Nature's Kiss • Paul Lahote

By Eves_Apple

188K 3.6K 548

Life is perfect...too perfect. Harley has everything she ever could ask for. A sweet older sister, loving pa... More

Disclaimer and Playlist
Terms, Lingo and Slang
Ch.1 Forks
Ch.3 La Push Beach
Ch.4 Feels Like Home
Ch.5 Party
Ch.6 Party Pt.2
Ch.7 Meadow
Ch.8 Wolves
Ch.9 What Happened?
Ch.10 Imprint
Ch.14 Harper vs Harley
Author's Update

Ch.2 School

10K 263 42
By Eves_Apple

Friday came quickly and the awkwardness between us, Charlie, Billy, Bella and Jacob couldn't be anymore visible.
Bella and Jacob were interesting to say the least. They were completely different. We sat in the living room with them while our parents, Heidi, Billy and Charlie sat out on the porch.

"So, are you guys liking it here?" Jacob asks.
"It's quite boring." I say plainly.
"I heard you girls surf. La Push beach always has decent waves. They're not as good as Hawaii's, but they're good enough." Jacob responds making us nod.
"We planned on going this weekend." Harper says making me look at her in slight shock.
"We did?" I question making her side eye me.
"Yes, we did." She states before looking back to Jacob and Bella. "You guys should come with."
"I don't think th-"
"I'm down!" Jacob quickly cuts Bella off. "It would be cool to see you guys surf! Maybe you can teach my friends and I some things."
"For sure." Harper says with a small smile.

I dreaded the following day. I, of course, wasn't going to get in the water. However, watching my sister surf the choppy waves of La Push beach made me want to. I just couldn't bring myself to though. I knew it wouldn't be the same and the paranoia of getting attacked again ate me up. I still have nightmares about it. "Hey, Harley!" I hear a familiar voice. I turn around and spot the familiar russet skin of Jacob along with two other boys who looked around his age. Bella by his side looking blank like usual.
"Hey." I greet with a small smile as they approach me.
"These are my friend Embry and Quil." Jake introduces me and I turn and look at them. They stare at me in slight awe making me uncomfortably look around.
"I'm Quil Ateara." The shorter of the two says and winks at me causing me to slightly blush.
"Harley." I state.
"It's nice to see Jake not hanging around more pale faces." Embry says making Jake roll his eyes.
"Oh, I'm sure I'll loose some color in my time here." I awkwardly joke.
"Yeah right, your mom is as dark as us." Jake says.
"And my dad is as pale as Bella." I respond making Jacob purse his lips.
"Hey you guys made it!" I hear Harper shout and look behind me to see her running toward us, board in hand and hair wet.
"Holy shit is their whole family attractive?" Quil questions quietly.
"You brought friends!" She acknowledges with a small smile.
"Yeah, they wanted to come." Jacob explains.
"Well, good thing I brought extra boards! Come on! I'll give you guys wetsuits." She says and starts walking toward our Jeep. I watched as she hands them certain things from afar, forgetting that Bella was here.

"You're not surfing?" She asks me and I shake my head. "Why not?"
"I no longer like it." I lie making her look at me oddly.
"Charlie told me you were a competitive surfer and you are like really good." She says.
"You call your dad by his first name?" I question, dogging her statement.
"Oh, yeah. I'm not that close to him. I'm just use to saying his name since I lived with my mother most of my life." She explain and I nod in understanding. "So, what made you not like it?" She was persistent, I'd give her that.
"I just lost interest when I found out we were moving here. The waves are decent here, but not compared to what I'm use to." I tell her and she nods.
"Makes, sense. I would've thought you'd still be out there though, you know? Like even though you can't compete." She says.
"Ah, like a soul surfer." I state making her look at me in confusion. "A soul surfer is someone who surfs for the pure enjoyment and not interested in competing or looking good."
"Oh, yeah. Then a soul surfer." She says awkwardly.
"I do miss it." I say longingly while I watch my sister, Jacob, Embry and Quil from the water.
"Then get in." She says simply.
"I wish it was that simple." I sigh out and look down at my legs. Behind my grey sweats and white converse hid my prosthetic leg that has been giving me hell for the past couple months. I wish I was confident enough like others to not hide it. To not hide the scars that ran up my body. I felt like my situation wasn't even that big of a deal compared to other people's problems.

It was a simple shark attack. Sure the 9 foot tiger shark took my left leg, bit into my abdomen, caused damage to my left arm, lost a lot of blood and had to get over 1000 stitches. I just felt like I was being a baby compared to other shark attack victims I talked with when recovering. My parents and Harper said my situation was worse than others and that I have every right to feel how I feel. That shark refused to let go and put up a good fight. I was lucky I didn't die.

"So, are you excited for school?" Bella asks.
"Not particularly. It's school.....I'll also have to find new friends and find my way around." I explain.
"Well, I can show you around and you can be friends with my friends. They're great." Bella says.
"Thanks." I state and look back at the water when I hear laughing. I watched as Jacob emerged from the water, his long hair covering his face. Embry and Quil stood next to my sister laughing with her. Seems like Harper made some new friends.

Harper and I currently sat in the office of Forks high getting our schedules and a few other things sorted out. "You girls moved here from Hawaii?" The women at the front office questions while getting our paperwork together. She looked to be in her early 60s.
"Yes, ma'am." I say and she shakes her head in slight confusion.
"If you don't mind me asking, why? It's so gloomy and cold here compared to there. Why would you want to?" She asks.
"Our father grew up here. He got home sick and wanted to come back." Harper states making the lady nod. It grew quiet before we hear her gasp.
"Wait a minute. Was your father Raymond? As in Raymond Anthony Roussos?" She quickly asks.
"Uh- yeah." Harper says making her look at us in awe.
"Your father was quiet the student here. He was extremely popular, one of our best athletes back in the day! He excelled in his classes too! You girls are so beautiful! I see him in you both." She says making Harper and I lightly smile.
"Thank you." We say and it grows quiet once again. We watched as she went through the papers before stopping.
"Harley, it says you are disabled?" She clarifies making me sigh out.
"Yes, ma'am." I say and watch as she looks over the counter and down to my legs before slowly scanning up my arm. She quickly looks back at the paper that had red markings on it and a few other things, a small frown coming to her face.
"I'm sorry." She says and looks back up at me.
"It's fine." I respond monotonously, my face blank.
"I wouldn't even have been able to tell." She says with a small smile before putting away the big stack of papers. She then places two papers on the desk in front of us. "Okay, so these are your schedules. If you girls have any questions feel free to ask." We nod and take the papers looking at them. "Hope you girls have a good rest of your school year."
"Thank you." We say and wave before leaving the office.
"I swear to god that disability paper will be the death of me." I state as we slowly walk down the empty hallway.
"Pretty sure you can't get rid of it. Hopefully word won't spread." Harper says.
"If it does we know who did it." I say making Harper slightly laugh.
"Yeah....where the hell are we even suppose to be going?" She says and stops in her tracks, looking at the paper.
"I'm just going to assume that it's like our old school and that the rooms with a two in front of them are on the second floor." I state before we start walking again.
"My first two periods are on the first floor." Harper says.
"Same. Well my first three. I wish we were in the same grade." I say.
"Hm, as soon as my senior year is over I'm booking it back to Hawai'i." She says.
"I figured, how's Kai?" I ask.
"Maika'i (good)." She simply states making me nod.
"Well, my class is right there. Text me." She says and I nod separating form her. I finally make my way to my English class room and take a deep breath before knocking on the door. Someone opens the door and I shyly walk in only to spot the tall and blading teacher who's name on my sheet read Mr.Mason.
"Are you the new student?" He asks loudly. The class was quiet. I nod silently making his eyes narrow at me. "You can sit in the back next to Ms.Swan." He says making me look toward the class. Most awed at me and I realize I completely stood out from the rest of the students. They were all pale and most wore dark colored clothing. My tawny skin stuck out like a sour thumb and my outfit practically radiated island vibes. I quickly spotted Bella in the back and automatically sped walked to her.
"Hey." I whisper and put my bag next to me.
"Hey." She mumbles. "Lucky you, Mr.Mason is in a good mood today."
"He's in a good mood?" I question making her quietly chuckle.
"Can I see your schedule?" She questions and I hand it to her.
"We have Bio together after lunch." She says with a small smile before skimming my schedule again. "You don't have to take gym?"
"No, I did it back in Hawai'i. A lot of my transcript and credits were able to transfer over." I state making her nod.
"I can meet you at your Home Ec classroom and we can walk to lunch together. You have an interesting schedule." She says and I nod.

My interesting schedule in Bella's eyes went like this.
1: English (Mr.Mason)
2: Trigonometry (Mr.Varner)
3: Government (Mrs.McKinney)
4: Home Ec (Mrs.Allington)
5: Biology 2 (Mr.Banner)
6: Philosophy (Mr.Noell)

My 1st through 4th period classes were long and boring. It sucked because I only had Bella in 1 which was English. I got a lot of attention in all those classes. I met Harper after 3rd period to see how she was doing and like I thought she was doing just fine. She, like me, got a lot of attention and she noticed how we both stuck out like sour thumbs. I told her that Bella and I would meet her after 4th to go to lunch together.

So when the bell rang after fourth I wasn't surprised to see Bella waiting for me. We soon met up with my sister and made our way to the cafeteria. "I swear the amount stares are ridiculous." Harper says.
"It's because you guys look exotic. You're obviously not from here." Bella states.
"Hm, I had like ten people today comment on my accent." Harper says making me look at her in question.
"No one has commented on mine yet. Then again I have yet to talk to anyone." I claim.
"My AP World History teacher said I use a lot of Pidgin features when I talk." Harper explains making me nod.
"You both do have distinctive voices and accents. It sounds pretty though." Bella says as we enter the cafeteria.
"Woah, this is a nice cafeteria." I state and look at all the flags that hung. Windows lined the walls letting us see out at the tall trees and greenery.
We start walking to the lunch line, continuing to talk. As we do so we all get interrupted by the calls of students. "Hey, Harper!"
"Harper! How's school going so far?"
"Harper, come sit with us!"
"Looks like someone is popular." Bella says.
"I'm just good at socializing." Harper shrugs. That was true. Everyone liked Harper because she was outgoing and kind to everyone. That's what made us different. Yes, I was kind to everyone, but I was introverted and found it hard to open up to people after the accident.

Once we got our food we followed Bella to her table. "Joining us for once, Bella?" A guy in a letterman jacket questions.
"Yeah, didn't think you'd sit with us again." The girl next to him says.
"Yeah, well, I brought friends." Bella says and sits down making space for us.
"Hey, you didn't tell me you were friends with the two new hot girls." A guy with beautifully rich dark skin says.
"Their names are Harper and Harley." Bella states.
"Well, I'm Tyler." He says and winks.
"And I'm Eric Yorkie." A guy with Asian features says. "I'm better than Tyler."
"Yeah right!" Tyler says back.
"I'm Angela. Don't mind them, they have dicks for brains." The girl with the glasses says making both Harper and I giggle.
"I'm Mike." The guy in the letterman says with a smile.
"And I'm Jessica Stanley." The girl next to him says.
"Nice to meet you all." Harper says with a smile.
"Wait, you're in my 2nd period!" Eric says towards me making me nod with a small smile.
"Dude! And you're in my first and 3rd!" He says and I nod again. "Oh my god, okay that solves that, we're going to become best friends!" He says enthusiastically before getting up. I watch as he places his tray down between Bella's and mine. "Move it, Bella." He says and squeezes in between us. I laugh and slightly move closer to my sister.

"You girls are from Hawaii right?" Mike questions. Word spreads fast around here. I don't have Mike in any classes so far, so how would he know.
"Yep." I say.
"So, why move here?" Jessica asks. Harper and I look at each other before chuckling. That question has been asked so much recently that I felt like a robot responding to it.
"Our father grew up here. He got home sick and wanted to come back." I state making them nod in understanding.
"So, I assume you girls surf." Tyler says and we both nod.
"They're really good, I watched Harper the other day at La Push." Bella says.
"Oh, that's great! We should all go again! We can see how the pros do it." Jessica states.
"I'm down." Harper says. Lunch was quick.
The last two classes at the end of my day were probably best. In Bio I had Bella, Angela and Mike. I automatically sat with Bella since she didn't have a lab partner. Mr.Banner was also really nice. However, my last period was my favorite.

It was my philosophy class with Mr.Noel. The class was small, only having seven people in it. When I first walked into the class I was greeted by him. He was very young, looked to be in his late 20s. He was an attractive teacher, no doubt, but he radiated smartness. "You must Harley!" He says and I nod.
"Well, Harley, this class is very close and we are almost like a family. So if you'd like to state your full name, where you're from and let's mix it up a little bit, favorite smell." He says making the class chuckle.
"You sound like a camp councilor." One of the students states making me smile.

I stand at the front of the class and skim my eyes over the seven students. "Uh, well, my name is Harley Ka'iulani Roussos, I'm from Hana Hawai'i and my favorite smell is uh....sunblock." I state.
"How are you liking it here?" He asks.
"It's good so far. I'm not liking the weather much though." I say.
"Well welcome to the suicide state." He chuckles out making me look at him in light shock. Dark humor.
I walked to a table that had two boys and two girls . They seemed happy that I came to sit with them.
"Hello." I greet shyly.
"Aloha." The guy with the darker hair and earrings greets, a smile on his face. I raise a brow at him in interest.
"Pehea 'oe? (How are you?)" I question making is eyes widen.
"I'm messing with you." I chuckle making the table laugh.
"How's your first day going? Make any friends?" The long haired blonde asks.
"It's going okay. I really only have one close friend, Bella." I state making the table snicker.
"Oh, the girl who caught the Cullen's attention. Go figure." The the girl with ginger hair says, rolling her brown eyes.
"Cullen?" I question in confusion.
"Yeah, Dr and Mrs.Cullen's foster kids. They were like royalty here. They were always too good for everyone until Bella showed up." The guy with glasses states.
"Yeah, then Edward and Bella got together, surprising everyone. They were completely fine one day and the next done. His family, like, moved." The blonde explains.
"Bet you Bella did some shit that pissed them off." The guy with the earrings says.
"Hm, never would've thought. Bella is the daughter of my dad's best friend. I met her when I first moved here. She doesn't seem like a very social person, if anything she seems quite depressed to me." I state.
"Oh, yeah. She is. Ever since the Cullens left she completely stopped talking to everyone. She would sit at their table alone and would often not show up to school." The guy with the glasses explains. That's interesting. How could Bella let a guy have that much of an affect on her? Yeah, I cried and was upset when Justin broke up with me and got with my ex best friend, but I didn't get overly depressed and stopped talking to people.

"She started getting better after she started hanging out with that boy from the res." The blonde says. "I was talking to Angela about it. Bella is always over there and hanging out with him."
"Jacob?" I question and she automatically nods. "He is also my dad's best friend's son. Him and Bella are like all over each other." I respond. "They came to my house last Friday and we all hung out on Saturday."
"Looks like Bella moved on from Cullen." The guy with the earnings snickers.
"Yeah and a boy from the res. How lucky." The blonde mopes.
"I don't understand how she gets every hot guy. Like, she's not even that pretty." The ginger says in aggravation.
"Maybe they actually like her for her personality." The guy with glasses suggests.
"Are you kidding? Bella's personality is as boring as a potato." The ginger snaps.
"The guys on the res aren't that attractive." Earring boy says.
"Are you kidding?" The blonde and ginger shout in shock.
"Have you seen Paul Lahote?" The ginger questions.
"You mean the hot head that's on steroids? Yeah I've seen him." He responds with an eye role.
"He is not on steroids." The ginger roles her eyes. "He just works out...really really well."
"I want him to work me out." The blonde says making the two boys groan.
"I'm sure he'll do so. That guy is a ladies man. I'm sure he'd love to add another broken heart to his list." The guy in the glasses says in light dissatisfaction.
"So, what? He's a moke?" I question making them look at me in confusion.
"Is that like Hawaiian slang or something?" Earring guy questions.
"Uh- yeah sorry. Moke is lingo for someone who's your local tuff guy." I state.
"Oh, then yeah. He's a Moke." The blonde says.
"I just realized we never introduced ourselves. I'm Charlotte." The ginger says with a small smile.
"Kenzie." The blonde girl states.
"Joseph." Glasses dude says.
"I'm Mark." The guy with the earrings says.
"Nice to meet you all." I respond with a smile.
This year was going to be good.

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