when we were kids with Irina? You two always played as hero's while I was a villain. One time we all got hurt when we fell from a tree; I broke my ankle, Irina her wrist, and you your arm." I say. It works! He doubles over in pain and his screeched get louder. "Or how about the time you and I went to an amusement park with mom and dad! You had the biggest smile on your face that day, I can remember it like yesterday; how about you Riv? Remember that!?" I call out.

  It's working but not all the way! What could I be missing?

  [Partner...I believe I know. He will respond to high amounts of feelings like any Sacred Gear holder would. Your saying and recalling pleasant memories. I believe...the more painful ones will make him far weaker to his Gears control.] Ddraig says to me. That means...fuck! I'm sorry Riv but it's for your own good.

  "I know you remember this. One night you were told you'd be going to a park for fun. Suddenly you were stopped; a man with a gun entered your home. You watched your father and mother die that night! Remember that Rivio!?" I yell yo him as I stand right near his face and swing. A hard punch sent him falling back and more black tar went flying.

Suddenly the screeched changed pitch and he had blazing eyes. Shooting forward suddenly he punched me back then shot his whip like arm forward to grab my foot. He slammed me to the ground then brought me back to him and punched me aside before clutching his head with a growl. Did it not work?

No. That tar, the more I knock off the more he starts looking like himself again!

"Rrraaaagghhhgggh!" I yell charging yet again. He seems to believe it as I faint and kick him in the weirdly shaped knee. He falls a bit down but uses his sharp teeth to bite into my own leg which lost its armor after he pulled me back. I suddenly feel a bit dizzy; blood loss. I need to finish this fast or I'll pass out or die. Keeping Rivio in place I slam down my fists into his back then wrap my arms around his waist and lift. Slamming him down back fist I stomp on his chest after I stand. More and more tar falls off his body as my hits make contact.

I stop as I hear a weird sound. Looking down I see...a blade coming from Rivio's arm. Impaling me in the stomach. I look up as I see a glimmer of intelligence in its eyes. Don't tell me...I brought Rivio's mind to the surface but not him himself? So now this things as smart as he is...damn it. He kicks me off the blade and I turn, not seeing as it's other arm gains a axe like blade and swings across my back. Two small purple balls shoot through either of my legs making me go to my knees as it stalks around me.

"You know...there's one more thing I still remember Riv. The day mom and dad adopted you. You were so scared, and sometimes had nightmares at night." I say stopping the blade just before my neck as it was swinging. "We'd all help you get to sleep and calm you down. Eventually you started to break out of your shell a bit; that allowed you to get a girlfriend before me. You built a new family Riv: and well always stay by you to help. Always." I say.

His eyes gain a glimmer. Suddenly he starts thrashing around harder as he held his head. Falling to the ground he started slamming it into rocks and dirt. Tar started falling off and eventually normal blood was mixed in with it. He shook his head fast as the faces started changing until...

The tar fell off completely and instead of animal like screeches, normal human screams started coming out of his throat. Flesh was replaced, knees went back to normal and bone was covered up. Four weapons or something fell before him with some clatters as he was face down in a ball tensing up in what I'd guess to be flares and pulses of pain. He had torn clothes now, and a lot of cuts and wounds. His skin looked almost raw from being burnt- his transformation must have done it from back and forth like that.

He slowly looks up, blood coming down his forehead and bloody tears out of his eyes. "I...Issei?" He asks shakily. " head hurts." He said simply. We start to slowly chuckle as we feel our energy leave us. I could tell for him due to the pained shutters he was having. "Did all this?" He asks looking around mortified. Then he pointed to me. "And that time you?"

  Before I could answer a white bluer runs past me and latches onto him while crying. Cat tail and ears out, Koneko held him tight like he would vanish again then and there. "I was so worried! I thought I was gonna lose you to." She said through her tears. Suddenly the others in the ORC joined in and myself as well.

  We all smiled as this happened before a light snoring came to my ears. Looking down we saw he fell asleep in Koneko's arms where upon she laid him back into her lap. Lucky bastard; but at least we got him back. Looking to my side I saw the Overseer guy, Bilhoen or something walk up to us with his sword and shield. "Greetings young ones. I am Sir Vilhelm." Oh that's his name. "I'm glad to see our rescue target is safe and back to normal. However after today...many will not trust him. But I do; I've bore witness to the extreme lengths this child will go to for those he cares about. That's enough of a reflection of his heart for me."

  "What will we do now?" A new voice says suddenly. "If Elder Kruger has truly betrayed us then its likely that the other Elders have been murdered. The Overseers will need new leaders and fast or we shall fall apart." The young blonde said as he stood next to Vilhelm.

  "Calm yourself Reinhardt. We will find the ones qualified to take over. In the meantime...we must recover the weapons, armor, and body of those we lost today. Have them moved to the crypt and buried the proper knight's way." Vilhelm said. I'm confused but hopefully they can make it.

  Next that girl, Aurora if I remember what Riv called her came up. "I'm glad he's alright." She says looking toward the one she was supposed to be rivals with. Are they friends now or something? Sirzechs did say they both were captured together. She knelt down and brushed some hair aside from his face, earning a small growl from our resident Hell Cat. "Take care of him alright? We may be rivals...but I don't want to see him die anytime soon." She said with a nod.

  "What now?" I ask as everyone but Koneko stands.

  "Now we clean up this mess and heal him. However the response from Heaven will not be as nice." Azazel's voice suddenly sounded from behind us making me turn to see our teacher present finally.

"Wow Azazel, where have you been?" I ask with an eye twitch. Damn teacher showing up late! We could have really used your help!

"I was getting mostly drunk when I felt a familiar presence I hadn't felt since the Great War. But anyway Michael won't be able to overlook this incident like he did at the 3 Factions Peace Summit. He will need to take some form of action because of His system- and since Rivio is not officially allied to the Devils, Fallen Angels, Angels, or any other mythical pantheon he can do so with no backlash." Azazel said coming next to Rivio. "Nothing short of becoming non-human would be able to stop Michael."

"Well we gotta be able to do something! That's unfair!" I shout getting nods from everyone.

"The only reason he went berserk was because he thought Koneko was hurt or killed" Yuuto spoke next "to top it off he didn't lose real control until the man he was fighting was dead. That must mean something to them right?" He asks. Thank you Kiba! Stand up for him and me!

  Azazel sighed; "It might. But it all comes down to appealing to Michael and Heaven. Look, I'll try my damn hardest to help the kid- so will Sirzechs for that matter to. Let's just hope Heaven will overlook this. Who knows maybe it's a good thing he's semi-unlocked this new power?" Alright, two major faction leaders vouching for him is good! Maybe Odin would as well? He's a nice old perv. Not to mention the Youkai seems to like him enough from what I'm told for something he did there.

Sir Vilhelm came forward with his shield. "Looking past the deaths caused here today: as the representatives for humanity the Overseer order stands behind him. Our goals remain the same and that is the safety of humanity." He said proudly. Fuck ya! That's five leaders!

All that's left now is...see what happens.

—————A few days later; Rivio POV—————

  I groaned as my eyes started opening. What the? Where am I? My body hurts...all over. I slowly sit up when the pain erupts all over me even worse. I hear...beeping. Smell that smell you have when your in a hospital. Is that when I am?

  "Oh no! Please sit back your still in no conditions move around like that!" I voice suddenly says as two people come through a door. My vision clears up; I'm hooked up to a heart beat machine and an IV in a bed. The two people that just came in are a doctor and nurse. So I am in a hospital. "Truth he told we didn't expect you to wake up so soon sir. Please, let me ease your pain." The nurse says as he starts using a bit of medicine and magic to help. The doctor was looking over her notes and charts that was in a bin by the door.

  "This isn't should still be out for a few days based on our readings but...well Mr.Rosan it seems you're recovering faster then originally projected." The doctor says. "I'll go tell the others your up." With that she left while the nurse was getting ready to follow.

  How did I end up here? The last thing I remember everything after the interrogation is near a blank. Foggy....what the hell happened? My musing is cut off as the door opens to reveal someone I didn't think would be waiting for me: Sirzechs, Grayfia, and the lady I had seen that one time at school. This time for some reason...her power isn't overwhelming me. Nor is Sirzechs' or Grayfia's for that matter. What the hell?

"Hello Rivio, how are you feeling?" Sirzechs asked as he sat at the edge of my bed.

"Well considering I have a noticeable chunk of memory that's fuzzy and not all there, I woke up in an unknown hospital, and who I can only assume is a Satan along with you is visiting me, I'd say just peachy. Maybe a bit lower." I say trying to be less nervous at the fact I have three powerful being with me in this room. Scratch that, four now as Azazel walks in and leans on the door frame.

"So you don't remember what had happened huh? Well...let's cut to the chase here kid, you lost control. Not a little bit this time like with Vali or when you bargained with the Darkness; I'm talking catastrophe level loss of control. You went into a state that allowed you to fuse with the Darkness itself and gain all its power over time. If it wasn't for your brother making you recall memories of the past then you'd still be stuck and possibly lost to the Darkness forever." Azazel said with a glance toward me. That's when flashes of what happened started to go past my eyes. Memories that seem to be waking up.

After I see all that I did my eyes go wide and I start hyperventilating a bit. My hands clutch at my hair as some tears fall. I many people. Yes New Brotherhood bit also Overseers. And I almost killed my friends and brother!

"What...what happens to me now? I assume some form of punishment is in order and I'll accept it for this." I say with a quiet tone. My eyes seem to have lost any life in them as I can feel the color go from my face.

Azazel clears his throat. "Well that was unavoidable. That is until not only those present, but also Odin, Vilhelm of the Overseers who's now an Elder, and Yasaka all appealed to Michael to overlook this. At first it wasn't gonna work because of the system He put into place: if Michael did nothing then he'd probably fall after all. And that's not a risk he or any in Heaven can take." Azazel said before taking a sip from a small dixxi cup. I assume and hope it's water since we're in a hospital. "But it was the assistance of your brother that helped the most. I believe he said: 'If you truly wish for one of the Heavenly Dragons to co-exist with you as you said, then please pardon my little brother.' or something like that. After that he choose to overlook you on one condition." He stopped.

"Well?" I ask gesturing for him to continue.

The door had one more person walk through: they looked to be female, young at that. Blonde hair and near flawless skin, green eyes and white clothes that had an overlaying brown with gold trim mantel. They were short (not saying any gender yet because people like Gasper has made it a normal question which is strange) and was smiling when we locked eyes; the most yelling feature though? The halo above their head.

"Hello Rivio; I am Cadriel. As of today I'm what humans would refer to as your guardian angel!" Cadriel says with a feminine voice. I mouth the word she to Azazel who gives a nod; she smiles after saying that and claps her hands together. "I do hope we can get along! This may be my first assignment but I will try my hardest for Lord Michael to help however I can!" She continues.

"That's...good to hear. Nice to meet you." I say to her. "This is all that was agreed upon?" I ask in confusion. Surely I deserved more! I would openly accept it as well!

"Well she didn't exactly describe her role correctly: she is here to make sure you don't lose it again, keep tabs on you, and report said tabs to Heaven. She can do the first because of her power; she is exceptionally adept at sealing, specifically with holy seals. But...that's what Michael believed you still dissevered on top of what already happened." Azazel said filling in some blanks I had. Thanks teach. Wait...

  "What do you mean 'already happened'?" I ask getting a sense of dread.

  Sirzechs and the black haired lady looked down. The lady spoke first. "You may not know me yet so first I'll introduce myself. I am Serafall Leviathan, Satan and in charge of foreign affairs. I'm here because...well it's my job to welcome new creatures to the Underworld on their first visit." She says confusing me.

  Sirzechs sees my confusion and hesitantly elaborates. "After your transformation into your 'Breakdown the Beast' state, you...changed. At least two-thirds of your already short human life span was shaved off while in that state. We looked to try finding ways to restore it when we found...something else. Sensors and doctors alike indicated and had enough life to spare. fused with the Darkness in a lot more ways then just a Sacred Gear state." He said. I felt a chill go up my back, my mind was going numb and a buzzing made itself known in my ear.

  "W-What do you mean?" I ask slowly with fear and yet a new found caution.

  "You're no longe fully human Rivio. That's another reason Micheal forwent any form of punishment deeming this enough. You're something unheard of before: a Human-Darkness hybrid. Somehow someway...your lifespan has become near infinite, your physiology has changed: you no longer need as much rest, food, water; your natural human resistance toward light has weakened, your body naturally produces more Dark Essence then what would be are the first of a new species now." Sirzechs said.

  It's like everything stopped. My world came to a sudden halt at those words. No longer human? I could see he was still talking but it was just muffled by the ringing and buzzing as I processed it. "No." I muttered stopping the Satan in his explanation. He looks confused before his face slightly softens before yet again changing. All eyes go wide now, as I feel something warm around me. "That's...NO!" I yell before stopping myself and putting a hand over my mouth. Looking around myself now I saw a swirl of Dark Essence around me responding to my emotions.

  Everyone took a slight step back. Cadriel had a light spear and some glowing white ruin in the air at the ready. The thing is I...can read it. It's in a different language then English or Japanese yet I can read it. 'SEAL OF LIGHT' it says.

  "I'm...sorry." I say getting my emotions under control again. The Dark Essence went away as I calmed down. "This is...well not how I expected my summer to turn out honestly. Hahaha." I say trying to keep calm. The others gain a distraught face as I chuckled to myself a bit. "Well what happens now?" I say hoping there was no more bad news.

  Azazel, now standing next to me opposite of the side Sirzechs was on, rests a hand on my shoulder. "Now? Well your kids' summer vacation is almost over. You'll have to go back to school in a few days; for the foreseeable future your gonna be paying visits to my lab where the Satan Beelzebub and I can test and study everything about you to make sure you don't accidentally explode in the middle of a classroom. His lab too of course when it's necessary; but for now? Live your life. This has a good side to it Riv, now you can at least spend a lot more time with that girl your in love with." He said patting me.

  With shakiness I slowly start to stand. The others all move forward a bit as I get off the bed and nearly fall over. I feel...stronger now. Not just magically or physically, but I literally feel stronger. Like my whole body got more power with this- well it did didn't it? Grayfia had been the first to reach me to aid before I fell over. I gave her a thankful smile and she returned the smallest smiles possible in return. We slowly walked to the door where Cadriel got on my other side to help. Once we made it out and down the hall we stopped at the waiting room where the entire ORC was. They had fallen asleep here.

  Slowly the first to stir was Koneko with her cat ears and tail out. She must be using her Senjutsu to sense out anyone coming. My guess  was she didn't recognize the aura I gave off at first because she started to sweat as it hit her senses. Then she opened her eyes and saw me. She stood and shot forward where once she made contact we hugged each other. At least I still have this.

  The other eventually followed suit and woke up. I had a lot to catch up on! Akeno and Issei has been out on a date, our resident sadist had started making up with her dad, they defeated Loki with a Mjolnir replica! It sounds so amazing! When the subject of my current circumstances made itself known thanks to Cadriel and Azazel I got what I expected at first: shocked looks and disbelief. What came next though was strange.

  "Oh shit! That's so sweet! Now we're gonna both gonna stay alive for a while!" Issei had said.

  "It's good to know my little brother won't die on us in a few years." Rias had followed up.

  Yuuto and Asia both had smiles on while Akeno did her signature 'cheek in hand' head tilt and smile.

  Koneko tightened her embrace on me and nuzzles my neck. "That means I'll get to stay with you. Dope." She said simply.

  "Not to ruin the moment or anything; but can we go home?" I ask as my stomach suddenly growls. "I'm starving." I said earning some chuckles. With teleportation circles for general use active we head back to the Human world where...the lady known as Rossweisse was sitting in a corner of the couch curled up crying. What have I missed? Irina is here to? What the hell?

  "Ya you missed a bit. We still had homework it seemed. To top it off Rossweisse got left behind by Odin, and Irina is moving in! It'll be just like old times with her around!" Issei said with a smile, probably thinking of her boobs more then old times honestly.

  Said girl approaches me with a understanding smile. "I heard what happened to you Rivio. Although it's been a while I'd like you to know that I'll be Hereford you  just like everyone else if you need it. I was in a similar spot when I found out God had died; so you can come talk to me whenever." She said. I have a thankful smile to her in response. The rest of the day was spent resting and eating for tomorrow: school is back in session already and I feel things are just getting started for the trimester.
————Elsewhere, Overseer HQ————

  "So this is all that's left?" An aged and mature voice said. Currently the Overseers were tallying up the losses they faced in the previous conflict. "To think we would allow a mole in to our ranks. That snake; if I ever see him again I'll make sure to kill his sorry ass." The voice said. It belonged to an old man who had sunken in eyes, the right was covered by an eyepatch with clear burn scars all on that side of his face while the left and present eye was a piercing yellow. He had some hair but was otherwise balding. His figure for someone of his age was amazing: being a near mountain of a man under his new uniform.

  "Now now Gael, your blood pressure can't handle too much anger remember. Oh apologies; it's High Elder Gael now right?" A women with a bun and braids said. She to was of the older age; having soft brown eyes and a generally cheerful disposition around her.

  Sir Vilhelm sat amounts them with nervousness. He was the youngest here, among legends. He had been reassured but still he felt out of place. Speaking of: now that he too was promoted in the sudden loss someone had to take over his Knight Commander rank. This was taken over by Reinhardt who was a jubilant child at the prospect. Currently Vilhelm sat with the people to replace the Elders:

  He himself, now Elder Vilhelm for his valor and honor on the battlefield where he faced many a victory.

  Former Knight Officer, now Elder Emilia. She was chosen due to everyone adoring her command and for the fact everyone she fought with always came back alive. Never has she lost a single squad member. She was just five years Vilhelm's senior, but still looked to be in her thirties. She had purple eyes with green shoulder length hair.

  Former Battlemaster, now Elder Maria. She was the voice who spoke to the new High Elder earlier. Her reason for appointment? She was already next in line for such a position. She had assisted and been mentored by the previous Elder Sofia to replace her should need be.

  Former Master, now Elder Elias. He was the only person in the room who could be considered a second to the new High Elder. Excellent with every weapon, he could strike down almost anyone in the blank of an eye. He was just a tad bit younger looking then Gael; and had a full set of black hair that was styled as a mullet. His eyes were closed as he thought, but under the lids were milky white irises. This man was blind.

  And finally, at the head of it all was former Grand Master, now High Elder Gael. Much can be said for this man: he has been in the Overseer order the longest but always refused a seat with the Elders, he saw and even trained a majority of the legends that the order produced. But above all...he was semi-lazy with a bad temper to boot. But if anyone had asked him even before the grand betrayal his answer would be the same as now; and that is the fact he hated former Elder now trader Judis Kruger.

  These were the new Elders of the Overseer order. These will be the new spokesmen in the shadows for humanity.
————Elsewhere, New Brotherhood Compound———

  "AHHHHH! FATHER! FATHER IT HURTS! MAKE HIM STOP, MAKE HIM STOOOOP!" The screams of a limbless, flailing, and charred man echoed through the walls of the underground labyrinth. James stood by the operating table as people dressed in scrubs acting as medics and doctors got to work on 'healing' the man.

  "I will my son, I will." James said as he took a look to the 'doctors'. "Is it doable?" He asks them.

  "It's doable. Only thing is Stanley will have a weaker connection to the Dark Essence within him." One said through his mask.

  "A small price to pay it would seem. At least we did not lose anymore then we did. But...we did gain some men." He said laughing to himself softly. His laughing grew as he looked down on the new bowing three members to the New Brotherhood: the female named Bora, a tall young lad named Devland, a strong looking boy named Ares, and the cherry on top for James, former Elder Judis Kruger.
  Hello everyone! I know it's a bit late but merry Christmas! Originally this was supposed to drop on Christmas night but took a bit longer as you can see. Anyway I wanna give a HUGE huge thanks to you all for getting this story over 80K reads! It's amazing how a simple little idea of a crossover has blown up to me, truly amazing!
  Rivio is back with the ORC again and that's where I had a bit of difficulty. I couldn't decide what Michel should do to him in response to the Darkness going out of control. The way I see it: the system God of the Bible put into place would demand he do something in response to such an event; so middle ground it was of the choices I came up with! Another side note; earlier in the arc I sited Yuuto as saying they had a Rating Game coming up? That is still happening, they have not had their opponent revealed to them yet- how will Rivio fit into the upcoming battle O_o?
  We'll have to wait and see my dear readers, but for now as always I thank you again, and wish you to have a good day.

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