Not a Ghoul [Kaneki Ken x Rea...

By tsubame-chi

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[Tokyo Ghoul Fanfic] [Kaneki Ken x Reader] You passed the scene of the crime and followed the man who got inj... More

Chapter 1: Kaneki Ken
Chapter 2: Secret No More
Chapter 3: Wound
Chapter 4: I Will Protect You
Chapter 5: For His Sake, I Will...
Chapter 6: Die, Die, Die
Chapter 7: Your Feelings and Mines
Chapter 8: The Raid
Chapter 10: Hunger
Chapter 11: Instincts
Chapter 12: Memories
Chapter 13: Fireworks
Chapter 14: Surprise Attack
Chapter 15: A Night Together (LEMON)
Chapter 16: Confined
Chapter 17: A Miracle
Author's Note

Chapter 9: Latebloomer

14.9K 557 537
By tsubame-chi

You stood in front of a silver briefcase. Today is the day of the raid. Multiple soldiers exited their vans wielding quinques in their hands. You were around the back standing next to Suzuya.

A shot from the building started the battle between Aogiri Tree and the CCG. Since they couldn't break through their defense, Suzuya rode a motorcycle which belonged to one of the higher up's and shot every one of them dead on the second or third floor. The owner of the motorcycle angrily yelled at Suzuya for "killing" his motorcycle. You swore you heard a hint of sadness in his voice.

You opened up the briefcase and held the quinque in your hands. It was a sword quinque with a nice feel to your hands. You were told that the quinque was made from the ghoul you killed a few days ago. You slashed it through the air, almost killing one of the nearby soldiers who looked at you with fear.

Once the entrance was free of ghouls, the rest of the soldiers barged their way in with loud thumps of their footsteps to alert the ghouls in the rest of the building that the CCG is here.

You walked your way in as well. Although Amon told you to follow the rest of the group, you went elsewhere to find Kaneki. You somehow heard a scream nearby and ran as fast as you can. When you entered the room, a splash of warm red blood splattered on you.

You saw a figure from a distance, eating another ghoul. His hair grew a beautiful white color and his nails are black. You bravely walked right in front of him. You knew he was Kaneki but you didn't care. He looked at you with no sign of surprise and was unusually calm.

He was...different. Not in terms of appearances even though he looked hot. It was something about his behavior that changed.

"Kaneki-san," you held tightly to the quinque in your left hand and put your right hand out to him. "Let's go home."

He turned away from your hand and wiped the blood from his mouth. "I can't go with you."

You didn't quite understand his words. Was there a reason why he can't go with you? At the bottom of his feet laid an unconscious ghoul and you could sort of saw his insides. (Ew).

"With this strength..." you heard him mutter. "With this strength...I can protect the ones around me."

"What strength?" You quietly murmur to yourself as you looked at how disgusting the unconscious ghoul was. Then you looked at Kaneki's feet. His nails turned black and the different layers of skin showed how many times he regenerated.

He was tortured here...

Kaneki cracked his fingers. He has never done that before. He was leaving out for the door and before you realized it, he was completely out of sight. Kaneki was not with you anymore.

"...does that mean you're breaking up with me, Kaneki-san?" You knees dropped down to the pool of blood.

This is complete nonsense. What happened? What happened in those couple of days we weren't together...?

You felt your head thumping. Spinning. Splitting. Pounding. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain. Pain.

Unconsciously, you screamed as loud as you could. You couldn't even hear yourself. Both of your hands were holding to the side of your head.

You felt as if you were going back to the person you were once before. The class representative that everyone relied on; a boring life, without love. People would ask you to do everything for them and you just nodded in agreement since that was the type of person you were. People were nice. However, you know that they just befriended you so they can get out of school earlier. You were always the one helping the other one out. You never said no. You would always stay behind to do the class duties.


You didn't want people to judge you badly.

You stopped screaming. The iron taste of blood spread throughout in your mouth. The pain came from your chest. You were stabbed. Right through the heart. You fell backwards onto the floor. No matter what, you couldn't move and every second you felt that your body was getting colder.

It was only a blur, but you could tell that the one who stabbed you was the unconscious ghoul. He was still alive after dealing with Kaneki.



You longer have the ability to speak. You felt your body turn as stiff as possible and your lips turned dry. Your vision failed you and you closed your eyes as you head towards a deep sleep. The only word you heard was...


You opened your eyes. The sounds of gunshots and noise disappeared. You were inside somewhere dark and scary. You felt your surroundings and the ceiling was removable. You pushed your way upwards and you were at the same place where Kaneki had left you. The ghoul was gone, but the trail of blood was still here. You touched the surface of the blood and realized that a lot of time had already passed.

Seeing all that blood reminded you of your wound. You unbuttoned your shirt and you couldn't believe your eyes. There's no scar or anything. It was as if nothing happened! You looked at the wound the Ripper gave you and it was gone as well.

"What happened...?" You were very confused. Then you thought... what if you were a ghoul?

You couldn't be a ghoul no matter what. From what you know, every ghoul have only ghoul parents. When a ghoul and a human produce, the baby will die. Unless there are special situations like Kaneki or something. However, you don't remember anything that made you turn into a ghoul. Besides, unlike a ghoul, you ate food perfectly normally.

You shook off your thoughts. Maybe you weren't a ghoul but something else instead. However, you are still convinced that you were born as a human.

You exited the building. You tried searching around for people but no one was there. You looked at your appearance through a reflection on a glass. You looked like you died and came back to life. Which... really did happen.

Your clothes were soaked from the blood and your hair was a complete mess. You picked up an abandoned clean cloak and wore it to cover the signs of blood as you head to the city.

"Latebloomer..." you mumbled to yourself. What could it possibly mean? Then, a sudden memory popped into your head.


"(First name). Do you remember when we first met?" A man sat right next to you while holding your hand. This was a memory from when you were a child. He was someone you don't know but your past self seemed to be familiar with him. You nodded and touched the man's face to wipe the warm tear that dropped from his eyes. Why was he crying? It is something you can't understand.

"Being a something to be appreciated." He quietly says as he patted your head. "You start as a human and you could experience the joyful lives that we never experienced. But when the right time comes, your body changes the way back it originally was." Tears still streamed down his face. He...had a sad expression as if he was about to leave and go somewhere far away. He turned his face away from you and looked down, trembling.

"I'm sorry, (First name). I don't have much time..." He grabbed your tiny hand and brought you outside a house. He rung the doorbell and looked at you. "Live with these people, (First name). I hope you live to your fullest." Then he ran off.

You turned around upon the door opening and saw your dead father. Ah. This must be the moment when you were going to be adopted...


Was that your real father? You had no idea. But it was quite clear. A latebloomer was a rare ghoul that was born as a human and when the right time comes, they turn back into a ghoul. That would explain why you could recognize the sudden smell of blood.

You stopped on your tracks as you smelled something from behind. What is this smell? It's sweet and it makes you hungry. You wiped your drool away and walked towards the source. 

Wait a minute.

What is this?

You walked right into an alley as you followed the traces of blood. In that alley, you found a ghoul pursuing a human man. He didn't need to use his kagune. He only needed his superhuman strength to pierce through the weak man's body. He tore the man's eyes out making him blind, leading the man step back  a few steps and fell down on his bottom. Finding this hilarious, he kept torturing the man by slowly ripping apart his flesh and inputing it inside his mouth.

For the first time in your life, a glow of red light and heat appeared in your eyes as you watched the scene. You felt..a power fuse up within you. Something you never experienced before as a human. Your desire for food had never been this strong. It made you think of the workers in Anteiku. Touka must've felt this way too. Every ghoul... Kaneki too.


Somewhere in your heart wanted to believe that you are not a ghoul. Is this what Kaneki had to deal with everyday when he turned into one? In between the line of humans and ghouls? Couldn't decide which one? 

Nothing can change it now. You've been deceiving yourself your whole life already. You're a ghoul and not a human. Nothing can change that fact. 


You turned away from the bloody scene and headed towards Anteiku. The only place where you can go which is safe is Anteiku. Maybe they can help you and maybe Kaneki was just joking about leaving.

Luckily the cafe was still open even though it was dark. There seemed to be no one in there as you peeked through the windows. Strange. Where was everybody?

"(First name)?" You heard Touka's voice near the back. You quickly ran up to her and hugged her. "You..." Touka's voice sounded shocked and in disbelief. She quickly grabbed hold of you and made you look straight in her face. "W-What happened to you? you smell differently?!"

Touka slowly shook her head with a cringed face. "Don't tell me they did the same thing..." You took Touka's hand and comforted her.

"Nothing happened. It's just that I...was already a ghoul since I was born." 

You told Touka the whole story about your past and she hugged you. "It's okay. I've heard about latebloomers but to think one was this close..."

You cried a bit as you hugged her back. "Touka...where's Kaneki-san?"

You thought she didn't hear you from her silence and tried to ask again, but when you saw her face, you knew the answer already. 

Kaneki's not here.

He really left...

Kaneki...where are you?


A/N: Hiiii thanks for waitingggg :D I'm kind of running out of ideas eh. lol 

I still haven't watched season 2 yet OTL. BUT. I WILL SOON.

Check out my new story: Insanity [Reader x Yandere]

I'm also drawing a manga so check out here:

Thanks for reading! Remember to vote, comment, and add this to your reading list. SPREAD THE LOVE. lmao. <3

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