Spellbound: COMPLETE

By Joywriter9

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Dragons, princesses, and dancing. Oh my! Ever heard of the 12 Dancing Princesses? Whether you have or not, t... More

PART ONE: The Changes
Chapter One: Ariadne
Chapter Two: Ariadne
Chapter Three: Ariadne
Chapter Four: Peter
Chapter Five: Peter
Chapter Six: Ariadne
Chapter Seven: Ariadne
Chapter Eight: Ariadne
Chapter Nine: Ariadne
Chapter Ten: Ariadne
Chapter Eleven: Ariadne
Chapter Twelve: Ariadne
Chapter Thirteen: Ariadne
Chapter Fourteen: Man from the Closet
Chapter Fifteen: Ariadne
Chapter Sixteen: Ariadne
Chapter Seventeen: Ariadne
Chapter Eighteen: Ariadne
Chapter Nineteen: Ariadne
Chapter Twenty: Ariadne
PART TWO: The Challenge
Chapter Twenty-One: Ariadne
Chapter Twenty-Two: Ariadne
Chapter Twenty-Three: Ariadne
Chapter Twenty-Four: Ariadne
Chapter Twenty-Five: Ariadne
Chapter Twenty-Six: Simeon
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Ariadne
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Peter
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Ariadne
Chapter Thirty-One: Ariadne
Chapter Thirty-Two: Estevan
Chapter Thirty-Three: Julie
Chapter Thirty-Four: Julie
Chapter Thirty-Five: Ariadne
Chapter Thirty-Six: Ariadne
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Ariadne
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Ariadne
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Ariadne
Chapter Forty: Peter
PART THREE: The Finale
Chapter Forty-One: Prince Wilson
Chapter Forty-Two: Prince Wilson
Chapter Forty-Three: Ariadne
Chapter Forty-Four: Ariadne
Chapter Forty-Five: Ariadne
Chapter Forty-Six: Ariadne
Chapter Forty-Seven: Ariadne
Chapter Forty-Eight: Peter
Chapter Forty-Nine: Ariadne
Epilogue: 1 year later
Final Farewell
Freedom Series
1k Reads Contest!

Chapter Thirty: Ariadne

25 7 1
By Joywriter9

Ariadne's POV

My mouth hung open at Prince Durnham. How dare he lie to the palace guards?

"Bell would never attack someone for just visiting!" I countered.

He shook his head. "I do not know why she did it, maybe this curse is stronger than you think," he said then gave me a look as if daring me to make a retort back.

"Are you alright?" One of our guards asked.

"I am fine, thank you," Prince Durham said, swaying a little as if fatigued.

"Of course he is fine! He was never hurt!"

The guard turned to me. "Did you attack him?"

"He was hurting Bell-"


"He was holding her wrists and her hands were turning purple!" I could not believe that the guards were believing him over me. This was ridiculous!

"I admit I was holding her wrists, and maybe a little too tightly, but if I had not then she would have continued her attack on me," Prince Durnham interjected.

The guards looked at me to see if I had anything to add. I thought frantically. "What about when she screamed?" I asked. "Grace and I both heard Bell scream when we opened the door."

"She screamed when I walked in, heaven only knows why."

"Why was the door locked?"

He sighed. "I have no idea. The door closed behind me when I walked in."

I opened my mouth to say something, anything, to prove that Bell was innocent when she put her finger over my lips.

"Stop Ariadne," she whispered, trembling. "It is not worth it."

I stared at Bell in disbelief. This could not be my sister. The sister who was always proving she was right, who would not lose a fight.

She just shook her head then turned to the guards. "It is true, I attacked him without being provoked. Perhaps he should leave before I am overcome and do it again."

I sighed. That is perfect! Lie to them and then he will have to leave and he won't-

"I think that is all the more reason for me to stay," Prince Durnham replied. "You need my help, dear princess."

"It is your choice, my Lord," the guard said as I stood dumbfounded. "But your safety is a high priority on our list."

"The princess could not hurt me if she tried," he said, standing taller. "She just caught me off guard last time, but now I will be ready, and I will stay until I have solved this little mystery."
I groaned. This is not happening.

He walked past Bell and I and lifted Bell's face by her chin so that she would look at him. "Do not worry, my princess, I will figure it out."

She glared at him as he walked out of the door.

Before the last guard walked out an idea popped into my head. "Excuse me," I said and the guard turned to me. "What is your name?"

"Elias," the older man said.

"Well, Elias, could I ask that you watch over my dear sister here," I said motioning to Bell. "And make sure that she does not hurt anyone else?"


"Of course, your majesty," he said with a bow. "I will be stationed outside of her door until she feels better."

"Oh thank you, that is much appreciated."

"Anything for you, highness," he said winking.

I smiled and he left the room, closing the door behind him.

"Ardeen!" Bell cried. "I will not hurt anyone else! I thought that you-"

"I know," I interrupted. "But if he is guarding you then Prince Durnham cannot hurt you again."

The light dawned on Bell's face and she threw her arms around me. "Oh thank you, thank you!"

I laughed. "You are welcome, and I think I will ask someone else to come to guard your room as well. Someone I know would not let anything happen to you," I said with a wink.

Bell looked confused. "What do you mean?"

Then I remembered, she did not know I had seen her with Austin. "Nevermind."

I began walking out of the room and Bell grabbed my shoulder. "What did you mean?"

I sighed. "I saw you and the stable boy together the day of your ball."

Bell's face reddened and she shrunk back in shyness. "Oh."

"Don't worry, I have not told anyone. And I know that he has feelings for you, and he would never let the prince harm you, or even come near you."

"But he is not a guard."

"All stable boys either want to become a guard or a knight so that they can have a higher title-"

"You would make him a guard?"

"If he wants to," I replied.


"What? Why not? You will be safe if he is protecting you."

"I would not be able to see him as often after Prince Durnham leaves-"

"We could make him a stable boy again-"

"He would never degrade just so that he could spend more time with me. He would want to protect his title."

"I could knight him-"

"I would see him even less-"

"Bell, what if he wants to?"

Tears filled her eyes. "He could die."

I instantly regretted what I said. "I am sorry Bell, I was not thinking."

"It is okay," she said then plopped down on her bed. "You can go back to dinner now," she said, her voice muffled through the blankets.

I walked out of her room, thanking Elias as I passed him, then went into my own room. And although I was not weak or sad from thoughts of my father anymore, I was fatigued and needed rest; that is if my troubling thoughts would allow me a decent sleep before we had to go dance.

** ** **

"How are we going to move him?

My sisters and I were all gathered around Prince Durnham who was sound asleep on the magic seat that led to Estevan's kingdom. And he snored.

"We could just push him off," Iris said.

"Then we might wake him," Bell grunted.

"Let's try carrying him onto the floor," Fortuna whispered.

We all huddled around the stocky prince and all tried to grab an arm or a leg, in some cases the waist. One the count of three we each lifted with all our might, groaning under his weight. We barely moved him away from the ottoman when it was too much and almost everyone let go, causing his head to hit the floor with a loud thunk. The rest of us let go, and we all covered our mouths, hoping he would not open his eyes. Luckily for us, he seemed to be in a deep sleep. If anything, his snoring got louder.

Once we were certain he wouldn't wake, we slowly lifted off the seat cushion and descended the glass stairway; anxious to get away from the stress that the day had brought along with it. In our hurry, we were down the seemingly breakable stairway in a matter of seconds. We also rushed giddily through the dazzling forest until we finally reached the pavilion.

The dancing was more fun than normal that night, probably because it was nice to get our minds off the stressful day and annoying Prince that had invaded our castle.

We emerged through the seat and I stepped out without looking and squealed when my foot landed on something soft. I jumped away and looked in horror at Prince Durnham who was still sound asleep on the floor. Then I realized that I was holding my breath and that the room was eerily silent. After what felt like hours of silence, I heard Iris gulp in air, causing my lungs to wish for the same sensation as well. Then I slowly took my eyes away from the snoring prince and looked out the window where the light was slowly creeping through from behind the curtains. I ushered everyone into their rooms before someone found us awake and still in yesterday's clothes. Just as I was pushing Iris through our bedroom door, a loud groan sounded from behind me and my eyes widened in fear as I hurried and closed the door as fast as possible.

"Ow. It feels like someone dropped a boulder on my face," I heard him say as the door clicked shut louder than I wanted to, making me wince.

"Get in bed," I whispered fiercely to Iris, who automatically obeyed. Then I put my ear to the door and strained to make out any words.

"I can't believe I fell asleep!" He cried. "And fell off the stupid chair."

Why didn't he wake up when I stepped on him? Maybe it was a delayed reaction.

Then I heard the door open and a different voice say, "Did you find out where they went?" It was Harriet.

"How am I supposed to know? I think they knocked me out right before they left."

"I hardly think the girls are capable-"

"My father always says that you should never underestimate your enemies. It will be your greatest failing."

"The enemy?" I heard Harriet exclaimed, reading my mind. "They are princesses and you would do good to speak of them with respect. Especially while in the presence of their housekeeper whilst standing in their own common room."

If Prince Durnham hadn't been there then I would have run out and hugged Harriet.

"You are just a glorified maid. You should not have this much power in any castle," Prince Durnham growled and not a moment later the door slammed shut and I rushed out to thank our beloved housekeeper. However, Bell had beaten me to her.

"Now girls," she chided as we threw our arms around her. "It is not very ladylike to eavesdrop." I would have pulled away, but her voice was filled with love and amusement.

We finally did allow Harriet to breathe, and only then did I notice that the rest of my sisters had also gathered into the room. All, that is, except Iris, who was sound asleep on her bed.

"Now," Harriet said with her hands on her hips. "Are you girls going to tell me where you go every night? Or would you prefer it if more men like that prince came?"

Bell's eyes widened in fright and she opened her mouth like she wanted to say something, but then closed it again. That was odd. If Bell has something to say then she usually said it.

"Of course we do not want another man like him to come," Fortuna said glancing at Bell. She looked as if she wanted to say something more, but also didn't.

I looked around at my sisters, trying to figure out why the two most talkative girls weren't saying what was on their minds. Maybe they were waiting for me since it was I who had led them down there.

"Well," Harriet said. "Then tell me where you girls go every night to make your slippers wear out each time."

I looked at around, and we all seemed to agree. Harriet deserved to know. I looked at Harriet and tried to tell her everything, but no words would come. I coughed to try and clear the lump in my throat, but it was no use. I could not talk.

Harriet huffed but looked more disappointed than angry. "If that is how you want it then I won't argue."

I watched helplessly as she marched out of the room, closing the door behind her.

"I tried to tell her," Harmonia said, close to tears.

"I couldn't talk!"

Once again, they couldn't tell Harriet... What do you think is happening??

Stay tuned for the next chapters!! 

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